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10. Talents in MoP, The best system in any MMO to date period.


Are they re-doing the talent tree altogether or something? Cuz the current talent tree setup since Cata is so freakin terrible. And of the 5 mmo's I have played, Rift has the best thus far, certainly FAR better than WoW's current setup.

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Are they re-doing the talent tree altogether or something? Cuz the current talent tree setup since Cata is so freakin terrible. And of the 5 mmo's I have played, Rift has the best thus far, certainly FAR better than WoW's current setup.



They're basically taking away all talent trees. All classes will just receive their abilities based on specialization and there are 6 times through out leveling to 90 that you'll be able to choose a special ability.




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Well for one this game prob does Relate to WoW cause the thing that made me Stop playing and only log on 4 times a month to raid is that it IS WOW with a Star Wars Skin over it. but with alot more bugs so why would i pick this one over the other? this game offers nothing more over WoW.


It does for me obviously, that's why I own THIS game, not W0W.


I'm simply suggesting that rather than mentioning W0W, people instead focus on THIS game and what systems they would like to see in it, and why. Not "W0W has <feature>", but instead, "SWTOR could really use a <feature>, because...<reason>" and persuade me to support your cause. Just mentioning W0W has something means nothing to me.

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Thanks for the well thought out post OP. though i disagree in general, you bring up good points. most i disagree on because theyre simply preference. as an example, I don't like what WoW is doign with MoP and their skills/talents. you do. those that hated the old school style of talents probably aren't playing SWtOR at this point. I like it, and I am playing. I could care less if WoW existed at this point. i don't hate it, just have no desire to play it.


Not to sidetrack this thread, but i find it interesting that Blizzaard is currently undergoing so much negative feedback from Diablo 3. whether you agree or disagree with the haters, it proves one thing: that even with a seasoned, "big 3" developer, they still can put out games that aren't even closed to "polished". so comparing a game thats well over 5 years+ old to a game that hasn't even hit it's one year mark isn't a solid balance. no copmany at this poitn produces a solid "balanced" game at release. SWtOR was pretty smooth in comparison.


Other then that, this pretty much is a synopsis of every WoW-Comparison thread we had for the first month of the game. the thing is, were 6 months or so into the development of the game...not far enough to see world shaking changes (though they've done allot of solid changes), but far enough that people who are seriously unhappy are no longer here. those that do play do so because they enjoy it...even with the bugs.

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you do not have to use the LFG/LFG features especially since LFR group finder is only for SM EV and KP which you can only do once a week. It is becoming glaringly obvious that you do not have much experience with this game.


I know you don't have to use the LFG feature. Just like in wow you don't HAVE to use it jsut move ppl will use it plus that means i miss out on 5 Black hole coms. So yes you don't HAVE to but it is best to cause u get them 5Black Hole coms

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even more revealing his join date is dec 2011 and he has only done 5 posts on his toon ever and they are all in this thread.


Lol that cause i don't sit around on the fourms all day I was playing the game

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I bought it because I am a huge Star wars bioware game fan (knights 2 is my favorite, I know heresy). It is definitly worth the money. I find it to be a lot of fun, combat could be better but it's a fun game that keeps you engaged. It was a bit of a letdown at first though. Hoped for better combat (like dcu), and fewer glitches (most have been fixed that were initially there). But it's fun, it keeps me interested (unlike wow which maybe keeps me interested for a week), and I enjoy it.


Same reason i bought it Bioware makes some of the best Star Wars games i ever played along with mass effect and Jade empire I love Bioware This is one of the 1st games i don't like from em

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to the OP.


So it's not a WoW clone. OMG, freaking finally!!!!!!


Not the end of the world, but something much better, the dawn of a new era in mmo gaming. Rift wrote the same check but failed about 4 months in. Gratz ToR on being different from WoW.


See this is not right thats the Thing that makes me wanna stop playing cause it IS a wow clone wiht star wars skin

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Are they re-doing the talent tree altogether or something? Cuz the current talent tree setup since Cata is so freakin terrible. And of the 5 mmo's I have played, Rift has the best thus far, certainly FAR better than WoW's current setup.


Yes they are redoin it when I 1st looked at it I thott it would be very bad but playing it in beta I think its great

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Yes they are redoin it when I 1st looked at it I thott it would be very bad but playing it in beta I think its great


So you are enjoying WoW.... calling SWTOR a WoW clone.... and not enjoying SWTOR..... I'm confused.


Also, if you enjoy WoW and not SWTOR.... why are you here?

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Thanks for the well thought out post OP. though i disagree in general, you bring up good points. most i disagree on because theyre simply preference. as an example, I don't like what WoW is doign with MoP and their skills/talents. you do. those that hated the old school style of talents probably aren't playing SWtOR at this point. I like it, and I am playing. I could care less if WoW existed at this point. i don't hate it, just have no desire to play it.


