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cross server play is only real fix


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Cross server queues won't solve anything....


There is a shortage of tanks and healers. There would still be a shortage of tanks and healers if it was cross server, because the ratio is still the same.


Cross server queues would ruin the individual server communities, just like they did in wow.

Edited by NasherUK
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Cross server queues won't solve anything....


There is a shortage of tanks and healers. There would still be a shortage of tanks and healers if it was cross server, because the ratio is still the same.


Cross server queues would ruin the individual server communities, just like they did in wow.


What makes you think that your server is a community? Can't people transfer on and off at any point? Can't people sub and unsub at any point? I haven't played in 6 months I just re-subbed and queue with you on Jedi Covenant, does that make me any more a part of the community then a x-server queue that links you up with an uber guild leader on another server?


Random groups are random????


This whole we have a server schpiel is getting old, a server is just a random grouping of players, if you want a community join a guild and run stuff with your guild.


Some of us are just random ppl transfering about the galaxy and yes we will be in your groups

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What makes you think that your server is a community? Can't people transfer on and off at any point? Can't people sub and unsub at any point? I haven't played in 6 months I just re-subbed and queue with you on Jedi Covenant, does that make me any more a part of the community then a x-server queue that links you up with an uber guild leader on another server?


Random groups are random????


This whole we have a server schpiel is getting old, a server is just a random grouping of players, if you want a community join a guild and run stuff with your guild.


Some of us are just random ppl transfering about the galaxy and yes we will be in your groups


You sit there and posture that everyone who plays MMO's wants to do so in anonymity and only socialize with guilds. I have been playing MMO's for a long time and community is a very important part of that. Who wants to get home from a long day of work just to be abused by punk-*** kids who want everything handed to them and will walk over anyone to get it. That attitude is the very reason I quit playing WoW, which I did from beta to WotLK, before that I played many others but one thing remained constant among those games (at least until the last 2 xpacs with wow), there was a great sense of community, so much so that people went out of their way to answer questions and help others; unlike our current community. Anonymity is the killer of community and as long as the devs support that there will ALWAYS be a problem. Yet once again I need to re-state this, BioWare implicitly said they WILL NOT be implementing a CSLFG in the foreseeable future... nuf-said

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You sit there and posture that everyone who plays MMO's wants to do so in anonymity and only socialize with guilds. I have been playing MMO's for a long time and community is a very important part of that. Who wants to get home from a long day of work just to be abused by punk-*** kids who want everything handed to them and will walk over anyone to get it. That attitude is the very reason I quit playing WoW, which I did from beta to WotLK, before that I played many others but one thing remained constant among those games (at least until the last 2 xpacs with wow), there was a great sense of community, so much so that people went out of their way to answer questions and help others; unlike our current community. Anonymity is the killer of community and as long as the devs support that there will ALWAYS be a problem. Yet once again I need to re-state this, BioWare implicitly said they WILL NOT be implementing a CSLFG in the foreseeable future... nuf-said


Wait you are doing the same thing. Sitting there and posturing that everyone who plays MMO's wants to socialize with the general community. I know i sure do not want to socialize with some general community. If I did want to socialize at all I joined a guild.


I played WoW on two different servers from the start of that game. I did not see some great general community there

That is why a lot of us formed up guilds to begin with. I saw the same random lot you would find in any setting in game or real life. I still see the same random lot when I log into to play that game as well.


I know BioWare has recently said they won't be implementing cross sever looking for group. I think that threads like these are just letting BioWare know some people would like to have it. Bioware may never do it but

I don't see the harm in asking for it. It wasn't like the OP was rude in the first post.

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You might be interested in hearing what Lead Game Designer Daniel Erickson had to say about cross-server group finder tools in a one of our Community Q&As:


Mallorik: What is your philosophy on cross server LFG tools? Are we getting a same server tool just to hold us over while you work on cross server tech or is this just a test to see if a same server tool will do the job?


Daniel: Although we’re certainly willing to entertain the idea of cross-server LFG tools if the need arises, it’s a last resort for us. We firmly believe for cooperative play it is important to have a community and social responsibility that you simply can’t have with players appearing and disappearing from your reality. Instead we are pushing hard on servers that are massive compared to the ones we launched with. Early tests show we’ll be able to raise the peak concurrent user cap above what it was at launch. Combining that with server transfers to enable players to move to these new servers and fill them to the brim, we should see some fantastic, vibrant communities develop where Group Finder will always be able to find someone for your content.


We hope this helps explain our current philosophy. We will continue to monitor player feedback as we evaluate the new Group Finder tool. Thank you!


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Are you kidding me? You're joking right? Have you ever played this game? You know what WoW stands for, right?


You're going to try to tell me there are "near non existent" wait times for DPS in WoW?


You have clearly not played that game seriously at all.


Anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, tops, to get a group in WoW as a dps. Rarely do I have to wait any longer than that.

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"Stupid post" eh? Once again, I know this is probably way over your head, but the content of that post was to illustrate how idiotic it is to assume that just because there is a larger pool to draw from doesn't always net you a shorter queue time. That logical enough for you :rak_02: Enough of that though, we are arguing semantics, the simple truth is BW has stated they wont do it, so what's the point in arguing?


It's idiotic to assume that it won't net you a shorter queue time. Providing a larger pool of resources to draw from statistically speaking will give a much greater chance of shorter queue times. Its not hard to figure out. Again, we've already seen it in action, for those of us that have played Rift. Queue times went from stupidly high to reasonable and sometimes instant once they changed to cross server. We're not debating theory here.

