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No PvP Brackets = Fail


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I couldnt agree more, If they have followed WoW so much why not cross server, bracketed queues?? Im starting to not even know if Im playing my class correctly, Im fine in questing and group activities.. But in PvP my gunslinger smuggler feels so under powered vs the higher levels, they can jack my stats up all they want but lower level lack of abilities is killing me!
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I like it.


I'm only level 17 since restarting on a new server, but I enjoy the challenge. Nothing more satisfying than winning an engagement / 1v1 against players with a toolset advantage. Skill still matters to a degree, and it's great practice.


So what if you lose now? The rewards are comparable, even when you lose. Eventually, the average level of the playerbase will be closer to 50 than 10, and the disparity will be greatly reduced.


And FYI, if you signficantly max out your gear for your particular level, the Bolster mechanic actually goes overboard adjusting your stats. I walked into a match the other day with 14k hitpoints and very high damage/defense, wearing all blues/oranges that were within 2 levels of my character. I was sending level 35+'s running at level 15.

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Leave the system as is.


Playing republic side we are, of course, the "newbs" of PvP. I'm currently level 27 and been doing Warzones from well level 10-27 as I have just started my Corr quests.


At anyrate


Yesterday I ran into a "guild group" of 4 50's in Alderaan and Huttball.


Alderann we 3 capped them and they later got 2 back but then we won by 90 points.


Huttball we won 4-0.


I was the highest level in the Warzone most people were lower 20's or in the teens.


The bloster system does many things, 1 makes pvp fun for all levels (if you get "destroyed" by someone, rethink how you're playing) and I say that because a level 10 sniper is one of the MOST dangerous people on the battlefield, lord do they hit hard. I digress.


2nd it makes it so you can group with you guild mates/friends. I could be level 50 they could be 14 we can still pvp together.


3rd Cuts down on que times, if the system was in brackets odds are I wouldn't even pvp until 50.


The system should stay as is, because there are FAR more Pro's then Con's.

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What, you don't like going in to PvP as a level 10 and getting facerolled by opponents in their 30's?!


Seriously, what the hell were BioWare thinking with this trainwreck?


"Hey guys let's take every improvement that every other successful MMO has eventually figured out and implemented into their PvP and NOT DO ANY OF IT".

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What, you don't like going in to PvP as a level 10 and getting facerolled by opponents in their 30's?!


Seriously, what the hell were BioWare thinking with this trainwreck?


"Hey guys let's take every improvement that every other successful MMO has eventually figured out and implemented into their PvP and NOT DO ANY OF IT".


I know I went into pvp @ 10 and would kill 30's..


I got into pvp @ 27 and kill 50's.

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What, you don't like going in to PvP as a level 10 and getting facerolled by opponents in their 30's?!


Seriously, what the hell were BioWare thinking with this trainwreck?


"Hey guys let's take every improvement that every other successful MMO has eventually figured out and implemented into their PvP and NOT DO ANY OF IT".


Its comments like these that make me wonder if people even understand how stats work in SWTOR BGs.

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You know for everyone of a lower level complaining about higher levels there another person staring a thread on how a lower level killed his higher level. Bolster is a great system as is. I've seen and have been myself the lowest level in a warfront with top dps or top medals. Yes you have to be a little more careful especially melee but its only a l2p your class properly thing.


Im not saying this to be rude but if your joining a warzone at 10-15 your not going to know everything about your class or its mechanics that maybe you will know at 20-30. Its a learning experience as you go.

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You know for everyone of a lower level complaining about higher levels there another person staring a thread on how a lower level killed his higher level. Bolster is a great system as is. I've seen and have been myself the lowest level in a warfront with top dps or top medals. Yes you have to be a little more careful especially melee but its only a l2p your class properly thing.


Top DPS or top medals means **** all when the other team all has pulls and high tree abilities at their disposal. It isn't a big deal when you get randoms vs randoms but when you get premade vs randoms it is so lopsided that it isn't even fun. I always expect a premade to win vs randoms but some of these matches are so lopsided that a lot of folks don't want to even queue anymore.

