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Bioware please sort the WZ pvp cheating


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I understand that for some, the threads on cheating can get annoying, because in some cases, it is as a few people have posted, better gear, understanding of game/class mechanics, etc. But some of us have been playing video games online long enough to see that somethings are more than just lag. And on pc games, especially mmo's, it sure does seem like it's worse than say going on the XBOX LIVE network, and for obvious reasons.


So with that said, by possibly discussing what types of instances we have seen that could be more than lag, BW can have more examples to look for when it comes to enforcing their rules/regs. On the flip side, we, as players, can also inform other players, that what they saw was not cheating/hacking, but just due to lag or game/class mechanics. However, if what the poster saw was cheating, we as a community may be able to recognize that type of cheating and be able to report it to BW. Furthermore, it may just be a glitch in the game that BW needs to fix and if we bring it to their attention, they can deal with it faster to resolve the issue(s). And that is a win/win for BW and the community.

Edited by bosdtitan
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Here's an example of something that frequently causes "HACKS!" accusations as a carnage maraduer:

1.) I build up a full stack of fury (30) quickly by both getting attacked and spamming my lowest rage cost abilities.

2.) I grab the huttball.

3.) I use predation (consumes my full stack of fury).

4.) I pop cloak of pain and frenzy (frenzy instantly grants me a full stack of fury, but has a 2m30s cooldown).

5.) I cross the first fire pit (I'm listing the "long way" to score, so I'm not bothering to include any fire traps I might bypass by charging to someone, or even instantly scoring by jumping towards an enemy that isn't in cover on their team's line via the pit).

6.) My first predation has expired, so I now use it a 2nd time (or wait until the opposing team maxes out my resolve, before applying it the 2nd time).

7.) I pop saber ward and cross the 2nd fire pit (saber ward is to help prevent me from getting rooted via charge/leg shot/etc.) OR... if I absolutely have to, I'll also pop undying rage and run through the fire.

8.) I score, activate force camo, turn and run up the enemy team's middle ramp to the center of their platform - where I am faced with the decision to wait for a pass or jump down and begin spamming my lowest rage-cost abilities for more fury stacks to give predation to someone else that happens to be a good ball-carrier (depends on the situation, how many cooldowns I've already used, etc.).


The most frequent results of doing what I listed is "speed hacks!", "OMG - reported!", "glad I fraps'd this match, you're so gunna' get banned!" and "cooldown hacks!" (referring to frenzy being on a 2m30s timer, yet they don't seem to understand that I can gain fury stacks without it). I get accused of hacking EVERY DAY by doing this (at least 2-3 times). Now, every time I get accused of it (or even if a teammate doesn't understand how I'm doing it and asks me) my only reply is "Raptor Haxx FTW!".


Not sure if this might be the mentality of your teammates that were "bragging" about it (hell, I might even be the very person you're referring to), but my mentality has pretty much become "Well, these guys obviously don't understand any class but their own - I'm tired of trying to explain it to them (which, even when I bother to explain what I did, they still somehow manipulate the chain of events as a rebuttal into making it appear as though I WAS hacking - most of it is a result of "using ability 'x' 'y' amount of times within 'z' amount of seconds while ability lasts 'a' duration and has a cooldown of 'b', making it impossible" - 'y' and 'z' are always the variables which are inaccurate, I've noticed) - so, now all I do is simply claim it's my "Raptor HAXX!" (a very creative phrase coined by a guildmate who happened to have just seen Jurassic Park prior to the first time the phrase was stated) whenever I do get accused.


TL;DR: Even if your teammates are "bragging about hacking", they might be doing the same thing as myself: been accused so often/so frequently and every time you bother trying to explain what you're doing, people refuse to believe you - so... might as well boast about it in jest or not say anything. I only listed one example (albeit one of the most frequent ones). I know there are hacks out there, I'm not saying they don't exist, so report anyone (even me) you feel they might be hacking - the devs have banned the people I KNEW were hacking and reported (haven't seen/heard of them since), and I've never received any warning (despite the fact that I know I've probably been reported 100's of times) - so they're pretty good at weeding out the people that truely are hacking compared to accusations from players that might not understand what happened (and will typically bend the truth about what has happened - i.e. vastly exaggerated time-frames, which is quite common since time passes much more quickly than it seems while you're in the action).

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Seriously these guys are annoying. There is nobody cheating. You got 16 medals because your team won the Warzone fast. You can get up to 5-6 extra medals that way...

true... i myself have gotten upwards of 19 medals as a healer lol not often but it is possible.


