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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fix The DAMN PvP Bugs Before Ranked


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obviously these 2 issues are linked with other coding isssues, if it were that simple, it would have been fixed.


6 month old mmo is gonna have problems, its like your asking my 2 year old son to solve algebra problems, not gonna happen. You have to wait till things develop a lil bit.

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the first i have never seen .....but the person missing from frames is very common.....lol we laugh on vent in our premades when one of our guys in missing from party frame......"lol no heals for you" as a matter of fact we have begun to call it survival mode wz for 1 lucky player
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Rare occasions where leaping to or being knocked back from someone make you fall through the world too.


Also having played a cover class I can tell you that I completely unbound using hard cover due to all the fail rolling into cover attempts. And with portable cover any sniper/slinger will tell you the most annoying red text they ever see is "Unknown effect result" When trying to go in cover while standing on a pebble or something slightly raised off the ground.

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obviously these 2 issues are linked with other coding isssues, if it were that simple, it would have been fixed.


6 month old mmo is gonna have problems, its like your asking my 2 year old son to solve algebra problems, not gonna happen. You have to wait till things develop a lil bit.


I understand but releasing ranked with bugs like this is not a good move.


For the missing raid frames you can set a focus target but still its awkward to use.

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3) Spell effects not ending when their affects end, such as purging a fire dot, clicking off any droid heal the droids still stay, The droid defensive shield for the IA class stays up after the shield has disappeared (which if you die will follow you to your respawn just to rub it in).


4) Stuck in combat after a vanish, this causes really fast movement (sarcasm), Also dots/hots ticks keeping people in combat needs to stop.


5) Character Sync issues (target player not where it shows on your screen). This ruins using skills at the "correct" time.


6) Intentionally lagging out your machine (usually via a bag open or some other window) to allow you to "jump" across hazards in huttball, even if someone stuns you the game will place you in front of the hazard because you were desync'd at the time. -- Basically teleport a person who desync's back to their original place to not reward the behavior instead of allowing them to backfill their movement.

Edited by Rizael
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I would really hope the raid frames bug gets fixed before Ranked Warzones go live. It's especially annoying as a healer. I take it, based on this thread, that this is still happening on the PTS though.


Also, the "re-spawning knocked down and unable to get up" bug has always for me been associated with clicking the revive pop up right away. I've always wondered if that was just coincidence or have others had that happen even when they have waited a second or two to click the button?

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I would really hope the raid frames bug gets fixed before Ranked Warzones go live. It's especially annoying as a healer. I take it, based on this thread, that this is still happening on the PTS though.


Also, the "re-spawning knocked down and unable to get up" bug has always for me been associated with clicking the revive pop up right away. I've always wondered if that was just coincidence or have others had that happen even when they have waited a second or two to click the button?

Yea still happens even after a second or two :(

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Shraden healed me just fine despite that I wasnt showing up in the Ops frame. OH I TOOK IT THERE :p


Just kidding, Sweety. Now, start streaming so I have something to watch here at work,


/Mythix/ fellow <No Heroes>

K will do :D You missed two epic matches we just had :(

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Seriously...these two bugs have been in the game since DAY 1.


1) Dying and respawning in spawn laying down unable to move resulting in you being kicked from the warzone.


2) People not showing up in Raid Frames.


Day 1 stuff bioware come on...


I havent run into 1 but I have run into 2, and for some reason its always my healer who I want to put guard on and trying to click them while running around wastes alot of time

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To hopefully help clear up some confusion, these are the locations my guild and i have found them to occur.


- Missing 1 person in the ops frame happens almost every other match, regardless of the warzone, although i personally find it will always happen in hutball

- The laying down bug which disallows you to move and usually get kicked is highly associated in Voidstar

- The infinite stun locked bug (mind tap animation) that causes a player to be unable to move however still attack commonly occurs in Civil War


... These may be different for others however after talking with a sample group (my guild) these locations seamed to be where the bugs would originate. Voidstar also seems to induce the 1/2 sound bug until the client is reset.

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Ive seen this a few times but for me, they need to fix some of the animations or abilities. For example - Spike. I can force pull someone say into either the flames or the acid pit and then go to spike them in to it. Now, my target is directly infront of me but many times now, I will spike and they will do some kind of invisible back flip and land OVER my shoulder BEHIND me.


In addition to that, there has been way too much glitching lately in Huttball. You can knock someone off the edge, or pull them off, you see them fall down but then appear BACK up where they were.


Too much of it that needs addressing b4 ranked arrives

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Ive seen this a few times but for me, they need to fix some of the animations or abilities. For example - Spike. I can force pull someone say into either the flames or the acid pit and then go to spike them in to it. Now, my target is directly infront of me but many times now, I will spike and they will do some kind of invisible back flip and land OVER my shoulder BEHIND me.


In addition to that, there has been way too much glitching lately in Huttball. You can knock someone off the edge, or pull them off, you see them fall down but then appear BACK up where they were.


Too much of it that needs addressing b4 ranked arrives


This I'll agree with. People glitch out and appear to be running in place, and the next thing you know they're half way across the map. A lot of the time they're pretty transparent and it isn't hard to guess what they're going to do and react accordingly, but that doesn't always work for me.

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I have never seen these bugs. How often do they actually happen? I have honestly never seen or heard of these.


The raid frame bug happens to me multiple times a day, every single day.


It happens almost every single WZ, lately, but I've been running in a lot of premades which seems to make this occur more often.


It seems to happen most when a group of people enter the WZ, but one or two people take the queue later than the others. When they enter, they won't be part of the raid frame, and are extremely hard to keep an eye on for healing.

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I havent run into 1 but I have run into 2, and for some reason its always my healer who I want to put guard on and trying to click them while running around wastes alot of time


I have "Target Nearest Friendly" hotkeyed for this exact reason. It makes Guard swaps incredibly easy. : )

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3) Spell effects not ending when their affects end, such as purging a fire dot, clicking off any droid heal the droids still stay, The droid defensive shield for the IA class stays up after the shield has disappeared (which if you die will follow you to your respawn just to rub it in).


4) Stuck in combat after a vanish, this causes really fast movement (sarcasm), Also dots/hots ticks keeping people in combat needs to stop.


5) Character Sync issues (target player not where it shows on your screen). This ruins using skills at the "correct" time.


6) Intentionally lagging out your machine (usually via a bag open or some other window) to allow you to "jump" across hazards in huttball, even if someone stuns you the game will place you in front of the hazard because you were desync'd at the time. -- Basically teleport a person who desync's back to their original place to not reward the behavior instead of allowing them to backfill their movement.


All good ones. I see 6 all the time in huttball, never the others. So strange that huttball is also the only WZ with hazards. Must be a coincidence


7) Make instant abilities INSTANT. If I am facing the target, have the resources and in range, and I press the button, and my guy starts the animation, the target should get damaged EVERY TIME. Instead i have to stare at him, mash the button until I see the flytext, then start mashing the next one. Especially frustrating for abilities that proc effects for other abilities. You are doing your rotation and don't even realize until one or two GCDs later that you missed a key attack even though the icon flashed.

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I have never seen these bugs. How often do they actually happen? I have honestly never seen or heard of these.


If you havent seen the raid frame bug, then you dont pvp.


The other one is more rare, but still happens to me a few times a week.

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