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There's no word for ANY fixing regarding ANYTHING yet from BioWare. Apparently they are all still on extended Christmas vacation. :rolleyes:


It's absurd how much better Fire From Above is over Mortar Volley.


Actually, there is word from BW. Emmanuel Lusinchi commented on it here:




During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness. As pointed out by some people on the Forum, a very responsive experience is one of the factors that separate the best MMOs from the others. This is something we are fully aware of and take extremely seriously.


Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month. Every lead mentioned on the forum is being investigated and I cannot stress enough how useful your feedback is – especially when coupled with the level of details found in some of the posts.


So I’d really like to thank the community for this very constructive feedback.


Thanks again and best regards,

Emmanuel Lusinchi

Technical Design Director

Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Actually, there is word from BW. Emmanuel Lusinchi commented on it here:




Well that is great to hear. I truly hope the actions match the words on this.


Not sure if this has been mentioned already (I participated earlier in this thread but haven't been back for a few days and it's grown mightily), but Stock Strike with the knockback compenent is COMPLETELY EFFED UP. I started a Vanguard and just leveled up to be able to get this talent and so noticed it for the first time yesterday.


The mob is knocked back before the Stock Strike animation even begins. The result is that it looks like the mob magically leaped backwards and AVOIDED the Stock Strike altogether, and my toon is striking at empty air. Yes, I know that's not what's actually happening, but damn if it don't look like it!


That is some seriously broken shizz right there.


Again, I only hope that BioWare walks its talk regarding these issues. I'll be very happy if they do.

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I know, i just about spit out my coffee in laughter. Actually complaining about this amazing ability.


It also works great in pvp if you use it properly, hutball is made for Mortar Strike!!


Mortar Volley in Huttball = Free target to force leap with ball to

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The "using full auto, skill goes on cooldown but nothing happens" bugg


This happens to unload all the time too btw... It's not just commandos. Also death from above is way more noticable than mortar strike...your floating in the air ffs.

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just rerolled from a 50 powertech to a trooper and i noticed this bug as soon as i got full auto at lvl 3. I havent been able to get more than 2 ticks of full auto since getting it. Every single time there is at least 1 second wasted while my character gets into that crouching stable position before she begins to fire and by that time only 1.8-2 seconds are left on the channel so i never get that 3rd tick of dmg. This is beyond broken considering full auto is one of Commando's top dmg abilities at the later levels. How have you guys been dealing with this is beyond me. Dunno if i even wanna level up a commando now and just go back to my Bounty Hunter :/
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What about this:





So Bounty Hunters get it whenever they vent there heat (any talent or ability)


Powertechs only get it when they "Activate" recharge cells.



Powertechs get 1% heal every second forever.


Vanguards get 1%-7% heal for 7 seconds every 2 minutes.


Not balanced.

Edited by Daecollo
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I play trooper and my brother plays the BH and they are not two different classes, they are IDENTICAL just with diff named skills and different animations every skill however is an exact copy from side to side for the most part



Only difference is bounty hunter abilities activate pretty much the instant you click them, while pretty much everything for trooper takes time for things to happen, which means whatever you're targetting you click an ability and then wait for things to happen, the target then moves out of range or behind something your ability is interrupted, you do no damage and are stuck with cooldown, while with bounty hunter you do instant damage the second you click the action.

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From what I have seen is that the animation goes off quicker for a BH but the damage actually happens at the same time as it does on a trooper. For example with this video
it shows the animation of the rockets going off but the damage doesn't actually happen until there is 2 seconds left of the cast.
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The "using full auto, skill goes on cooldown but nothing happens" bugg


There is also the "Plasma Grenade not firing unless you change a target if you pop Reserve Powercell and a Relic at the same time even if you try 3-4 times" bug -_- It is equally annoying =/

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From what I have seen is that the animation goes off quicker for a BH but the damage actually happens at the same time as it does on a trooper. For example with this video
it shows the animation of the rockets going off but the damage doesn't actually happen until there is 2 seconds left of the cast.


No the damage does not happen at the same time on a trooper. DFA kicks in at about 2 seconds left while MV begins to fire with ~1 second left. You can move after the cast bar is done, but the problem is it takes nearly double the time DFA does to begin.

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You do know that once the cast bar for mortar volley is finished (even if the animation isn't) you can move and it will still fire off the third shot.


This may be true, but when your enemies in a warzone have 3 seconds to see the big red cricle on the ground and run away, it doesn't matter that the 3rd round fires into an empty area while you run.


A bounty hunter can drop the AoE circle and begin firing sooner, giving people less time to react and avoid the damage. That's the problem.

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Level 41 Vanguard at the moment. I use mortar volley everytime off cooldown, so I have a pretty good idea on timing.


I jumped on my brother's level 19 Powertech and used Death from above and unload....








I didn't look at the animations, but when the damage started and the Bounty Hunter equivalent abilities fired off damage a full second ahead of my Trooper. I know how my Vanguard's abilities feel and I can say without a doubt in my mind the Powertech's "volley" and "full auto" were calculating damage faster than mine. This is on the same computer/ISP mind you.


And this is in PvE, in PvP when you combine this inherent ability delay with the ability delay already plauging everyone and you got Troopers sitting there for a good 4-5 seconds getting full auto off, assuming it doesn't misfire (not go off at all but expend a global).


After making my own comparison I'm keeping this thread bumped. Ignorance is bliss I guess, but I want working abilities like the Powertechs...no wonder everyone is rolling Imp ;)

Edited by Chiefwakka
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I have a level 24 bounty hunter, i just reroll'd a Trooper to play with friends, lots of MMO XP here, arena\ end game pve


These skills are not right for the trooper. pvp \ pve if you are a good player you notice them almost to the point you want to log off. To me it kills your whole rotation pve wise, in pvp its like i got CC'd for 1.5 sec then the action kicks in.


Stock strike does not seem to be right either, On my BH, its reacts perfectly i can run up pistol whip someone without trouble. My trooper seems like he makes his own mind up when he wants to club someone with his gun.


this was not something intended.... 1000%



\PS: These are the kind of things that lead to Class and Server unbalance... Fix please.... I want my trooper to play smooth thats all we ask !!!!!!!!!


One more thing for the combat medic? Why do we get a giant freekin laser beam to heal with????? is that so everyone in the warzone can see exactly where the healer is? BH get a lil pew pew heal cant notice. Cant we tone that down or just make it shots like the BH. Its the only heal or skill that looks like that at all. Gosh Darn Neon sign in pvp

Edited by Gratchh
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Just started PVPing, and my god the delay KILLS. I'm pretty much only useful in a supporting fire role.


Yeah, totally this. Playing my powertech, then switching to the commando is killer. It's terrible, I heal for warzones and even that is bad. I haven't played merc but the delay on commando skills is absolutely horrid. I'd rather have my trooper flap his arms and float in the air for animations as long as trooper can get the same timing that the bounty hunter does. The animation thing may be cool, but it needs to happen faster to bring the trooper up to speed.

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