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Lore wise, which class would win?


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I know it is down to the person themselves but I would think either a Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor due to their knowledge of the force or Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior due to their mastery in fighting techniques.
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Oh! difficult question.


I believe that in this Era we are currently in knights/warriors and consulars/inquisitors are fairly evenly matched. But there are also a lot of non-force users that are capable or even pro-efficient in killing jedi/sith.


Jango Fett did not blink twice when he killed a Jedi, and it took a master to take him down.


Lore wise a smuggler would probably not even fight a Warrior, Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter or Agent. Even if the Smuggler could kill his opponent easily, it would only attract unwanted attention.

For the smuggler, lore wise, getting away unscathed is all the victory he/she needs.


But if it really comes to fighting, it would boil down to individual skill. Any class can take another. Though in general : Force users > non force users.

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I think everyone can agree that Force Users > Non-force Users.


Also in terms of each of the class stories I think that the Jedi Knight has gotten the most 'praise' for his/her skill. You are constatnly told you are the strongest thing that has walked this galaxy and you face the strongest enemies (lore-wise).


As an example, look at the JK final boss and the IA final boss.


I think that the planet quests kinda of brake the lore a bit as they make us think that all the classes are on par to be able to defeat the bosses of each. The IA never defeats a force user on an even 1v1 unless it's a planet quest.

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After reading the Darth Bane trilogy I would have to say the sorcerer would probably be able to beat every other class. Just because they can really mess with their opponent's head and make it so that they beat themselves.
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The Jedi Knight stepped out into a beautiful autumn morning on Voss. He looked around, inhaling the sweet air in the early morning hours. He got a vague sense that something is a bit off, and had just enough time to look up with a concerned expression on his face as a red beam struck him in the temple. He never heard the snap/whine of the high powered sniper rifle as the bolt entered his skull, boiling his brain as it killed him instantly.


Imperial Sniper FTW. :cool:

Edited by Captain_Zone
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The Jedi Knight stepped out into a beautiful autumn morning on Voss. He looked around, inhaling the sweet air in the early morning hours. He got a vague sense that something is a bit off, and had just enough time to look up with a concerned expression on his face as a red beam struck him in the temple. He never heard the snap/whine of the high powered sniper rifle as the bolt entered his skull, boiling his brain as it killed him instantly.


Imperial Sniper FTW. :cool:





If the Jedi Knight can dodge the death mark and free his mind from the powerful sith, I'm pretty sure he can dodge blaster fire...



:p But I don't want to start another which X-men is the strongest debate... it's Nightcrawler though...

Edited by Lionflash
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If the Jedi Knight can dodge the death mark and free his mind from the powerful sith, I'm pretty sure he can dodge blaster fire...



:p But I don't want to start another which X-men is the strongest debate... it's Nightcrawler though...





The Deathmark took time to power up, and it took a few seconds to actually fire. Plenty of time. The Knight went into that fight knowing the parameters already. Also, breaking free of mind control is one thing. Dodging a shot fired from the side and behind is quite another. Especially a shot fired at ELR and not having to adjust for windage or elevation (since blaster energy is unaffected by air currents or gravity). He might have just enough time to figure out something might be a bit off, then pop.



Oh, and as far as the X-Men go... Nah, nevermind. I was just going to point out about Wolverine's immortality and claws, not to mention well over 100 years of combat experience, and how easily Creed beat John Wraith in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. :p

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the deathmark took time to power up, and it took a few seconds to actually fire. Plenty of time. The knight went into that fight knowing the parameters already. Also, breaking free of mind control is one thing. Dodging a shot fired from the side and behind is quite another. Especially a shot fired at elr and not having to adjust for windage or elevation (since blaster energy is unaffected by air currents or gravity). He might have just enough time to figure out something might be a bit off, then pop.



oh, and as far as the x-men go... Nah, nevermind. I was just going to point out about wolverine's immortality and claws, not to mention well over 100 years of combat experience, and how easily creed beat john wraith in x-men origins: Wolverine. :p


I think in a fair 1v1 JK > IA. Having the IA all set up in the perfect vantage point vs the JK just getting outta bed is a bit unfair. If that was the case anyone could argue against anyone. I could argue Doc could be anyone under the right circumstances.


As for our little off-topic. Nightcrawler is more agile and faster than Wolverine therefor he could teleport him into outerspace or deep underwater (with a series of teleports) if he wanted to.


Farfetched, but possible. Also teleporting him 1 mile up and dropping him enough times will cause Logan to black out eventually after which my man Wagner can finish him anyway he wanted to.


Not very elegant, but thats how most of these debates go.

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I think in a fair 1v1 JK > IA. Having the IA all set up in the perfect vantage point vs the JK just getting outta bed is a bit unfair. If that was the case anyone could argue against anyone. I could argue Doc could be anyone under the right circumstances.

that's really the point isn't it though? I mean an IA would never just walk up to a Jedi and challenge them to fisticuffs.


You are saying a fair fight between an IA and a Jedi? What self respecting, intelligent, non suicidal IA would ever go into a fair fight at all!? that's the whole draw to the classes of smuggler and IA. did Han wait for Greedo to be ready before he shot him in the chest? OK that may be a bad example now... but you get it. There wouldn't be a fair fight between the two so the point is moot.


