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Everything posted by Yaksha

  1. I love it how people on forums arbitrarily over inflate their numbers just to make their opinions seem more legit. Where did you get 5000 from? Would it have something to do with the 170 (*gasp*, 170, ALMOST 5000!) different vibroswords already in the game. So extending them to assassins obviously requires thousands? Seriously if bioware implemented this, it'd probably be more like 20, with maybe half that many actual graphics. Or, they could just make a very few ones as a special item. Rich players will pay a lot to look 'unique'. And if it's essentially a light saber with a different name and skin slapped on it, well no need to consider balance, easy for them.
  2. hmm, that is possible. I do have a programable mouse, but my left click is mapped to left click. Where abouts is the in game option to hav left click 'interact'? I can't seem to find it
  3. I've been playing for a while, today suddenly... My left mouse click h as gone crazy. I can still click on hotbar items, and click on menu items, dialogue, etc. However any object which glows blue (e.g. quest objectives, quest terminals, doors, etc.)... when I mouse over the icon turns into the hand symbol. However left click does NOTHING. Right click still works as usual... Has anyone seen this before, if so how to fix it? It's not game breaking (since I can right click instead) but it's very very annoying. Just to clarify, I can left click on parts of the user interface fine. It's left clicking on in-game objects that won't work. I've tried Ctrl+U twice, logging out, restarting my comp, trying a different mouse. Any ideas?
  4. I was off to get the dune sea datacrons (the ones that involve balloon rides), I've done this a few times, and failed many times... so I've attempted to jump onto the balloon a LOT of times... Anyway today I noticed this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/269/wtftx.png/ Just wondering if anyone knows what this is? It's a jawa standing in front of a holocron of a jawa. Both are clickable, there were no other players around. So is this meant to be something, or is it just a random cosmetic thing they added in 1.2?
  5. With biochem implants, there are two ways to learn how to make them. 1. Learning from crew skill trainers. These implants start off green, can be REed to blue then purple. 2. Learning from a schematic item. These implants start off blue. For example, "Memory Resolve D-System". I've been trying to reverse engineer these, I've REed heaps and nothing happens... Is it not possible to RE these to purple tier 1 then purple tier 2, or have I just been really unlucky?
  6. I just read the wookieepedia page for the emperor. His life looks like this
  7. Used to be, when I unlock a new codex entry, some flashy text appears on my screen. When I hit lv50, i started going back to old planets to mop up the rest of the exploration, datacrons, codex, etc. I notice that i'm not getting that message anymore when I unlock a new codex entry. I think it may be related to the fact that now that I'm lv50, I no longer gain xp from new codec enteries. Do other lv50s notice this?
  8. I've always wondered about this myself. Let's say that force sensitivity can be granted randomly via random mutation, but at the same time it is an inheritable trait and that sensitivity is continous. So like height. Short people could still (rarely) produce someone of absolutely any height, where as on average the taller your parents are the taller you are, with some variation. The Jedi picks force sensitives and those who stay with the Jedi order do not reproduce and pass on that sensitivity. However is there really any indication that the 'most force sensitive' people in each generation are being taken out of the gene pool? - As people pointed out, the galaxy is a big place. Lots of people, lots of force sensitives. The jedi order cannonically numbers what? 10 thousand? Maybe 100 thousand. I doubt it though. So it's possible that the number of Jedi compared to force sensitives is in fact so small that they are not creating any selective pressure against force sensitivity. - Secondly, the strongest force sensitives do not necessarily become Jedi. I'd imagine that out of the children who join the Jedi, there are different degrees of force sensitivity. But we know a lot of Jedi fail to become Jedi (remember the Jedi Apprentice series, where a young Obi-Wan almost didn't become a Padawan, at which point he would have been sent to the agriculture corps and presumably lived a fairly normal life). So is there any correlation between strong force sensitivity and becoming a Jedi? I know the most powerful Jedi must also be naturally force sensitive, but there are probably still heaps of very force sensitive individuals who never make it. - Lastly, we know that the force runs strongly in families. However we don't know significant this compared to all the force users who come from non-force families. Maybe most force sensitives are 'random' occurances, and a few truly powerful force linages are actually a rarity.
