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XP Perks- lies


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Ok so im here to vent that's what the forums have become i see, long story short ive been playing this game since early game access day 1, i have never unsubbed and have loved every minute...however like everyone else im burned on the levelling progression and its identical path taken...so i spent a crap ton of money in order to level via pvp.......fail...... seriously i did 20min of world quests on dromund kass and gained an entire level compared to 4 WZ games and 1 level...bioware up the perks, u said we could level the way we wanted to, this is clearly not the damn case at all!

on a side note servers that are still underpopulated, the LFG tool is useless, im on Master Dar'nala and spent 6 hours in a queue for HS.....yer. so plz ppl called it on the pts, you need to lower the costs, and up from 30% to min 50% or more increased xp..the reason ppl purchased these perks is because they DO NOT want to level on world quests, they want to skip it as fast as possible...and currently it just doesn't seem to be wroth it at all.

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It's very simple to understand :)


If you want to level fast you quest and do the story line.


If you like pvp you have the "option" to pvp and still get xp but its much slower. Each game can take 10-20 minutes. The option is there but its not faster. It all depends on how quick your team wins and if you lose you get less xp, its very dependent on other player where as questing is depended on you.


What your asking about the 50% increase is bad very bad idea. You cant make it so pvp leveling faster then leveling via quests/storyline. If you over buff the xp for leveling then quests and storylines would be all unbalanced and would cause more problems. The % that they have it at is more then fair.

Edited by RicoFrost
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Personally i took all 5 XP perks.. took a hit to the wallet =( but if i can do my daily pvp match (1 with or 2 loses for the daily quest) my daily space missions run a flashpoint and JUST my story quests and planet story quest its worth it me i'm tired of the fluff missions.. when you mix those in with the planet story and the class story it gets jumbled and hard to follow whats what (to me at least)


so far my jug was 1/2 thought 17 when i started playing to day.. did my pvp daily (won so only did 1 match) did my space stuff did hammer station.. and i think thats it... and i'm now sitting 2 boxes into 19 =) so its going well for me..


i do agree tho some of them need to be tweeked.. like the exploration xp might need a bump up.. havent tried it yet.. but there isnt taht much to explore and 275k is a good chunk of change to spend on it so hopefully its worth it..

Edited by Cheops
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It's very simple to understand :)


If you want to level fast you quest and do the story line.


If you like pvp you have the "option" to pvp and still get xp but its much slower. Each game can take 10-20 minutes. The option is there but its not faster. It all depends on how quick your team wins and if you lose you get less xp, its very dependent on other player where as questing is depended on you.


What your asking about the 50% increase is bad very bad idea. You cant make it so pvp leveling faster then leveling via quests/storyline. If you over buff the xp for leveling then quests and storylines would be all unbalanced and would cause more problems. The % that they have it at is more then fair.


I don't see the issue. Most people who have enough credits to buy the perks are on their second/third character. If they want to level only through pvp then it should be a viable choice and the curve should be just as quick as leveling through quests. I'm personally on my 5th alt and I'm quite sick of mashing the space bar through world quests. I really just want to hit the class quests and level up pvping considering the only "new" content I'm seeing is the class quest anyways.

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XP perk is something that would be way more desirable to be account-wide than character-wide, IMHO.


Exactly, I would buy it if it was applied to all characters on that legacy...but I can't justify spending the credits on my lv40 current alt....maybe when I roll my next toon I will buy it from the start. Can't justify it for just 10 levels.

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I don't see the issue. Most people who have enough credits to buy the perks are on their second/third character. If they want to level only through pvp then it should be a viable choice and the curve should be just as quick as leveling through quests. I'm personally on my 5th alt and I'm quite sick of mashing the space bar through world quests. I really just want to hit the class quests and level up pvping considering the only "new" content I'm seeing is the class quest anyways.


PVP is a viable choice but its dependent on your team, how fast and if you win. They cant over buff pvp leveling because it wont be inline with pve leveling.

