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The class you hate to see the most on your team


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I hate seen sages/sorcs that go the whole game and dont throw bubbles on people. I dont care if you are dps spec'd. Throw a flippin bubble.


The bubble costs so much force. And we're already a force deprived class.

I'm only going to cast it on the ball carrier in huttball, or a healer, or a guildie that needs it. I'm not wasting my limited force on a random pug.

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Hate seeing a bunch of DPS sorcs- especially in VS, means a guaranteed loss because they can't kill people fast enough to clear a door.


Hate seeing mercs or sorcs that aren't healers. Hate seeing more than 3 healers because, again- guaranteed loss because you'll never kill anyone with a team like that.



Most of all though- hate seeing a team that isn't mostly marauders, sins and snipers with 1-2 healers and a tank.

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Eh Heh, Yeah Right, i dunno waht server your on but thats not the case on Darth malak, They Ravage and **** their way to Victory, all the time, Especially Carnage Specced ones since they get a 6 second or so 100% armor piercing mode


I hope that was trolling for your own good.

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I hate the class that has 12 to 14k hps because I know they will contribute nothing to the WZ other than inflating those in WHs numbers.


You realize the stats on battle master were lowered and 13-14k is for a full set. My champ set had higher health but with so much lost expertise I had to get the new set with lower endurance.

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You realize the stats on battle master were lowered and 13-14k is for a full set. My champ set had higher health but with so much lost expertise I had to get the new set with lower endurance.


You realize youre full of ****, and the hps are usually 15 to 16k.

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Which is why I love proving people wrong :)


Good against bad players != competitive.


I can exile a merc/mando at will on my sentinel, and I know vanguards, shadows, gunslingers, and juggernauts that can too. If I can forcibly drop your DPS by 40-50% by simply attacking you, you're not competitive.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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I hate seeing stupid pyrotech or assault vanguards/pt s cuz they do almost no damage compared to a real dps class and they are alright as tanks I guess but guards are better imo cuz they have more CDs and armor.
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I hate seeing a lot of snipers in huttball. They're generally too stationary to assist with the ball, more than 2 is rare but really bad in that case. I don't like seeing too many concealment operatives either. No jump/pull/push in hutt ball. They are ok for any other WZ. That's about it.


Snipers can be mobile in any spec its all in how they play it. Here is a link to a match of me in a huttball where I directly scored 2 goals and passed for the score for another goal. This was as a Sab spec Gunslinger. Most of what I did, except for slows, any gunslinger spec could easily do.




Snipers can also play a key role in defending against the other team by controlling the middle of the map or by staying towards your teams goal and stopping any chains the other team tries to set up. Like sage pulls and pass and leap targets, without the worry of giving an enemy a leap target due to being in cover. They are a valuable asset to the team in any warzone.


Now as I have said in the video, I realize we were a premade against an unorganized team, so I am not claiming I am the best gunslinger out there, but it does show what a gunslinger is capable of if they focus on the objective.


To answer the OPs question, I love all classes in every warzone. I just like a balance between heals, tanks and dps too much of any can lead to difficulty capturing an objective, but its not impossible. I once won a huttball in a pug without any healers by constantly passing the ball, so, as long as players pay attention to the objective I would love to play with you.

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Honestly, I get a sad face when I see mercs on my team. Why? They're heals aren't the great, they depend on others to get their dps, and they can't hold their own in any 1 v 1. Them having to rely on others to get their dps is fail, and them being probably the worse 1 v 1 class means they need babysitters with them at key points on maps. You can't depend on to gaurd a target due to them having little survivability. Too bad it will take Bioware about a year before they come around and actually make any viable changes to the class.


On the other hand, I love seeing muraders and assasins on my team.


Don't let my commando healer read this. 907k healing BOOM!

I'd say that sorcerers/ sages die more easily usually.




OT: I don't really hate any classes on my team as long as people that are playing know what they do.