Not to sidetrack this thread, but i find it interesting that Blizzaard is currently undergoing so much negative feedback from Diablo 3. whether you agree or disagree with the haters, it proves one thing: that even with a seasoned, "big 3" developer, they still can put out games that aren't even closed to "polished". so comparing a game thats well over 5 years+ old to a game that hasn't even hit it's one year mark isn't a solid balance. no copmany at this poitn produces a solid "balanced" game at release. SWtOR was pretty smooth in comparison.


Other then that, this pretty much is a synopsis of every WoW-Comparison thread we had for the first month of the game. the thing is, were 6 months or so into the development of the game...not far enough to see world shaking changes (though they've done allot of solid changes), but far enough that people who are seriously unhappy are no longer here. those that do play do so because they enjoy it...even with the bugs.


As i said this is just my opinion I like the game just not enuff to play it every day I jsut have no reason to play it that much. And for the Solid changes i didn't like 1.2 or 1.3 other then addin a new raid and the only hard Flashpoint in game in 1.3 other wise they didn't seem to big of patches that ppl made them out to be

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So you are enjoying WoW.... calling SWTOR a WoW clone.... and not enjoying SWTOR..... I'm confused.


Also, if you enjoy WoW and not SWTOR.... why are you here?


Im here to raid with friends is only reason my Acc stayed up it is dropin July 14 then im done

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And here is the logic with MMOs that most of you been posting about saying this game is 6months and wow is 5+years old. no matter how old you xpect the NEWer game to have all the same stuff and More then the old one. Its kinda like buying a new Would you buy the PC that looks great but has lower grade Graphic card,less Ram, and Smaller Hard drive? or would you stay with you uglyer old Pc for the better performance? if you said the new one your a lier
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Hey 1st i want to let you all know my MMO history I have played Everquest1/2,SWG,WOW,DCUO,Aion,Star trek Online,LOTRO,and SWTOR.


I always wonder myself one thing, why do players feel the need to say this?

I believe every one is entitled of their own opinion no more no less so as far as i see it there is no need to show off the 'War medals' nor the titles.


About the post. Some valid points and yes I keep stressing why a company like this can do such a poor job. But in the end even the mighty can fall

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I always wonder myself one thing, why do players feel the need to say this?

I believe every one is entitled of their own opinion no more no less so as far as i see it there is no need to show off the 'War medals' nor the titles.


About the post. Some valid points and yes I keep stressing why a company like this can do such a poor job. But in the end even the mighty can fall


Truefuly I don't think it is Bioware. EA pushed release for 2012 when it wasn't suspose to be out untill 2013 so they didn't get to do all the polish and bug fixxes and content they wanted to have at release and that is what made most ppl leave this game. Now the dmg is done and you can't turn back so I see it as EA ruined this game 100% it had great Potential it still might get to the point they aimed for but i don't see them geting to many of their old Subs back

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And here is the logic with MMOs that most of you been posting about saying this game is 6months and wow is 5+years old. no matter how old you xpect the NEWer game to have all the same stuff and More then the old one. Its kinda like buying a new Would you buy the PC that looks great but has lower grade Graphic card,less Ram, and Smaller Hard drive? or would you stay with you uglyer old Pc for the better performance? if you said the new one your a lier


So, are you going to address the obvious fictional claims you've made, like HM Denova runs?

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Truefuly I don't think it is Bioware. EA pushed release for 2012 when it wasn't suspose to be out untill 2013 so they didn't get to do all the polish and bug fixxes and content they wanted to have at release and that is what made most ppl leave this game. Now the dmg is done and you can't turn back so I see it as EA ruined this game 100% it had great Potential it still might get to the point they aimed for but i don't see them geting to many of their old Subs back


Where did you get this 2013 release date from? I was in beta and we never got a projected release date,firm release date or target release date for 2013. We got it will "launch when it launches" and then we all got the same email about the release date. EA maybe did push the release date up, in fact they probably did, but only people that work there know for sure.Just because you believe they intended to release it in 2013 does not make it fact and you shouldn't present your opinion as such.


I'm tired of the "all the bugs" comments especially concerning launch, TOR went live much smoother and with much less bugs(especially game breaking ones) than a vast majority of MMOs. People just tend to remember launches with rose colored glasses. Your favorite MMO WoW for example,was riddled with bugs, laggy, and unplayable for the first few weeks and was virtually impossible to complete quests due to the competition for mob kills. Content patches to this day still introduce a regular slew of bugs and require mini patches to fix.Raiding wasn't all that smooth either.


You can argue that the game lacked some polish and some of the features that have been introduced in patches should have been in since launch,but again TOR launched with a lot more than some MMOs out there.


