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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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upgrade your system

i have 0 problems with any zone pvp, planets or space missions.

i also happen to run on max settings.

my video card was also only a $100 card but runs like a $500 one.


you sir are a fool


+1 to OP


i have same problems, bioware have until i hit 50 (luckily for them i work long hours)

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Kinda curious if it is the warzone maps or what. If it is number of players you can write off ever having epic world pvp battles between large groups.


I don't think its the maps (besides Alderaan where the cannons seem to be very demanding). If I stick around at the end of the match and close the score sheet to look around, I'm getting 80+ FPS, even if a bunch of players are still standing there. For me, at least, its definitely the number of players in combat.

Edited by GodofThisWorld
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Well I went from 5-7 fps to 30-40 instantly and the ability lag is a hell of a lot better at 30-40 fps then 5-7 fps.


my fps went up marginally, but i was already 30+. ability lag is still maddening. i respeced to healer because i can't run my position attacks with a ~1 sec delay on my abilities

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my fps went up marginally, but i was already 30+. ability lag is still maddening. i respeced to healer because i can't run my position attacks with a ~1 sec delay on my abilities


I think that'll just have to be something Bioware fixes on their end. They've still got work to do on the engine.

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canceled my account today.. its a sham that you have to but new components just to get the game to run then they wont refund your money when you more then meet the requirement and it still runs like crap.. fps in this game suck.

note to people looking for refunds, if you log into the game world and play at all you cant get your money back.

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If this isnt fixed by the time GW2 or TERA is out, i give up. A pvper can only stall so long with killing things that cant even think(if your stupid i mean npcs...). This game was so perfect 1-10 and in beta...but its release now-there isnt an excuse for people with systems that should have no problem running the game having terrible fps everywhere(or like me, just in WZs) on low with shadows off trying every potential fix others have put out there. I used to love you bioware, but now you claim its our machines when it obviously isnt...I get the feeling EA forced you guys to make this a quick money grab off of box sales and a few subs.



Please Bioware...you're our only hope.

Edited by Jedikillar
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Contributing. I get 30-50 fps in game world. pvp I have 30-50 ms and about 3-4 second ability delay. I run on top of people use a power and it simply doesn't hit them. I also take a good 3 seconds to die.. I fight... die.. wait.. wait.. the message appears, I click it... wait wait.. and after that 15 second debacle i finally respawn.


As a JK, responsive skills are a MUST, I dont have ranged to compensate for lag.


I hope this gets fixed as pvp is presently infuriating.

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Just did 2 warzones and think that'll be enough frustration for one night. Average around 50 FPS in the game world (with some oddball drops to the teens), but in the warzones I'm scorching along at 16 FPS with abilites that take an extra 2 seconds to go off.


Doesn't help I play an assassin, but even my force attacks that have a bit more than melee range often won't go off when they obviously should.


I play with everything on low or off.


Edited by Tristik
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It's actually getting worse for me. Today in Alderaan I was warping all over the place. I'm sure I was just as hard to target as I was able to target people.


Honestly it was a joke...makes me wonder if the patch being held back was a deliberate ploy by BW because they know it's not fixed.


Well I wont be resubbing...and I mean resubbing because I cancelled due to this weeks ago. I won't pay for another month just to see them fail at fixing this - and if you have these issues then don't fall for it either. Quit, and stay quit until it's fixed - don't tolerate this **** another month in the hope that they fix it.

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I hoped that with this patch the pvp issue would get fixed.. sadly it's nowhere near..

I can play the game on high, everything maxed without any problems but in pvp, or when more than 4 people team up everything slows down to around 10-14 fps


My system is composed of ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series, 4096MB RAM and intel core I5 processor, it's not the best but I expect that I would get DECENT fps in pvp warzones at least on the very lowest settings.. World of warcraft works flawless, in pvp, raids, you name it..


Also I would like to remind you people that the recommended system requirements are intel core 2, 4gb of ram and ati radeon 4850, not the minimum, the recomended ones that Allow us to play the game flawlessly on Medium settings, yet we get 12 fps in lowest settings, how is that possible?


I tried everything possible, even disabled visual themes and desktop composition from the launcher properties, should I try to run it in compatibility mode for windows 95 or what?! :))


I will play this game solo until level 50, but if that doesn't change even then I shall cancel my subscription and demand my money back, wow quests suck compared to swtor but at least we have flawless battlegrounds when we do reach max level

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Same issue for me. Im running on high-end machine. Playing quite a few games that are graphics intensive. and SWTOR is first I encounter such terrible fps and lag.


Im giving it a couple months and if situations still the same I have no problem unsubscribing.


Will be wary of all bioware products in future.

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Everyone shouldnt even bother posting their computer specs, your comp is not the reason for the lag/delay.

The cause is the game itself, not any ones computer setup.

It saddens me to think about how bad the pvp is, because i really like the game, as a whole.


I'd imagine BW knows what is wrong with it and they are working on optimizations.

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I have 60+ FPS in warzones. Chasing a sith around a pillar. Getting in los. Spamming G (stun). Spamming G for two seconds. Spamming some more, ya know, just to be sure. He moves out of sight. Can't see target. Taking a look at the latency. 69.


I imagine the source code for the latency meter probably looks similar to this:


Int LatencyMeter(bool connected)
 if (connected) Print(Math.Rnd(100)); 
 else for (int i = 100; i < 25000; i++)




Edited by Kalantris
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ever wonder why Ilum was a joke at launch that ensured no epic battles were fought for the first month of the game?


ever wonder why during closed beta these "issues" weren't sorted out?


ever wonder why the pts doesn't allow level 50 templates?



here is the secret - since midway through development of this garbage game, BW has known the engine wouldn't support massive multiplayer environments and battles. But the sunk cost was already there... EA demanded an ROI. The solution, hide the problem for as long as humanly possibly. The PTS would never uncover these issues because nowhere near enough 50's were present on it to discover... as intended by BW.


You have all been suckered into a PVE game with illusions of PVP that BW knew would never exist halfway through development. The recommended hardware requirements for this game are spot on for single player PVE... the only real thing BW was selling.

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