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Guys honestly, I feel that Mercenary/Commando healers are decent in PvP, but then again I only have a lvl 18 Mercenary, got bored with the class storyline. Honestly though each class is better in different Warzones. For example Warriors/Knights (Especially immortal specced Juggernauts/Guardians) are great at Huttball, due to the force leap that can get them far very fast. But Assassins/Shadows or Scoundrels/Operatives are good at the Voidstar or sometimes The Civil War since they can cap turrets/doors right under the other team's nose. And like mentioned before it's all on wether or not the group Co-operates or just sits around getting defender points or chasing 1v1 kills.



VIslir Lvl 50 Assassin~The Harbinger~Let me know via in-game mail if you want to discuss this topic further, probably won't come back to this thread. :)


P.S. Sorry for any spell mistakes, typed this in like 5 minutes. :/

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I hate the class that refuses to do any objectives and just mindlessly runs around the map looking for the ever so important 1v1 kill.


So long as the person playing the class knows what they're doing and actually works with the team... anything is fine by me.


And I bet you are the one that says there are no op'd classes, only op'd players, and have never been a competitive player to begin with. I would also assume you get upset at others, when they get upset that they lose.


We are talking about competitive playing here. The OP is clearly a competitive person and likes to win, as myself.


All this being said, I don't like seeing dps mercs or commandos; multiple snipers (one is fine); no more than 1 dps sorc (prefer healers if any at all), and that's about it.

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I'm in full WH gear, and I enjoy running around in a warzone looking for 1 on 1. So far it is the only place I can do this. If there was any openworld PvP with benefits, I would never do a warzone, but since I still need gear for my alts and want to get to 100 valor, I'll keep doing the warzones. Quite frankly I've done such an incredible ungodly amount of warzones that for a while I just couldn't stand to even do them anymore, so I've had to invent new ways to make them entertaining, and one of them is running around and pulling single members to me in obscure areas for some 1 on 1 action. And there are other things, like I'll actually contribute to winning the game, but not because I have to, but because that's what I'm in the mood to do at the time. Unless I'm in a premade with my guild, I don't play the warzones to win anymore. Now I just play them to have fun.


As far as who I hate to see on my team... I don't even take notice of the classes. I'm just in there to PvP. I'm not really interested in what class is on my team.

Edited by Kailaurius
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To the people earlier complaining about lethality operatives, you obviously have never seen a good one. A lethality operative is EXTREMELY mobile, has arguably the biggest bag of utilities in the game, unquestionably the best AOE, and what he lacks in front loaded burst he makes up for in backloaded cull chains. They also have the distinct advantage of being a hipster class. Almost nobody plays as them so most people don't have any experiance fighting them. The usual stun/kite that shuts down concealment OP's it utterly ineffective and most people don't remmember to clense. I can rake in 300k damage 100k healing, 20-30 kills with 0-2 deaths in a "balanced" warzone. I don't have a single piece of warhero armor and I don't use stims of any sort.

Lethality is a utility class that will rip you a new one if you let them, and they are so frustratingly annoying to chace down and kill that they can slip away from almost any situation, heal from almost dead to full in 6 seconds, and be back for more. (I'm assuming an 8 point offspec into healing for longer TA's and better heals while having a TA).

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Honestly, I get a sad face when I see mercs on my team. Why? They're heals aren't the great, they depend on others to get their dps, and they can't hold their own in any 1 v 1. Them having to rely on others to get their dps is fail, and them being probably the worse 1 v 1 class means they need babysitters with them at key points on maps. You can't depend on to gaurd a target due to them having little survivability. Too bad it will take Bioware about a year before they come around and actually make any viable changes to the class.


On the other hand, I love seeing muraders and assasins on my team.


I had a team last night that was 4 Mercs, 3 Sorcs, and me (Carnage Mara).


One of the Mercs was "that guy", going off on the rest of the team for being terrible, and THAT was obviously the reason we lost the match.


It had nothing to do w/ 4 DPS Mercs and 2 DPS Sorcs facing a full team of Sentinels / Shadows w/ 2 Scoundrel heals.

Edited by Varicite
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