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SWTOR and the EA stock plummet


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First of all:


Released 12/20/11 it's been -seven- months.


Second of all:

Losing 400k subscribers as of May (honestly likely more now) is not 'growing' unless I have been taught the wrong definition. Additionally being forced to condense nearly a hundred servers into 10 or so is also not a sign of growth.


I am not trying to be a jerk, but please know your facts before you spout this sort of nonsense.


12/20 to 1/20 = 1 month. 1/20 to 2/20 =2 months. 2/20 to 3/20 =3 months. 3/20 to 4/20=4 months. 4/20 to 5/20 = 5 months. 5/20 to 6/20 = 6 months.

Six months is accurate.

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EA losing 50% of it's stock value since the SWTOR launch? Ouch. What implications does this have for everybody's favorite MMO in space (besides Eve)?


I think it's time to break out the pencil and caluclator and possibly profit off emotional investing. games have proven to be resilient in a down economy. Nowhere near half of the companies real value is from SWTOR or it's future potential. So time to look at some ratio's and think about taking a position.


There is a great myth that the stock market is rational. It isn't. It's emotional as much as rational.

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so it won't matter if you never receive an expansion?
If the losses are as bad as the papparazzi would have us believe then there shouldn't be enough capital to fund much outside of what they already have. Yet they seem to be getting after weekly updates and major patches with a good deal of aplomb. So why waste time on disingenuous speculation that does little but create friction and dividing lines? If the game goes away then it goes away. If it doesn't I will continue to play it because I enjoy it. It really is that simple for me because I don't live or die by this stuff. I mourn those who do. Edited by GalacticKegger
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You better not ask my (further) opinion on stock investors and their fictitious, socially harmful, untaxed, untamed, savage and quasi-mindless capital.


But I must that their iron fist struck someone that I always wanted to strike: EA.


And I daresay that EA is going to have a bad time this and the next year. Being optimistic.


So I am rather pleased and not resubbing.

Edited by Socialist
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If the losses are as bad as the papparazzi would have us believe then there shouldn't be enough capital to fund much outside of what they already have. Yet they seem to be getting after weekly updates and major patches with a good deal of aplomb. So why waste time on disingenuous speculation that does little but create friction and dividing lines? If the game goes away then it goes away. If it doesn't I will continue to play it because I enjoy it. It really is that simple for me because I don't live or die by this stuff. I mourn those who do.


Yeah, such losses would = laying off tons of staff, not adding release content until 6mo in, and announcing a tiny psuedo expansion of 5 lvls/1 world/1ops/1wz


Oh wait . . . that has been the case . . .

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Yeah, such losses would = laying off tons of staff, not adding release content until 6mo in, and announcing a tiny psuedo expansion of 5 lvls/1 world/1ops/1wz


Oh wait . . . that has been the case . . .


ROFL?? What release content isn't being added until 6 months?


Also what are you talking about name 1 MMO that hasn't layed off staff after it's launch. (Here's a hint you can't name one even WoW layed off staff) Also how many people did they lay off?


Tiny psuedo expansion? You mean content patch 1.4 and possible 1.5? sounds nice

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Yeah, such losses would = laying off tons of staff, not adding release content until 6mo in, and announcing a tiny psuedo expansion of 5 lvls/1 world/1ops/1wz


Oh wait . . . that has been the case . . .

Sure about that? For what it's worth:

  • the game got a new FP [Kaon] & a 3x expansion to the Karagga’s OP in 1.1 @ 1 month
  • another new FP [Lost Island] was added @ 3½ months
  • a customizable UI and Legacy came with 1.2 @ 5 months
  • weekly patches have been fixing, improving and adding stuff.
  • between 1.2 & 1.3 the bulk of the game's servers are being consolidated to prepare for Groupfinder.
  • 1.3's Groupfinder and RWZs are due out by month 7 or so (i.e. soon)

Saw the restructuring deal coming from a mile away after unnecessary launch day server additions.


Otherwise, not much happened with the game by its 6 month anniversary - which was yesterday.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I dont know if it will ever recover.