  9. I don't see why you are complaining. You know what's in the game now, you know what the cost is, decide whether or not you want it. Seriously, if you want to play a MMO in a bubble you can for every MMO. If you are not doing that, then there is plenty of interaction. I can't count how many times I've - Had some random player help me in a fight (even though the enemies were gray), or I've passed a player who looked like they were losing and happen to be in a good mood and help them. - Randomly whisper to passing players to get them to help me kill something, team up for a heroic (asking players already in the area works heaps better than general chat. Something like "Do you want to do lvx heoric y quest, in this area, i can share" works like a charm). - I make my money on the GTN, and I buy everything I want as soon as I can - companion gifts, new gear regularly for all my companions from the GTN, crafting recipies, etc. Yes I know it's a waste of money but I like being able to put some effort into making money of other people and then splurge it. - Have had to fustratingly wait for stuff to respawn because another player just beat me to it. Or stealthing past players fighting a mob to take a resource node / quest point - Being killed or killed in world PVP, i suppose this won't necessarily apply to you - And that's not including all the ACTUAL multiplayer content, actual groups for heroics, FP, negotiating to swap mats/trades with other players, datacrons that need multiple players, etc. I dunno, I am on the server that is constantly having queues, so this may make a difference. But even on this server, if I wanted to play ignoring every other player I could. You may want to do that but the rest of us are happy enough with the interaction. Yes the instancing is a little high. I like instancing for stories - gives a real RPG feel to a MMO. The instancing for zones is annoying but you can freely switch zones so it's not too bad.
  10. Pretty sure the datacrons are MEANT to be hard to get. They are meant to be bonus content, secret items, etc. that kind of thing. Sure there's a huge variation and the earlier datacrons are easier, probably so players do not end up not realizing they exist at all. But getting them all is meant to be a hard completionist type of thing to do, and like most mmos these things are meant to be hard and some would say very little return / time other than bragging rights. That being said, this is by far not the hardest datacron. - There's two on tatoonine that requires you to ride a balloon with a 40min round trip. In the best case, you spend 20 mins on a balloon with nothing to do, jump down and grab two datacrons. In the worst case, there are opposite faction PVPers camping there, or you take the ride, miss the jump, then have to wait 20mins to do another 20min ride. - The final bonus datacron does in fact require four players, close timing, and generally takes a good hour or so in the best case if you are doing it for the first time. This one? Do some research, the items spawn at set locations, if you find the coordinates you can find all four cubes within about 30mins. Now I'm sure someone's going to say, but what if other people find them first? Well then your job is even easier, just idle in the datacron room and follow someone else to the datacron. With some research it's not hard at all. And yes, that does require you to open up your internet browser and google it. But then again, most hidden/bonus/completionist content in MMOs either require copious amounts of time or research. Or just get some money and buy the cubes off other people. Notice how they are not at all bound?
  11. Yeah I vaguely remember somewhere in the EU cannon where they said that blue/green were the original colors of the natural crystals used, but the dark jedi who turned sith used methods (force related? or just technology?) to make more powerful crystals which were red. A jedi using a red crystal made by the sith would be a bit hard to explain. But the galaxy is a large place, there's no reason why it's not plausible that there are natural red crystals too. On the other hand, there's nothing in the cannon that really says red crystals are better/stronger in any way (in general, or just for DS users), so a sith using a different color would just be a break from tradition.
