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cross server play is only real fix


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Cross server would be the final nail for me. Xserver groups in every game I've played have been atrotious yeah sure there's the rare *good* group but it's just that rare. Mostly it's sullen silence and constant need rolling on anything saleable rather than usable. If anyone talks it's to call someone else names.... With large server populations xserver isn't neccessary. The problem we have is that half the population won't use it... insisting spamming general on fleet is a much *better* way to find the kind of group they want. :rolleyes:
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I wish the people complaining in this thread that state LFG doesn't work would post their server, level, spec, time, and flashpoint they wanted. I'd bet it would be obvious for most why there was a slow LFG if we had that info for the complaints (it would be nice to know if they were on a lot of ignore lists but there's no way they'd know that). I have run into a few issues on some lower level stuff but usually only have to wait less than 10 minutes. 2 of the 3 toons I've been playing are spec'ed heals which I'm sure is is part of the reason I've been lucky but overall I've been happy and I was blasting Bioware on the PTS for thinking they released 1.3 too soon as they hadn't dealt with all the bugs.


I do think many people are blaming the lack of cross server unfairly. A bigger fundamental issue is that groups are 1 tank, 1 heal, 2 dps vs the five person groups in WoW with 3 dps. That fact means dps get groups faster in WoW. That's never going to change and Bioware needs to do something to incent people to do other roles. Dual spec and giving every class a tank/healer tree would help. That's one thing Rift did very well.


I am glad LFG is same server. It's a nice that the people I'm running with are on my server. I'm guildless but have gotten 5 guild invites since LFG started and my friends lists grow with every run. The only issue I see is I can't run leveling quests while queued and easily return to questing when I'm done with a flashpoiint. A portal back to where I was when the LFG popped would be nice as it is quite a pain to get back to some of these areas. I'm sure this lessens the desire for many to quest and queue.

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That's just the point, Valk. How can the loss of 2 million players in about 6 months demonstrate that the cross server tool is working well?


We keep giving you facts (as I have validated my statement about the decline over the past six months), and you continue to look right past them and stick to your argument. There is no proof presented that establishes that Wow's cross server LFG is working well for that game. Contrary to that conjecture, all indications are that it is not doing well and has not improved player appeal for the game, has not increased subs. Further is the fact that the current tool in this game IS benefiting players and the community.


You continue to blindly argue in light of the evidence that the exact opposite is the case. If wow's cross server tool has done anything beyond harming the game, provide one shred of evidence, beyond your instance, that will validate the claim. ;p


You have not presented any facts against a cross server LFG tool. All you have presented are personal hatred for the system. You assume WoW lost 1.8 million subs because of that tool and that is pure speculation. Even Blizzard knows it was not the primary reason. How so? They have expanded it's use and continue to improve it. Some of you guys let whining and complaining from other players affect you too much. If a player gets to whining/complaining too much, I use my ignore feature and move on. :cool:

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I have had great experiences running LFR. For example in my run the other night.Though there were people quitting in the middle of things and a little bit of whinning on the boss with the colored slimes the LFR ran smoothly.


That's what you call, "running smoothly?".




Not in any raid I've ever run. Perhaps this is the difference of opinion we face when people argue that X-server will work. They consider the above to be normal while I consider it to be a mess that I would want no part of. My expectations are much higher and I expect far greater caliber of adult behavior from players so the ability to cull the kiddies, the rude, the rage quitters, on my server is key to me.


Here is where you show your personal hatred for the system. Not saying it is wrong, we all like things differently. But it is clear you missed the one poster's point that his raid run went smoothly in the fact they got it done in spite of the whining from others. I do them because they are fun to run with others I like and we donot let other jerks, whiners and complainers spoil the run for us. If needed, we make liberal use of the ignore feature.


And again I inject this point....you would not have to use the tool. However if a lot of other players are using it and it makes you hard to get grps for runs, then I would say it is best for the game and those like you need to stick with guild runs.

Edited by Valkirus
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You have not presented any facts against a cross server LFG tool. All you have presented are personal hatred for the system. You assume WoW lost 1.8 million subs because of that tool and that is pure speculation. Even Blizzard knows it was not the primary reason. How so? They have expanded it's use and continue to improve it. Some of you guys let whining and complaining from other players affect you too much. If a player gets to whining/complaining too much, I use my ignore feature and move on. :cool:


Amazing, one thing I actually agree with you on. Yes WoW is not losing subs because of X-LFG, it's losing subs because the game is bad. From level 1 - 85 there is no challenge, just dull boring arcade smash'em up gameplay.

