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Dailies are impossible


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hhmmm i thought the whole reason for the transfers were so there would be people to group with and complete stuff?


You would think, but seems like the days of grabbing up people doing the same quests and daily quests, are almost gone, every one wants to solo in a social game, for some strange reason, I have offered to group when I know a few people are around, they turn down the offer or not even reply when I ask if you would like to group, unless I am sending tells to the only non-english speaking players on my server..LOL Community in mmo's are not what they used to be thats for sure and sad really /sigh

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People will just have to get used to grouping up again. A lot of us on the really low pop servers did dailies during the day by ourselves as fast as we could. Give it some time. I did my dailies before moving, so I didn't have to worry about them today, but tomorrow, I'll probably get a group of 4 going to do them. It is easier that way anyway, since you have a premade for the heroics.
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since the transfers. 52 people on the Black Hole. Can't find anything to finish a quest. Only the instanced quest is doable. Frustrating


The game is much more enjoyable once you've freed your mind of the need to grind.

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since the transfers. 52 people on the Black Hole. Can't find anything to finish a quest. Only the instanced quest is doable. Frustrating


Yeah, isn't it so much more fun now that you can play with a bunch of people running around and completely ignoring you?


Woo hoo! :rolleyes:



Edited by Blackavaar
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You would think, but seems like the days of grabbing up people doing the same quests and daily quests, are almost gone, every one wants to solo in a social game, for some strange reason, I have offered to group when I know a few people are around, they turn down the offer or not even reply when I ask if you would like to group, unless I am sending tells to the only non-english speaking players on my server..LOL Community in mmo's are not what they used to be thats for sure and sad really /sigh


true , but let's not forget swtor is unique in limiting parties to 4, 4 groups of 4 in the blackhole at at time tops couldn't imagine how more would effectively work, someones gonna be mad lol. This games mechanics in allot of areas will not work with super populations, BW clearly thought this one through well:rolleyes:

Edited by Qishari
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I haven't tried to do any dailies on my new server yet, not looking forward to trying though. I'm used to 2-7 people in the BH area! Yes, I know, MMO's are for grouping, and I do like to group . . . but not always. There are times that I may be interrupted, or only have a short time to play, and that's when I like to do dailies. Y'know, quick and simple solo quests?


I'll happily group for content that is labeled as group content, but I shouldn't have to group for solo daily quests 'cause the area has more players questing than it was designed to comfortably support. That said, this downside is outweighed by the upside of not being on a dead server, so I can live with it at least for now. I kinda figure that server population will taper off a bit in the coming weeks as the "yay, my server is not dead!!" excitement wears off. xD

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You would think, but seems like the days of grabbing up people doing the same quests and daily quests, are almost gone, every one wants to solo in a social game, for some strange reason, I have offered to group when I know a few people are around, they turn down the offer or not even reply when I ask if you would like to group, unless I am sending tells to the only non-english speaking players on my server..LOL Community in mmo's are not what they used to be thats for sure and sad really /sigh


LOL I had the most bizzare incident today after I transfered.


First off for OP, yeah its a bit of a challenge to do the Corellia Black Hole dailies but I still did them all in under a hour with 42 people in area.


I didnt get nearly as many credits from kills and got none of the 3 chests normally pick up but the dailies were fine to do themselves.


Now as far as social playing. I posted this on my facebook page and ill just copy and paste here for time sake :)


So I just transfered my characters to new server in Star Wars: The Old Republic and im sitting peacefully on Corellia cleaning my keyboard (mutters about cats somehow getting hair inside the keys) when I see someone asking for help.


I ask "what with"

and he tells me name of quest.

Short quest and just around the corner so I say sure and pop over!

Turns out he only needs 4 mobs killed so even easier and faster


And then he asks me the question that stops me dead in my tracks and makes me wonder how far has MMO behavior fallen since WOW lowered the bar.


"How much is this going to cost me for the help" he asks

Baffled I reply "nothing at all"

"you sure?" he responds

"yup, not a issue" I respond wondering exactly how often this guy been charged that he pushs the topic so much???


We finish up the 4 mobs, IU pick up few credits from kills and some Arc spawns while we kill and ask if hes done now or need something else?


"He respond "Nope Im good now, you sure you dont want any credits for helping?"


LOL, "nope, thats not my style of play" I say.


But after he was gone I got to wondering.

Now granted I started MMOs in 1991 on AOL and after beta testing WOW I refused to play the game, so I didnt see the full decline, just read about it over last 7 years,


but have gamers fallen so far now that they charge each other for helping out for 5-10 minutes??


I mean ive heard of the nonsense of charging for Raid content (Id never do it personally but least thats hours of content normally) but to charge for mere minutes of offering aide.


Man do I feel old if thats the status quo now for helping out each other.


Bizzare, just really really bizzare encounter.


EA needs to add social activities that promote social play cause it appears people no longer understand it, even when on receiveing end of kindness!


#3, Kev if your blind inviting, I decline those as well. Hate blind invites and think most do. Ask first.

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Ahh, the old "you'd enjoy the game more if you play the way I demand you play" line. That one never gets old.


I said nothing of the sort.


I simply said that you may find more enjoyment in the game if you choose to ignore the grindy BS BioWare foists upon you. It's actually BioWare demanding you do the dailies. Or you, yourself demanding you do the dailies.


I don't care how you play. I just hope you find something fun to do in the game so you stick around. An MMO is a much better experience with people in it.

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There's going to be a learning curve as people who are used to doing dailies by themselves (like myself) get used to doing dailies with dozens of other people. It does take a lot longer to get them done, I'll say that, none of these 15-20 min Black Hole runs anymore. On the whole, it's a minor problem and I do believe the 1.3 LFG tool has the dailies listed as one of the options which should help. Edited by iamthehoyden
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I said nothing of the sort.


I simply said that you may find more enjoyment in the game if you choose to ignore the grindy BS BioWare foists upon you. It's actually BioWare demanding you do the dailies. Or you, yourself demanding you do the dailies.


I don't care how you play. I just hope you find something fun to do in the game so you stick around. An MMO is a much better experience with people in it.


Ahh, the old "you'd enjoy the game more if you play the way I say you should play" line. That one never gets old either.

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Ahh, the old "you'd enjoy the game more if you play the way I say you should play" line. That one never gets old either.


Well... yah... I guess BioWare is sort of dictating that you should do the dailies so if you play the game their way, you get their result? Is that what you're trying to say?

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Well... yah... I guess BioWare is sort of dictating that you should do the dailies so if you play the game their way, you get their result? Is that what you're trying to say?


No, I'm saying maybe you should stop declaring that people will enjoy the game more if they stop playing the way they're playing and play the way you play.


You're not the arbiter of fun. You're not the central authority of entertainment.

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Tbh, I generally prefer to do dailies solo as I can do them faster on my own, I have the route down to a tee, killing the same mobs every time. Adding another person or 2 to the equation who doesn't know my route or routine will slow me down and make the all too arduous task of the dailies last even longer. However I can understand that with the new transfers this will probably have to change .
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