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no brackets, ever. brackets are for people with weak skills who want to gank lower level players. if you are a lowbie, practice with what skills you have and learn to use them to their best advantage. this may involve being a support type player until you get some cc skills under your belt. bolster works fine, leave it alone. its called Player vs. Player, not bracket vs bracket, skill is the tool to use, not an extended hotbar.
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agreed. Totally need brackets.


Also on a side note. You can only do premades with 4 ppl. Ops groups cant Que for Warzones...say what?!?!?! Hated Pvp in beta, and im hating even more now. Huttball 10 straight games has got to stop.

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The most important reason for the need of brackets (IMO) I haven't seen mentioned once in this thread.


Competition and the feel of accomplishment.


To start off, yes making brackets with only same server ques would be horrible. The que times would be hours for some brackets, so cross server queing is a must.


Second, I don't want to spend time in an mmo, farming gear, which is one of the top things you do in an online game, only to que in and have it all normalized with everyone else of all levels. You may as well que in without any gear on at all, and not spend any points you earn on gear, cause its a waste.


Currently I see the pvp system as nothing more than a random mashing of buttons to pass time with no goal, competitive play or strategy in mind. I think some people, myself included, would like that changed.

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'right, I do not want to start a war about it but ... something has to be done.

I always though brackets were bad but a necessary evil.


It's nice to have our stats bolstered ... it doesn't do much to help fight against a better armed people. (Talents > Skills > Stats)

While it is true that you can take on people higher than you with very little effort, you are still weak due to a lack of "talents" which others have...


Brackets are a necessary evil and I intend to pound the drum as often as I can on this matter.


No need to have 10 brackets, 2 or 3 should suffice plenty.

Just so people are not crushed beneath the anything "overwhelming" such as a bunch of level 30's and above (just got out of Void Star, that's about what it was, a bunch of level 30+ vs a bunch of lvl 10, it was ugly.)


I understand some people will flame this thread and start to ask me to L2P but...

It won't stop me.


BioWare, altho I enjoy PvP as is...

Something will have to be done post-launch.


i disagree, i've beaten the hell out of people that are 20+ levels above me. I like how it takes the gear aspect out of the game. That said they should probably have a level 50 bracket.

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No bracketing is the best thing to happen to PvP recently. It give my entire guild a chance to do something together, regardless of level, and have the ability to profit from the time spent.


I've been PvPing on my Ops since level 11 and have NEVER felt like the higher level characters are dominating. Sure, I have less abilities, but I make up for it with smart play and proper rotations. Since level 11, I don't think I have ever been out of the top two slots (for both teams) for most healing. Thats me in the teens vs people who are in the 30s.


You can be very effective in this game even at low level. The only disadvantage is that you don't have all your abilities yet, but thats not anywhere near insurmountable...

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What exactly do you think you would get by level 50 that would so greatly increase your survivability against 3 people of any level focusing you?


Is 49 points of skill tree specialization and all of the bonuses/oh-****-buttons/and additional skills worth mentioning?


I think so.

Edited by Modecrypt
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Is 49 points of skill tree specialization and all of the bonuses/oh-****-buttons/and additional skills worth mentioning?


I think so.


41 points actually, but yeah basically an entire tree, I get that. Maybe some tank classes get some 31pt temp invulnerability ability that would have made all the difference, but everyone else is going to die because it's 3 on 1.


People are crying about getting killed by 50s at level 10 and I don't think they really know what abilities were used on them or what could have saved them if they were higher level. I bet most of the time they're getting killed by bread-and-butter DPS abilities that people got very early on and they're just immediately chalking it up to a level difference.

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I beat terrible players before so the lack of brackets is fine


Oh please, the difference between 20 levels of talents, cooldowns, and abilities is massive. Being able to stomp some random fools who have no idea what they are doing doesn't change the fact that higher level players have a HUGE advantage over lower level ones.


Stats don't win fights in this game. Proper usage of abilities and cooldowns do. Except you don't have those abilities and cooldowns because you are lower level.

Edited by Vgbeee
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