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MMO Report on "Transfers"


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so...being featured in the number 1 mmo web page..and from one of the top gaming tv channels in the world isnt enough?...if u dont knwo him ur the one being OFF lol


Fox News. Number one cable new channel. 'Nuff said.

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I can't believe people still keep talking about this free-to-play thing means the entire game will be free. It simply means that you have a trial account that doesn't expire. Nothing more. Stop with the idiotic comments about the game going F2P, EA is too money hungry to ever let that happen.


Fox News. Number one cable new channel. 'Nuff said.



Edited by Senatsu
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I can't believe people still keep talking about this free-to-play thing means the entire game will be free. It simply means that you have a trial account that doesn't expire. Nothing more. Stop with the idiotic comments about the game going F2P, EA is too money hungry to ever let that happen.






Lots of games make MORE money when they go F2P with micro look at team fortress 2 as an example of a game that started making way more money when they started letting people play for free(no box sales, you just downloaded and played) and used micro to rack in cash.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Interesting. I agree with his opinion the transfers were not handled well in terms of address a lot of the player's concerns and what will happen to those still on the low pop servers. I cannot see how the transfers addressed any unbalance issues with the servers, when they took what appeared to be decent pop ones and allowed transfers off those to the ones which allready had a nice pop. :rolleyes:


The Secret world? I beta tested it and it sucks IMO.

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Agreed--especially when subscriptions only amount to "paying for stuff the developers should have put in if they had just waited for launch" these days.


Uncle Dezzi's Mailbag - but how can we still have Uncle Dezzi, when his sub ran out a few days ago? A sub that, reportedly, wasn't going to be renewed? :cool:


The MMO Report is meant to be satire - it's meant to be taken about as seriously as the 7 Wonders of the Wall.



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wait? G4 does other things then play reruns of Cops? since when?


seiruosly this guy is an idiot. Sorry but almost no one on the swiftsure have been complaining about the transfer.


Seirously the vast majority of people have been more then happy about this yet he makes it seem like it was the worst thing ever. I hate it when bloggers try to act like actual reporters

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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


just to be clear you believe a "PROFESSIONAL" review should start off with Insane Clown Possy?


First off if you think for one second that "professionals" will dictate the fate of MMOs you are completely lost. The PLAYERS will decide the face of MMOs the "faces of teh industry" as you put do nothing.


I hate to break it to you but bloggers, reviewers, and so called industry profesionals do not dictate what happens. WE DO.


There once was a time when a reviewer in a newspaper could make or break a film, but in the 1970s a movie called "Bonnie and Clyde" came out and it was universally HATED by the so called "industry profesionals" However the public LOVED it and it became one of the first blockbusters. It completely changed everything. Now reviewers have no power what so ever in deciding the fate of movies.

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I don't know if you anyone here follows the MMO report with Casey Schreiner. In the past he has always been a supporter of SWTOR. This time he went for the jugular X_X. Here you go! Skip to about 5:41 to see the SWTOR part. MMO REPORT


thanks or warning us of the profanity from the "insane clown posse"

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oh really...because Curse trying to monopolize every game related content is any sort of news to someone?


its not surprising that Curse launched theyre own show...and they own mmo champ so mmo report go t droppped...but guess what///still goes on every week on G4 tv...wich...again..one of the top gaming channels in the world..probably the number one in western civs.....pls..try ahrder bud


ROFL G4 the top gamining channel in the world? Well maybe the ONLY one. No wait South Korea has a bunch but I guarentee they have way more viewers then G4.


IF G4 is the top gaming channel in the world how come it has to resort to playing NON GAMING Program for THE MAJORITY OF THE DAY? They don't even do gaming shows during prime time they show Ninja Warrior.


I'm sorry to break this to you but G4 is a joke.

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Why not??



The major points are,


SW:ToR has lost alot of people

SW:ToR needs to migrated to conslidate there players.

He doesn't like they way they handled it. (I don't either dead server should be turned off so players don't roll on them by mistake)

He thinks the game might go free to play and get micro because of it,


Those his major point that I got out of it.

I bolded the important part. See those two things are just his opinion but he is presenting them as facts or news.


It's like a profesional CNN reporter talking about a murder suspect and saying he thinks he did it and should fry for it.


This does happen quite a bit in real news but it is something that is wrong and needs to stop. Another example is whenever there is a big disaster the news stations always try to go for the emotional angle and end up not actually reporting any informaion. They always ask the reporter to describe what he sees. Which is complete BS. They have a video camera there WE DON"T NEED YOU TO TELL US WHAT YOU SEE WE CAN SEE IT FOR OURSELVES.