No there is no speed cheating. Some classes boost speed for themselves, their target or the whole group.
Wrong - There is a speed hack and when you think or know about it, it is rather ridiculous that such a hack can be done this way LOL


No there is no damage cheating. Good gear, focus firing and good communication is responsible for that.
debatable - up until recently there was a well known and widely used no damage, no snare hack - it was fixed but i bet it comes back as it was only fixed because of the patch that was released which is often how these hacks get "fixed" but not really lol


No there is no teleportation cheating. Yes some people seem to zig zag across the map while running. It's either due to graphics or lag, nothing else. It doesn't make them faster, stronger or prettier.
False - there is a teleport hack that i know people are using to farm things like BP since you cant bike your way through it anymore


YES there are multiple bugs, which are not cheat. Exemples: when a force field is 2/4 done and you can go through it... Do i fell bad about it when it happens, hell no. Do i pass through it, hell yes. It's probably just the timer that is out of sync with the field. No in game player is responsible for this. And the opposite is just as frequent. The force field is not there and yet i cannot pass.
it is?? i'll have to check this out lol


PVP in this game is of a lower level than we he were used to WOW arenas. To a newbie eye, this might look like cheating, but from a good pvper's perspective, we don't even notice it.


Now please stop creating these pathetic cheating threads, so that newbies in pvp don't believe they are being cheating on instead of blaming themselves for their lack of knowledge (it is ok to not know everything when you start pvping. We were all there once)

but but but just like he has the ability to NOT make these threads, you have the ability to NOT read them so... rather than imploring him to stop making these treads you could not read them and let them dive deeper into the forum... black hole that is past page 1 LOL


im just sayin'

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So you got a vid of the cheating? Guessing no. Funny how it is that people complain about cheating all the time, but they never offer any proof to show that it is actually taking place other than their word. And everyone is alway honest on the internet right?
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Anyone claiming that hacks/exploits aren't running rampant in WZs in SWTOR could do us all a favor by simply googling 'swtor hacks exploits' - there's a multitude of various stuff, and plenty of people willing to abuse them, just like athletes and doping.
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I would be up for perm ISP bans, but that may be asking too much. After all, it would mean loss of revenue if they went after all the cheaters. However, I think a cheat free environment would be a boon for the game down the line.


I think RMT issues are similar in scope of how, if left unchecked, it can ruin a game community.


You can't ISP ban them as you'd be banning either their specific IP which is more than likely dynamic, so someone innocent uses it the next day and can't play. And an ISP IP block ban would have same affect.

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Anyone claiming that hacks/exploits aren't running rampant in WZs in SWTOR could do us all a favor by simply googling 'swtor hacks exploits' - there's a multitude of various stuff, and plenty of people willing to abuse them, just like athletes and doping.


Because there are a few videos and websites of things like that (and often posted a long time ago saying in comments: Does not work since patch number...) means that every good damage dealer damage hacks, every character that runs fast speed hack, every character that looks cool photoshop hacks...


this is the current fever on forums and in WZ. I hear this every night, but yet I've never seen anyone with superpowers ingame. I play about 10-15 WZ a day.


Here i will modify my sentence:


99% of the time people report hacking is just false. I'm open to listen to the remaining 1% as long as 99 people before him **** about the matter.

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So you got a vid of the cheating? Guessing no. Funny how it is that people complain about cheating all the time, but they never offer any proof to show that it is actually taking place other than their word. And everyone is alway honest on the internet right?


It's hard to do so when you encounter it the first time. Furthermore, before I report a player to be cheating, I would like to know that what they actually are is cheating and not legit. So I feel threads like this is a good way to inform the general playing public that what they are experiencing may not be cheating at all. Then again, when you see someone "teleport" in pvp, from snow node to middle tunnel area, and this teleport-type action is something you have never seen before nor is it a class ability, what else can it be? It was not lag, that's for sure, lol. But if you don't see it again, how can you record it? And when you grapple someone from a ledge, and the animation shows you pulling your target to you, but then halfway on the pull, breaks the grapple and then glides backwards (still facing me) back up onto that ledge. I have never seen anything like that. But then was it lag? And if lag, then why would it show me the animation of pulling the player towards me? And no resolve bar was not white. Maybe it's something legit in the game that I don't know about.


Now, if i suspect a player to be cheating, then yes, I would be better prepared to record the instance(s) of cheating next time I run into that person.

Edited by bosdtitan
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You can't ISP ban them as you'd be banning either their specific IP which is more than likely dynamic, so someone innocent uses it the next day and can't play. And an ISP IP block ban would have same affect.


lol, i guess i was referring to that. IP ban instead.


Or do what XBL does, ban the credit card, so it forces the person(s) who violate the ToS to use another credit card. And in today's economy, I would surmise many people are leery about getting a new credit card, especially if just to play a mmo, lol.

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just gonna add to the list as i have my self experienced stuff in PvP that cant be anything else but cheating...


- one-hit-kills

I have seen this several times where some enemy players instantly kills me in PvP. i have now 17k hp and i have seen players then use 1 single ability on me while i have 100% HP and i get killed.

When i check combat log it often stands the the player defeated me with 20k-30k damage... there is no way a player can crit with this amount of damage.


- Instant complete objectives

I have also seen enemy players planting bombs in less than 1 sec. in voidstar. winning turrets over in less than 1 sec. in both civil war and Novare Coast. when this have happened that player have been alone and have been given any help from team members.


- God mode

I have noticed players that loose hp down to like 20-30 hp and then it stops. and they run around killing with only 20 hp without loosing hp at all. and no they are not shielded.


- Super many medals

Every now and then i notice players that are awarded 30-40 medals in a warzone.


