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No Group Finder Was A Huge Mistake


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Just to throw my opinion in there, but I absolutely freakin' HATED the cross-server dungeon finder (unless I was a Tank, of course, in which case it was OMGSUPERFASTXPSANDLOOTS!). Unless you're on a large server and in a large guild, then the advice of "join a guild" isn't a 100% fix. There's going to be times you want to play and there's simply not enough people online or willing to join up to do what you want. So it's either don't play, or throw the dice with the LFD system.


The vast majority of those were bad dice rolls, with nothing more than people rushing at ridiculous speed (and then ************ when the healer, who had died in the previous fight trying to heal the tank, doesn't heal the tank who rushed into combat before said healer could be rezzed), people rolling on gear they don't actually need over those who could benefit from it, and of course people just generally being horrible to one another. Why? Because there's zero accountability. I've seen players vote to boot others out of groups because "I don't know him, I'll never see him again, so why the **** should I do something if it's not going to benefit me and just waste my time" in regards to optional bosses. You disagree with someone with good reason? Well, too bad he brought his two guildmates with him, and now you're the one sitting at the back of the queue.


Again, it's all about accountability. Pre-LFD in WoW, if someone ninjaed or were complete tools, everyone they could potentially play with would hear about it. Once those people are identified, it becomes much easier to avoid them in the future, leading to better runs and a more enjoyable experience.


It's a fail system that only rewards those whose only goal is to be "t3h 1337" as quickly as humanly possible. Instead of rushing to something that garners so much negative attention, Bioware should...


1. Pimp the living crap out of the current system. If you forced the knowledge of it's mechanisms into the head of enough players, enough people will start to use it that we won't need another system. Oh, and give us a LFG channel that is server wide and an individual can speak in only once a minute.


2. Failing that, introduce a Flashpoint Finder system that is server specific. Maybe it'll take a little bit longer, but it could easily supplement the age old "LFM" in chat, and server community and accountability won't be brutalized by a cross-server system.


3. If by chance that fails, then a cross-server system... with Bioware cranking up the strictness on player behaivor and upping the penalties on those reported rightfull for being complete *****s in game. Hell, put up a wall of shame so people on their server know what ******es they are, and if a player gets reported for treating others like garbage enough then outright ban them from the LFD system.


But I've personally seen what the LFD system did to WoW, and the negatives outweighed the positives. If you have no life (it's an MMO, you're really, really sad if you think skill is a huge factor) and super-rushed to maximum level before everyone else... well, that was your decision. Bioware shouldn't cater to the minority of players whose only goal is to get to max as soon as humanly possible.

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Maybe it's because it's a damn commandstring you enter?


How about this.


Remove the logout, make people use their brain and type /quit


Oh let's not forget to remove the option to invite players by clicking their portrait.


Can you tell me 1 reason not to have a LFG tool like in other games like "oh noez" WoW? With the exception for the unneeded Cross Server? How does a LFG tool unsocialize the game?


I will say it again: If a shop does not cater to it's customers by e.g putting up the cereals in the highest place then nobody is going to buy them and people will eventually find a better shop.


We are in 2011 people don't want to (and dont have to) use their brains anymore.


You go to the social tab, click the who tab. and you have a box that you can click for LFG and then can click comment. There is also a search box on the WHO tab and you put simply LFG. As I said earlier its not absolutely perfect. It would be easier to have another box added you can click that just shows people in LFG. then you can search for your quest/heroic/flashpoint. You do not have to use a command string at all.

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Easy solution make cross server an option for those who want it. Those who don't want to use the cross server don't have to. I wouldn't use it but it would make everyone happy.



Yeah, that's absolutely no different than WoW. There's nothing FORCING you to use the LFD system in WoW, but it also effectively prevents you from using older, traditional means.

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No thank you. Keep your instant gratification, and antisocial crud out.


There's nothing antisocial about finding a group, without having to spam General Chat of the most populated zone in the game for 2 hours, with a -chance- of getting a group


As for instant gratification; the game's content itself should be difficult, not getting a group for said content

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You go to the social tab, click the who tab. and you have a box that you can click for LFG and then can click comment. There is also a search box on the WHO tab and you put simply LFG. As I said earlier its not absolutely perfect. It would be easier to have another box added you can click that just shows people in LFG. then you can search for your quest/heroic/flashpoint. You do not have to use a command string at all.


