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Get rid of vote kick


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Really? Really?!


So....say a healer isn't healing (which is, you know, their job). Wouldn't you want to kick them?

What if a stupid DPS just keeps breaking essential CCs and keeps getting the group killed?

And most importantly, what about the ditchers, the ones who don't leave the group, but DC and don't come back? You want to 3-man something?


Oh, yeah, but totally get rid of VTK. That makes a bunch of sense.

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You got kicked.....awwwww here let me get your blanket and soft teddy bear for you.


For 1 I am all for the vote kick option, you have people like you coming in either way underleveled gear, thinking you can run HM's, and then fail or get one shouted and cause stress on the other members who have the gear to be there.


Also FYI deal with get better, and you won't get kicked.....until then kinda sounded like u deserved it, and have entitlement issues so,


Vote kick initiated.

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My guildie was kicked from a FP because he has 15k hp. He was waiting in that queue for 2 hours.


HM FP's are for gearing, you do them because you need gear. GEAR IS NOT AN ISSUE.


Depends on the FP and depends on the role. If he was a tank for a HM with 15k then yes, he should be booted. Gear is an issue.

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My guildie for kicked from a FP because he has 15k hp. He was waiting in that queue for 2 hours.


HM FP's are for gearing, you do them because you need gear. GEAR IS NOT AN ISSUE.


So because something bad happened to one person, the rest of us have to suffer with players who aren't doing their job?


Deal with it or leave.

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My guildie for kicked from a FP because he has 15k hp. He was waiting in that queue for 2 hours.


HM FP's are for gearing, you do them because you need gear. GEAR IS NOT AN ISSUE.


Somehow I think your leaving out stuff, I have seen classes who have 15k and have the gear to be there, if your friend got a ****** group, then hey move on, the wait times well that's just the breaks of the LFG, get over that too.


I am all for the vote kick and FYI Hm yea you can get gear, but the GTN sells so good stuff,


And NO ONE like to carry players to get gear, tell you friend to put the work in like everyone else, or go back to WOW, where they bring the gear the player, this is SWTOR son, it requires skills.

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My guildie was kicked from a FP because he has 15k hp. He was waiting in that queue for 2 hours.


HM FP's are for gearing, you do them because you need gear. GEAR IS NOT AN ISSUE.


Can have someone that is going to need on gear that some else needs. So kick him. It is sad but people do it.


I usually don't do FP's because people want to rush through them just to get the goodies. I usually haven't done them before so the Newb gets kicked. It is sad but people do it.


That is the problem with the instant generation. The want everything handed to them and they want it now. No time to show the new guy, no need to bring the one that might need your gear.


The kick isn't going anywhere and dps are a dime a dozen. If they wait a while to get into a que they usually think twice about a healer or tank. (I is going to roll one and learn to heal, but then again being a member of a guild has its benefits.)

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Somehow I think your leaving out stuff, I have seen classes who have 15k and have the gear to be there, if your friend got a ****** group, then hey move on, the wait times well that's just the breaks of the LFG, get over that too.


Yea sorry, I left out that he's a DPS Merc.


Depends on the FP and depends on the role. If he was a tank for a HM with 15k then yes, he should be booted. Gear is an issue.


If he was waiting in queue for 2 hours, I think it's safe to assume he's not a tank or a healer.

Edited by fujeo-finel
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