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Amazing, one thing I actually agree with you on. Yes WoW is not losing subs because of X-LFG, it's losing subs because the game is bad. From level 1 - 85 there is no challenge, just dull boring arcade smash'em up gameplay.


Hehe. Each to his own. But personally I donot think TOR is more challenging. It is in fact a easy game to play. Which is a good thing for the casual players. I solo most of my heroics. The only runs I am interested in grouping for would be level 50 FP's and Op on my 50 jedi shadow. That is...runs I cannot solo. This is were a cross server LFG tool would help players like myself, who wish to stay on a low pop server for several reasons. Names conflicts is a biggie. :cool:

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Hehe. Each to his own. But personally I donot think TOR is more challenging. It is in fact a easy game to play. Which is a good thing for the casual players. I solo most of my heroics. The only runs I am interested in grouping for would be level 50 FP's and Op on my 50 jedi shadow. That is...runs I cannot solo. This is were a cross server LFG tool would help players like myself, who wish to stay on a low pop server for several reasons. Names conflicts is a biggie. :cool:


Or you could get off your high horse and transfer like everyone else. You aren't special, your characters names are not special. It's funny how hard you are campaigning for an x-server LFD when you knew that transfering would solve your issues. Instead you refused to transfer and stayed on an empty server going herp derp, single server LFD fails.

Edited by Skidrowbro
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Or you could get off your high horse and transfer like everyone else. You aren't special, your characters names are not special. It's funny how hard you are campaigning for an x-server LFD when you knew that transfering would solve your issues. Instead you refused to transfer and stayed on an empty server going herp derp, single server LFD fails.


They are to me. Remember, not everyone thinks like you do or has the same attachments. Role playing to some is silly and to others it is a very important part of the reason they play a game. TOR is really designed for a role player to get immersed into the story and lore. And thier char's names are a big part of that.

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This is were a cross server LFG tool would help players like myself, who wish to stay on a low pop server for several reasons. Names conflicts is a biggie. :cool:


Thank you for finally admitting you are on a crusade for cross server because you are stubborn. Maybe try and make some more original names next time, and you won't risk losing them. Of my 8 characters, I lost 4 names, which I fully expected to lose because they come from a highly popular series of books. My other 4 names I have used in about 5 different MMOs and have never had issues with them being taken, because I actually came up with them.

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I wish the people complaining in this thread that state LFG doesn't work would post their server, level, spec, time, and flashpoint they wanted. I'd bet it would be obvious for most why there was a slow LFG if we had that info for the complaints (it would be nice to know if they were on a lot of ignore lists but there's no way they'd know that). I have run into a few issues on some lower level stuff but usually only have to wait less than 10 minutes. 2 of the 3 toons I've been playing are spec'ed heals which I'm sure is is part of the reason I've been lucky but overall I've been happy and I was blasting Bioware on the PTS for thinking they released 1.3 too soon as they hadn't dealt with all the bugs.


Same here. Its been going great for me with the LFG tool. I mean, im not constantly grouping but as DPS im getting about 20 minutes of wait time, tank is instant, heals I dont do but guildy says its also instant, and twice now ive asked the DPS (while on tank) what thier wait was and theyve given 20-30 minutes.


My guess is theyre either in an origin server, trying to queue at 4AM, or just downright lying. Because I find it hard to believe my results are so much more different then theirs.


I do think many people are blaming the lack of cross server unfairly. A bigger fundamental issue is that groups are 1 tank, 1 heal, 2 dps vs the five person groups in WoW with 3 dps. That fact means dps get groups faster in WoW. That's never going to change and Bioware needs to do something to incent people to do other roles. Dual spec and giving every class a tank/healer tree would help. That's one thing Rift did very well.


I am glad LFG is same server. It's a nice that the people I'm running with are on my server. I'm guildless but have gotten 5 guild invites since LFG started and my friends lists grow with every run. The only issue I see is I can't run leveling quests while queued and easily return to questing when I'm done with a flashpoiint. A portal back to where I was when the LFG popped would be nice as it is quite a pain to get back to some of these areas. I'm sure this lessens the desire for many to quest and queue.


