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Seriously? Maintenance and Asia/Pacific


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I've played this game since launch and have always been relatively OK with the whole 'Tuesday night Prime Time Down Time'. It ensures my apartment gets clean


But three times in one week -a regular occurrence after a major update - and it's a bit of a joke. To those saying they need to do it at a time that has less impact to most players is implying that Bio-ware treat its player base differently based on location.


If this excuse is going to be used then you need to extend it across all aspects. This includes charging Oceanic players a lesser subscription fee than what you do North American counterparts. I'm sure some EU players are also less appreciative of this as well.

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Two nights Is understandable, one for patch night and one to fix the patch from patch night, but a third during prime time is a little too much for me not to complain on the forums.

Tuesday 7+ (Went to bed so don't know what time they came up)

Thursday 4+

Friday 4?

15+ Hours during prime/raid time.. A little much.

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What I find funny is the population doubled on the one day we were able to play, as people came back to check out 1.3. So they've pissed off double the people they would have a week ago.


i agree, i know of a few in guild that came back to see 1.3 im sure they are pressing that unsub button once more.

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i agree, i know of a few in guild that came back to see 1.3 im sure they are pressing that unsub button once more.


no... most of them are probably asleep right now and will get a good laugh at all these posts when they wake up then log in and play

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. . .

I work full time.

I only have time to play a couple of hours during week nights if I don't finish work late.

You understand that for each full sub day I paid, I only get one or two hours out of it.

But I didn't mind as long as I get my one - two hours a day I'm pretty happy.


Yesterday I've check my sub and it says 2 days remaining, was planning to renew it this weekend.

I looked forward to play in the game last night but you had maintenance...

Today the sub says I have 1 day remaining...

Again I looked forward to play in the game tonight...

And you do maintenance again...



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For a minute there i thought i was playing Star Wars Galaxies, the endless bug fixes, the endless server downtimes, the endless rubber banding effect in the game (1 step forward 2 steps back) and above all the outstanding customer service!

Yes SWG all over again...


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And you know whats really funny?



You KNOW that Bio is reading this thread. YOU KNOW IT.....And yet they will do nothing about it, hoping it will die down like it does days after the events.



Not a single one of them, NOT ONE, can come in and placate the players. Tell us whats going on and why this is happening.............THIS SHOWS YOU HOW BIO FEELS ABOUT ITS PLAYERBASE, PERIOD.



So, by unsubbing, I'll show Bio how I feel about them..................../shrug



I suggest you guys think about doing the same................speak with your wallets

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@OP Harden up mate. Not the end of the world.


Nope, not the end of the world for sure. Don't think you understood the reasons behind my post, it wasn't to complain about a personal grievance or mis-perceived injustice but an issue that effects a lot of people, including you. Personally I've made my plans for tonight, life goes on. Dosen't mean I'm not going to speak up on an issue because I feel its the right thing to do, if more Aussies spoke up instead of adopting the 'she'll be right mate' attitude then maybe everyone would be a bit happier.


Nothing ever changes unless people make a stand and let their voices be heard. Come on Bioware, put your 2 cents in, us Aussies don't bite, in fact we may even agree with your side of things, but first you need to actually talk!

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Those kinda people cant even grasp that Thursday night prime time is when most Aussie guilds run their weekly Op's.


Another patch rushed to live, another case of testers from the PTS ignored, another case of Bioware being unable to wait til next Tuesday to implement a fix, and yet another instance where the non-american swtor community is crapped on.


Thanks for nothing.


Just because your track record told us it was coming, doesn't make it acceptable.

I agree :eek: just horrible BW horrible...:(

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Bioware knows this relationship is going to eventually end in divorce so they're trying to be kind and give us all time to go out and find a new love. We should be thanking them.


Bioware: May divorce be with you

Me: I'll miss you, Bioware. We'll always have DA:O



And you know whats really funny?


Not a single one of them, NOT ONE, can come in and placate the players. Tell us whats going on and why this is happening.............THIS SHOWS YOU HOW BIO FEELS ABOUT ITS PLAYERBASE, PERIOD.



