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Serious overloading of servers


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So true. If you past 2 days when you're ready to play there's a queue then log in before you go shower or wash up the dishes. That's your queue time right there. and when you're done the game is waiting for you.


Not all of us have that luxury to plan out our entire day. If we get game time it is usually spontaneous and could be gone while we wait on 30-60 minute queue times. Families and jobs tend to be like that. (Now bring on the troll remarks about how it's my fault for having a busy lifestyle)


Might as well un-sub since I'd only be pretty much be unable to play. If it's not a queue time it's constant lag as they have effectively herded everyone onto about 5 servers instead of actual balancing as they claimed. This is not balancing. This is not a fix to a population problem.


I've been behind the game and BioWare up till now. This current state it's in is just all wrong.

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Yeah, ironically they overdid it. A 20 minute wait on a wednesday evening...I dread the weekend.


LOL, yep. I'm very much 'looking forward' to the day when a raid starts 30 minutes (or more) late because the main tank just got home due to traffic and has to wait in a queue. With that said, I have yet to have a queue take more than 10 minutes at present...then again, I've been on vacation and am usually already in game before peak hits. Back to work tomorrow and then we'll see what I think lol.

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LOL, yep. I'm very much 'looking forward' to the day when a raid starts 30 minutes (or more) late because the main tank just got home due to traffic and has to wait in a queue. With that said, I have yet to have a queue take more than 10 minutes at present...then again, I've been on vacation and am usually already in game before peak hits. Back to work tomorrow and then we'll see what I think lol.


Being already in before peak is a good idea. Just pray none of your OP's group gets one of those random DC's

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Not all of us have that luxury to plan out our entire day. If we get game time it is usually spontaneous and could be gone while we wait on 30-60 minute queue times. Families and jobs tend to be like that. (Now bring on the troll remarks about how it's my fault for having a busy lifestyle)


Might as well un-sub since I'd only be pretty much be unable to play. If it's not a queue time it's constant lag as they have effectively herded everyone onto about 5 servers instead of actual balancing as they claimed. This is not balancing. This is not a fix to a population problem.


I've been behind the game and BioWare up till now. This current state it's in is just all wrong.

Plan out your day? WTH dude? Do you walk by the bathroom and say hey I should bath RIGHT NOW! and jump in? The examples I posted is common every day occurrences. Most people tend to log in around the same time of the day. It has nothing to do with plan just routine. You get home from work, eat something, deal with the love ones, clean up (the kitchen and yourself) stuff like that happens pretty much every day. Normal people don't plan out what time they eat down to the minute or what time they shower.


Stop trying to make excuses just for making excuses sake. When you throw that towel over your shower walk over to your PC and log in. Then go bath. Once you take a proper shower not something that last 5mins chances are you will be on your character select screen by the time you get out.

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I usually try to keep ppl from whining around about every little issue, 'cause still, it is and remains a great game.

But the recent queues (that ofc only occur on the few already high pop servers where everybody can transfer to now, so stop the "whaaat, I got no queue, duuuh"-posts ;)) are a very annoying thing that could've been very easily avoided.

Ofc it's not as bad as empty servers. But I really can't think of a sane reason why instead of transferring the ppl from the empty servers together onto one (empty/medium) one, channeling everybody on the very few servers that ALREADY had a healthy population.

Seriously: If you have tons of problems and a few good things, what do you do? Fix the problems or break the few good things?

Don't get me wrong, I'm really impressed and thankful how fast BW adressd the populations-problem and initiated the transfers. But a LITTLE math in advnance would've been nice. Takes so much of the good spirit that got into a lot of frustrated people from the empty old servers away again.


I also doubt that the overcrowding will diminish soon. And IF it wil, then it's not, because ppl are only loggin on during strange times right now to transfer and won't anymore soon, but because they will stop playing because they're pissed off.


At least some improvement in server stability would be nice. Having an old fashioned slide-show on the fleet is just a drag.

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See, one extreme to the other.


People are mad because their servers got bloated. Sorry Harbinger, Bastion, and the others I don't remember off the top of my head. Bioware pretty much boned you guys without even kissing you first. That, I feel bad about.


For the people who say we shouldn't complain about a que time? WTH? WE PAY FOR THIS GAME. When we want to play, we want to play NOW, not 20-50 minutes from now. Bioware took our money promising service, and they're boning it right now. Yeah, I love this game, and I'm having a blast. Doesn't mean I'm gonna put up with a que time.


Lag issues aside, heavily populated servers pose a content problem, which I haven't heard whether they've fixed or not. How's running dailies on a heavy pop server? Any trouble getting those transponders on Ilum? Or even better, get an Orokeet egg lately? I'm curious to know if they've compensated with the content that's out there in order to deal with the heavy flux of players.

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Yes, yes yes... but why do we have to choose?


Because unless you can accurately predict, on an hourly or daily basis, the desires, free time, actions of every player on the server one must take a best estimate based on available data.