How about no? I won't go through all that **** just because Bioware fails and many other customers wont.


Improve the system or I will take my $$$ somewhere else. It's simple as that.


You still failed to give me 1 reason against simplifying the system.

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There are three Empire Players on Belsavis, on Anchorhead US (A "FULL" Server with a lengthy queue). THREE


This means I cannot do Flashpoints that are my level, because there literally are not enough people. This is a major issue, because there are also not enough quests to level me properly, at 40 everything I see is at least 42 now, and part of an orange quest, that takes longer to trudge through than all the yellow quests from before.


I understand that somebody gave the false notion that LFD killed WoW's "community" (which was never great), and that standing in the Imperial Fleet for 2 hours at a time going "LF 1 Tank, 1 DPS for X then good to go" was going to build a strong "community"; but now that the game is actually Live, it's time to base ourselves once more in reality.


If there aren't enough quests, then you're forced to level by either Instances, or grinding. Since I can't do instances, as there are a grand total of 2 other people my level, I'll have to resort to grinding once these Orange quests run out and I'm left with nothing but Red quests who's mobs are 5 levels higher than me. Grinding is not fun, or a good method of leveling in 2011


Honestly, I'd even be willing to concede, and have the group finder Server-Only; at least then I could do the Flashpoint that's one below my optimal one, and get reasonable Experience; better than nothing.


The current statis is unacceptable; again, there are THREE PEOPLE on Belsavis, I can spam chat all day but that won't change the fact that there simply aren't enough people


Something i was telling people WAY before this game was released.


Just goes to show that what you think is cool and an awesome feature is in fact not.

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By the way: "Troll" is a term that's been floating around here pretty much every controversial thread. It would seem 99% of people have no clue whatsoever what a Troll actually is.


Here's a hint: Stating your opinion in a polite manner or simply ****posting isn't trolling. Trolling is the art of making other people argue and fight over something insignificant by making inconspicuous little posts,

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Yeah, that's absolutely no different than WoW. There's nothing FORCING you to use the LFD system in WoW, but it also effectively prevents you from using older, traditional means.


Older and traditional does not mean good, efficient or effective. Tradition often stands in the way of progress and improvement. Does it make sense to use a chisel to make a hole if you can get a power drill?


There's nothing antisocial about finding a group, without having to spam General Chat of the most populated zone in the game for 2 hours, with a -chance- of getting a group


As for instant gratification; the game's content itself should be difficult, not getting a group for said content


Agreed 100%

Edited by AeonWeapon
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LFG tool never killed WoW, the realm (server) wide LFG did.

It creates groups from different servers and because you never will see those players again, ppl start to forget about manners. There should be a non cross realm LFG.

Edited by squiek
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I don't think I remember one name of a person I have done heroic areas with or flashpoints with. As soon as we no longer need to be in a group it is, "Thanks guys". We don't exchange numbers or sign each others yearbooks after. It is the same thing most LFD groups do when their group is over.


If no Dungeon Finder, how about a summons for everyone when one person enters the instance at least, like rift before their matchmaker.


I have seen a few people kicked for taking too long to get to the point of interest.

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LFG tool never killed WoW, the realm (server) wide LFG did.

They really should add some kind of list you can put your name on.




I don't get all the people here that think making a game hard to use and hard to control makes it difficult. It's Artificial difficulty and part of a reason why SWTOR got such bad reviews.

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Older and traditional does not mean good, efficient or effective. Tradition often stands in the way of progress and improvement. Does it make sense to use a chisel to make a hole if you can get a power drill?


Didn't say it was the best system, just said it's a better system than what WoW currently presents. I'm sorry, but all it does is invite a *****torm and people getting treated like crap without consequence. You'd know this if you even skimmed through my giant post, but you'd rather may analogies that aren't even comparable to the LFG issue.


And yes, sometimes you need a chisel instead of a power drill, particularly with a job that demands precision and delicacy.

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I don't think I remember one name of a person I have done heroic areas with or flashpoints with. As soon as we no longer need to be in a group it is, "Thanks guys". We don't exchange numbers or sign each others yearbooks after. It is the same thing most LFD groups do when their group is over.


