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Dailies are impossible


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"Bioware!! We need server transfers!! Not enough people to play!!"


Bioware adds server transfers..


Player tranfers..


"Bioware!! There are to many people!! I can't play!!" :confused:


basically this. People are impossible.

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Thing is, people do dailies mostly for cash, and just want to do them and get em done and get on with the other parts in the game they enjoy more. They don't want to, nor should they have to, form groups and make a whole event over something they just want to get done. The BH dailies were always my favorite, because of how easy and fast they are to do. But I foresaw that once I was on a more populated server, they could become almost undoable. What's strange is that BW received so many complaints about quest spawns that went away and then had to be waited for, that they went back and changed a lot of them to not go away, but just be untargetable more than once per quest. Why they didn't do that with the BH boxes, I don't know.
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since the transfers. 52 people on the Black Hole. Can't find anything to finish a quest. Only the instanced quest is doable. Frustrating


LOL, my server has not been listed yet but it will be interesting. I can definitely see running back and forth while tripping over people and not finding a required npc to kill or a required crate to hit. I can see some of the tunnel quests on Belsavis with 15 to 20 people running around looking for the computer key drop or some such thing and not being able to find a live npc to kill. I can see Ilum with no live npc or crate within miles and people shooting around on their speeders looking for one.


I think that we will survive and it will be nice to hear the sounds of gunfire again.

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You can still do them quickly in a group, right?


Unless it's a situation like the shatterstorm quest on Ilum where, when grouped, you cant share the drops. That is pretty lame.


On Ilum, that's the only quest of the 6 like this though.

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Just group up with a few people then. If you're doing them just to do them as dailies, then doing them quicker isn't going to hurt... is it? In addition to getting them done quicker you will get free social points if every sticks around to turn in the quests after.
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You would think, but seems like the days of grabbing up people doing the same quests and daily quests, are almost gone, every one wants to solo in a social game, for some strange reason, I have offered to group when I know a few people are around, they turn down the offer or not even reply when I ask if you would like to group, unless I am sending tells to the only non-english speaking players on my server..LOL Community in mmo's are not what they used to be thats for sure and sad really /sigh


I know I've gotten several angry tells after rejecting a group invite. I will continue to reject them, too. I'm not being anti-social. The invites I reject are the ones where people will not send me a tell first asking if I want to group. Blind ninja invites are always rejected. If you want to group, be social and actually ask. Until then I will continue to reject them and kill things right in front of you. Now you may say I'm being rude or unreasonable, but I think it's incredibly rude to just invite me to something without speaking to me first. As such, it's not that I want to solo everything; I just want some common courtesy.

Edited by Dejoule
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Ahh, the old "you'd enjoy the game more if you play the way I demand you play" line. That one never gets old.


Let us pause for a second and look at your premise.


Essentialy, you are asking for the game to be modified to fit the way you think it should be played. You demand it. Someone tried to suggest a possible solution to make the current model more enjoyable? You accuse them of demanding that you play a specific way.


Think about it for two seconds, and try not to choke when you reallize how ironically hypocrite you are being.

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You can still do them quickly in a group, right?


Unless it's a situation like the shatterstorm quest on Ilum where, when grouped, you cant share the drops. That is pretty lame.


On Ilum, that's the only quest of the 6 like this though.


Your last line made me think a bit. There are three sets of about six dailies and that is just not enough for a high pop server. Perhaps the way to go is WOW like (LOL) and add more dailies and then limit the number that you can complete in one day. That would spread things out and give more oppertunity to players to pick and choose and offer some possible variety.


Like six million plus other things in swtor, BW needs to look at the dailies and put a little work and thought into them and UP the game a little. Having more people in an area doing dailies should provide content design oppertunites that enhance player experience.

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No, I'm saying maybe you should stop declaring that people will enjoy the game more if they stop playing the way they're playing and play the way you play.


You're not the arbiter of fun. You're not the central authority of entertainment.


Or maybe you could read my posts as suggestions to consider for alternate playstyles that you may find more fun than grinding dailies while competing for quest resources, at least until BioWare fixes this new problem?


Or maybe you find grinding dailies while competing for quest resources fun, which is great for you if you do!


... But then why are you posting in this thread?

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Your last line made me think a bit. There are three sets of about six dailies and that is just not enough for a high pop server. Perhaps the way to go is WOW like (LOL) and add more dailies and then limit the number that you can complete in one day. That would spread things out and give more oppertunity to players to pick and choose and offer some possible variety.


On paper this was good, but it still won't work the way you hope. People will all find and flock to the most efficient and profitable quests - or the quests that are new. Remember when WoW released the Sunwell dailies, EVERYBODY flocked to those immediately because they were new and insanely easy/fast to do.

