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Why do you PVE in swtor?


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In swtor I guess its different as I dont really see any items that are any more powerful than the pvp items that you can get from the vendors. So my question is, do you PVErs raid in swtor just to raid? To see end game content? Just trying to understand the idea as to why people raid in swtor. :confused:


Step into one of the harder HMs or Nightmare ops wearing your Warmaster or Battlemaster gear instead of Campaign or Columi/Rakata armor. The difference is huge.


Why do I PVE? I love cooperative gameplay.

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I tried PVP but got tired of hearing ppl insult me, my family, my kids, my well..... anything. PVP'ers are the most vicious e-thugs online. Sorry i dont want to hear ppl talk about sodomizing my kids with a knife because they died in a video game. Edited by TKMaster
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Star Wars was always about the story for me, tho to be frank ive hated PVP in every game i have ever played.


Even when I was young, I just never had the killer instinct needed to finish fights, I was raised in DnD cooperative type gameplay where all the players helped each other (cept for that one roleplaying chaotic evil ******e rogue...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE :p).

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Wow, some people really think gear is skill. There's no skill in a class system either. Why? Because you can never have equal balance between all of them one against another. If they put in a legends simulator like DCUO, changed the combat system to something other than button clicking, and actually had to aim, then it might require skill.


No RPG should ever do that; there's a healthy selection of shooters on the market, no need to turn RPGs into shooters as well.

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I disagree. Either the team with the best gear wins, or the team with the best group composition wins, or the team who actually listens to each other wins. Essentially you live or die by what the RNG gave you to work with on your team and not because of what you do during the match yourself quite a bit of the time.


Also to be fair... a lot of the time humans in WZs are dumber than NPCs in FPs and therefore easier to kill. :D



Isn't that the point though? There is really no measure of how good you are in this game - every player is unrated and you are never on an even playing field because it's always influenced by RNG group composition. A game HAS to be either ranked or pre-made vs pre-made in equivalent gear in order for skill to be the deciding factor.


I actually LOVE PvP but it has to be on an even playing field which is why I never bother with PvP in gear based games unless there is some kind of ratings system to make sure that everybody you are fighting against is playing with you on an even playing field. I get no satisfaction from rolling over less-geared opponents or bad teams.


When it is all said and done, Warzones offer a fresh and unique experience every single time. With Flashpoints and Ops, you fight the SAME enemies at the SAME locations using the SAME tactics getting the SAME outcome and so on and so forth. It is SO repetitive, just like working on an assembly line all day long doing the same repetitious task over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....


Yes, I play on the same 4 Warzone maps, but this current Warzone match is entirely different from the previous Huttball match and because of this, I must adapt to the change play differently than I did before. Sometimes it requires using a different strategy and what not. In the previous Huttball match I was a ball carrying hob, unable to be defeated and because of this, I scored 5 times to help my team win. This Huttball match that isn't working so I must take a different approach. Instead of being the hog, perhaps I must find a healer to guard so that he/she can do a better job keeping others alive. You don't really get that with Flashpoints or Ops. The way you killed the boss with your guild last time would essentially be the same way you kill the boss this time, and the next time after that. There really isn't that since of surprise, not knowing how something could play out.


Finally, with Ranked Warzones coming, I can keep track of how well [or poor] I am doing against my peers. There isn't no such things with Ops or Flashpoints. There isn't a tracker that shows which groups cleared a certain Nightmare Ops the quickest or had the fewest deaths. There isn't a tracker that shows who puts out the most damage in a Flashpoint across a server vs other DPS players and so on. With Warzones, at least this will happen and you can see where you stack up against others which adds more layers to the competitiveness of Warzones.

Edited by Majestic_Jazz
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Yes, I play on the same 4 Warzone maps, but this current Warzone match is entirely different from the previous Huttball match and because of this, I must adapt to the change play differently than I did before. Sometimes it requires using a different strategy and what not. In the previous Huttball match I was a ball carrying hob, unable to be defeated and because of this, I scored 5 times to help my team win. This Huttball match that isn't working so I must take a different approach. Instead of being the hog, perhaps I must find a healer to guard so that he/she can do a better job keeping others alive. You don't really get that with Flashpoints or Ops. The way you killed the boss with your guild last time would essentially be the same way you kill the boss this time, and the next time after that. There really isn't that since of surprise, not knowing how something could play out.

Your success is still governed by what gear you are in compared to what gear your components are in and what team you get dealt compared with the team your opponents get dealt. You give me two teams, list me which classes they have and what gear they have and 9/10 times I will be able to accurately predict the outcome.


