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Carnage for the win


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And you know WHY they don't have our Defenses? It's because they can do that burst FROM RANGE. As a Marauder, I HAVE to get into your face to do my burst, thus the cooldowns. A PT Pyro can kite and LoS and if they're not doing it they're bad. Flat out, that's all there is to it.


That's not why they don't have our defenses, man. <.<


It's because they can guard and taunt, and bring (no offense, I play Carnage as you know) much more reliable burst w/ very little setup. They also have their own utility in baseline Grapple, ranged AoE, and a short cd AoE stun, as well as Explosive Fuel, which every DPS would give their left "friend" for. Honestly, the extreme damage potential of both DPS ACs is really why they don't have Mara defenses, and shouldn't.


Pyros can technically do burst from range just as often as ANY spec of Marauder can close the gap and begin doing their own burst. Every 15 seconds. There's no difference between a Pyro starting their rotation at range and then closing to 4-10m and a Marauder leaping in and then starting their rotation.


Just as a sidenote, it costs them a LOT more in resources to do that ranged burst than it does for a Marauder to burst down a target at range.


You are right that kiting is a huge strongpoint of the class, though, as they can keep a lot of melee classes at the 10m mark which adds a lot more to their survival than people give credit for.


Sorry to correct you, but I have a WH PT also. You were partially right though. : )


Complete rubbish, went on my 17 marauder that I haven't played in months and got 182k damage in huttball, might not seem huge numbers but for not knowing what half the skills do and ungeared it's pretty decent.


No offense, but trying to judge a class at endgame based on your level 17 experience is the complete rubbish.


Especially deathmatching in Huttball against lowbie pugs, lol.

Edited by Varicite
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You guys are linking these 480-520k damage STALEMATE Voidstar games like they are impressive numbers while us GOOD Annihilate Mara's are doing 600k+ with 20+ killing blows. Those numbers aren't impressive for Voidstar or Maraders.


1220 Expertise.

850 Bonus Damage

1658 strength

39.5% Crit

77% Surge


I'm nowhere near fully geared in War Hero and I've got those numbers. I expect to do 700k+ games once I get all my pieces.

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If you genuinely think that Pyrotech PTs have high survivability, I think you should play one and judge for yourself. And as far as stuns and CC, they get two stuns, one lasts literally one second past the GCD, the 4 second one that almost every class has, and a pull. That's it. Pyro PTs are the squishiest class in the game. It's what they give up for being able to do that insane burst.


I would like to introduce you to the Advanced Class: Marauder. They get no stuns. Zip, Zilch, Nada. To me, a stun is something that allows you to beat on them during this duration. We get an 8 second AoE CC which people laugh at and break because they know we have nothing else after that. Force Choke? Self CC as much as a CC.

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You guys are linking these 480-520k damage STALEMATE Voidstar games like they are impressive numbers while us GOOD Annihilate Mara's are doing 600k+ with 20+ killing blows. Those numbers aren't impressive for Voidstar or Maraders.


1220 Expertise.

850 Bonus Damage

1658 strength

39.5% Crit

77% Surge


I'm nowhere near fully geared in War Hero and I've got those numbers. I expect to do 700k+ games once I get all my pieces.



That is not the point. Before the gore changes,Carnage was miles behind Anni in PVP.Thats all and i bet you will do in rated WZ´s 700k games.:rolleyes:

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You guys are linking these 480-520k damage STALEMATE Voidstar games like they are impressive numbers while us GOOD Annihilate Mara's are doing 600k+ with 20+ killing blows. Those numbers aren't impressive for Voidstar or Maraders.


1220 Expertise.

850 Bonus Damage

1658 strength

39.5% Crit

77% Surge


I'm nowhere near fully geared in War Hero and I've got those numbers. I expect to do 700k+ games once I get all my pieces.


Any way you could link your build on Mr.Robot? I am full war hero have bought 8 pairs of extra gloves for mods and enhancements. Fully buffed with a Exotec stim all of my stats are close to yours except crit and my bonus damage is no where near what yours is. I am pushing 560 bonus damage and I have no idea where you are picking up 300 more bonus damage than I have.

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That's not why they don't have our defenses, man. <.<


It's because they can guard and taunt, and bring (no offense, I play Carnage as you know) much more reliable burst w/ very little setup. They also have their own utility in baseline Grapple, ranged AoE, and a short cd AoE stun, as well as Explosive Fuel, which every DPS would give their left "friend" for. Honestly, the extreme damage potential of both DPS ACs is really why they don't have Mara defenses, and shouldn't.


Pyros can technically do burst from range just as often as ANY spec of Marauder can close the gap and begin doing their own burst. Every 15 seconds. There's no difference between a Pyro starting their rotation at range and then closing to 4-10m and a Marauder leaping in and then starting their rotation.