Bottom line here is if we are facing very few queues, with hardly a one going over 15 minutes during prime time, then they pretty much nailed it. Beyond that, in order to provide maximum population with minimum variation, one would have to own a magic lamp. ;p

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Because unless you can accurately predict, on an hourly or daily basis, the desires, free time, actions of every player on the server one must take a best estimate based on available data.


Bottom line here is if we are facing very few queues, with hardly a one going over 15 minutes during prime time, then they pretty much nailed it. Beyond that, in order to provide maximum population with minimum variation, one would have to own a magic lamp. ;p


Complaining about queue aside - then funnily enough - Bioware should indeed have data to be able to pretty accurate predict on an hourly and daily basis the desire to play. They have about 6 months worth of it, in fact.

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See, one extreme to the other.


People are mad because their servers got bloated. Sorry Harbinger, Bastion, and the others I don't remember off the top of my head. Bioware pretty much boned you guys without even kissing you first. That, I feel bad about.



this is your opinion, and only your opinion based on your interpretation of what people are thinking in a situation that you are not even in. Quite the stretch. ;p


I'm actually on one of them and have been there since launch. I'm on Corellian Run and my counter opinion is that it is the best thing that has happened to the server since the day it went live.

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Complaining about queue aside - then funnily enough - Bioware should indeed have data to be able to pretty accurate predict on an hourly and daily basis the desire to play. They have about 6 months worth of it, in fact.


They did, and that is why they nailed it. What you call failure I call stunning success. ;p

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For the people who say we shouldn't complain about a que time? WTH? WE PAY FOR THIS GAME. When we want to play, we want to play NOW, not 20-50 minutes from now. Bioware took our money promising service, and they're boning it right now. Yeah, I love this game, and I'm having a blast. Doesn't mean I'm gonna put up with a que time.


I pay three times as much for my morning coffee each day. Please don't try to interject that argument into this. It can only work to your disfavor.


The queue times are not bad at all. They are minor except to a very vocal minority.

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The queue times are not bad at all. They are minor except to a very vocal minority.


Agreed. Queue times spiked on days where transfers were happening then leveled off the next couple of days. Longest queues I am seeing IF I see a queue is 15mins and they never last the full time. Still waiting to see how this upcoming weekend plays out though.

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this is your opinion, and only your opinion based on your interpretation of what people are thinking in a situation that you are not even in. Quite the stretch. ;p


I'm actually on one of them and have been there since launch. I'm on Corellian Run and my counter opinion is that it is the best thing that has happened to the server since the day it went live.


If you notice it isnt all the servers that are an issue. The main issue i think would be some of the other IE Harbenger that already had a heavy pop before being dumped on. many of those that are left on the origin servers just want to have an option other then harbinger or the few other OVERPOPULATED servers. Right now we are sitting with one option for transfer either stay with max 5 people on fleet usually only 1 now (lucky to get 1 pvp a day) or goto harbenger in which we will deal with the glitchy lag or other DC login issues. speakin for my guild I know we just want them to open up the next server to go onto so we can move. luckily we can still do Ops since we decided as a whole to wait as have a few other guilds on N Corridor. We arent really complaining about the fact of being on a ghosted server. we would just like an option to Xfer to the next server already is all. The people that have would jump ship right off have done so. We would just like to find our next HEALTHY home and put this whole inscident behind us.

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I pay three times as much for my morning coffee each day. Please don't try to interject that argument into this. It can only work to your disfavor.


The queue times are not bad at all. They are minor except to a very vocal minority.


Work to my disfavor? I personally don't CARE what you think.


I was simply stating that if we're paying for a service, it's in their best interests to make it to where there is NO waiting to play, or we'll most likely find a different game to play.


I don't care if you choose to defend Bioware, but don't insult me by trying to make it as trivial as an overpriced cup of coffee, when it all boils down to service quality. You wanna drink bad coffee and be treated like cattle by the barista, go ahead. I won't. And I'll encourage every one of the players I can to stand up for their rights and walk if the que times and server mess isn't solved soon.


There's a EULA on acceptable conduct for players, I honestly think there should be one for companies who host MMOs.


And btw, I DO have chars on the Harbinger, so I know about the que time after experiencing it myself.

Edited by LexiCazam
Insulting comment
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  • Servers are too dead. WHAA!
  • Servers are overcrowded. WHAA!
  • I can't transfer somewhere else. WHAA!
  • We want it now. WHAA!
  • You rushed implementing it. WHAA!

Cut the crap out already.


Thats because pleasing mmo players is like hoseing mud uphill with a leaky 59 cent squirt gun.

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  • Servers are too dead. WHAA!
  • Servers are overcrowded. WHAA!
  • I can't transfer somewhere else. WHAA!
  • We want it now. WHAA!
  • You rushed implementing it. WHAA!

Cut the crap out already.


I think you've missed one ...

Stunlocks causing people to unsub. WHAA!

Ps. feel free to add some moar

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I pay three times as much for my morning coffee each day. Please don't try to interject that argument into this. It can only work to your disfavor.


