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How many people would resub if they took the nerfs away from 1.2?


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....If someone unsubs due to a nerf, then well. Good riddance I say. Suck it up, push on, pwnface harder IMO. I main a DPS assassin, ain't got no buffs, or nerfs in longer than most classes, hell, I've never even heard a peep on if they are looking to close the drastic gap in DPS between some classes and others. But do you see me complaining? Nope! Because I do damn spiffy with the character and adapt, and I'm still one of the best three DPS in our guild currently and pull alot more DPS then some people thought assassins could do. So, say they nerf me, am I going to quit? No. Because I'm an adult and my desire to flex my e-peen doesn't approach levels of "I'mma unsub if I get nerfed."
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OK, so clearly the answer is zero. But this isn't about how many would re-subscribe if they re-balanced in the opposite direction. This is a complaint thread it seems.


So.... are you asking Bioware to stop balancing completely? Or are you saying they were just so perfect, so dead-on with their balancing, that they had it just right in 1.1 and now they've ruined it?

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Just curious? I think a lot of people were unhappy after those nerfs.


how many of us never cared in the first place, nor did we unsub like tiara toting princesses. (I'm not calling you one, but calling all the 'do this or I unsub' people one."

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OK, so clearly the answer is zero. But this isn't about how many would re-subscribe if they re-balanced in the opposite direction. This is a complaint thread it seems.


So.... are you asking Bioware to stop balancing completely? Or are you saying they were just so perfect, so dead-on with their balancing, that they had it just right in 1.1 and now they've ruined it?


Just with TTK. The expertise change is what ****ed it.

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All games have buff and nerf, if a player can't handle it, might as well change game. I'm still very irked by the fact that people would 'threaten' to unsubscribe due to nerfing, wth, as if there's none of that in other games?
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They changed sorcerors not just in DPS but in heals, effectively ruining both trees. Sorcs don't have a 31 tree that is any good and bioware castrated hybrids, so you cannot be unique at all. They also didnt just "balance" or lower some damage/heal numbers, oh no, they changed the whole play style. Sorcs are *********** ruined.


I unsubbed at 1.2 and I'm waiting for sub to run out.


This game is being run just like warhammer and is failing like Warhammer. Keep the nerfs coming Bioware.

Edited by Rotoroot
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They changed sorcerors not just in DPS but in heals, effectively ruining both trees. Sorcs don't have a 31 tree that is any good and bioware castrated hybrids, so you cannot be unique at all. They also didnt just "balance" or lower some damage/heal numbers, oh no, they changed the whole play style. Sorcs are *********** ruined.


I unsubbed at 1.2 and I'm waiting for sub to run out.


This game is being run just like warhammer and is failing like Warhammer. Keep the nerfs coming Bioware.


I have 2 sorcerors in my guild. ones a healer and one is a dps. They both are outstanding with the class. People that complain about sorcerors being ruined are just bad players. No amount of QQ or blaming Bioware is going to make them better.

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They changed sorcerors not just in DPS but in heals, effectively ruining both trees. Sorcs don't have a 31 tree that is any good and bioware castrated hybrids, so you cannot be unique at all. They also didnt just "balance" or lower some damage/heal numbers, oh no, they changed the whole play style. Sorcs are *********** ruined.


I unsubbed at 1.2 and I'm waiting for sub to run out.


This game is being run just like warhammer and is failing like Warhammer. Keep the nerfs coming Bioware.


I could see that they alienated sorc/sage healers in 1.2, and tanks/healers need a bit of extra attention to make sure those classes are fun, since DPS is always the center of the action.


They're catering to tanks now, they'll probably cater to healers again.

Edited by jgelling
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Just curious? I think a lot of people were unhappy after those nerfs.


Allot of people are always unhappy with the nerfs, the sorcs/sages, let us know that when the nerf bat hit them hard, always goign to be knee jerk reactions, to nerfs, and they really never are as bad as they seem, once you adjust to them, if people cancel over a simple nerf most likely they were going to unsub anyway. I have played mmo's for a very long time been nerfed more times than I care to count, I was always able to be effective on those toons again, once I adjusted to what ever they threw at me, in fact I have no issues with the current round of nerfs, and one of my toons will be getting hit as well. /shrug

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