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Serious overloading of servers


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Lag Fest?


I dont lag.....servers running fine for me.


Should we Devolve the game now so that your stone age computer can keep up? Its all about you isnt it.....


Yes, clearly the fact that overpopulated servers run awesome for you means there is no problem here for anyone else. That must JUST be me :rolleyes:


You'rer just being sensational. These issues are affecting EVERYONE on my server so no, it's not just about me. I'm not suggesting any sort of game devolution. I'm suggesting that BW have a good long rethink about what a healthy server population is ... 3 instances of fleet that contain 300 people each at prime time ISN'T.

Edited by Obtena
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There are also people in the world who cry if they get a buick instead of a bmw from mommy and daddy on their 16th birthday. I would tell them the same thing: You should be thrilled to have a buick to drive(10 minutes queues) and not crying that you don't have a bmw(no queues at all).


Some people have a horribly perverted sense of entitlement. You don't encourage this by saying that people just disagree about what should cause emotional stress, you punch them in their spoiled mouth and tell them to #$%@ off.


Well said sir. I like the cut of your jib. Since this forum frowns upon truly expressing feelings, I'll just leave it at that.

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Queues are a good sign at this point. Once people have tested out their new homes things will settle down. Just as at launch, when the same thing happened. At that time, they panicked and opened a bunch of new servers, which contributed to the current problem they're trying to fix. Hopefully this time they keep their heads and wait for things to settle. Right now everyone is logging on to see how things have changed. that will stop soon enough and people will go back to their normal schedules and you won't have to worry about it. Mark my words. Have a slight bit of patience and it'll be ok.
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I'm also on the Bastion and your observations were correct. once I got in, there were 3 instances of Fleet and the third was reported at about 200 people. That's 800 people ... just on fleet!


Just to be clear, I'm not complaining about populated servers. I'm complaining about the fact that BW shouldn't be over-reacting and taking server populations beyond their limits. There is absolutely NO reason anyone should be in a que to get into this game given that we have had empty servers running for the last 3-4 months. There is absolutely NO reason that BW can't estimate how many people they can hold on a server without creating Ques. My complaint is only more valid considering that they haven't finished the transfers ... if I'm Q'ing for 15 minutes NOW, I can't wait to see how long that will be once they are finished the transfers.


I agree with this. They stated they wanted to do this as "a process" implying they wanted control over the situation and flow of things. They could have raised the population(on server A) . moved on to another destination server (server B) and come back to server A after the hype died down some. OR they could have just started with the super servers now. And raised the populations to the +/- 3,000 capacity limit of each server (for now). It should be noted I am not complaining about the Q times. However, I do feel Q times are avoidable at this early stage in the transfer process.

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Queues are a good sign at this point. Once people have tested out their new homes things will settle down. Just as at launch, when the same thing happened. At that time, they panicked and opened a bunch of new servers, which contributed to the current problem they're trying to fix. Hopefully this time they keep their heads and wait for things to settle. Right now everyone is logging on to see how things have changed. that will stop soon enough and people will go back to their normal schedules and you won't have to worry about it. Mark my words. Have a slight bit of patience and it'll be ok.


Bravo....My lack in faith in people was disturbing but this post is WIN.


Patience people.......


Side note to prior post: I highly doubt EVERYONE on your server is having computer issues. Unless you joined a North Poll server or something.....hmm....could be a bad snow storm...Iglo caved in.....Santas Elves using the servers for naughty things?

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It's not really relevant if a handful of people don't have computer issues. That doesn't make overloading servers a good thing for the remaining people that do. What mesasge is that from BW to players? Your comp isn't the highest end rig so you can't play this game. Quit please. I doubt that's what they want at this point. It IS a performance issue and it is significant for enough players that it should be part of the consideration for how many people they allow in an instance in the game or on a server.


I guess the point is too hard for people to get ... there wasn't a valid reason for BW to pack so many people on a server that it created Q's and caused performance degradation. We can have healthy populations AND No que's/good performance at the same time. The only thing I can take from most people here is that they like Q's and lower performance. That's good because you're going to see alot more of these things. The transfers aren't done yet.

Edited by Obtena
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It's not really relevant if a handful of people don't have computer issues. That doesn't make overloading servers a good thing for the remaining people that do. What mesasge is that from BW to players? Your comp isn't the highest end rig so you can't play this game. Quit please. I doubt that's what they want at this point. It IS a performance issue and it is significant for enough players that it should be part of the consideration for how many people they allow in an instance in the game or on a server.


I guess the point is too hard for people to get ... there wasn't a reason for BW to pack so many people on a server that it created Q's and caused performance degredation. I guess it's evident that people like Q's and lower performance and that's good ... you're going to see alot more of these things. The transfers aren't done yet.


You aren't going to get your point across. No matter how hard you try. No matter what your problem is and even if you have hard (and not just emperical) evidence. You WILL get a negative reaction.....


From the Bioware appologists. :rolleyes:

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I can understand how the OP feels.


I am also concerned that so far it has been the same select few destination servers so far, with the exception of the new Prophecy of Five added to the roster of destination servers.


So far they have moved the origin servers to only 4 PVE, 2 PVP, 1 RP, and 1 RP-PVP.

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I can understand how the OP feels.


I am also concerned that so far it has been the same select few destination servers so far, with the exception of the new Prophecy of Five added to the roster of destination servers.