Yea, apparently us regular folks must be "doing it wrong" since we never make any "friends" from PUGing. I guess that's also WoWs fault. vOv

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Fancy making a mmo to release in 2011 and leaving out all the features that have been developed over the last 10 years.




Dynamic content


All contributer kill credit (IE, take out mob tagging)


Dynamic/auto group for quests




Just a few things I would have wanted added which are becomming standard in modern mmos.

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How about no? I won't go through all that **** just because Bioware fails and many other customers wont.


Improve the system or I will take my $$$ somewhere else. It's simple as that.


You still failed to give me 1 reason against simplifying the system.


So you want a system you click probably a window, then a tab and click the boxes for the countless number of heroics and the flashpoints and ops you want and then wait for the system to automaticly put in into a group? so instead of a few key strokes you want a few mouse clicks? the only easier part is you dont have to talk to anyone? (really am curious on that again, nothing more.)


And I have admitted it can be a little easier with a simple button to show just those LFG. But the current system is far from truly difficult to use.

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Also the integration of flashpoints lacks. I completed Dromund Kaas with lvl20 and asked myself, *** where are the flashpoints? After a long Google search, I found out that I had to return to imperial fleet to grab the quest from droids located in crew-trainers district. ***....I never would have returned there on my own. Kaas city has all NPCs you need. And there were no signs of existing flashpoints like a quest "go there". It's simply stupid to put flashpoint quests in a lvl10 zone.


I asked ppl in Dromund Kaas to to join my flashpoint group - all sends were "*** is hammer station? where to get the quest?".


Hotfix it please ! Or make it clear we've got a flashpoint hub @ imperial fleet.

Edited by squiek
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Yea, apparently us regular folks must be "doing it wrong" since we never make any "friends" from PUGing. I guess that's also WoWs fault. vOv




If you choose not to potentially friend up with someone you enjoyed teaming with, that's your perogative. However, with a cross-server system it's simply not possible the vast majority of the time. There was many a time I'd bump into someone in other MMOs while teaming that I enjoyed teaming with, and would make a point to do so more in the future. It made getting a dungeon/group mission going faster, and it usually meant I need not worry about randomly getting thrown with some 12 year old in a dire need of having his *** beat, knowing full well he'll just keep acting like a tool to the next people he teams with.


Server specific LFG systems? Sure. Cross-server LFG systems? NO! Doing so would be wishing warm to SWTOR, and hopefully the amount of people staunchly against it not only on these forums, but on virtually every other MMO forum, should be evidence that it's a terrible idea. If you can't put that together, then, well... I really don't know what else to say.

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All they need to do is a tool/terminal you can sign in what you are looking for.

That doesn't mean flashpoints only. This also could be lvling together or to put some bounty on a republicans head.

Edited by squiek
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Also the integration of flashpoints lacks. I completed Dromund Kaas with lvl20 and asked myself, *** where are the flashpoints? After a long Google search, I found out that I had to return to imperial fleet to grab the quest from droids located in crew-trainers district. ***....I never would have returned there on my own. Kaas city has all NPCs you need. And there were noch signs of existing flashpoints like a quest "go there". It's simply stupid to put flashpoint quests in a lvl10 zone.


I asked ppl in Dromund Kaas to to join my flashpoint group - all sends were "*** is hammer station? where to get the quest?".


Hotfix it please ! Or make it clear we've got a flashpoint hub @ imperial fleet.


Also a good post.


On DK (and Coruscant, it's the same Republic side), we could use an NPC to send us to the second flashpoint. I happened to head back to the fleet to pick up my Dark Side gauntlets, and was lucky enough to stumble on the droid while I was there.

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Didn't say it was the best system, just said it's a better system than what WoW currently presents. I'm sorry, but all it does is invite a *****torm and people getting treated like crap without consequence. You'd know this if you even skimmed through my giant post, but you'd rather may analogies that aren't even comparable to the LFG issue.


And yes, sometimes you need a chisel instead of a power drill, particularly with a job that demands precision and delicacy.


Spamming LFG in chat is precise and delicate? I'd say calling up a list of people who want to do the same dungeon and quickly forming a team is much more precise.


You're going to have to meet strangers at some point one way or another. If you don't like how they treat the team or handle loot or whatever, don't team with them again, or kick them.

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