Good point with the group ratio. I definitely think this group finder was far from ready for release. This should have been paired up with dual spec. The availability of tanks and healers could have possibly more than doubled with such a feature. Then there is the fact it doesnt port you back ... um ... why? Its already being done with WZs and not having it only discourages people who are busy questing from queuing up, extending the queue times for low levels. Then there is all the bugs, I still havent been able to get it working on my lowbie Knight, luckily I queue up with a friend. I mean really, who tests things out for two weeks then does practically NOTHING about the reported bugs? Even the last two hot patches have done nothing.


Makes me wonder where the devs heads are these days.

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Thank you for finally admitting you are on a crusade for cross server because you are stubborn. Maybe try and make some more original names next time, and you won't risk losing them. Of my 8 characters, I lost 4 names, which I fully expected to lose because they come from a highly popular series of books. My other 4 names I have used in about 5 different MMOs and have never had issues with them being taken, because I actually came up with them.


Are you one of those who spot reads a post? Wanting to only see what you want to see so it fits your opinion? Who says my names are not original?. You, the person who knows all things? You do know when you transfer, you are not given a choice of what name you would like before you do? So you really have no idea what names are taken beforehand. So it is a risk on the player's part. And once again...donot expect all others to think like you do or place thier values on the same things you do. Am I subborn? I can be when it is about something important to me. I am not moving. :cool:

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Are you one of those who spot reads a post? Wanting to only see what you want to see so it fits your opinion? Who says my names are not original?. You, the person who knows all things? You do know when you transfer, you are not given a choice of what name you would like before you do? So you really have no idea what names are taken beforehand. So it is a risk on the player's part. And once again...donot expect all others to think like you do or place thier values on the same things you do. Am I subborn? I can be when it is about something important to me. I am not moving. :cool:


Go to destination server, create new character, give them your current name. If it's not taken, delete character, transfer server, knowing your name will be intact.

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Are you one of those who spot reads a post? Wanting to only see what you want to see so it fits your opinion? Who says my names are not original?. You, the person who knows all things? You do know when you transfer, you are not given a choice of what name you would like before you do? So you really have no idea what names are taken beforehand. So it is a risk on the player's part. And once again...donot expect all others to think like you do or place thier values on the same things you do. Am I subborn? I can be when it is about something important to me. I am not moving. :cool:


Well, if you are so worried about it, then I can only assume it's a valid worry. Also, since you know what your destination server is going to be, you can create characters on that server to see if those names are taken. If they aren't, delete the characters you just made to test, and transfer. NO RISK INVOLVED when you act intelligently.


You are causing this problem for yourself, deal with the consequences.

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Well, if you are so worried about it, then I can only assume it's a valid worry. Also, since you know what your destination server is going to be, you can create characters on that server to see if those names are taken. If they aren't, delete the characters you just made to test, and transfer. NO RISK INVOLVED when you act intelligently.


You are causing this problem for yourself, deal with the consequences.


I know about that trick of creating your char on another server. Name concerns is only one concern, tho it is the most important factor for not transfering. Other reasons are...I picked this server for two reasons. One it was a role playing one and the other it was a low pop one. I donot get to play TOR for hours on end, as other more inportant RL concerns prevent that. So ques to get on a server suck. As does trying to quest around a ton of other players, who run up and ninja that node or quest item while you are fighting mobs, etc.


And BioWare created the mess and will also have to deal with the consequences. If they fail to take into consideration the concerns of the players on 100+ servers, then they will deserve what they will get. :rolleyes:

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I know about that trick of creating your char on another server. Name concerns is only one concern, tho it is the most important factor for not transfering. Other reasons are...I picked this server for two reasons. One it was a role playing one and the other it was a low pop one. I donot get to play TOR for hours on end, as other more inportant RL concerns prevent that. So ques to get on a server suck. As does trying to quest around a ton of other players, who run up and ninja that node or quest item while you are fighting mobs, etc.


And BioWare created the mess and will also have to deal with the consequences. If they fail to take into consideration the concerns of the players on 100+ servers, then they will deserve what they will get. :rolleyes:


Concern 1: RP Server -

Transfers are only offered between servers of the same type anyway, so you would be transferring to another RP server.


Concern 2: Login Queue -

Even after transferring to a high pop server, I have not had any login queues to deal with, and I am on a normal PvE server. I would wager that the same would hold true for an RP server. Either way, this is something you can monitor before transferring by looking at the server list and seeing if there is a wait time on the destination server you would be moved to.


Concern 2.5: People Ninjaing -

A valid concern, not really something you can monitor beforehand.


