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No PvP Brackets = Fail


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'right, I do not want to start a war about it but ... something has to be done.

I always though brackets were bad but a necessary evil.


It's nice to have our stats bolstered ... it doesn't do much to help fight against a better armed people. (Talents > Skills > Stats)

While it is true that you can take on people higher than you with very little effort, you are still weak due to a lack of "talents" which others have...


Brackets are a necessary evil and I intend to pound the drum as often as I can on this matter.


No need to have 10 brackets, 2 or 3 should suffice plenty.

Just so people are not crushed beneath the anything "overwhelming" such as a bunch of level 30's and above (just got out of Void Star, that's about what it was, a bunch of level 30+ vs a bunch of lvl 10, it was ugly.)


I understand some people will flame this thread and start to ask me to L2P but...

It won't stop me.


BioWare, altho I enjoy PvP as is...

Something will have to be done post-launch.




Originally Posted by Misfit

I disagree as a lvl 15-18 BH there are a lot of times I top the dmg/kill chart. There are times at that same range with my Sith Jugg that I have scored 2/3 goals in huttball and made a difference.


I just wish the queue times were shorter. By making brackets I think the queue times would go up and some brackets would not even have any action.


The game gets interesting at around this level, you get the essential "core" PvP talents (In my case, "sap" and force speed & force slow) It allows you to keep up with the rest of the group while having a tactical advantage of some sort over your foes.

The more you progress into the game, the less you notice your inferiority but 'til you get there... Well, the game is practically a "sit & die" or a "hunt & kill" way of life which kinda gets depressing over time.


(You either enjoy your fate as a lowbie and die with a smile on your face, knowing just can't & won't do any better OR you hold back and pick your fights therefore you hunt the low lifers to inflict them a killing blow which can also result in a depressive state of mind since you're merely doing anything but to steal some1's hard work.)


My point is, the game is fun... that didn't change so far BUT having brackets would make this "fun" more attractive and funnier than fun.


I'm not saying we need them now tho but we'll most definitely need them to keep our lowbies interested in the game.

Edited by NinjaScroll
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I'd have to agree, I'm not one to support the bracket system, but when its level 30s vs level 10s it's a little bit much. The only problem is that how does one split the brackets up? 10-19 is too restricted, whereas 10 - 24 and 25 - 50 is a massive level gap.


If there's anything to be done with PvP, the only two options are to have it either extremely restricted (10 - 19 and so on), or keep it the way it is.

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I'd have to agree, I'm not one to support the bracket system, but when its level 30s vs level 10s it's a little bit much. The only problem is that how does one split the brackets up? 10-19 is too restricted, whereas 10 - 24 and 25 - 50 is a massive level gap.


If there's anything to be done with PvP, the only two options are to have it either extremely restricted (10 - 19 and so on), or keep it the way it is.


I would do 10-29, 30-49, and give 50s their own bracket.

Edited by anedorivan
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I would do 10-29, 30-49, and give 50s their own bracket.


This. I find (as a level 12-16) in PvP i stand a strong chance of fighting back given the stat boosts but i almost always get dropped by characters above 30. 10-29, 30-49 and 50 seems a very sensible way to separate the levels in PvP and 50s definitely need their own bracket, if only so that the game will actually be challenging for them =-).

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Yeah the bolster thing confuses me because skills make such a huge difference in the game.


If they bolster system was really meant to even the odds, they would need to bolster low level characters even more (bolster scaled by level), so in stats a bolstered lv10 is better than a lv50, to try and even out the difference in gear and learnt abilities/skill.


I've also seem MMO pvp where instead of bolstering low levels, you drop high levels. So we could have say, a few PVP instances, lv10-lv20, lv30-lv40, etc. And if a lv50 wants to play in a lower level instance, they get dropped back to lv10 and their gear bonuses get proportionally reduced and any skills/abilities they learnt later than lv10 will not be useable.

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Agree, but i would just make 2 Brackets something like 10-29 and 30-50



If you are good with your class you can outdamage many players even if you are 1x but the lack of CC will always hurt you.

Edited by Kroktar
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I'd do 10-24 then 25-49 with 50's in their own bracket.


I feel a level 10 has a chance against a low 20 with bolster granted nothing in PvP is ever 1v1 but when you have 8 20's vs 8 teens then the 20's are going to win out every single time.

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I know a good solution, scratch all classes, levels and gear. That way nobody can ever have any kind of advantage AT ALL!!! Brilliant idea, right?


Its already bad enough as it is, dont make things any worse.

Edited by Hydrott
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So far on my server most people are still in the teens and 20's. I haven't seen any high level ROTFLstomping yet, but that would be awful.


We could give players all their abilities and talents while in PvP only. That isn't the only problem though. Higher levels have expertise gear, which may be the biggest issue.

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i agree that the bolster system is a bad ide, but if we start to bracket up we only going to be sitting in queue all day. I do like that its server only, it makes it easy to get to known your enemy and friends.


If any i whould say 10-39 and 40-50 brackets.

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'right, I do not want to start a war about it but ... something has to be done.

I always though brackets were bad but a necessary evil.


It's nice to have our stats bolstered ... it doesn't do much to help fight against a better armed people. (Talents > Skills > Stats)

While it is true that you can take on people higher than you with very little effort, you are still weak due to a lack of "talents" which others have...


Brackets are a necessary evil and I intend to pound the drum as often as I can on this matter.


No need to have 10 brackets, 2 or 3 should suffice plenty.

Just so people are not crushed beneath the anything "overwhelming" such as a bunch of level 30's and above (just got out of Void Star, that's about what it was, a bunch of level 30+ vs a bunch of lvl 10, it was ugly.)


I understand some people will flame this thread and start to ask me to L2P but...

It won't stop me.


BioWare, altho I enjoy PvP as is...

Something will have to be done post-launch.


I didn't even think it would needed to be brought up as the whole concept of "one big free for all" in BGs is dumb. I mean who actually sat back and thought "ya know what, let's group all players together regardless of their level and let them fight it out in a BG. We can buff their stats up and that will even everything out...blah...blah...blah"...whoever came up with this should be fired (or hopefully already is). As OP mentions, big f**kin deal if you buff their stats, they still have ZERO special attacks that are worthwhile and always results in the lower levels getting steamrolled.


Take a tip from WoW with the BGs, you don't need to break it up into a ton of groups but a few will definitely be better than the garbage system that is implemented now...

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I don't think there should be brackets. I have met some pretty good lower level players that have beaten me. If it's a huge deal just bolster people more. I fear that brackets will make ques for warzone hours long. Or just do like 2 brackets: 10-40 and 41-50 or something like that. Edited by Shrilokka
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