  12. There is no cannon evidence to say that dual wield/double sided sabers were forbidden, or considered dark/evil. A few times they were called 'sith weapons', etc. simply because the Jedi do not use them (considering only jedi and sith use lightsabers, any type that the sith uses and the jedi don't use can legitimately be called this). The reason the jedi don't use it was probably because those are considered aggressive weapons. These games have that being a jedi is all about combat skill, however in the story cannon (movie, books, etc.) jedi was not "warrior with a saber". Jedi were medics, negotiators, librarians, etc. Yes all jedi were trained to use a light saber, but for most jedi that was just one trick in the box and something they used to defend themselves if required. I would also imagine that learning to use two sabers or double ended saber is harder than a single saber. So in that case, it made enough sense that most jedi would only be trained in a single saber. And anyone who wanted to learn to use two, or a double sided saber, would have to justify themselves with a good reason (and the reason of "they are better in combat" would not be a good reason because the jedi are anti-aggression). But I'd imagine if there WAS a good reason, there would be no reason why a jedi would be forbidden to use two sabers. The Jedi who specialized in combat may know how to use them from a purely academic point of view. During war times, it's possible that this tradition was relaxed and jedi *were* taught how to fight with two. Basically, I don't think they were ever considered A Bad Thing. But rather, Jedi wouldn't have considered them necessary, where as Sith training would have really liked them.
  13. Black talon is a really easy fp, you can solo it at level 10. There's youtube videos of it. I did it at 12 and it was fine. After that it gets harder. Well, I haven't *tried* to solo any, but i can't imagining trying to solo hammer point at 17, the bosses would be suicide.
  14. MMO discussions like this amuse me. When a large group of people want something - i.e. it will increase enjoyment for many players, how is "we don't need this" or "This is not that useful" even an argument. Not every player is going to use every feature implemented... obviously. What are the arguments *against* dual spec within a AC. Like what problems does it actually cause? I don't see any except that respec becomes less useful = one less money sink in the game. But if that has any economic impact, I'm sure it can be adjusted fairly easily. There is also your usual concern with letting people do more stuff more easily. "Oh, but if a dps person dual specs into a healer now, would they know how to play a healer? I don't want high level noob healers running around". This is more of an argument used in PL debates. But anyhow if people could dual spec from lv10, you'd be fine learning both your builds. Lastly, as for any new feature we consider how difficult it is to implement it. We obviously don't want devs spending too much resources on features that are not that shiny. Given that respec is already in the game, all the tools in the game to adjust for a player character suddenly changing all their skills is there already. All we need to do is take respec, make it free and instant and unlimited and you have dual class. Even if you could only say, switch specs at a quick travel point (i.e. you can't do it any where or at any time), that would probably be acceptable for most people.
  15. Well let's not even go into "whether it's physically possible" question. I suspect the answer may be a kind of yes for all generally-humanoid species.. But I'd imagine it's the exception. Like even in the real world, there are parts where people tend to marry/date within their own racial groups, and cross-race couples are relatively rarer (not non-existant). Now when you consider the star wars universe, with so many more species/races, that are so much more different in both looks and culture... i'd imagine it's still a rare thing. It doesn't make sense that half the human players will romance non-human partners. Like I just think from a lore point of view, cross-species couples should be relatively rarer. So it shouldn't be, you have a character and 4 romance options, 3-4 of them are aliens. Instead, it should be, you have a character and 4 romance options, one of them is an alien (the other three can be ds or ls same species, and a gay same species).
  16. I'm a bit confused by your post. It's established that tatoonine, at some point in the past, was different. Then stuff happened and now it's all sandy. But between that time, and 'now' (in swtor terms), and the original trilogy - it's not enough time for the planet to change in climate at all. i.e. it's perfectly reasonable that tatoonine has looked for a really long time and still will in the next 3k years. Sorry if my post was vague. Yup, defintely. Isn't it even semi official that the classes represent cannon stereotypes from the trilogy? Like smuggler is the 'han solo fantasy', where as bounty hunter is the 'boba fett fantasy', etc.
