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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which Code is Your Favorite?


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Let's take a look at some codes:



There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

There is no fear; there is power.

I am the heart of the Force.

I am the revealing fire of light.

I am the mystery of darkness

In balance with chaos and harmony,

Immortal in the Force.


Jedi Original

Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serenity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet the Force.


Jedi Revised

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.


Jedi Modern Form

Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.

Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect.

Jedi respect all life, in any form.

Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.

Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.


Jedi Lightsaber Code

The crystal is the heart of the blade.

The heart is the crystal of the Jedi.

The Jedi is the crystal of the Force.

The Force is the blade of the heart.

All are intertwined.

The crystal, the blade, the Jedi.

We are one.



Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.


Darth Ruin's Variation

There is no passion…there is solely obsession.

There is no knowledge. There is solely conviction.

There is no purpose. There is solely will.

There is nothing…

Only me.


Smuggler Code:

"Never fight when you can bluff.

Never bluff when you can run.

Never run when you can sneak.

If no one knows you're there, you win.


Mandalorian Resol'nare:

"You will raise your young as Mandalorians—and defend them.

You will wear our armor, and speak our language.

And you will serve the clan, and rally when called.

These are the Resol'nare—the Six Actions—sacred to our movement.

Do them—and you may live to call yourselves Mandalorians!"


So, aside from noticing that the Jedi have too many codes, can't seem to decide on a single formula, and that Luke Skywalker is no poet... Which one do you like best? Which one do you think is most valid? How do you interpret that code?


I decided to add the two non-Force involved codes as an additional contrast.


I think you can figure out which one I follow...

Edited by Silimaa
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You forgot Darth Ruin's creed:


There is no passion…there is solely obsession.

There is no knowledge. There is solely conviction.

There is no purpose. There is solely will.

There is nothing…

Only me.


Please add it. If I was a Sith I would prefer it to the original Sith code ;)



Well, the one I like the most is Luke's code. It describes what the Jedi are. That's what makes the Jedi what they are, not how they deal with emotion or whatever.

I like the Jedi code (original and revised), if it is clear that it isn't the heart of the Jedi Order. It is a mantra to help on light side meditation.


And the Sith code is best understood as a historic document. It describes how the founders of the Sith order wanted to break free from what they felt was oppression by the Jedi. Like the old Jedi Code it is far from describing what defines the Sith.


Edit: Oh, and there are also the principles of Rajivari. Not sure if they count as code, but they are close to Luke's code. Just...ehm... dark side.

Edited by Maaruin
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Darth Baras's Sith Code:


The Cake is a lie, there is only Pie.

Through Pie, I gain Calories.

Through Calories, I gain Fat.

Through Fat, I gain Girth.

Through Girth, my Belt is Broken.

The Recliner shall free me.


But seriously, I like the Je'Daii Oath and the Original Jedi Code the best.

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Darth Baras's Sith Code:


The Cake is a lie, there is only Pie.

Through Pie, I gain Calories.

Through Calories, I gain Fat.

Through Fat, I gain Girth.

Through Girth, my Belt is Broken.

The Recliner shall free me.


Lets here it for capin' Z! Good one.


The sith code certainly seems to have a lot more practical application. After all, is there really anyone, aside from people who post in MMO game forums, who really want to be losers?


Everybody likes winning. So a formula for winning and freedom is going to have much more popular appeal in the long run.

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I'm personally a fan of the Smuggler's Creed.


I think it's quite a good philosophy to follow, both for moral reasons and for self-preservation. And it's impossible to mis-interpret unlike some codes *coughcough*Odan-Urr*coughcough*.


Seriously though. What the hell was that guy thinking?

Edited by DaWaffle
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The Sith code makes the most logical sense. Unlike the others it is progression. It is the ultimate call of freedom, ironic as that may seem. The Sith seek freedom and their code tells you how to get it. Two parts of it differ however, and there I think is the fundamental difference between the Jedi and Sith. "Peace is a lie." This is true. Nature is chaotic and the Sith embrace that. However INNER peace is possible, and that is what the Jedi seek. The second unusual aspect is the last line. The Force shall free me. Looking at this as a Sith I say that I will be free from the will of the Force. Only I will control my destiny, rather than submitting to the Force's will as the Jedi do. Those are the TRUE differences between the Orders, at least in my opinion.


I always liked the original Jedi code. It's actually a very good lesson on keeping a cool head. From a psychological perspective it's great. (It was the first thing I thought of when drawing a Mandala, LOL!) You accept all the disparate elements that make up a person... in theory. From the standpoint of the old code seeing the Light as the true face of the Force makes a lot of sense. The new one... Not so much. The concept of releasing negative emotions and not using them is not explicitly stated. You can easily see where the Jedi are coming from.


I love the Je'daii code, but then I am one.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. - I seek knowledge always. True ignorance is believing you know everything and that there is no more knowledge to seek. So long as there is knowledge their is no ignorance, just an unwillingness to lear. Or perhaps a fear of what you might discover...?