- Insane amount of damage

Some players have over 1 mill damage when warzones ends.



Now before any1 says this, no i dont have to prove this to other players with screens. I simply dont care if u dont believe me or not. I have taken screen shots of these events and mailed them to Bioware and have also reported all players that i have seen doing these things as this is in fact cheating. And i really really hate cheating.


I only hope Bioware are taking this seriously and take actions against these player.

I do understand ofc that this is a bit tricky as these cheats dont edit the game server only the installed game client. and therefore are very hard to track.


My only thought with this post is to warn those if u players that dont cheat. This creates an unfair unbalance and should have severe consequences for those doing this. and it seems that this is an growing issue that only get more and more common... sadly...

Edited by crazyplaya
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From 5 months ago. Got anything recent?


That video was insane. Losing in 3 1/2 minutes in a wz isn't realistic. Here's the punishment. You cheat. You pay a fine to BW worth 5 times a six month sub, Your account is closed immediately, and you also pay a 6 month sub worth of money to the players in the wz. Failure in any of these can result in being sued or being sent to jail.

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That video was insane. Losing in 3 1/2 minutes in a wz isn't realistic. Here's the punishment. You cheat. You pay a fine to BW worth 5 times a six month sub, Your account is closed immediately, and you also pay a 6 month sub worth of money to the players in the wz. Failure in any of these can result in being sued or being sent to jail.


hehe lol would love to see that! but wont ever happen :)

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Now please stop creating these pathetic cheating threads, so that newbies in pvp don't believe they are being cheating on instead of blaming themselves for their lack of knowledge (it is ok to not know everything when you start pvping. We were all there once)


You, sir, are deluded. There are so many cheats and hacks in this game it isn't funny. I've been playing MMOs for more than most of the player base in this game has been alive, and I've reported more people than I've had hot dinners.


To be fair, I haven't seen half as much cheating in PVP as I have in normal game on the planets. Speed hacks, teleports and a LOT more were pretty much common place to level alts on my server before it was merged. If you think these things don't exist try a Google search - open your eyes.


We aren't all wet behind the ears you know.

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Last night someone said to me "Stop whining..." and they ended up with 1 medal to my 2! BUT on reflection that is exactly it. I shall stop playing WZ pvp, even if it was the best bit about the game, until these glaringly obvious features are fixed, as sooner or later it is only going to be the hackers left anyway. Am pretty sick of it to be honest, when it is your main stay of fun with the game and after topping the medal tables up to lvl 50 says to me I couldn't have been doing it that wrong and to now be losing every WZ match on two different toons unless the team leader whispers you "Would you like more dps?" as happened the other night, is just plain wrong and why Bioware needs to do something about it. On average it takes me about 75 mins of ra-pe to complete the 6 matches and collect my daily pvp wz rations and I've just grown bored of it and it's not fun anymore.
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I must be the luckiest guy alive, I see thread after thread about ppl beeing victim of cheats day in and day out.


Yet I play on one of the most, if no the most populated server in the EU TOFN, rank 95, with thousands of games behind me, and I have yet to expirience a single case of any one cheating.


One could almost think that some ppl are not aware of how certian game mechanics work.

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I must be the luckiest guy alive, I see thread after thread about ppl beeing victim of cheats day in and day out.


Yet I play on one of the most, if no the most populated server in the EU TOFN, rank 95, with thousands of games behind me, and I have yet to expirience a single case of any one cheating.


One could almost think that some ppl are not aware of how certian game mechanics work.


I have the same observation but on a US server. All this supposed rampant cheating and I've never experienced it either. Could I be that lucky?

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Seriously these guys are annoying. There is nobody cheating. You got 16 medals because your team won the Warzone fast. You can get up to 5-6 extra medals that way...


No there is no speed cheating. Some classes boost speed for themselves, their target or the whole group.


No there is no damage cheating. Good gear, focus firing and good communication is responsible for that.


No there is no teleportation cheating. Yes some people seem to zig zag across the map while running. It's either due to graphics or lag, nothing else. It doesn't make them faster, stronger or prettier.


YES there are multiple bugs, which are not cheat. Exemples: when a force field is 2/4 done and you can go through it... Do i fell bad about it when it happens, hell no. Do i pass through it, hell yes. It's probably just the timer that is out of sync with the field. No ingame player is responsible for this. And the opposite is just as frequent. The force field is not there and yet i cannot pass.


PVP in this game is of a lower level than we he were used to WOW arenas. To a newbie eye, this might look like cheating, but from a good pvper's perspective, we don't even notice it.


Now please stop creating these pathetic cheating threads, so that newbies in pvp don't believe they are being cheating on instead of blaming themselves for their lack of knowledge (it is ok to not know everything when you start pvping. We were all there once)


Never read so much rubbish in all my life nearly every online game has cheaters that ruin the game for others so stop with your charade saying there,s none on this game cause you are Totally wrong

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I have the same observation but on a US server. All this supposed rampant cheating and I've never experienced it either. Could I be that lucky?


Same! We must be the three luckiest folks in the game (according to these forums)

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