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10 Good
  1. We should only discuss median and mode if you're going to try and use median and mode to make a witty comment on player skill and driving ability. Otherwise, I don't think its necessary. Also was your defense: "I totally used the wrong term to make a point (thus rendering the point nonsensical) but everyone does it so you should leave me alone"? If so, that's awesome.
  2. Someone doesn't know what an average is. (The term you were looking for was the mean. Averages can be skewed so that its not a 50/50 split.)
  3. Edit: idipper made my point. I should read further into topics (I.E. past the first post.) idipper is completely correct.
  4. Armortech/Synthweavers can make Rakata wrists and belts with a chance at crit procing an augment slot giving them a chance at 56 more of a primary stat (str, will, aim, cun) than a non Armotech/Synthweaver (2 slots at 28 primary stat a piece). Artifaces can do the same thing with on use Rakata relics (and as far as I know, on use Rakata relics don't drop from HM Ops anyway). From a progression raid standpoint, Armstechs, Cybertechs and now Biochemists now have nothing to compete with that. A NiM raid will be fully stocked with medpacs/adrenals and stims. Serious PvPers will buy their adrenals/medpacs from the PvP vendors. Biochems need either Rakata implants with the chance to crit augment slots or a better stim for it to be useful in an end game environment. This nerf was overboard and unnecessary. You already took away the overpowered medpacs, I don't understand why the stim was touched. Armstechs/Cybertechs are also getting slighted and deserve to be competitive with the other crafting professions. (From a PvP perspective, the smart move would be to allow Armotech/Synthweaving/Artiface battlemaster BoP items with augment slots so they have uses in both aspects of the game.)
  5. The battlemaster bags should drop battlemaster tokens at the exact same rate as they do now.
  6. If you have 605 expertise and you're getting 3 shot by a op you're doing something terribly wrong. I don't have near that (likely inflated) number and not once has an op come close to 1, 2, or 3 shotting me as a sorcerer.
  7. If there is no where to LOS, you've put yourself in a terrible position. After your interrupt you stun. After your stun you knockback. After your knockback you interrupt again. Thats more than 4 seconds, do damage.
  8. One 6k crit is not enough to lose the fight, especially considering you now have full resolve and they've lost their ability to do much of anything. I'm a sorc, and I never had trouble with ops at my gear level because I knew how to fight them (trinket the stun, dot, and kite). If you couldn't do that, then the trick is to stay next to teammates. The nerfs were overboard and unnecessary considering mercs and sorcs are much more well rounded classes.
  9. If a sorc is hitting you for 5k with Lightning Strike, you've done something terribly terribly wrong.
  10. Being a jerk doesn't make you right. It just makes you a jerk. The bolster system has a long term goal that you're not seeing. In 2-3 months, the people in the 10-49 level range will make a small percentage of the people PvPing on a server at a given time. Thus if the system was bracketed, the lower level brackets would be empty and huge queue times would be the norm, making it completely useless to PvP while leveling. The system as implemented makes you competitive with level 50s even if your level 10. You can't be as aggressive or control the game as much, but with a conservative approach you can be effective and provide support without doing top DPS. More importantly, you can level and PvP at the same time. If you have a problem with not being as powerful as a level 50 (someone who put in the time to get to level 50) then you've got a warped sense of how player progression works in SWTOR. The system is similar to modern day FPS. As you play more, you get better guns (abilities), but right from the start you can still be an asset to your team. If you don't want to put in the time to get the better abilities, then you can continue to be weaker.
  11. This plan gives no incentive to actually hit level 50. Shoot, if this was the system pvpers would be done with the game at 10.
  12. You understand that after 2-3 months a vast majority of people will be 50. I'd expect the lower level zones to be mostly empty. Point being, a 10-30 bracket will not lower queue times significantly when such a small percentage of people will fit into that bracket. Cross server groups for low levels requires extensive amounts of development, and lends it self to opening up cross server groups for everything (once the technology exists for low level brackets, players will demand it for everything) which destroys server community and really isn't necessary. Temporarily giving low level players all their abilities destroys the whole point of progression and leveling up, which is a pillar of gaming. From a game philosphy standpoint, you won't see this one. Et cetera means nothing to me in this context, so if you have more ideas I'll be glad to point out the cons in them. Also to revisit your point about "whoever has the least low levels wins" argument (I addressed this in an edit to my last post, but I'll readdress it here anyway). That argument holds true for "whoever has the most healers", "whoever has the least bads", "whoever has the most premade players". Really its random chance, and isn't worth an of overhaul the system.
  13. As opposed to: "whoever has the least amount of idiots wins", "whoever has the highest amount of premades wins", "whoever has the most heals wins", "whoever has the most OP'd class wins". I'd much rather have PvP open through 10-50 and deal with a few under-powered but still viable people. Especially when these lower level people will be in the vast minority of players after 2 months.
  14. Is everyone really this short sited? In 2-3 weeks you will be level 50. When you hit level 50, this 10 vs 50 gap will cease to be a problem for you. However, in 2-3 months, the vast majority of people will be playing their level 50 characters. If we were to bracket the PvP system, the 10-19, 20-29, 30-39 range will be mostly empty on each server once enough time has passed. That means you could no longer effectively level your alts through PvP, at least not without waiting 30+ minutes on a queue. As evident from WoW, cross-server queues hardly helps this problem and at the same time you hurt the server community. Please actually take the time to think about what you're asking for. I hope Bioware has, and won't listen to your knee jerk reactions to a "problem" that you will resolve in 2 weeks.
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