As for the OP JK/SW vs CON/SI


I would take it a step further and split them up a bit more. As Sages and shadows / Sorcs and Assassins are quite different themselves.


so of the 3 archetypes which do I think would win in a 1v1? I would say time is a huge factor.


An out of the academy sage is going to be a lot weaker in combat than an out of the academy knight or shadow type. Because becoming powerful in the force beyond the physical is something that is depicted as taking a long time.


However If we are taking them at the peak of their skill levels then the sage/sorc type IMHO will always be the victor. The ability to first transcend the flesh to become a force ghost is something many force users can do. But only the most proficient (Sage/Sorc) can then interact with the physical world without being a part of it. Invulnerable to near everything and still able to command the force in combat with deadly skill, not to mention the ability of possession, the Sith force ghosts of old are among the most powerful forces in the galaxy. Lightsaber swinging Knights can only hope to stop and stall them. But never defeat them.

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The Sith Inquisitor would win overall because



The Inquisitor has the aid of numerous Sith Lord Force Ghosts



Outside of that it would depend on the arena or if someone gets the first strike etc. The Agent or Smuggler would likely win in a densely crowded area or a dense forest. The Trooper and Bounty Hunter would probably win if in a narrow walkway since the Jedi/Sith would be unable to dodge well.

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Have you played the AI? cuz we take out a guy called one of the most powerfull sith behind the emperor...:eek:



Darth Jadus




That fight has your disabling him not killing him.



It takes Watch female to tell you how to take him down. Using those consoles to... I don't remember what. She actually tells you before the fight that you can't beat him straight up.


The fight was fun. It wasn't straight forward, but the whole point of that fight was that the IA couldn't couldn't win without help.


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Very difficult to answer because in the movies we see cases of pretty much every class (minus Imperial Agents) owning the other at some point:


- Assassin takes out a sage/consular (Qui-Gon), defeated by an Apprentice Jedi Knight (Obi-wan).

- Jango Fet (Bounty Hunter) takes out at least one Jedi before getting off'd.

- Order 66: Troopers take out every kind of jedi under the rainbow, including Master-level.

- Palpatine Mace Windu Duel: Palpatine takes out several Jedi himself, not clear if he is defeated by Mace Windu or lets himself be defeated to prompt a reaction from Anikan. Seems evenly matched with Yoda.

- Vader: Is able to take out Count "old man" Dooku. Then he takes out .. ummm ... children ... gets owned by obi-wan and isn't able to get his revenge until Obi-wan is an old man... 'defeats' Luke as a novice, gets owned by Luke as he becomes a Jedi...


Wait a second... Vader isn't exactly that awe-inspiring after-all, is he? If you need to fight old men or children, he's your man tho.


More seriously, Lucas seems to have a thing for the unemotional / controlling / plotting / thinking types. They always seem to come out top in his movies. It was very clear to me that the most "powerful" force users in the movies were established as Yoda and Palpatine.


Comparing the final duels in EP3, it is clear to me that Palp could rock Obi-wan, Yoda could rock Vader, and Obi-wan rocked Vader. Leaving Vader once again as the complete loser.


In conclusion erudite gentlemen: Movies seem to indicate that any of the SWTOR classes could conceivably take one another out (exception being imperial agent). However, I'd give a slight edge to the Sorceror and Sage classes in any encounter.


- Arcada

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I think in a fair 1v1 JK > IA. Having the IA all set up in the perfect vantage point vs the JK just getting outta bed is a bit unfair. If that was the case anyone could argue against anyone. I could argue Doc could be anyone under the right circumstances.


As for our little off-topic. Nightcrawler is more agile and faster than Wolverine therefor he could teleport him into outerspace or deep underwater (with a series of teleports) if he wanted to.


Farfetched, but possible. Also teleporting him 1 mile up and dropping him enough times will cause Logan to black out eventually after which my man Wagner can finish him anyway he wanted to.


Not very elegant, but thats how most of these debates go.


Life itself is not fair. Therefore, the JK doesn't get the chance to fight back. :D


And as for the off-top, Wolverine would overpower Nightcrawler easily when he got grabbed in the first place. Remember, Logan is pretty much immortal. Nothing short of a tactical nuke would take him out. He's been shot, stabbed, charred, drowned, but he always comes back.

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sith inquisitor would win over any class because he/she is a half undead you can't truly kill him/her unless you know way to free the ghosts inside him/her along having the power of 4 sith lords combined with his/her own power......
Counsular would counter.
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1v1 sith assassin because you have lightning and a double sided lightsaber, overall jedi sage because they are scholarly and become really powerful and the jedi/republic/good guys always win
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The Jedi Knight stepped out into a beautiful autumn morning on Voss. He looked around, inhaling the sweet air in the early morning hours. He got a vague sense that something is a bit off, and had just enough time to look up with a concerned expression on his face as a red beam struck him in the temple. He never heard the snap/whine of the high powered sniper rifle as the bolt entered his skull, boiling his brain as it killed him instantly.


Imperial Sniper FTW. :cool:


LOL Pwned.

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General Hesker (Imperial Guard) > All :)


I have always wondered how a Dread Lord would fair against any of the classes. With the ability to strike fear in apparently anyone...


Ima go with Inquisitor. The amount of raw untapped power available to them is hard to ignore.

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