Overall, many people are happy with the LFG tool as it is implemented. You are part of a very vocal minority, and it is entirely possible Bioware is spending more money running the server you chose to stay on than they are making from the people who also chose to stay on that server. If that is the case, losing you and the subs of the others on those origin servers, who are too stubborn to transfer, would actually save them money.

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Concern 1: RP Server -

Transfers are only offered between servers of the same type anyway, so you would be transferring to another RP server.


Concern 2: Login Queue -

Even after transferring to a high pop server, I have not had any login queues to deal with, and I am on a normal PvE server. I would wager that the same would hold true for an RP server. Either way, this is something you can monitor before transferring by looking at the server list and seeing if there is a wait time on the destination server you would be moved to.


Concern 2.5: People Ninjaing -

A valid concern, not really something you can monitor beforehand.


Overall, many people are happy with the LFG tool as it is implemented. You are part of a very vocal minority, and it is entirely possible Bioware is spending more money running the server you chose to stay on than they are making from the people who also chose to stay on that server. If that is the case, losing you and the subs of the others on those origin servers, who are too stubborn to transfer, would actually save them money.


Hehe. Yeah..it is also going to save me money. ;) Tor has been a good experence as playing it as KOTOR 3 was a lot of fun. But not worth a sub as it is now. Which is basically what I tell others. So yeah...maybe on the other 100+ servers the amount of players is so small...a very few thousand...losing them would not hurt BioWare that much. And I think you are right, the transfers was all about the bigger plan of merging all of them to a few large ones. Because as it stands now..they donot have enough players to sustain or justify so many servers.

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I didn't miss it, its a stupid post. It makes the assumption that every server provides the same number of tanks and heals and dps to the queue, which is a logical fallacy. And yes, a 5th grader could figure that out.


"Stupid post" eh? Once again, I know this is probably way over your head, but the content of that post was to illustrate how idiotic it is to assume that just because there is a larger pool to draw from doesn't always net you a shorter queue time. That logical enough for you :rak_02: Enough of that though, we are arguing semantics, the simple truth is BW has stated they wont do it, so what's the point in arguing?

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For the record, I play on Fatman, which is the second highest population pvp server behind Bastion, from what I can tell.


For the record.... There is probably a reason why you are not getting into groups.. Could it be that you are on everyone's ignore list already?? since you are so keen to speculate and assume, I will interject here with my own conclusion to your problem, which isn't everyone's problem :)

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Please add cross server play!!!!! SW Tor without x-server play is like opening a McDonald's and not having soda. Yeah some ppl drink water but the vast majority want a dam coke, ok that analogy reall sucked, by x-server play doesn't!!!


And here's a revolutionary thought, how about a check box during LFG that says "queue x-server"? That way anal server fanboi's can stay local with their harmonious gaggle of lame Jedi and the rest of us can actually play the game... kk?


thx bye!

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Please add cross server play!!!!! SW Tor without x-server play is like opening a McDonald's and not having soda. Yeah some ppl drink water but the vast majority want a dam coke, ok that analogy reall sucked, by x-server play doesn't!!!


And here's a revolutionary thought, how about a check box during LFG that says "queue x-server"? That way anal server fanboi's can stay local with their harmonious gaggle of lame Jedi and the rest of us can actually play the game... kk?


thx bye!


I was for X-server but after reading your horrible horrible analogy I am now against adding it... also I'm hungry

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The Idea that it's impossible to track player rep or that it is not possible to track player rep is all things that is easy to track..


1. Add a tab on the inspect character screen for player rep.. and let people rate your performance.. and add a performance filter. As that is voted on by the community it would help to build rep and something positive to strive for.



I like the first part of this post in concept but it would be a difficult task to attempt to keep the community and for that matter the players that put a negative spin on said community from abusing this feature and intentionally lowering a players score just because they don't like them. If they could find a way to maintain a rating system that ignores or at least filters erroneous ratings then this really could be an awesome idea.

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I wish the people complaining in this thread that state LFG doesn't work would post their server, level, spec, time, and flashpoint they wanted. I'd bet it would be obvious for most why there was a slow LFG if we had that info for the complaints (it would be nice to know if they were on a lot of ignore lists but there's no way they'd know that).


IKR it is obvious that those sticking to the WE WANT CSLFG are probably on dead servers. If you aren't, you really should list that pertinent info, it could be used to improve the system already in place.

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Go to destination server, create new character, give them your current name. If it's not taken, delete character, transfer server, knowing your name will be intact.


That is some rocket science man!

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