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To those who have been transferred: worth it?


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It's definitely worth it, no doubt about it. From being on a server where no one said a word in the general chat I now have a server where lots of people constantly searches, and according to the replies in the general chat also finds, people for flashpoints. The increase of characters in the fleet (from 4 characters early in the morning to 30 or more) also makes it possible to pvp almost at any time you want to. Not only that, I've been on Nar Shadaa, Taris and Korriban lately, and there where 30+ on all three planets even though it wasn't even close to peak hour. People have started to play again, and they have clearly started it by grouping up and doing heroics and flashpoints. As someone said earlier: "It's almost like when the game was released".
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Yes it was worth it, but as a guild master I'm left wanting.


The fact that you have to submit a normal CS ticket to get your bank restored is just a little sketchy. There couldn't be a dedicated place that only GMs could go to get assistance with this and make it as seamless as possible?


Otherwise the difference is like night and day.

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I will just go buy Mass Effect 3 and play single and let the PVPers have their game. It just isn't what this old KOTOR vet expected.

My sub was cancelled today.


For the love of all that is holy, do not buy Mass Effect 3, the ending makes it to where most people cannot bring themselves to go back and replay the first two. The ending is franchise killing.

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Definitely worth it, the community on the new server is awesome and it does feel like it did 6 months ago. Last night there was nearly 60 people on Voss, on my original server 3 or 4 was the maximum I saw! It is strange seeing over 300+ people on the Imperial Fleet (but a good feeling nonetheless). I told my friends and two of them re-subscribed and we are playing again!
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i was on Kaas City during early access because of the pre-launch guild recruitment. got an assassin to 50, then i realized that even though the pop wasn't as bad as others, it as a pretty anti-social group to me. either that or everyone was too caught up in their cliques. so a couple weeks before 1.2 i re-rolled to Canderous Ordo and have been there ever since.


i never did delete my assassin in hopes he would one day unite with the Canderous characters.


My dream came true. 100% worth it! so refreshing to be using my old assassin again!

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Nope it isn't, my old guild is gone now, my new guild is scattered, my good names are now forfeit, I play for the story and the quests on the planets, the actual Star Wars parts or atleast the things that made me feel like I was part of the Star Wars universe.

If you pvp the higher numbers mean you can cycle through the pvp maps quicker and get into pug dungeons at light speed, if that's you, enjoy.

It aint me and now that my identity is largely gone, so am I.

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By the same token I could accuse you of working for NCSOFT of Activision/Blizzard. Why is it that people who like the game have no credibility but critics and haters are granted all the credibility?


Who said i didnt like the game? My post was directed at specific person and how they defend everything and correct anyone who thinks the game has some big flaws.


To that person, of course people sound happier because 4-4 months after the fact they actually finally have people to group with in a game that has many features that require the server to actually have people on it.


Sorry but while some people will be so busy patting BW on the back for their new populated server the reality is that the major flaws will be showing their ugly head again soon. Management has a long way to go to show they can keep SWTOR at the level it should be capable of holding. For the players sake I hope they have something up their sleeve but the basic design of the game makes it hard to implement any major content ( except maybe raids of new WZ maps) at anything above a snails pace.


I experienced the euphoria of actually having people around when I left all of my toons behind and started on another server while BW tried to figure out how to do merges ( these arent transfers but thats fine because merges are what was needed) and I do like the game but looking forward I see it being a tough struggle. The euphoria will wear off for many unless BW really steps up. Being a Star Wars fan for decades I know people will stick around but it might not be at the levels that BW requires which concerns me because SW fans have been raked over the coals enough times by MMO's.

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Well, no RvR at the moment isn't a flaw, it's a plan. It resulted from a flawed mechanic, yes, but the current state is progression, even though it doesn't seem like it from the viewpoint of a player.


But that's a specific that's better for another thread. From here on out, I expect subs to not only stop bleeding, but to actually increase marginally now, a bit more with 1.3, and then a lot more with 1.4.


Amen Brother, lets bring this game to the Top!

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Well, no RvR at the moment isn't a flaw, it's a plan. It resulted from a flawed mechanic, yes, but the current state is progression, even though it doesn't seem like it from the viewpoint of a player.


But that's a specific that's better for another thread. From here on out, I expect subs to not only stop bleeding, but to actually increase marginally now, a bit more with 1.3, and then a lot more with 1.4.


Well that the put in the worst RvR I've ever seen in an MMORPG was a flaw (it was much worst than even LOTRO's).


And I'm far from certain there IS a plan with RvR (they removed it because it was a constant thorn in their side, not because they had something ready to replace it, or even planned to replace it).