So far they have moved the origin servers to only 4 PVE, 2 PVP, 1 RP, and 1 RP-PVP.


Think that is the point some are trying to make there should be a few more servers that are desgination server maybe something like this


5 pve or maybe 6 3 pvp , 2 rp and maybe two 2 rp-pve (not sure how many there are of those). That might elimate some of the problems.

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Think that is the point some are trying to make there should be a few more servers that are desgination server maybe something like this


5 pve or maybe 6 3 pvp , 2 rp and maybe two 2 rp-pve (not sure how many there are of those). That might elimate some of the problems.


More or less what I was trying to say.


I am hoping my server (Sith Meditation Sphere) becomes a desination server. So far it is not on the list for servers eligible for transfers, so that may be a good thing. :confused:

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Sorry if somebody mentioned this already.


Didn't Mr. Erikson say they would look at raising the caps after the transfers?


I assume this will be something they have to do when you consider all of the inactive players that will return when 1.3 hits.


That should solve any log in que issues.

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Yall don't realize that this same thing happened when the game was launched? Just deal with this for a week or two, and the hype will be over. The ques will be gone, we will still be on a very nicely populated server, and we won't have to deal with months of dead servers since all you little whiners can't wait 10 minutes to log on your character for a couple weeks.


If they start spreading the servers out right now, its just gonna have the same issue as before, have PATIENCE!!!!!!

10 minutes of ur life isn't that much... I'm sure you can go do something productive for the time as you wait.

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Having never been on a server with queues, I'm curious - what happens if you to log a different character? do you have to queue every time to say, go through all your alts and send your companions off on missions?


No. As long as you don't exit the server.

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It's not really relevant if a handful of people don't have computer issues. That doesn't make overloading servers a good thing for the remaining people that do. What mesasge is that from BW to players? Your comp isn't the highest end rig so you can't play this game. Quit please. I doubt that's what they want at this point. It IS a performance issue and it is significant for enough players that it should be part of the consideration for how many people they allow in an instance in the game or on a server.


I guess the point is too hard for people to get ... there wasn't a valid reason for BW to pack so many people on a server that it created Q's and caused performance degradation. We can have healthy populations AND No que's/good performance at the same time. The only thing I can take from most people here is that they like Q's and lower performance. That's good because you're going to see alot more of these things. The transfers aren't done yet.


It's not a handful of people who don't have computer issues, it's a handful that DO. I have an i5-2500k @ 4.0 Ghz, 8GB of DDR3 ram and an AMD 6870 1GB video card. I get almost no lag in fleet with 300 peeps on. If most people were getting unacceptable lag the general forum would be flooded with posts like yours. Instead we see hardly any. Try turning in your Dell XPS laptop with the i5-520 processor and Geforce 435 graphics in for something that can run the game well.


Also, how is someone a Bioware fanboi if they understand that the lag is client side and not server side?

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Tell us your server name ... sounds fishy. Even if there is a que it is a small price to pay in overall context. I'm on The Bastion that when I checked at peak was higher on the list then Fatman. Multiple fleet instances visible to everyone and player reports ranging from 600 - 800 Rep side.


Considering things were fine before, any queue is too much price to pay. Some people LIKE the non MMO aspects, and were HAPPY with uncrowded servers, as they have no interest whatsoever in the group/PvP content. Remember, from 1-49, this is practically a single player game. One would argue that the vast majority of the game is single player content.


Yes, this game may now be more like a regular MMO. But you know what? I don't *like* regular MMO's. Pretty much the entire reason I was enjoying TOR was because it *wasn't* like a regular MMO.

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It's not a handful of people who don't have computer issues, it's a handful that DO. I have an i5-2500k @ 4.0 Ghz, 8GB of DDR3 ram and an AMD 6870 1GB video card. I get almost no lag in fleet with 300 peeps on. If most people were getting unacceptable lag the general forum would be flooded with posts like yours. Instead we see hardly any. Try turning in your Dell XPS laptop with the i5-520 processor and Geforce 435 graphics in for something that can run the game well.


Also, how is someone a Bioware fanboi if they understand that the lag is client side and not server side?


From every thread I have read and from bioware's own statements a majority of people are using lower than optimum computer's. And a lot of the lag is server side as bioware has also acknowledged several times. The fact that you have your head full of bioware myths and you believe you are qualified to tell people with inferior rigs is exactly the kind of behavior being described as common.

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I wish my server had a queue. What are you guys complaining about? I got on today to run some operations and I was the only one in fleet for about 30 minutes and the only other people were lvl 14 and lvl 38 that I saw in the three hours I sat there before logging out.
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Considering things were fine before, any queue is too much price to pay. Some people LIKE the non MMO aspects, and were HAPPY with uncrowded servers, as they have no interest whatsoever in the group/PvP content. Remember, from 1-49, this is practically a single player game. One would argue that the vast majority of the game is single player content.


Yes, this game may now be more like a regular MMO. But you know what? I don't *like* regular MMO's. Pretty much the entire reason I was enjoying TOR was because it *wasn't* like a regular MMO.


This QQ has got to be one of the top most rediculous QQ's I've read.


Summary .... " I bought an MMO and it turned out to be an MMO so I'm mad"


Seriously remove your head from your rear, why would you buy and MMO and expect it to not be an MMO ?

Go play something thats not advertised as an MMO imo.

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