Edited by RicoFrost
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Exactly, I would buy it if it was applied to all characters on that legacy...but I can't justify spending the credits on my lv40 current alt....maybe when I roll my next toon I will buy it from the start. Can't justify it for just 10 levels.


Its really not that much, i think for 10% is less the 100,000k which isn't that hard to get. Selling a pvp token I got 320k this morning from my lvl 50.

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Exactly, I would buy it if it was applied to all characters on that legacy...but I can't justify spending the credits on my lv40 current alt....maybe when I roll my next toon I will buy it from the start. Can't justify it for just 10 levels.


And I do not want to purchase it on all characters. I have characters that I do NOT want the bonus for.

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I don't see the issue. Most people who have enough credits to buy the perks are on their second/third character. If they want to level only through pvp then it should be a viable choice and the curve should be just as quick as leveling through quests. I'm personally on my 5th alt and I'm quite sick of mashing the space bar through world quests. I really just want to hit the class quests and level up pvping considering the only "new" content I'm seeing is the class quest anyways.


You can still level through only PVP if you wish (after lvl 10) and can make it up to 30% faster now. Even without the extra xp, leveling that way is still viable.



To the OP, what part about the XP perk is a lie? You are told exactly how much bonus XP you will get for the money. Are you getting less than the amount advertised?

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Exactly, I would buy it if it was applied to all characters on that legacy...but I can't justify spending the credits on my lv40 current alt....maybe when I roll my next toon I will buy it from the start. Can't justify it for just 10 levels.


^This. I thought they severely underdelivered on this.

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PVP is a viable choice but its dependent on your team, how fast and if you win. They cant over buff pvp leveling because it wont be inline with pve leveling.


PvP is not a viable choice when compared to PvE leveling. The curve is much much slower. There is nothing wrong with giving players who only want to pvp the same curve as people who only pve. If the perks gave me more xp in warzones and less xp in world quests I'd be perfectly fine with that as I don't want to do them anyways. 30% is not enough, its still to slow to level in pvp compared to pve.

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PvP is not a viable choice when compared to PvE leveling. The curve is much much slower. There is nothing wrong with giving players who only want to pvp the same curve as people who only pve. If the perks gave me more xp in warzones and less xp in world quests I'd be perfectly fine with that as I don't want to do them anyways. 30% is not enough, its still to slow to level in pvp compared to pve.


Viable. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Adjective: Capable of working successfully; feasible: "the proposed investment was economically viable".


Viable does not mean equal. Can you level to 10-50 using just PvP? Yes. Then it is a viable alternative to PvE.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Viable. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Adjective: Capable of working successfully; feasible: "the proposed investment was economically viable".


Viable does not mean equal. Can you level to 10-50 using just PvP? Yes. Then it is a viable alternative to PvE.


Maybe you should read the last part of your definition. In comparison to pve content leveling to 50 only through pvp is not as viable. You are forced to do pve if you want to level at a decent pace.

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Maybe you should read the last part of your definition. In comparison to pve content leveling to 50 only through pvp is not as viable. You are forced to do pve if you want to level at a decent pace.


Not as viable does not mean not possible. Theoretically you can get to 50 just by killing creatures without a single quest or PvP. Does this mean that this would be fun or as quick as questing, PvP, or space missions? No, but it is still viable (possible).

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This again seriously, im sure the water army now have a list of what they can complain about, no one is forced to only do pvp, people only doing pvp on alts as this is the only place it shall apply shall still not level as fast as pve'ers and it is the peoples choice who are doing pvp for this outcome to blame.


Bottom line, legacy, dont want em dont buy em, not powerful enough to make them must have, thats the point of being optional and not pay to win.

Edited by Shingara
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Ok so im here to vent that's what the forums have become i see, long story short ive been playing this game since early game access day 1, i have never unsubbed and have loved every minute...however like everyone else im burned on the levelling progression and its identical path taken...so i spent a crap ton of money in order to level via pvp.......fail...... seriously i did 20min of world quests on dromund kass and gained an entire level compared to 4 WZ games and 1 level...bioware up the perks, u said we could level the way we wanted to, this is clearly not the damn case at all!

on a side note servers that are still underpopulated, the LFG tool is useless, im on Master Dar'nala and spent 6 hours in a queue for HS.....yer. so plz ppl called it on the pts, you need to lower the costs, and up from 30% to min 50% or more increased xp..the reason ppl purchased these perks is because they DO NOT want to level on world quests, they want to skip it as fast as possible...and currently it just doesn't seem to be wroth it at all.