But again I suspect most people that wanted RvR (and indeed PvP) with SWTOR have again already quit by now. I know that was why ~50% of my guild quit. :(

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Originally from Death Wind Corridor. When that server became a ghost town I did as many, many others did rerolled on The Fatman. Transferred all three toons on Friday and last night on PotF there were 254 ppl in the fleet. I was extreamly happy to see that. I work thrid shift so see that many on gives me hope I can get operations done and not wait in a PVP que for hours on end and not get a match. It is the weekend with that many on so we will see how full the fleet is over the rest of the week. But so far no complaints.
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Nope it isn't, my old guild is gone now, my new guild is scattered, my good names are now forfeit, I play for the story and the quests on the planets, the actual Star Wars parts or atleast the things that made me feel like I was part of the Star Wars universe.

If you pvp the higher numbers mean you can cycle through the pvp maps quicker and get into pug dungeons at light speed, if that's you, enjoy.

It aint me and now that my identity is largely gone, so am I.



I agree, although I have to add that so far the warzones on Ebon Hawke have been popping about 25% LESS frequently than on Lord Adraas before transfers started. So there's not that either.

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Definitely worth it.


Even though there are new problems from just having too many people, but the fact there's a huge positives from a large populations makes most problems of the past or current seem a lot more tolerable, and thus makes the game more enjoyable for the parts that do work well. And there are large parts of course that do work well, as in the leveling experience.

Edited by VegaPhone
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It's so worth it! it's so fun atm.... Finding groups - no problem at all... TONS of them. Warzone - max 2min que very fast... don't even have time to go on the bathroom till you have a pop up :D


Transfer was great, the servers are now was it should have been all the time... ALOT players all over. Alot spam going on atm on the servers tho since guilds want to recurit ppl :)

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I have enjoyed the population change, but not sure I'll resub based on the massive lag spikes and DC problems I have.


If you're looking for some renewed life to the game the transfers have provided that.

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Nope it isn't, my old guild is gone now, my new guild is scattered, my good names are now forfeit, I play for the story and the quests on the planets, the actual Star Wars parts or atleast the things that made me feel like I was part of the Star Wars universe.

If you pvp the higher numbers mean you can cycle through the pvp maps quicker and get into pug dungeons at light speed, if that's you, enjoy.

It aint me and now that my identity is largely gone, so am I.


Yes. That is was one of my concerns. So I did not move. Now BioWare has to decide what they are going to do with the 100+ servers with very low populations. Let the players slowly die off and then close them or try to actually help those who choose to stay there. It is up to them. If they feel the transfers is the answer and ignore those left on the low ones...well...they will lose thier subs eventually. It may be thier larger picture is the transfers is the first phase of merging the servers and down the road, those left on the low pop servers will be forced to move. I will be long gone by then, so does not matter to me.

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honestly the transfers dont hide the fact this game just isnt that good,its like putting lipstick on a pig....my sub runs out in 2 days and im gone. maybee ill check back in 6 months after some new content has been released.
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honestly the transfers dont hide the fact this game just isnt that good,its like putting lipstick on a pig....my sub runs out in 2 days and im gone. maybee ill check back in 6 months after some new content has been released.


Lipstick on a pig?!! rofl!. :D Reading that was worth a good chuckle. Thanks. :D

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Yes. The server I moved to is now fairly busy. Busy enough to find groups if needed. Nice to be able to pick up a group for the random dungeon or FP.


Things are starting to go in the right direction. And the transfer for me was very quick and simple to do.


There are a few hitches you need to be aware of.


You might lose your name and have to pick a new one. It happened to me. Not a real biggie.


Guilds have to be unmade and reformed so you should coordinate with your guild BEFORE you all transfer. If you organise it before it makes it easier to reform. The bank should be distributed to a member or members. Pick a place and time to meet once you get to the new server or do it over whatever VoIP program you use. Put a list of new names on your guild website. Pretty common sense stuff, really.


On the whole I'm happy how it all worked out.




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I've been on a two month hiatus from the game. The transfers got me to resub. Moved my main from Choi Mai and rerolled a bunch of alts on my new server. I have a bunch of characters spread around the servers that eventually died like my main server did . I can't consolidate them because they have different destination servers than my main but I'm not as upset about that as I thought I would be. I'm rolling alts and not stressing about all that lost legacy anymore.


So in short it got me playing the game again and I'm having fun doing it. Good chance I'll keep playing for at least a little bit longer. My next major gripe which could get me to stop playing would be if they don't up the number of available character slots per server. I'm a bit of an altoholic. That's a little while yet before I get there so hopefully BioWare gets that in place before I have 8 50's.

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