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I wouldn't call it a "serious" problem, but, as stated, 52 people and ~ 40 of them after the same chests could be mildly (at least) annoying, because there are a lot more mobs than chests, and they respawn faster, too.


Adjusting the spawnrate of the crates would solve it, imho. Or reducing the number of crates needed to complete the quest. And perhaps a second spawnpoint for the last droid kill or so.


I'm still stuck on a server with middling population - no saying if I'll be stuck in limbo, be transferred or if we become a destination server. I'd rather camp one crate instead of spending an hour to spam lfg to get a second healer to be able to do an operation.

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since the transfers. 52 people on the Black Hole. Can't find anything to finish a quest. Only the instanced quest is doable. Frustrating



.................Im at a loss for words...........



This guy is walking around with a Virginia Ham under one arm CRYING THE BLUES because he doesnt have a loaf of bread to go with it.



Give a starving man a plate of eggs AND HE WANTS 'EM SCRAMBLED.......




Seriously OP, knock it off. Bioware busted their backs giving transfers and your crying about it?




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Besides being boring and a lazy developer ploy, dailys are nothing but cheap bottleneck at higher levels. While i understand the need for end game non raid content, this is not the way to do it. I do look forward to more progressive dynamic events that will have daily quest but as the days go on those quest should change and become progressivly harder leading to a large scale open world event.
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The whole thing I find strange about this thread is that only I mission is non-instanced (The AREA mission) so is this really a signifcant problem?


Um...you got it backwards. In the black hole, only one normal mission is instanced: Planting the listening devices in the warehouse.


The prototype weapon recovery is from mobs in the area and respawning nodes, you have to kill mobs in the open to get a radiation serum thing then close holes on a tank in the open, and the area where you have to rescue the drall is non-instanced, even though there's a doorway.


The only other instanced one is the heroic 4.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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I wouldn't call it a "serious" problem, but, as stated, 52 people and ~ 40 of them after the same chests could be mildly (at least) annoying, because there are a lot more mobs than chests, and they respawn faster, too.


Adjusting the spawnrate of the crates would solve it, imho. Or reducing the number of crates needed to complete the quest. And perhaps a second spawnpoint for the last droid kill or so.


I'm still stuck on a server with middling population - no saying if I'll be stuck in limbo, be transferred or if we become a destination server. I'd rather camp one crate instead of spending an hour to spam lfg to get a second healer to be able to do an operation.


This about sums up my feelings. It's not something that would bother me enough to mention, had it not been brought up by others here. I'm not sure how many crates there are in BH, as I've never counted them, but I know where they all are, and i would guess there's about a dozen to 15. If you say there are 20 people in the BH, and even that they're all grouped, that's still 5 groups, which means that people are having to wait for crates to respawn. It doesn't matter in what context, waiting is not ever going to be fun and just adds one more little annoyance to the back of a players mind. That's all I'm saying.

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Um...you got it backwards. In the black hole, only one normal mission is instanced: Planting the listening devices in the warehouse.


The prototype weapon recovery is from mobs in the area and respawning nodes, you have to kill mobs in the open to get a radiation serum thing then close holes on a tank in the open, and the area where you have to rescue the drall is non-instanced, even though there's a doorway.


The only other instanced one is the heroic 4.


You must be republic. Empire side, they are all instanced except for the area quest and one other.

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Before, I happily played alone and talked to my guild on vent and life was good. After, game lags, graphics choppy, I play alone and talk to my guild on vent. I don't like to group because I like to leave no stone unturned and I always end up with some 14 year old that wants to blasts through as many quests as humanly possible before mommy turns off the computer and doesn't pick up items and gets mad because I am "Slowing them down." It was better before.
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So all the guys that were whining for server merge...How does that cake taste? You do still have it, right?

woot! Wifey and i play because we are fans of Star Wars not fans of teaming. So leave my low pop server alone please,i tried 1 merge,and your right dailies are dang near impossible there.

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The BH area daily quest can be a bit of a drag on my server as well. I don't tend to group up there unless it's with guildmates because:


a) my current setup lags quite a bit, and the guild members are already aware of that,

b) the instanced quests are actually easier to do solo than in a group, IMO,

c) most players in this game tends to rush through things much more quickly than I want to, even aside from the lag issue,

and d) I can get up and deal with other RL interruptions at my leisure.


So often I run BH dailies solo. They take roughly twice as long to complete post-transfer. Sometimes I just log off without completing them because I don't have time to sit around and wait for crates to respawn, etc. I don't tend to run into as much of a problem with Ilum dailies, for some reason. Maybe people don't run them as much because they're more spread out.


I wasn't one of the people asking for server transfers, but I did move because I might want to try out some ops or world events at some point. Crowded servers aren't necessarily a positive for me, but I'm not in a big rush to gear up either, so it all evens out. The grind itself is secondary to my desire to sign on and play.

Edited by DorkTrooper
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