If you've been here since early access, you should certainly know by now how to most effectively quest. Besides, half the point of WZ leveling is stockpiling tokens for 50.


Even better, stop worrying about how fast you get to 50. Honestly, I think the warzones in 10-49 are twice as fun as the level 50 ones.

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Ok so im here to vent that's what the forums have become i see, long story short ive been playing this game since early game access day 1, i have never unsubbed and have loved every minute...however like everyone else im burned on the levelling progression and its identical path taken...so i spent a crap ton of money in order to level via pvp.......fail...... seriously i did 20min of world quests on dromund kass and gained an entire level compared to 4 WZ games and 1 level...bioware up the perks, u said we could level the way we wanted to, this is clearly not the damn case at all!

on a side note servers that are still underpopulated, the LFG tool is useless, im on Master Dar'nala and spent 6 hours in a queue for HS.....yer. so plz ppl called it on the pts, you need to lower the costs, and up from 30% to min 50% or more increased xp..the reason ppl purchased these perks is because they DO NOT want to level on world quests, they want to skip it as fast as possible...and currently it just doesn't seem to be wroth it at all.


nothing to see here. move along, move along

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They said it would give you a boost, and it does. That is not a lie, that is truth.


They said it would give you a boost, it does, and you are not happy with it. That is not a lie, that is disappointment.


They said it would give you a boost, it does, you are not happy with it, and you call the XP perks lies. That is a lie.

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I never thought you should get experience for PvP at all anyway. It *should* be slower than other methods, much like doing only space missions or flashpoints should be slower.


I'm not in favor of any of the XP perks for any situation; I have no intention of buying any of them (thank the small gods it's optional and I'll save credits).


If I had my way, you'd have to do every single quest on every planet, plus either a daily flashpoint, space mission, or a pvp run in order to just barely drag yourself over the level 50 line the day you did the last quest. I haven't had any character run every quest. I now do no more than one early planet worth of bonus quests, and have given up LFG for heroics - if one comes along when it's convenient I'll do it, but otherwise I skip them. And I'm still leveling dang fast and not finishing all the basic series of quests.

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@OP, the title of your thread is "XP Perks - lies" but you clearly point out you understood you where getting a 30% increase. but you are saying 30% is not enough you want an increase to 50%. your thread is confusing. are you saying they lied and you are not getting what you are sposed to or are you saying you wasn't lied to, but what you get is not good enough


i'm going to go ahead and think its the latter,


you know you really shoudln't call ppl lair's, when they haven't, i know a good catchy thread title is cool. but calling some1 a lair when they haven't lied, turns you into the lair.


anyway as for leveling via WZ. i don't get your problem, WZ are repeatable, its not like your ever going to run out of warzones and be underpowered the next, which could theoretically happen when questing, but not with WZs

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I never thought you should get experience for PvP at all anyway. It *should* be slower than other methods, much like doing only space missions or flashpoints should be slower.


I'm not in favor of any of the XP perks for any situation; I have no intention of buying any of them (thank the small gods it's optional and I'll save credits).


If I had my way, you'd have to do every single quest on every planet, plus either a daily flashpoint, space mission, or a pvp run in order to just barely drag yourself over the level 50 line the day you did the last quest. I haven't had any character run every quest. I now do no more than one early planet worth of bonus quests, and have given up LFG for heroics - if one comes along when it's convenient I'll do it, but otherwise I skip them. And I'm still leveling dang fast and not finishing all the basic series of quests.


your idea of forcing ppl to do that big list, might work for the first toon for many ppl, but when your leveling your 4th, you do not want to be doing every quest on every planet again

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