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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad moments in SWTOR


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Are there any moments in the story that made you sad? Share here!


The one that stands out for me is early in the Bounty Hunter story (around level 4) when

the hunter's team (except Mako) is killed. I didn't care about my dead team, I just felt so sorry for Mako. Her crying... :(



PS: Please use spoiler tags, and tell us which part of the game you're talking about before the spoiler. Thanks! :)

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BH Act I on Dromund Kaas



When you have the option to save or kill the military officer's daughter, I did the choice to kill her. When I got back to tell him the job was done, he solemnly accepts that and then says, "Now if you don't mind leaving... I would rather not look at my daughter's murderer in the face..." to which I replied, "Don't look in a mirror then." He then snaps, "Get out!" and Mako tells me, "Let's just leave him alone. He has a lot to cope with now that he has just killed his daughter."


My rp character was pretty much a do the job, get the credits, be done with it for the most part although he is only slightly Dark 1. I personally was pretty sad and the BH story really gives a perspective about how twisted the Imperial culture is. I really felt sympathy for that man,




Also... in SW at the end of Act I



When turning Jaesa to the DS, you tempt and push her master to his limit. Corrupt him, capture him like an injured, wild animal, then you use that to force her hand to come face you. Afterward, you complete tear down an innocent, "pure" girl's perception of reality and the world, make her feel betrayed with the only world she has understood, then take advantage of the slightest rebelliousness she has supressed from her Jedi teachings and twist her into a complete psychopath.


That is pretty messed up and seeing her kill her master after he has the revelation of everything he has done really brings it home how evil and malicious the SW is.



Then there is the end of SI Act III



I actual appreciate Darth Thanaton's character and kind of recognize him as the more "human" of the antagonists. When his entire world comes crashing down and he is left beaten and broken, in front of his peers no less, after working so hard to climb to the top from slavery, I feel sad for him to see him die so pathetically like that.



As for outside the actual class stories to the world arcs on the Imp side... no, I did not really find any truly sad moments...

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In Trooper Act III



Abandoning ol' Jaxo to save many other lives. It's a sad decision by itself, but you also had to watch her come undone and beg for her life.


This. Definitely the saddest in my opinion.

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Disclaimer: I'm a sap, really honestly. I'm one of those people who gets choked up at commercials and refuses to watch sad movies cause I don't cry pretty. Anything that's listed here probably made me at least tear up.


In Trooper Act III



Abandoning ol' Jaxo to save many other lives. It's a sad decision by itself, but you also had to watch her come undone and beg for her life.

This one was tough, and I didn't even particularly like her.


The War Machine quest on Dromund Kaas.


Where you have those soldiers who were made into droids, and the Light side choice is to kill them and put them out of their misery. Just so sad.



Jorgan's final companion quest


When you find out that all the other Deadeyes have already died. I just wanted to hug Jorgan and tell him I was so sorry.


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A good chunk of agent.


For companions:



Watching Lokin betray Vector, and Vector being okay with it because he realizes that very few people will tolerate him at all. :( Also, Temple killing her father had me very upset - mostly at her. But I suspect played a different way, I'd feel very sorry *for* her. I also felt sorry for Kaliyo, when you go darkside and kill Anspie, because she seems to regret it.



For storyline:



I was really upset when Watcher Two was nearly killed, as I thought it was entirely possible that she *had* died. (Seeing as she's not a companion, so the game could take her out.) I was so relieved when she revived.


Also, Hunter's death was...really moving. I'd hated that character up until the bitter end, yet...when she finally killed herself, it felt like I'd just lost the other half of my soul.



For myself:



Realizing that imperial intelligence had betrayed me was a huge blow. I'd imagined my character as joining Intelligence to make the Empire a better place. And to image that they'd betray me....I was also wounded by the SIS' willingness to throw my character away. The end of Act 2 literally felt like, "Yeah, you've done well, you've played by our rules, but screw you, anyway." Ouch


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watched bf bring mako to the party where everyone gets killed.. she got it dead on; everyone we got to know gets killed because of us. she was so freaked out we reset and brought out gault





chapter 2 wasnt so sad as much of my toon on one huge raegefest. i dont think i ever was so frantic in trying to finish storyline like my ia chapter 2.


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A minor one, on Hutta with The Man With the Steel Voice. I know that his scheme would have ended up getting a lot of people killed, but just seeing that beaten look in his eyes, the sadness in that mechanical voice, and the music didn't help either.

