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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is BW sitting on Paid Character Transfers?


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So, why did you decide to post this 501st thread, whilst you could simply have added to one of the already existing threads? ;)


Posts in the existing threads get buried and add little attention to the subject. New threads add a sense of immediacy; I love seeing new threads on this in the naive hope that the developers will do something about it. Surprised this has to be explained to such an obvious internet veteran.


Also, 501 has a nice ring. That's reason alone.

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So, why did you decide to post this 501st thread, whilst you could simply have added to one of the already existing threads? ;)


It's to make the issue more visible. I know it is possibly going to annoy them and cause them to give me a temporary ban in the forums, but I'm willing to take the chance. I care very much about this topic. I feel that the more the mods see this, they will complain about us whiners and then the devs will complain about the whining mods and then they will fix it.


Or you could just say that I work in the department of redundancy department.

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Still clinging to hope that Paid Transfers are just a tiny space jump away...


I have characters that are in standby mode waiting to hop on a shuttle to complete their Legacy.


Once my characters are all on the same server, they too will be purchasing goodies from the Cartel Market. Until then, they collect dust.

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Posts in the existing threads get buried and add little attention to the subject. New threads add a sense of immediacy; I love seeing new threads on this in the naive hope that the developers will do something about it. Surprised this has to be explained to such an obvious internet veteran.


Also, 501 has a nice ring. That's reason alone.


You think the devs are gonna do something about it? LOL They already have your money and could care less. Once you subscribe BW treats you like dirt.

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So, why did you decide to post this 501st thread, whilst you could simply have added to one of the already existing threads? ;)


Any reason why he should?


This topic ( all 500+ threads) is ignored by BW, so you know a few hundred more won't bother them.

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I look at all the players BioWare could make happy with this feature, and I have to wonder what the hold up is. I mean, people are actually asking to PAY for it (after two server merges, I'd be asking for free transfers, personally. Luckily for me, I'm content with where my characters are.)


They have the tech for it. They've been moving characters themselves for some time now, and have "consolidated servers" on more than one occasion. It's not like they don't have the capability to move characters from one server to another.


Perhaps they don't have a working button yet that we can press to make the move ourselves, but honestly, players have been asking for this since the game launched. They can't make this work in one full year? No, that can't be it. They haven't been trying to make it work for the past year. Ah, now that sounds more likely.



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I'm not here to whine, or make crazy accusations against BW.


But I am here to state that if/when paid character transfers are available, they will get some money from me to transfer one toon off a PvP server I no longer play on.


Don't do it as a favour for me though, BW - do it for yourselves. For the money.

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I would really like to know when are we finally getting servers transfers? I have invested considerable time, effort, and money into this game. But, the server that I am on only has late night raiding. So, my choices at this point are to start a new character on another server and spend another year rebuilding my characters or I have to wait and hope that your promised paid server transfers will ever appear. If I restart on another server, I just lost an entire year's work. If I stay, I cannot enjoy the upper end content because I have a job and cannot stay up to 1 or 3 AM each night. There are plenty of other servers that have more available raid times, but Jung Ma is not one of them.


You told us paid server transfers were coming soon. Then you told us that you did not have time/resources to do the server transfers because you had to spend your time on F2P. Well, now what?


If you think Cartel packs earn you money, just imagine how much you can earn from allowing us to buy server transfers?

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Considering we hardly have any servers at all, what's the point in having server transfers to begin with? Screw the PVE, PvP and RP server breakdowns just roll them all up into one server. Might as well just combine all the servers into one server and be done with it.
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Amen. This is my #1 desired feature.


They started this game with a huge sacred cow, with a huge wall put up between factions. With that, multiple knucklehead guilds insisted we create our avatars of different factions on different servers to save slots on same faction servers for alts and storage alts, LOL.


So, then Bioware logically backpedals on this faction bifurcation nonsense, almost to the point where we can finally have all our avatars rightfully in the same guild - if we so choose and as most would. They introduce Legacy perks that benefit players who have avatars of other factions on the same server. They introduce inter-faction trade. They introduce HK story lines and achievement/companion to take advantage of your other faction alt. Basically, they're saying, "oops, its good to have alts of both faction."


And we're stranded with our Rep alts on one server, and Empire alts on another. Thanks to Bioware's inability to implement a feature we already know they can support, we're still unable to take advantage of our alts and unite them on one server.


Truly ridiculous. From the initial faction-bifurcating sacred cows and lack of player guild flexibility regarding faction, to the long-standing inability to let us unite our avatars within the same guild and the same server.


Get with it, Bioware. This is LONG overdue, and really should have been addressed before launching the HK piece.

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Considering we hardly have any servers at all, what's the point in having server transfers to begin with? Screw the PVE, PvP and RP server breakdowns just roll them all up into one server. Might as well just combine all the servers into one server and be done with it.



This may be the plan and my latest theory...


BW will upgrade the character naming system that will allow more diverse names, such as first and last names. Once this is complete, all the North American servers will be combined and everyone is happy.


Yeah yeah, I'm dreaming.

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Considering we hardly have any servers at all, what's the point in having server transfers to begin with? Screw the PVE, PvP and RP server breakdowns just roll them all up into one server. Might as well just combine all the servers into one server and be done with it.


Err.. no.


RP and pve, fine.


But PVP.. no way, let the ego trippers play with themselves. :p

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I too created characters on a 2nd server. Both servers are North America and PVE. Now I want to put all my characters on the same server, and find that BioWare, cant , wont or does not know how to allow transfers again.

Are they afraid that I will learn how to play characters on both servers at the same time and destroy balance.

Take a trick from Trion's RIFT : Transfers unlimited to like servers, only a time limit between moves. Clear AH and empty mailboxes and you are set. And the Transfer is FREE


just my 2 credits worth

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What MMOs can do an individual's server transfers automatically and instantaneously? Just wondering.


All of them that have the service. Even the first round of transfers here where basically instant (not that we had a choice on where we could go). There is usually a disclaimer saying to give them an hour, but experience has been just a couple minutes.

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