So, by unsubbing, I'll show Bio how I feel about them..................../shrug



I suggest you guys think about doing the same................speak with your wallets


At least they timed it well, my subscription would have refreshed next week. After this, it's one less hassle for my credit card.

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I am curious if you would be so fine with rolling maintenance if when you got home from work at 6pm tonight you were to find the login queue was 4 hours long?


Yes. Yes I would. Because not playing for 3 1/2 hours because the game is down is a guaruntee that I don't get in for 3 1/2 hours, but getting a 4 hour queue is a "maybe I get to play, maybe not". The worst case scenario would be that the queue takes so long that the maintainence finishes and the West/East Coast players drop queue to return to their home server, which means I do not miss any additional gameplay.


In short, it can't hurt and might help. I'd say go for it.

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I am curious if you would be so fine with rolling maintenance if when you got home from work at 6pm tonight you were to find the login queue was 4 hours long?


At least if i was a US player and queues were 4 hours long i would have dozens and dozens of servers to choose from. I could just log into a shard that wasnt busy.

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Its a joke, patching on a friday night for that is a JOKE... i went ape **** at the patch notes when i read them. WHO RUNS THAT PLACE?


They can't be as bad as that, surely. Let's have a look and..... really? Really?


I can't even muster an angry comment - there's nothing left but disappointment.

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All urgent maintenances are pain in the ***, but everybody knows its needed if you fing a bug in game. Problem is, that maitenance is done in primary time for Asia/Pacific region. So what? In other case European or American players will be affected, it is impossible to fnd a time that will suit everybody...
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All urgent maintenances are pain in the ***, but everybody knows its needed if you fing a bug in game. Problem is, that maitenance is done in primary time for Asia/Pacific region. So what? In other case European or American players will be affected, it is impossible to fnd a time that will suit everybody...


Select items weren't showing up in a search in the AH for months. Some class quests were bugged for months. There's a thread full of faults, many of them more significant than what was fixed tonight. And that's unstandable. The natural state of an MMO is to be a little bit broken at all times, and that's why there are regular scheduled maintenances.


Yet none of those get emergency maintenances, whereas a minor augment bug warrants the third shutdown in a week?


I mean jeez, did it even occur to them that they might be able to roll last night & tonight's maintenance into one? It'd still be bloody annoying, and probably unwarranted, but it'd at least look halfway like the company wasn't being run by people who got flunked out of clown college.

Edited by Lakhesis
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Select items weren't showing up in a search in the AH for months. Some class quests were bugged for months. There's a thread full of faults, many of them more significant than what was fixed tonight. And that's unstandable. The natural state of an MMO is to be a little bit broken at all times, and that's why there are regular scheduled maintenances.


Yet none of those get emergency maintenances, whereas a minor augment bug warrants the third shutdown in a week?


I mean jeez, did it even occur to them that they might be able to roll last night & tonight's maintenance into one? It'd still be bloody annoying, and probably unwarranted, but it'd at least look halfway like the company wasn't being run by people who got flunked out of clown college.


They probably wanted to fix the new features they just released ASAP instead of letting theses problems go on during the first weekend post 1.3. Old bugs are old and most of the people involved can wait for a few days until a Tuesday.


As to why we got 1.3.0a et 1.3.0b instead of only one patch, one obvious answer would be that by the time they made 1.3.0a, they didn't had found the reason or a fix for the problems solved in 1.3.0b.


But yes, I think it would help if some people in the management team would understand better how to make software and MMOs in particular.

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I feel bad for my fellow non-U.S. players that have to deal with their game being interrupted by a patch. I can only imagine that it must be frustrating. I know that no words can help in this situation. I hope somehow that you will get some form of compensation - whether it be an in-game item or time extension or something. Edited by Alienwarz
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it wasn't down for 4 hours... it was down for an hour and 1/2


The maintenance notice says 4:



A lot of players won't be logging in tonight even.


So, what is your point really? Everyone should sit here and keep on checking whether it's finished? If they are lucky the maintenance might finish early? :rolleyes:



Regardless, my point was all that effort for just one fix. I expected at least 2-3.

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