The queue times are not bad at all. They are minor except to a very vocal minority.




I doubt they'll last, but regular 30-45+ min queues aren't "not bad at all", they are certainly over the limit of what most people would put up with long term (which to my mind is under 30 min queues).


However, as I said, I doubt they'll exist long term.

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Work to my disfavor? I personally don't CARE what you think.


I was simply stating that if we're paying for a service, it's in their best interests to make it to where there is NO waiting to play, or we'll most likely find a different game to play.


I don't care if you choose to defend Bioware, but don't insult me by trying to make it as trivial as an overpriced cup of coffee, when it all boils down to service quality. You wanna drink bad coffee and be treated like cattle by the barista, go ahead. I won't. And I'll encourage every one of the players I can to stand up for their rights and walk if the que times and server mess isn't solved soon.


There's a EULA on acceptable conduct for players, I honestly think there should be one for companies who host MMOs.


And btw, I DO have chars on the Harbinger, so I know about the que time after experiencing it myself.

~chuckle~ This is funny. You act like $15 a month entitles you to a 5 star hotel service. Say what you will no game will give you that. You complain about some queue times. What game doesn't have some queue times when a major change occurs. And you equate that to poor service for your $0.50 a day.


For my $0.50 a day I get a game that servers are not constantly down (EvE Online has DAILY maintenance). My fee grants me access not preferential treatment over other players. When you start demanding stuff for $0.50 a day you may just end up with what you pay for.


On a side note: Now I don't know how you people interact with the Customer Service department (although I can guess) but I have had no problem with them. They respond to my e-mails that warrant a response. They contact me in game if more information is needed or to confirm the issue is resolved. I have even had one say to me "We cannot confirm or deny the existence of "laza eyez" in the game code or it's arability to the GMs." Funny stuff. Perhaps if you act like a proper human and interact with others with respect you might get better service.

Edited by LexiCazam
Rude comment - quote
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Considering things were fine before, any queue is too much price to pay. Some people LIKE the non MMO aspects, and were HAPPY with uncrowded servers, as they have no interest whatsoever in the group/PvP content. Remember, from 1-49, this is practically a single player game. One would argue that the vast majority of the game is single player content.


Yes, this game may now be more like a regular MMO. But you know what? I don't *like* regular MMO's. Pretty much the entire reason I was enjoying TOR was because it *wasn't* like a regular MMO.


It comes down to the fact that Bioware can't really can't make decisions that impact the majority of player-base and the survival of the game based on what you just said. The whole single player viewpoint you expresses is such a miniscule percentage of the population. On its previous trajectory the game was bleeding and would have ultimately died leaving you with no single player game to play anyways . You have to look at the larger picture beyond your personal playstyle.



TOFN has had over 40 min queues at PT in the last couple of days, this will likely drop off, but people aren't making the queues up.


Here's something I noticed.

I was qued on The Harbinger, and it said ~=5 min and it took 1.5 min.

I was qued on Bastion and it said ~= 2 min and it took 20-25 seconds.


Anyone else queing for a sever and it takes about 20% of the time that the game estimates?


I'd really like answer here because I think the game is overestimating the time it takes to get into a full server.


@ Goretzu : Read what AshlaBoga wrote, this is what many of us experience in actual waiting time even if we get a que.


Even if there is total 40 min que this is not Armageddon, people need to exercise some patience and let things unfold over the next week or so. Its rational to let Bioware monitor the situation at this current stage, rather then expect reactionary measures akin to what destroyed many of the servers in the first place.


The OP title itself is a gross exaggeration ....

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They did, and that is why they nailed it. What you call failure I call stunning success. ;p


Funny - don't seem to have used the word 'failure' at all in that post you quoted, but what ever gets you to sleep at night.

The point I made stands - Bioware have 6 months of data about player habits.

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@ Goretzu : Read what AshlaBoga wrote, this is what many of us experience in actual waiting time even if we get a que.


Even if there is total 40 min que this is not Armageddon, people need to exercise some patience and let things unfold over the next week or so. Its rational to let Bioware monitor the situation at this current stage, rather then expect reactionary measures akin to what destroyed many of the servers in the first place.


The OP title itself is a gross exaggeration ....


I sat in a queue for 35 mins (timed by stop watch, not from queue timer) and then again for 29 mins after I had to swap.


It wasn't the end of the world and was on the weekly high PT, but still those queues did exist, as did 6+ hour ones at launch (on some servers).

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Funny - don't seem to have used the word 'failure' at all in that post you quoted, but what ever gets you to sleep at night.

The point I made stands - Bioware have 6 months of data about player habits.


He loves reading stuff into posts that aren't there. It's also funny how he dismisses arguments as 'opinion' when that's all he has to back up his claims lol. With that said, I have to agree that the queues aren't quite as bad as some make them out to be and the game has been more enjoyable. It's way too early to call this a success or failure though. Give it a month or two.

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