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Can anything be done about these people?


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I'm talking about the people who like to sit in their large vehicles right on top of terminals in the fleet. Maybe these folks are so bored and lonely this is fun? Maybe it makes them feel better to know they are only slightly inconveniencing a lot of people trying to turn in dailys?


If that's fun to you how about going outside and sitting in the road? At least I can do something about that!!!


*floors the gas pedal* ...... BUMP BUMP!! ....... *not even looking the rearview mirror*

Edited by MetalHed
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My husband encountered the same problem you describe. He was trying to access a vendor and could not because someone had their very large vehicle on the vendor. Even getting inside and scrolling all the way in my husband could not get to the vendor and could only click this persons name. These people are either unaware of what they are doing or are immature jerks with nothing better to do.
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Agreed. It's one thing to be unaware, that's understandable though I'm seeing this more and more since the transfers. Last night there was someone sitting on top of the pvp daily terminal for at least an hour (I went in and out of 4 warzones). The length of time alone raises my suspision because they never timed out.


I asked politely for the guy to move, my response? "lol" Ok fine, I'm obviously the bigger man here, I'm not gonna say anything else to this kid, I'll move around until I find a place to click on the terminal.


So what's the solution? Who knows. Is there a solution? Can anything ever be done about this? Probably not now or ever...so what's the point of this thread???????

Edited by MetalHed
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Maybe put a conflict area around NPC vendors so that people can't run into them and also can't park their mounts in them?


This could work, so far it's the only idea and it's a good one, of course BW would have to be aware of the size of the "conflict area" since everyone uses their vehicles on fleet and this terminal in particular is in a slightly narrower section of walkway.


+1 interwebz to you Tatile

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These are the two solutions I use:


1. If they're unwilling to move, I try to contact someone else in their guild and learn the guildmaster's name. Then I talk to them about the situation.


2. If the player isn't guilded, or if they/guildmaster are so childish that they cannot be reasoned with, I put in a ticket describing the interaction.


That's really all you can do, imo. I have had good response from both of these solutions, I hope they work for you.

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Auto-dismount when you talk to a vendor or check your mailbox. That would be a great help for starters!


I agree. This solution is the best. People can still ride their speeders on the fleet, but will not be able to "cover" terminals, mailboxes, and vendors.

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Agreed. It's one thing to be unaware, that's understandable though I'm seeing this more and more since the transfers. Last night there was someone sitting on top of the pvp daily terminal for at least an hour (I went in and out of 4 warzones). The length of time alone raises my suspision because they never timed out.


I asked politely for the guy to move, my response? "lol" Ok fine, I'm obviously the bigger man here, I'm not gonna say anything else to this kid, I'll move around until I find a place to click on the terminal.


So what's the solution? Who knows. Is there a solution? Can anything ever be done about this? Probably not now or ever...so what's the point of this thread???????

In this kind of situation you are more that aloud to submit a player harrassment report, which should get priority on the CS stack, as it is preventing people from playing and BW will take that seriously.


Once these jerk offs start getting warnings they will soon stop, for fear of loosing their accounts.


We had this issue in SWG and once people started to file reports to the CS, it really reduced the number of instances.

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Uhm, maybe it's just me but I'm able to click through them and get to the vendor. Just had to move my mouse around a bit. I have a big vehicle myself and nobody has ever yelled at me for being on top of a vendor on accident. Edited by spectreclees
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Auto-dismount when you talk to a vendor or check your mailbox. That would be a great help for starters!


^^ This

If a large speeder is blocking any mailbox or vendor it would be a clear sign of griefing because the are obviously not using said vendor or mailbox.

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They have been in every game I've ever played. be it Ogre's in EQ blocking doors, Taurens using the body mass to block mail boxes or speeders in SW:TOR .

You just have to deal with it and move on. MMO are a lot like RL. as much as we wish ******s would just go away they never will.

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Auto-dismount when you talk to a vendor or check your mailbox. That would be a great help for starters!

Would not work as they could sit next the terminals without interacting with them.


Solution: automated dismount if you pass close by a mail box and mounting not allowed either.


OR even better: let players access to their mail boxes from the GTN, have packages optionally delivered to their ships and direct recall to space ship.

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Just ban speeders on the fleet. Let those muppets throw a hissy fit, it's for the greater good.

If the kids can't play nice, take away their toys, only way they learn, only thing that works.


Until then: screenshot and report every single one!

They can't ignore the problem if the GMs get flooded with this.

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