The main problem I heard from all my friends and guildmates leaving the game was, "it is too much like wow" or "game got boring once you hit 50"


I think basically this is one of the fundamental flaws of this and several other MMO's, putting a 'ceiling' on player developement and sticking players on treadmill like gameplay, pretty much goes against human nature and what most people enjoy doing.


Once people hit the limit they fell they have no where to go, couple that with repeative gameplay and well that's a game ending event.


That model maybe fine for a single player game with a short lifespan but its certianly no use for a long term one.

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I think basically this is one of the fundamental flaws of this and several other MMO's, putting a 'ceiling' on player developement and sticking players on treadmill like gameplay, pretty much goes against human nature and what most people enjoy doing.


Once people hit the limit they fell they have no where to go, couple that with repeative gameplay and well that's a game ending event.


That model maybe fine for a single player game with a short lifespan but its certianly no use for a long term one.


Except that it's worked shockingly well for years.

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EA losing 50% of it's stock value since the SWTOR launch? Ouch. What implications does this have for everybody's favorite MMO in space (besides Eve)?


Not much for me really. MMOs are more of a long term investment - console titles and single-player games in various genres are the real money makers. SWTOR, regardless of cost was pretty much a drop in the bucket for EA.



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If you knew anything about the EA's stock you would see that it is at it's every October/November, and at its lowest typically in March. It is strange that it is still falling, but all of EA's power titles come out in the fall. I suspect their stock will go back to $20 at that point.
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The industry as a whole is suffereing and not every company is safe, but this is nothing new. We've seen worse in the past but the industry has been able to rise back up from it. All MMOs have had an unsteady launch and SWTOR is no different. I'd expect to see the game slowly grow again as 1.3 comes out which includes most of the stuff people have been annoying BioWare for.
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Stocks go up, stocks go down.


Oh, and I don't care. I am playing a GAME I have fun with.


And if you read the WHOLE article, the entire game industry is suffering.


Don't fret, chicken little, the sky is not falling.



blizzard's stock pretty much crashed a while back, they had lay off's all the same stuff, these things cycle, will level out and be ok.. not time to put your toys back in the box yet..:)

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And those people would have left any new game once they reached endgame and got bored. They're the same people who sat here in the forums or in general chat talking about how great D3 and G2 were going to be, then got bored with D3 after one runthrough, made it through a couple of beta weekends of G2 and started whining, and are now talking about.....Elder Scrolls Online. Since it's always best to overinflate your expectations for a game you can't yet play, then you can talk out your butt all you want about all the cool features it will have that NO OTHER GAME WILL EVER MATCH. Just like they did with SWTOR, then were disappointed that it wasn't the best MMO ever in the history of the world. They are never happy with any game for long, because no game can ever match the expectations they have in their head for said game.


I have some friends who follow this pattern, and I just play with them when they're enjoying the high of a new game, and say sayonara when they get bored. They're almost always back for new content patches, despite how "boring" said game is. Because they go through games like disposable tissues, and therefore are always looking for something else to blow their figurative noses on, or wipe their figurative....well, you get the picture.


Everyting they're saying with regards to BW was said at one time or another re Sony and EQ1 and EQ2, well before P2P ever came on the scene. Considering how long Warcraft has been kept on life support without P2P, and the dislike LA has for the concept, I think a full P2P scenario is a lot further in the future than the doomsayers would prefer. They so like to make those in six months, six weeks, heck, six days predictions.


I noticed how those people thought the game would be pvp focused guess they were wrong lol

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In case you haven't noticed, a large number of stocks have lost a large percentage of their value. With the economy as it is, especially in Europe where fears of economic turmoil drive down US stocks daily, a gaming company losing value isn't a big deal.


You especially can't tie the loss to any one thing, and to try to pin EA's price drop to a single game is foolish. Stocks in the entertainment industry are extremely susceptible to economic downturns because the first thing to be given up when people start to tighten their belts budget-wise is luxuries and entertainment.


Smart people would look at the EA stock as undervalued and start picking up a few shares while it is cheap.

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somewhere during that time EA was voted crappiest company on the planet.. or something like that. which may have as much or probably more to do with EA's problems than swtor does.


yeah that's nerd rage for you. Some people actually think EA is worse then Bank of America, BP, or even Haliburten.

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