In real PvP games THAT is simply not possible which is why I disagree with you about PvP being surprising. The only surprise is when sometimes the better geared opposition is actually extremely stupid and therefore you can snatch a win, those unpredictable wins are the only fun part but they're few and far between.


Finally, with Ranked Warzones coming, I can keep track of how well [or poor] I am doing against my peers. There isn't no such things with Ops or Flashpoints. There isn't a tracker that shows which groups cleared a certain Nightmare Ops the quickest or had the fewest deaths. There isn't a tracker that shows who puts out the most damage in a Flashpoint across a server vs other DPS players and so on. With Warzones, at least this will happen and you can see where you stack up against others which adds more layers to the competitiveness of Warzones.

As the game stands currently there is no measurement of success or failure. Somebody who lost every single WZ will still be in better gear than somebody who won every single WZ if they started playing a few weeks earlier.


I can understand PvPing when you are in RANKED matches on an even playing field against teams of players wearing the same gear statistically as your team has (and in fact once ranked WZs come in I might actually start PvPing in this game) but as it stands right now PvP is usually nothing but RNG group composition.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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to get gear to raid more.


i love world pvp, but until they bring ilum back i cant bring myself to play the same 4 warzones ad naseum.


i dont think either requires more or less corrdinatuion thatn the other, likewise in terms of skill. both can be equally frustrating, and in the end it really is just a mnatter of preference.


for myself, each boss has mechanics that require coordination, so that is 5+5+4 events that require team play, as opposed to the 4 warzones. I think people that can appreciate both are gettiung the best deal since they get 4 warzones and 14 bosses to learn to perfect.


luckily, im not... or my group isnt... good enough to faceroll echm, so i am not bored. and bioware comes out with content fast enough that i am not in the best gear possible and i still need to perfect content.

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But coming from the other end I always wondered why people bought this "story" game to only PvP.

There was nothing that made me think "oh I bet this would be a good PvP game" when it was advertised.


I agree 100%.


The answer? People are dumb. (As a general rule, not directed at anyone specifically.)

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When it is all said and done, Warzones offer a fresh and unique experience every single time. With Flashpoints and Ops, you fight the SAME enemies at the SAME locations using the SAME tactics getting the SAME outcome and so on and so forth. It is SO repetitive, just like working on an assembly line all day long doing the same repetitious task over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....


To a point you're correct, but only in low level setting or an immature metagame. As ranked WZs come out and people can fully arrange a group comp, you will see 1 or more dominant strategies emerge. Then you'll see ways to counter these strategies. Once the more hardcore groups figure this stuff out and it gets publicized, the more casual crowd will adopt them. Eventually, PvP becomes the same "assembly line" procedure that you deride PvE for being. This is true on a more microscopic level as well. Say you're a tank Shadow and you're almost always being killed by that Annihilation Marauder. What do you do? Go the the forums and look up what you have to do to kill him. It may take a few attempts, but eventually you'll get the hang of it and come out ahead more often than not... which sounds an awful lot like progression raiding to me.

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Why do you run the same warzones all the time? Warzones are just as boring as running the same FP/OPs over, and over, and over. It's not like the wack-a-mole button smashing combat in this game takes any skill.


its actually not.


just because it's the same map or same objectives it's always different. as compared to the literal exact same scripted flashpoint or operation over and over again.


in pvp it's almost impossible to predict everything your opposing team is going to do. . .unlike with scripted pve


To a point you're correct, but only in low level setting or an immature metagame. As ranked WZs come out and people can fully arrange a group comp, you will see 1 or more dominant strategies emerge. Then you'll see ways to counter these strategies. Once the more hardcore groups figure this stuff out and it gets publicized, the more casual crowd will adopt them. Eventually, PvP becomes the same "assembly line" procedure that you deride PvE for being. This is true on a more microscopic level as well. Say you're a tank Shadow and you're almost always being killed by that Annihilation Marauder. What do you do? Go the the forums and look up what you have to do to kill him. It may take a few attempts, but eventually you'll get the hang of it and come out ahead more often than not... which sounds an awful lot like progression raiding to me.


this can be as true as saying 'we all press buttons to activate our abilities so it's all the same'.


the difference is, that when you go into your pve boss battle you know he's gonna do X at this stage, and Y at that stage.


in pvp, while you will go up against the same class, they're all going to react differently. they're gonna start their attack differently, and they will react to what you do differently(even if you're technically doing the same thing, each person reacts differently)

Edited by FourTwent
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Hi everyone so i've been playing swtor from day 1 and I mostly PVP and rarely do PVE content (FPs/Ops) cause after raiding in WoW for almost 5+ years im a little burnt out on that. But the MAIN reason I used to raid in WoW was to get more powerful weapons/trinkets/etc so that I can turn around and use them in PVP (Arenas/RBGs) to earn higher ratings. In swtor I guess its different as I dont really see any items that are any more powerful than the pvp items that you can get from the vendors. So my question is, do you PVErs raid in swtor just to raid? To see end game content? Just trying to understand the idea as to why people raid in swtor. :confused:


Pretty sure this is troll post.