Edited by Vember
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It's idiotic to assume that it won't net you a shorter queue time. Providing a larger pool of resources to draw from statistically speaking will give a much greater chance of shorter queue times. Its not hard to figure out. Again, we've already seen it in action, for those of us that have played Rift. Queue times went from stupidly high to reasonable and sometimes instant once they changed to cross server. We're not debating theory here.


actually it is quite the opposite. Every game in the modern day shares the same thing extremely heavy dps very low healer tanks. Thats fact.

A cross server will not change that fact. There isnt a server out there where tanks overpopulate dps or even come within a reasonable fraction of dps. In fact the ratio will more then likely be worse, not better. Therefore as a dps your que time increases. Tank and healer may go down, but I would think those are the fastest anyway, but dps goes up

Edited by mangarrage
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You might be interested in hearing what Lead Game Designer Daniel Erickson had to say about cross-server group finder tools in a one of our Community Q&As:




We hope this helps explain our current philosophy. We will continue to monitor player feedback as we evaluate the new Group Finder tool. Thank you!



Love his reasoning, and I applaud BW for being a community minded company. There are those who do try to create a community within the game. I know that they and I appreciate that point.

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actually it is quite the opposite. Every game in the modern day shares the same thing extremely heavy dps very low healer tanks. Thats fact.

A cross server will not change that fact. There isnt a server out there where tanks overpopulate dps or even come within a reasonable fraction of dps. In fact the ratio will more then likely be worse, not better. Therefore as a dps your que time increases. Tank and healer may go down, but I would think those are the fastest anyway, but dps goes up


This theory has already been proven wrong. You can't look at it from a black and white x number of dps and x number of tanks queueing, as the populations at any given time vary for each server. By adding all servers to the mix, you will reduce queue times. I've seen it. Everybody here has seen it. You can argue against it all you want, but its already been proven to be effective by Trion and Blizzard.


The community argument is a wash. That's what guilds are for. Servers are still full of jackwagons and ninja looters, and that will never change. Even old Everquest was full of them, and most servers maintained blacklists and had decent communities.

Edited by Vember
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Sometimes it's okay, but you gotta admit that if on a good night theres still whining and quitting, it's not usually such a pleasant thing to do.


Honestly I consider it part of raiding. Anytime you get so many people together the potential for it

is very high. Especially if there are no strats for the boss yet its going to be a wipefest.

Wiping leads to frustration and frustration leads to anger...well you get the idea.


I guess I considered the whinning and quitting to be minor compared to my other raiding experience.

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It's idiotic to assume that it won't net you a shorter queue time. Providing a larger pool of resources to draw from statistically speaking will give a much greater chance of shorter queue times. Its not hard to figure out. Again, we've already seen it in action, for those of us that have played Rift. Queue times went from stupidly high to reasonable and sometimes instant once they changed to cross server. We're not debating theory here.


This theory has already been proven wrong. You can't look at it from a black and white x number of dps and x number of tanks queueing, as the populations at any given time vary for each server. By adding all servers to the mix, you will reduce queue times. I've seen it. Everybody here has seen it. You can argue against it all you want, but its already been proven to be effective by Trion and Blizzard.


The community argument is a wash. That's what guilds are for. Servers are still full of jackwagons and ninja looters, and that will never change. Even old Everquest was full of them, and most servers maintained blacklists and had decent communities.


I would really like to know where you get your statistics... your rectum?



Anyhow BW posted they are not gonna implement this, so there is no point to continue arguing this.

Edited by Socore
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no they stated, that it would be a last resort, and a dev responded and posted that on page 26 of this thread... so it is possible still possible if the other stuff doesn't work, and given their track record so far means it might actually happen.
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no they stated, that it would be a last resort, and a dev responded and posted that on page 26 of this thread... so it is possible still possible if the other stuff doesn't work, and given their track record so far means it might actually happen.



quit hanging on your thread and transfer servers before BW makes you.. Free transfers are code for "We are merging the servers"


Mallorik: What is your philosophy on cross server LFG tools? Are we getting a same server tool just to hold us over while you work on cross server tech or is this just a test to see if a same server tool will do the job?


Daniel: Although we’re certainly willing to entertain the idea of cross-server LFG tools if the need arises, it’s a last resort for us. We firmly believe for cooperative play it is important to have a community and social responsibility that you simply can’t have with players appearing and disappearing from your reality. Instead we are pushing hard on servers that are massive compared to the ones we launched with. Early tests show we’ll be able to raise the peak concurrent user cap above what it was at launch. Combining that with server transfers to enable players to move to these new servers and fill them to the brim, we should see some fantastic, vibrant communities develop where Group Finder will always be able to find someone for your content.


Pretty sure you need to quit thinking and read.


Summary: BioWare has its own solution that DOES NOT involve a CSLFG tool.

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quit hanging on your thread and transfer servers before BW makes you.. Free transfers are code for "We are merging the servers"


Mallorik: What is your philosophy on cross server LFG tools? Are we getting a same server tool just to hold us over while you work on cross server tech or is this just a test to see if a same server tool will do the job?


Daniel: Although we’re certainly willing to entertain the idea of cross-server LFG tools if the need arises, it’s a last resort for us. We firmly believe for cooperative play it is important to have a community and social responsibility that you simply can’t have with players appearing and disappearing from your reality. Instead we are pushing hard on servers that are massive compared to the ones we launched with. Early tests show we’ll be able to raise the peak concurrent user cap above what it was at launch. Combining that with server transfers to enable players to move to these new servers and fill them to the brim, we should see some fantastic, vibrant communities develop where Group Finder will always be able to find someone for your content.


Pretty sure you need to quit thinking and read.


Summary: BioWare has its own solution that DOES NOT involve a CSLFG tool.


Again, the first line of what Daniel said is " Although we’re certainly willing to entertain the idea of cross-server LFG tools if the need arises, it’s a last resort for us."


so READING that is pretty obvious that they will still entertain this option.. as he said just that...


I believe your just trying to keep picking a fight.

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