There is no fear; there is power. - Conquering your fears gives you power over them. Do not be dominated by fear; control it. By eradicating fear you free yourself from your ignorance. So the two are connected. Never be afraid to learn! Master yourself!

I am the heart of the Force. - Believe this. Whatever you do affects the balance of our world. Tython can only survive in a state of perfect balance. Any action, whether towards Bogan or towards Ashla will shift this balance. You control the state of the Force within and without.

I am the revealing fire of light. - I spread knowledge to the Galaxy. I mediate disputes; I end wars. I reveal truth; I teach the way of the Force to others. I am a teacher to the universe.

I am the mystery of darkness - I know secret knowledge unknown to others. I delve into te mysteries of the Force. I see what has been and what will be. I can see into the souls of sentients. I remember what has been forgotten and know what has yet to be revealed. The Universe's secrets are locked in my heart.

In balance with chaos and harmony, Chaos is harmony. Only look at long enough and you will find patterns. There is symmetry in nature; there is balance. Everything is run by numbers. There is method to the madness. Standing twixt Chaos and Harmony I see the Order in Chaos and the Passion in harmony. I see how the two are at once one and opposite and how in their striving is beauty and life formed.

Immortal in the Force. For it will remember when I am gone and my spirit will live on within it.


This is how I view my code anyway. You are all welcome to your own interpretations, but be wary! lest you stray from the path of balance.

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Thank you for including Darth Ruin's Creed. I'll deliver an interpretation of it now. I DO NOT believe in his code. (I'm a Jedi (fan) after all.) But just to show how it works and why I think it's the perfect code for an extremely evil Dark Side Sith:


There is no passion…there is solely obsession.


Passions fade. Either they are fulfilled, or time vanquishes them. But passions that last, that continue to drive me, they become obsessions. And unlike passion, obsession is a never ending source of power.


There is no knowledge. There is solely conviction.


Nothing is true. A wise man once said: "The only thing I know, is that I know nothing." Knowledge is impossible. Everything I know can be challanged by doubt. If doubt doesn't shake it, it is conviction. And in the end, all the truths we cling to are solely conviction.


There is no purpose. There is solely will.

There is no Will of the Force. There is no greater plan. I am there, not on the will of someone else, I am just there. Only my will matters. And only my will shapes my destiny.


There is nothing…

Only me.


Philosophically, I am the only one I am certain about. Everyone else might as well be an illusion of mine. I am the only truth I know.

Morally, everyone serves himself. The greatest deed of kindness or compassion, deep down it is motivated by self interest. In the end, all I should care for and all I do really care for, is me.



Again, this is not how I think. Darth Ruin takes some points from different modern philosophies and twists them until they become this code. I wrote in the first person because the code only makes sense for the one who speaks it.

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I have my own little code from a snippet of dialogue in the Imp Tatooine Bonus Series: "The only true death is to fear to try."


My smuggler only likes the first line of the Smuggler's Creed. She doesn't run.

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Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.


I like the sith code because you can use it in real life, if you interpret it the way I do.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion. = Peace creates stagnation, and you can't be stagnated in your life. Therefore peace is a lie, just must be passionate about yours goals or at what you do.


Through passion, I gain strength. = Because you have passion you gain strength to work at obtaining the goal.


Through strength, I gain power. = Through the strength of your hard work you obtain the necessary means or skills to obtain your goal.


Through power, I gain victory. = Through the skills or means you have obtained you finally reach your goal.


Through victory, my chains are broken. = You have obtained the goal, and the chains that held you from the goal prior are broken.


The Force shall free me. = This is the tricky one. From my point of view one can interpret it in two different ways:


1) Through the sith code you have obtained a way to complete your goals, which breaks your limitations (chains) and those frees you.

2) It's there because the sith uses the force as the means to free themselves, and the line should therefore just be ignored if you use the sith code in real life.



I've personally been using the sith code as a motivater. I really found college boring and often uninterresting, yet I transformed the passion I had for becoming a lawyer into strenght, power and obtained victory (good enough grads) and went to law school. = my college chains are broken, I win! :csw_vader:

Edited by Inzuher
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I like the sith code because you can use it in real life, if you interpret it the way I do.


Actually, the Jedi codes can be used in real life too. Since I like the one from Luke the most, I'll start with it:


Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.


You can be a guardian of peace whereever you are. You can make the first step towards those you have quarrel with. And you can try to negotiate between those who have quarrel with each other, maybe you can even lead them to reconcile or at least find a compromise. (Especially if you are in a leadership position, this is important.)


Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect.


If you have power over others, use it for, not against them. Stand on their side when they need you and defend them against accusations. (This is the same if you are not a leader. Defend and protect your friends and those you work with, instead of using them just to advance your interests.)


Jedi respect all life, in any form.


No, I am not a vegetarian ;) But this can interpreted for society. Everyone is a valuable human being, no matter their abilities, their opinions, their cultural background, their religion, their political opnion etc.


Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.


Use your skills to make the world a better place, not only to advance your career.


Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.


Learning is good, knowledge is good. If you have the opportunity to learn more, use it.



The older Jedi code can be used when you are in an emotional chaos, like really sad or really angry. More than you want to be.


There is no emotion, there is peace.


Of course there are emotions, since you are struggleing with them right now. But repeat telling to yourself there is inner peace, and the emotions will be easier to deal with. The structure of the Jedi code also helps you to calm yourself.


There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.


You are confused. But take a step back, you may understand what yourself better. This will make it easier to deal with what you experience.

There is no passion, there is serenity.


Your passions might drive you to do something stupid or jump to conclusions. Don't follow them. Take time to think. Only act when you are sure enough it's the right thing.


There is no chaos, there is harmony.


It will make sense. Now you may be confused and think your life is chaos. But when you look back later, you will understand the context.


There is no death, there is the Force.


That's a tricky one too ;) I replaced "Force" with "God", but that doesn't suit everyone. Find a formulation that fits your personal believes or non-believes. Be creative.



So, in real life, Sith Code and Jedi Code are not a contradiction. They just apply to different situations. Probably the Sith code can be used more often, since school or work are sometimes (often?) boring and you need to motivate yourself. Coping with too strong bad emotions is hopefully something we don't need to do that often, so you won't need the old Jedi Code that much.


Btw. Inzuher, you are at law school. Do you want to become lawyer or judge? Because for a judge, I think the Jedi code is a better approach than the Sith code.

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Actually, the Jedi codes can be used in real life too. Since I like the one from Luke the most, I'll start with it:


Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.


You can be a guardian of peace whereever you are. You can make the first step towards those you have quarrel with. And you can try to negotiate between those who have quarrel with each other, maybe you can even lead them to reconcile or at least find a compromise. (Especially if you are in a leadership position, this is important.)


Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect.


If you have power over others, use it for, not against them. Stand on their side when they need you and defend them against accusations. (This is the same if you are not a leader. Defend and protect your friends and those you work with, instead of using them just to advance your interests.)


Jedi respect all life, in any form.


No, I am not a vegetarian ;) But this can interpreted for society. Everyone is a valuable human being, no matter their abilities, their opinions, their cultural background, their religion, their political opnion etc.


Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.


Use your skills to make the world a better place, not only to advance your career.


Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.


Learning is good, knowledge is good. If you have the opportunity to learn more, use it.



The older Jedi code can be used when you are in an emotional chaos, like really sad or really angry. More than you want to be.


There is no emotion, there is peace.


Of course there are emotions, since you are struggleing with them right now. But repeat telling to yourself there is inner peace, and the emotions will be easier to deal with. The structure of the Jedi code also helps you to calm yourself.


There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.


You are confused. But take a step back, you may understand what yourself better. This will make it easier to deal with what you experience.

There is no passion, there is serenity.


Your passions might drive you to do something stupid or jump to conclusions. Don't follow them. Take time to think. Only act when you are sure enough it's the right thing.


There is no chaos, there is harmony.


It will make sense. Now you may be confused and think your life is chaos. But when you look back later, you will understand the context.


There is no death, there is the Force.


That's a tricky one too ;) I replaced "Force" with "God", but that doesn't suit everyone. Find a formulation that fits your personal believes or non-believes. Be creative.



So, in real life, Sith Code and Jedi Code are not a contradiction. They just apply to different situations. Probably the Sith code can be used more often, since school or work are sometimes (often?) boring and you need to motivate yourself. Coping with too strong bad emotions is hopefully something we don't need to do that often, so you won't need the old Jedi Code that much.


Btw. Inzuher, you are at law school. Do you want to become lawyer or judge? Because for a judge, I think the Jedi code is a better approach than the Sith code.


Hehe a great interpretation of the two jedi codes Maaruin ;D.

I'm aiming to become a lawyer :-). Btw do also keep in mind that using the sith code to strengthen yourself individually doesn't mean you necessary should force choke everyone (even though it could be cool hug ;D?)

I see the sith code more as a source of inner strength, were the jedi codes are more sources of good morality, as exaggerated as it might be :p.

However, I must admit that I find the jedi code rather boring, and from time to time even forgets it, while I can snore the sith code in my sleep xD.

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I've never seen the Jedi Original before, and I actually really like it. It doesn't deny emotion, ignorance, passion, and chaos like the modern Jedi code. It accepts that they exist, and that they are ever-present, yet amidst them, one can still find peace, knowledge, serenity, and harmony. An eye within the storm, as it were.
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Yep. I usually use the original code when upset and overwhelmed. The Sith code reminds me that I, as an individual, have great power. The Je'daii code is my baseline. It reminds me that I am at once the center of the universe and a tiny speck of dust in a greater whole. But then I believe in following the path of balance. I stand strong beneath the light of Ashla and the shadow of Bogan.
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