Try doing any serious PvP in WoW with 0 resilience and see how far that gets you.

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I hate this question. I don't feel that it's ever been constructive, no matter how mature the answers can be to it. It's like asking why people love/don't love chocolate, or anything else on the planet. It doesn't help either side, it's not like PVE people will be struck with sudden inspiration, clarity, and urge to play PVP by these threads, and vice versa. It's a simple matter of taste, and invariably both sides lord their imagined superiority over the other. Which is absurd, as this is a GAME.


These threads rank below the constant whining threads I see. I'd rather watch someone QQ that a mission is too hard, or a class is too OP, than debate PVE vs PVP.

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Dont know what "loaded" means and I actually do PVE. I do my dailies/do hm fps I just dont do raids but was thinking of raiding again just trying to find a reason to do it other then just for the "fun" and more for trying to gain an advantage in PVP. It's all good though.


You need more than "just for fun"? I don't think you know how games work.

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...the MAIN reason I used to raid in WoW was to get more powerful weapons/trinkets/etc so that I can turn around and use them in PVP (Arenas/RBGs) to earn higher ratings.

That's my idea of mind-numbing tedium. Like "Groundhog Day" set in an MMO - same dailies and grind day after day after day.... I prefer the journey to the destination, so to speak. As soon as an alt of mine hits max level in an MMO it gets retired apart from if it's dusted off to help a friend or make the occasional loot run to gather funds for my lowbie alts.

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You need more than "just for fun"? I don't think you know how games work.


lol! Love your sig Giondi. I'm a dps and yea... we are always one heal away from soloing everything. :D


Tried to run a few flashpoints with at level dps only... you can guess the outcome. lol

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I am mostly a PvP player, but it is also fun to do from time to time some PvE stuff (looking forward to the groupfinder tool... but of course more to the ranked warzones and hope one day we will see a fixed Ilum).


I also cant wait for the group finder as well. Itll make doing PVE more accessible to me and to alot of other players that are tired of trying to get a group going for an hour or more with zero success.

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Hi everyone so i've been playing swtor from day 1 and I mostly PVP and rarely do PVE content (FPs/Ops) cause after raiding in WoW for almost 5+ years im a little burnt out on that. But the MAIN reason I used to raid in WoW was to get more powerful weapons/trinkets/etc so that I can turn around and use them in PVP (Arenas/RBGs) to earn higher ratings. In swtor I guess its different as I dont really see any items that are any more powerful than the pvp items that you can get from the vendors. So my question is, do you PVErs raid in swtor just to raid? To see end game content? Just trying to understand the idea as to why people raid in swtor. :confused:


Because for every 20 PvPers, there will be:

- 19 immature sociopaths who are willing to stoop to anything to win and are completely unable to tolerate losing.

- 1 hardcore alpha male who is extremely good at PvPing.


I am neither.

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Because it is a very well crafted game. Operations are epic...and getting more challenging it would seem. Plus I am not a fan of PvP really... open world pvp is ok but if I wanted the pewpew killfest respawn pewpew kilfest of pvp style gaming I would have just bought an X-Box and some random FPS. However I think it seems that you fail to realize that a lot of gamers do not enjoy pvp... I just find it boring.
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the story lines in star wars are awesome.. you should try them




Plus in PVE we use more then our stun button during combat!


PVP here fun in small doses but with just 4 maps it gets really old really fast and for challenge Id take a champion level mob over the rinse and repeat PVP sessions any day!

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PVP here fun in small doses but with just 4 maps it gets really old really fast and for challenge Id take a champion level mob over the rinse and repeat PVP sessions any day!


tell that to the millions of people playing LoL on the same map for years.

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this can be as true as saying 'we all press buttons to activate our abilities so it's all the same'.


the difference is, that when you go into your pve boss battle you know he's gonna do X at this stage, and Y at that stage.


in pvp, while you will go up against the same class, they're all going to react differently. they're gonna start their attack differently, and they will react to what you do differently(even if you're technically doing the same thing, each person reacts differently)


Actually, my point was that while people do react differently at low to intermediate skill levels, those at the highest levels of PvP rarely react differently. They know your TtK, your CC capabilities, and the most dangerous things you can do. They play accordingly, knowing what to interrupt, what you're going to fake cast, when to trinket out of a CC chain, etc.

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