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Gore Changes in 1.3: The HOLY $#!^ BATMAN Version


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So I went back to my favorite spec, Carnage for 1.3. There's NO *********** way that such a sublte change to Gore improved my performance that much. The dumbest of PuGs MUST be out for 1.3 or SOMETHING. I LOVE what they did to it and all, but I feel MUCH stronger now for some reason.


Idk, how've ya'll faired with it? I feel like Carnage is finally ALMOST on par with Annihilation.

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People are still adjusting to changes, and if you werent queueing rateds than you were prolly facing a group that was eating full ravages (though it happened in rateds a few times as well, lol).


that being said hitting 996 power with full augments and double power relics... i hit like a damn truck unless the healer is guarded and getting multiple taunts.


gore change was big if for nothing else i feel more freedom to burst with scream rather than trying to crutch on it for ravage for a big burst everytime. and bursting with guarenteed 4-5k scream crits is just nasty.


Also first day ive hit a 6.8k final ravage tick on someone. gunna try to find me a squishy with bloodthirst AND an expertise buff tomorrow see if i can break me some 7k


and idk if there was a stealth nerf to anni, or if i was just running into more bads, but killing them 1v1 before they get 2 bleeds on me after obfuscate is pretty entertaining.


good first day as carnage, and this is the rated spec ill be running with. i think it will be fun.

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The burst... is... obnoxious. So much easier to get a combo off on a squishy now that you don't have to eat up 1.5 seconds with the gore gcd.

Dunno if I was facing people in recruit/pve gear tonight or what, but it was gooood times!

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So, with the changes to Gore I respec'd back today to rock some daily's. Yeah, being able to immediately ravage and force scream is pretty awesome, and rocking an elite or something - they go down fast.


However, this did not change the viability of carnage over anni for ops, has it? Gore is on a 15 second cooldown with a 4.5 second window, ravage is on a 27 second cooldown. So basically you just end up spamming massacre most of the time until your big hitters are able to be used again. Whereas anni you can REFRESH the cooldown on rupture and lower the cooldown on annihilate.

Or am I missing something here? I can see how Carnage would be good for the Kephess fight, all those short, bursty windows with the bombadeer and whatnot. Is it up to par though?

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Berserk -->Gore-->Massacre...oh my dear !!!:eek:


Hmm, I actually have not tried this >< though I wouldn't think you'd get your money's worth as you'd only get off 2 or 3 massacres before gore ran out on its new duration.

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If you time your resource pool and zen/berzerk right you should be able to get 6 of them off under the gore window, optimally only costing 1 focus/rage each.


It's really better to just do 3 Massacres and follow it w/ the crit Force Scream while still Gored, imo. You'll get more damage out of the Gore that way.

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It's really better to just do 3 Massacres and follow it w/ the crit Force Scream while still Gored, imo. You'll get more damage out of the Gore that way.


I didnt think yellow damage was effected by armor anyway, am I wrong about that or does gore get extra damage from armor pen?

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I didnt think yellow damage was effected by armor anyway, am I wrong about that or does gore get extra damage from armor pen?


Force Scream is yellow damage, but if you look at the tooltip in your abilities list, its damage type is Kinetic, which gets mitigated by armor. It benefits quite a bit from Gore, and you should always try to get one in there if you can, imo. : )

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Force Scream is yellow damage, but if you look at the tooltip in your abilities list, its damage type is Kinetic, which gets mitigated by armor. It benefits quite a bit from Gore, and you should always try to get one in there if you can, imo. : )


This is correct. It's also why the Ataru Procs benefit, they're weapon damage. That's the quintessential issue with Carnage, pretty much ALL the damage is Weapon/Kinetic. This is why the Massacre + Gore + Ravage + Force Scream combo will slice through Bounty Hunters and Troopers like butter, but Berserk'ed Massacre spam is pretty much ineffective against them. The reverse is true for Sages and Sorcerers.

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This is correct. It's also why the Ataru Procs benefit, they're weapon damage. That's the quintessential issue with Carnage, pretty much ALL the damage is Weapon/Kinetic. This is why the Massacre + Gore + Ravage + Force Scream combo will slice through Bounty Hunters and Troopers like butter, but Berserk'ed Massacre spam is pretty much ineffective against them. The reverse is true for Sages and Sorcerers.


There is also the item changes which offset this a little though. We can now carry 2 100+ power relics and add power and str augments to more items which increases bonus damage significantly.


Yeah I tried the combo mentioned above and HOLY COW healers go down quick now. I've found my new favourite spec. :)

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There is also the item changes which offset this a little though. We can now carry 2 100+ power relics and add power and str augments to more items which increases bonus damage significantly.


Yeah I tried the combo mentioned above and HOLY COW healers go down quick now. I've found my new favourite spec. :)


I don't think you'd believe it, but this **** was 100% possible PRE-1.2 and it wasn't necessarily harder.

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This is why the Massacre + Gore + Ravage + Force Scream combo will slice through Bounty Hunters and Troopers like butter.


What do you do as an opener? As charge-massacre-gore-ravage is rage spent, do you throw a battering in before the gore so you catch scream on the end of the gore proc?

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What do you do as an opener? As charge-massacre-gore-ravage is rage spent, do you throw a battering in before the gore so you catch scream on the end of the gore proc?


Personally, I always lead w/ Battering Assault > Massacre > Gore > Ravage > Scream or Battering Assault > Berserk > Gore > Massacre x3 > Force Scream.


I never count on using Force Charge as an opener in PvP. <.<

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Personally, I always lead w/ Battering Assault > Massacre > Gore > Ravage > Scream or Battering Assault > Berserk > Gore > Massacre x3 > Force Scream.


I never count on using Force Charge as an opener in PvP. <.<


Neither do I, which is why when I talk about it I usually note it like so: (Rage Builders) > Massacre > (Wait for the GCD) > Gore + Ravage > Force Scream


And the cool part is, these days at least, that whole rotation fits perfectly within a Battering Assault. If you have full Enraged Slash, you end up with enough Rage to tack on a Crippling Slash at the end so you can run out, Charge back, build more rage, and if you have Frenzy up instantly launch into the Massacre-nado combo.

Edited by Yescek
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If you do the battering after massacre though, thats an extra chance of an ataru trigger for the scream crit?


Why? You DO know that Massacre auto-procs both ataru AND blood frenzy right? Meaning that there's no need to do what you're suggesting. That Battering Assault is just gonna make DAMN sure that Blood Frenzy isn't going to be up when you throw the scream.

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