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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Seriously? Maintenance and Asia/Pacific


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You don't seem to understand what I meant by rotating scheduled maintenance. What I meant was to have it during Australian peek period one week, European peek period the next week and finally ... American peek period the third week. And simply rotate it week to week on that basis. No server would get an influx of overseas players as all servers would be down at the same time. All players, no matter where they reside, would receive the same amount of inconvenience.


Ah I see, I did misunderstand that part.


Ultimately that comes down to BW providing resources in the terms of staff working at 11pm to 3am in the morning one week in three, 7am to 11am one week in three and 4pm to 8pm one week in three, the community being confused by a shifting timeline (even if you and I are aware it's not a difficult thing to track) and once more conflict with one national group saying they are more important than other groups shouldn't get an interruption at all. ;)


It would be nice, the staffing issue though I think is the kicker. Working at 3am or later in a morning on top of a rotating schedule is a pain.

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Thank you for locating servers in Australia.




( Just thought it needed to be said now and then)


And being flexible on additional maintenance issues. For listening to us as customers at all.

(Years of dealing with that other company kind of conditioned me to roll over like a beaten dog.. this is an odd feeling, being an actual customer.)

Edited by Palar
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Thank you for locating servers in Australia.

( Just thought it needed to be said now and then)


You are right, it's not said enough. 33ms pings are amazing when you've spent the best part of a decade playing at 250ms-360ms.


Thanks for the Oceanic servers BW.

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Well let's be fair.


Since this topic comes up every time they take the servers down, it would be a bit naive to think they don't all ready know.


Plus, I don't know of any game that gives players anything for time lost due to patches. We all knew this was going to be an issue and signed up anyway. Find something else to do for four hours.

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Plus, I don't know of any game that gives players anything for time lost due to patches. We all knew this was going to be an issue and signed up anyway. Find something else to do for four hours.


Really, you have not seen other games say sorry? When I played EQ2 just before coming here we gained a lot from botched patches. Free time, double XP, other gifts. Surely Sony are not unique in the world?


Come to think of it, they aren't. When I played Fallen Earth they said sorry for botched patches too. Gifts in the mail, F2P shop credits and other such displays.


I guess there will be more games too where the companies respect their players.


However, it's moot. The unscheduled maintenance was called off.

Edited by Bhaers
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Okay....Which one of you guys thanked them?!




/raises hand....


I've got just enough Fool's Hope left to see what they have to say in the morning - Cancel Button is looking pretty attractive, though.

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This PM is just a courtesy to let you know why your thread was moved out of the Customer Service forum.


The Customer Service department does not control or have influence over when maintenance takes place or how much of it occurs; they would not be able to give you a satisfactory reply. With that in mind, it's much more likely to be read by a staff member with relevant information on that topic in the General Discussion forum than in the Customer Service forum.


Hope this explains why your thread was moved. Enjoy the rest of your week, Kemra.




Got this in my pm box :)

Thats customer service, a short reply explaining things, thankyou Aurrelio your reply was greatly appreciated.


That having been said let me get back on topic, it would be nice to have some Bioware input in this thread ON the actual topic. I received a pm, the thread got edited, yet theres no yellow post explaining why it would be impossible to do the emergency maintenances at random times that stop any single country losing out on prime time 2 days in a week.


From the first week we started playing we all realised (us Aussies) that Tuesday nights would be our break from the SWTOR world, what we're asking is not that Tuesdays be rotated but is it possible to not do it to us more than once a week. Failing that how about even an acknowledgement or explanation of why we're the only ones in a global game to lose out.

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/raises hand....


I've got just enough Fool's Hope left to see what they have to say in the morning - Cancel Button is looking pretty attractive, though.


And their response is .... Jack Diddly. I'm not sure if it's malice or simply incompetence, but I'm not gonna pay an equal fee to be an inequal customer.

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Id say it may have something to do with aiming to be consistant with when down time occurs eg a specific time of day so much warning as possible is given out, and try and incoveinence the least amount of people

And thats Oceanics/Late Players

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Id say it may have something to do with aiming to be consistant with when down time occurs eg a specific time of day so much warning as possible is given out, and try and incoveinence the least amount of people

And thats Oceanics/Late Players


As much warning as possible? "We've decided to postpone the unscheduled maintenance".. Five minutes after they bring the servers down: "We're doing it after all, with an extra two hours slapped on. Whoops."


All for a patch to fix Tuesday's patch because they paid no attention to the PTR testers.

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Yep I agree, sure we can cope with loosing one night a week, we know it's comming, yes it's a pain in the butt, but we get used to the fact we are going to loose one day a week because we are a minority. We plan around it and organise events on other days. So we are being fairly reasonable about it all.


But when it happens again in the same week, without notice, well words simply can not express the frustration this brings. we have real lives, we cant all log in late night, we have dailies to run and events to attend, plans to reschedule. It's a huge inconvienance and it really really makes me very angry when i cant access a service i pay for during my prime time.


I know Bioware won't change thier lame policy, but they could at least recognise the angst they cause and the inconvienance to players who's prime time play time is lost, time we are paying for. I beleive we should be credited for this time. At least then we would get somthing in lew of this loss of service. I however have no delusions as to the unliklyhood of any such recognition or compensation for us Asia/Pacific players who get shafted ever single maintenance time scheduled or not.


:mad: Not Happy!

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