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Boarding Party FP



At the end of the FP where you get to pick light/dark side option of weather or not you want the crew executed. Pick dark side, and some of the crew get into a line, and two people reach out to hold each others hands before they are gunned down by empire executioners. :(


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The Foundry when


You realize Revan has fallen again and doesn't realize. (Even if you mention this every conversation chance.) Not only that, but considering some of the things he says he's clearly no longer fully sane. I think that's just so sad... His personality is fragmenting from the 300 year imprisonment and all the programming and you just have to stand by and watch him self destruct. And then the last line where he realizes it... And you can tell he regrets Malak's death too just by the way it is said...


Edited by Silimaa
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Smuggler Story:



When Miel, the Sullustan cop dies down in the Works while helping you track down Skavak on Coruscant. I felt bad for the little guy.



Agent Story:



On Hutta, when you're sent to kill Karrals after he lost his son. I couldn't do it. I told him to run and not look back.


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Republic Taris side quest:

Finding out what happened to the Outcasts is really sad, especially if you've played KotoR.



Imperial Agent Chapter 1 ending:

The decision on what to do with Jadus. Activate the weapon to capture him, or let him escape, where he could still be a threat. The radio messages from the ground just made things worse. :(


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Imperial Agent Chapter 1 ending:

The decision on what to do with Jadus. Activate the weapon to capture him, or let him escape, where he could still be a threat. The radio messages from the ground just made things worse. :(


Oh yeah this one made me super sad too.

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Smuggler Story:



When Miel, the Sullustan cop dies down in the Works while helping you track down Skavak on Coruscant. I felt bad for the little guy.



that was sad indeed as was the boarding party bit that PaintSticks mentioned.



im suprised no one mentioned the elleses if you choose to kill the engineering crew that is sad


EDIT*found a video if no one has seen it



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Smuggler Story:



When Miel, the Sullustan cop dies down in the Works while helping you track down Skavak on Coruscant. I felt bad for the little guy.




OMG, yes. I played an incredibly dark side smuggler, yet couldn't stop myself from helping the guy. He was so earnest. I will be sad forever that he had to die. :(

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Disclaimer: I'm a sap, really honestly. I'm one of those people who gets choked up at commercials and refuses to watch sad movies cause I don't cry pretty. Anything that's listed here probably made me at least tear up.



This one was tough, and I didn't even particularly like her.


The War Machine quest on Dromund Kaas.


Where you have those soldiers who were made into droids, and the Light side choice is to kill them and put them out of their misery. Just so sad.



Jorgan's final companion quest


When you find out that all the other Deadeyes have already died. I just wanted to hug Jorgan and tell him I was so sorry.


Yeah, funny how I didn't like Jaxo either. I think it was the weird stilted dialogue she had that was meant for the male Trooper and came out weird when she didn't follow through on flirting with me.


And Jorgan's quest was indeed sad, especially considering that quest arc spans all the Trooper acts, you spend the whole game with it! The little quaver in Jorgan's voice at the end caused me to look up the voice actor, lol.

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Yeah, funny how I didn't like Jaxo either. I think it was the weird stilted dialogue she had that was meant for the male Trooper and came out weird when she didn't follow through on flirting with me.


And Jorgan's quest was indeed sad, especially considering that quest arc spans all the Trooper acts, you spend the whole game with it! The little quaver in Jorgan's voice at the end caused me to look up the voice actor, lol.


If you see Tim Omundson on Psych, then look at Jorgan very carefully, they have the same jawline and scowl. :D

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Sith Warrior part 1 Balmorra

Baras's Republic officer agent. That got really emotional.



Sith Warrior part 3 MAJOR spoiler

Quinn's betrayal. That hit me pretty hard.



Jedi Knight part 1



Killing Angral's son in front of him was probably a little sad.


That cyborg on Nar Shaddaa that resisted his implants. Saren moment!


That planet Angral decimated. Billions of deaths would be the saddest thing in the game if we could actually comprehend them.



Trooper chapter 1

Fuse telling me to go after the bombs instead of him. I still picked him.


On Alderaan when I didn't free that assassin/husband/father. That was a tough choice.


The thing with Tavus. All of his friends except Fuse and the old guy got killed because of him



Trooper chapter 2

I don't even remember if this was class story or bonus series, but there was an officer on Balmorra that had to fight the empire without the republic's help during the treaty and his actor did great at showing his pain.


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Trooper Act I End.



The fact that unlike pretty much every other major character, after you defeat Tavus, and he refuses to surrender, your character doesn't just kill him in a cutscene. Instead it enters combat again, and he has only 1 HP. You yourself - the player - is forced to pull the trigger to end his life.



Bounty Hunter Act II.



Finding all the cool and interesting characters (IE the non-Mandalorian ones) killed at the party... Mako didn't help matters.



Dromund Kaas.



The Droidified soldiers. Made worse by the fact that, no matter what you choose, their Captain is absolutely distraught...


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