Do some actual reporting and give us info like has this ever happened before? When did it happen before? How many people are affected? When might the problem get fixed and so on.




end rant.

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wait he says "some people missed their transfers" ***???


That is a lie no one can "miss" their transfer as you can still transfer them right now


I knew he was bad but this is just down right offensive to make up lies like that even if it is for a satire show.

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Sorry but once Adam Sessler left that was pretty much it for me and G4 when it comes to games. All they have now are a couple of guys who look like they may be held at gunpoint to talk about videogames, another guy who likes to make a mockery of the MMO business more often than not, and ofcourse the attempted sex appeal of Morgan Webb who stopped being any kind of sexy when she started going for supermodel thin. Videogame journalism doesn't really exist on G4 anymore. It's about appeal now and not to the crowd it was originally intended for. I agree that TOR and Bioware have some pretty big problems right now but G4 is one of the last places I want to hear that from.
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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


LOL, dictate mmo fates....good one.

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wait he says "some people missed their transfers" ***???


That is a lie no one can "miss" their transfer as you can still transfer them right now


I knew he was bad but this is just down right offensive to make up lies like that even if it is for a satire show.


What can you expect from this kind of clowns, I'm more amazed by the fact that someone actually watches this and then links it on the swtor forums :/

Edited by ChazDoit
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the MMO report will always make fun of MMO's, I wouldn't make this valid that people should leave just because of someone else's opinion. Do what you want to do based on your own opinion not based on someone else's. It's just like watching Saturday Night Live, you become discouraged to get into politics just because of someone making fun of it/ stating their own opinion. It's never based on someone else's opinion. Edited by Jonoku
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G4 is really incoherent. At one point they review a mechanic as a negative point, only for a different game to have the same thing and review it as a positive. Good thing I only see anything about G4 once in a blue moon. They call it "Gamer TV" when really they only show 1 30 program about games. It's like the new MTV. Now if South Korea would kindly broadcast some of they're stations over to the US...
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Why should I care about this guys opinion over everyone elses?.

He can post his opinion in the official server transfers discussion thread. :rolleyes:


Thats what I say about all these wanna be news casters, and arm chair dev's Why do I care what they have to say, you know what they say about opinions ? The news that matters to me comes form one place the dev tracker, thats the only facts to worry about even then, never take it as rock solid trueth../shrug

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OK this guy is an idiot, but then you should be suspect when insane clown posse is his open act. Was this supposed to be a funny report or is he really as dumb as he sounds? I found it to be insulting and clearly only intended for those of limited intellect. From what I saw, BW watched the boards, talked to the community and kept everyone up to date. People lost names, legacy names and complained ad nadseum, if you can't think of something that was original enough to not get replaced, then you limited yourself. No matter what, this "report" was crap on crap, really liked the oh its going F2P soon at the end, more of the same doomsayer nonsense.
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I don't know if you anyone here follows the MMO report with Casey Schreiner. In the past he has always been a supporter of SWTOR. This time he went for the jugular X_X. Here you go! Skip to about 5:41 to see the SWTOR part. MMO REPORT


It's a shame he can't write. I'll have to skip his thoughts. I'm sure he felt good while he recorded them and then slapped a 30 second video advertisement in front of it.



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Tech TV was great and I watched it religiously. Shows like "Call For Help" were perfect for that network and then, I think it was called "Extended Play" with Adam Sessler and that red headed woman had honest reviews of games. Then Tech TV turned into G4, "Call For Help" was dropped and they started airing "Attack of the Show" and "Extended Play" was turned into "XPlay". That's when the network "Jumped the Shark" and I lost interest.


A couple of months ago, I went searching for the network and found that DirecTV dropped them. I did some searching and found their website. Even their own message boards were saying the network stinks, lol.


So, who is this guy and why do I care?

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I went to best buy yesterday and picked up a copy of SWTOR just to look at it. The Best Buy sales representative looked at me and said "you don't want to buy that, the game is dead".


This right here is a point I believe many people are glossing over.


It doesn't matter what you think of Casey Schreiner. It doesn't matter how truthful you believe he is. It doesn't matter how professional you think he is. But other people do take his reports as fact. It doesn't matter if you like that or not. These people are usually the ones in a position to get new players to the game. Such as the Best Buy rep in the quote.

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