Just as a sidenote, it costs them a LOT more in resources to do that ranged burst than it does for a Marauder to burst down a target at range.


You are right that kiting is a huge strongpoint of the class, though, as they can keep a lot of melee classes at the 10m mark which adds a lot more to their survival than people give credit for.


Sorry to correct you, but I have a WH PT also. You were partially right though. : )


Obviously I don't yet have my PT at 50 or I'd have a different perspective, but just the same as a Sniper can hang back partially LoS'd in Cover and explode people, can't a PT do it too? What I was saying with the Range comment is that you can be SNEAKY about blowing someone up, and a PT doesn't really need to set up to do it (which I took straight from your post there).

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Obviously I don't yet have my PT at 50 or I'd have a different perspective, but just the same as a Sniper can hang back partially LoS'd in Cover and explode people, can't a PT do it too? What I was saying with the Range comment is that you can be SNEAKY about blowing someone up, and a PT doesn't really need to set up to do it (which I took straight from your post there).


I see your point, and you're right, I wasn't really thinking about that. But to continue their burst far enough to actually kill someone they still need to get up in someone's face. They can be sneaky about picking people off at range who are low on health, or surprising a healer who thought they were safe, so there is definitely advantage in that.

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Why are you talking about damage, kills and scoreboards/cards?


Thats not how you win WZs..


I consistently rank around the middle, or even low.. But guess what, I sure did Intim roar that respawn group while you capped the door.. I intercepted that pass from our goals pit up near the goal-line..


Seriously.. PVP for the most part is atrocious, most of you call for mercy against any sort of team that has skill and knows what they are doing.

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Any way you could link your build on Mr.Robot? I am full war hero have bought 8 pairs of extra gloves for mods and enhancements. Fully buffed with a Exotec stim all of my stats are close to yours except crit and my bonus damage is no where near what yours is. I am pushing 560 bonus damage and I have no idea where you are picking up 300 more bonus damage than I have.


I think that was his force bonus damage. 800+ isn't hard to do there.

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I still get my *** handed to me by Gillybear


Fixed <3


Has anyone tried Carange in PvE lately..? Is it compareable to Anni now? Which one is better for maximum DPS.


I consistently top damage for my raid group as either annihilation or carnage. We finished EC 8-man HM at 20th worldwide I believe after other guilds with more points from previous kills killed kephess after us, so I'm a scrub, but a scrub in a good progression guild for evidence. From my experiences, Anni is better for the first 2 fights of EC while carnage is better for the last two fights in terms of pure damage from my experiences.

Edited by Giladd
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Fixed <3




I consistently top damage for my raid group as either annihilation or carnage. We finished EC 8-man HM at 20th worldwide I believe after other guilds with more points from previous kills killed kephess after us, so I'm a scrub, but a scrub in a good progression guild for evidence. From my experiences, Anni is better for the first 2 fights of EC while carnage is better for the last two fights in terms of pure damage from my experiences.


ahh ok so it really i situational..yeha im stuck on the 2nd boss SM with carnage i just dont do enough DPS. hows your stat piuroerity? how much power you have?

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1040 power.

umm.. stat priority depends on my stats tbh.


It's not like there is a big drop off from carnage to anni in total damage output, just anni tops out on the first two fights for me due to more uptime / sustained damage time. Carnage I didn't really have a big drop off in dps on those fights. Been thinking about trying rage for lulz this upcoming week in raids.

Edited by Giladd
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1040 power.

umm.. stat priority depends on my stats tbh.


It's not like there is a big drop off from carnage to anni in total damage output, just anni tops out on the first two fights for me due to more uptime / sustained damage time. Carnage I didn't really have a big drop off in dps on those fights. Been thinking about trying rage for lulz this upcoming week in raids.


how the heck you get 1000 power, i barely have 400 all columi/rakata lol..

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You do realize that in order to be good as a Marauder, you have to work for it right?

It's not a faceroll class.




It's a faceroll class.


I have 4 lvl50s, mara is a faceroll class.


If you're bad at TOR, mara is as good as anything else. If you know how to play the class, it is OP'd with a capital OP.

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You guys are linking these 480-520k damage STALEMATE Voidstar games like they are impressive numbers while us GOOD Annihilate Mara's are doing 600k+ with 20+ killing blows. Those numbers aren't impressive for Voidstar or Maraders.


1220 Expertise.

850 Bonus Damage

1658 strength

39.5% Crit

77% Surge


I'm nowhere near fully geared in War Hero and I've got those numbers. I expect to do 700k+ games once I get all my pieces.


Mine was pre 50 warzones, i guess i win.

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