Bottom line is your original post is just another one in a list of people who overhyped the game in their heads(you said so yourself that you thought TOR was a "WoW killer"),became disappointed when the game did not match or exceed your overhyped expectations,felt the need to let everyone know you are quitting and why on the forums without providing any constructive criticism for the devs and now lurk around waiting for people to agree.


The only unique thing to your OP was incorporating outright lies or exaggerations to further your points.

Edited by Temeluchus
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I like SWTOR, and I'm not even interested in WoW (not into the medieval-fantasy genre at all). I like the companions and several other features you listed as bad. Not gonna argue the points, though, as opinions are opinions. It's clear that your ideal game is very different than mine, and I am in the minority of the MMO population on many of my preferences. *shrug* So be it.


If/when SWTOR shuts down, I may never play another MMO. Will see. There are plenty of other ways to spend time and money. About the only thing I can think of that would interest me in another MMO is a dynamic (and historical/realistic, not fantasy-laden) gladiator-based setting.

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As i said this is just my opinion I like the game just not enuff to play it every day I jsut have no reason to play it that much. And for the Solid changes i didn't like 1.2 or 1.3 other then addin a new raid and the only hard Flashpoint in game in 1.3 other wise they didn't seem to big of patches that ppl made them out to be


Fair enough. On the flip side, I enjoyed the patch changes. given that your currently only raiding to play with friends, i can see why very little of the patch content impacts you. for those who are far more immersed in the game (from RP and alt leveling and PvP and story experience aspects, as examples) the patches make a big difference.

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Wow is outdated and old and boring. The future is with swtor like it or not.


Sick and tired of people complaining and then post a long post on the forums explaining why wow is a better game. Go play it instead then and let us others who like swtor play this game without you whiners and moaners and haters. I for one would be really glad if you unsubbed and left us alone with this eztrodinary game.

Edited by SweKaiser
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By your logic, there can be no new MMORPGs that are not 100% WoW clones, which I think proves your logic is neither cool nor logical (reductio ad absurdium).


Just want to point out, It doesn't need to be a 100% WoW clone, however there are some small quality of life aspects that this game is missing even after 3 major content patches:


1. Ready Check system. I mean seriously, how hard can this be to code? It is a basic "IF>THEN>ELSE" check with some graphical interface.

2. I still cant right click a guild member from my guild window and whisper them, yet if I /who my guild name I can whisper, invite to group, ignore, report spam, or add friend.


I could go on like this, but just because a game is new doesn't excuse it from innovations/standards that other games have used and gamers have gotten used to having. Imagine a new car maker coming out with a family car that only got 10 miles to the gallon, had no radio, no air conditioning/heating, no power steering, no power brakes, and had a crank engine (ala Model T style). Do you really think people would pay for that?

Edited by whyzerman
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Just want to point out, It doesn't need to be a 100% WoW clone, however there are some small quality of life aspects that this game is missing even after 3 major content patches:


1. Ready Check system. I mean seriously, how hard can this be to code? It is a basic "IF>THEN>ELSE" check with some graphical interface.

2. I still cant right click a guild member from my guild window and whisper them, yet if I /who my guild name I can whisper, invite to group, ignore, report spam, or add friend.


I could go on like this, but just because a game is new doesn't excuse it from innovations/standards that other games have used and gamers have gotten used to having. Imagine a new car maker coming out with a family car that only got 10 miles to the gallon, had no radio, no air conditioning/heating, no power steering, no power brakes, and had a crank engine (ala Model T style). Do you really think people would pay for that?


But seriously, go back to the other game then if you like it better. Why even bother posting about a game you dont like and dont intend to play any further? Attention-*piiiip*?

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Ford is 50 years older than Hyundai - that won't stop people comparing what each automaker has to offer on the showroom floor today. Capitalism is harsh - if two products cost $15 today no one in their right mind should choose the inferior one because it's being put out by a new, unestablished company.


If anything there's even more pressure on the new kid on the block to prove himself. If you can't compete, don't enter the market.


Coincidentally that's why WoW has basically hogged the MMO market for so long. They established a dominant position, no one's really been able to make much headway offering a competitive product, and consumers have stuck with what they know. But having been on top for so long, WoW has the disadvantage of being tied to a long series of game design choices.


But when WoW is toppled, it'll be by a better product that consumers can buy that day - not the promise of some future product that doesn't exist.


I'd liken it more to wanting to build a house and looking at two teams of carpenters, 1 is half way through a house they've been working on for 6 months, the 2nd is 20% done and only been working for 1 month.


If you choose the 1st team because of their current progress you're choosing the slower team. You can't expect a game to release with as much content as WoW. That's simply ridiculous and WoW didn't release with even remotely the amount of content that EQ or DAoC had at the time.


So far Bioware has done a good job IMO. While that is subjective, expecting 10 tiers of raiding in the first 4-5 months is not subjective, that is objectively unreasonable.

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