  17. I guess at the end of the day, there is no way to 'capture' all the back story and circumstance that would really be needed, to assess whether such a situation was morally good or bad. The LS/DS scale is arbitrary and artificial, and we never get enough information about our characters, the other characters or circumstance. That being said, I think most LS/DS options are stereotypical for anyone familiar with star wars lore. Like other than being marked out, I don't think any are very surprisingly (although some are debatable). We're still a really long way from video games where we can actually make choices of morality and for the game engine to be 'smart' enough to capture that.
  18. Well, look at it this way... I've found most of the choices fairly obvious. I have not at all had the problem you have. A few times my character has said something unexpectedly funny, etc. but I've never had an issue where I pick an option and end up with a response that wasn't what I had in mind. Judging by the other people who posted, there's quite a lot of people in the same camp as me - no problems 'understanding', predicting, etc. conversation choices. So here I am speculating on what the difference between you and me are. i.e. why I seem to have no problems with this and why you do. Perfectly reasonable and polite options are - maybe english isn't your first language, maybe you aren't well versed in the lore. But hey, I suppose I could just stick to assuming that maybe you just have problems understanding English. gg
  19. This is interesting, can someone please explain how it works? I do snipe, before snipe is finished, I hit the hotkey for explosive drone so it'll 'line up' and be used as soon as snipe is over. But i've never had it triggered by the previous snipe before.
  20. Yeah high out of combat movement speed is great for impatient people (I would love it). But higher in combat movement speed is actually more useful, especially during PVP.
  21. Another thread on this forum mentioned this and I was hoping some higher level ops can give some advice. How to deal with enemies that knockback, making it hard to get into melee range? We dont' have a gap closer. Rolling to cover works sometimes, but not in open spaces where these is no cover to roll to. And in general, how do operatives get into melee range? I know I can stealth, and get quite close to enemies before the fight begins. But after a fight breaks out, my movabilitiy drops quite a bit. ONce again, I'm relying on rolling to cover as a gap closer which is good when it works but often it doesn't. I'm currently lv20
  22. But in the example the OP gave, either option could be the 'emotional' option or the rational option. Given the OP's own personal experiences. Dragging the girl back to the boyfriend should be considered the emotional option (his own personal feelings/experiences caused him to sympathize with the boyfriend, i.e. decision is not rational). On the other hand, someone with different personal experiences (maybe a female who'd been in similar circumstances), could pick the option of lying due to emotional reasons. Because they sympathize with the girl more, and don't want her to go through the emotional trauma of having to confront the boyfriend and being forced to explain. In that case, the decision would no longer be logical. Similarly, you could justify either decisions using a non-emotional way. Dragging the girl back to her boyfriend is about forcing the girl to live up to her responsibilities. You can't just get into a relationship with someone, decide you don't like them, and leave them hanging like that. If personal responsibilities are big on your moral scale, then this is the 'moral' thing to do.
  23. I think the LS/DS meter is based on your own character's morals. If you are an Empire soldier of any kind, you've sworn to serve the Empire. Giving medicine to an enemy faction is breaking that oath, betraying your brothers, etc.
  24. Gee there are a few slightly angry sounding people here. So what if this wasn't the way the game was meant to be played? So what if it means getting levels but skipping the story? I wouldn't call it an exploit - because it's not the kind of thing that you couldn't do in good conscious and it's not the kind of thing that if someone got banned for it, you'd honestly say "You should have seen it coming". Maybe it was over looked by the devs. But I for one, appreciate people sharing this information, regardless of whether it'll be useful to me. I thought the MMO community had matured beyond this "You found an easy way to level, that's not fair, *rage" business these days...
  25. Part of the problem is that cross-species couples does not always make sense. Like biologically, obviously some won't work. Others, like human + sith pureblood, we know does. Emotionally / culturally, I think some couples wouldn't work either. Once again, some like human + cyborg is probably fine. However the companions (therefore romance options) are all of fixed species. I'm playing a male IA from that bald race and the first companion happens to be a famale from that bold race, so it works out well. But what if I was role playing a Chiss? I'd want Chiss romance options!
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