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So, How Many Names Did You Lose?


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Don't choose common names and expect server mergers and transfer in all MMOs. Less chance to be disappointed. And when it comes to losing those names, the server merger gang has been clamouring this for the last four months. Blame them.



My names weren't "common" in fact I've never seen one of them used before, it's just the sheer number of toons being squeezed onto ONE server that's resulting in, yes common names going, but also fairly uncommon ones too (this is also worse because it's took so long and now they have to merged down to so few servers :( 4 months ago the game might have held many more subs with a server merge).


Now whilst this isn't the end of the world, Bioware should really be looking at server account ID's not using the old archaic name = server ID system (which is no different than you'd find in EQ in 1999, UO in 1997 or even MUDs from the early 90's or even 80's. :eek:

Edited by Goretzu
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I have to confess I was unbelievably lucky, my main's name (same as my forum name, which I registered day 1 of the forums going up to say nothing of the game itself). I went to reserve my name on the destination server, but it was taken. In that impotent state of denial I tried again, no dice. However third time proved the charm and I snagged it!! Talk about luck I *must* have taken it in the few seconds someone had deleted the placeholder. I lost my legacy name (no great loss), and my female trooper Shepard (unoriginal, but it was a homage alright? :-p ). I can live with all of that in the light I get my main's name!!!
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I have to confess I was unbelievably lucky, my main's name (same as my forum name, which I registered day 1 of the forums going up to say nothing of the game itself). I went to reserve my name on the destination server, but it was taken. In that impotent state of denial I tried again, no dice. However third time proved the charm and I snagged it!! Talk about luck I *must* have taken it in the few seconds someone had deleted the placeholder. I lost my legacy name (no great loss), and my female trooper Shepard (unoriginal, but it was a homage alright? :-p ). I can live with all of that in the light I get my main's name!!!


I must say I'm glad you got to keep your main. This is indeed rare when transferring, to even get to keep any names. I've elected to stay on my server as all 8 of my names are taken on the transfer server mine was given.

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I lost 1 out of 7, but I was kinda hoping I could get to rename that one anyway so it worked out. Oh yeah, my Legacy name was still mine to grab too. All in all I'd call my transfer experience a success.


Sure is nice to move from my old Savers GTN to a booming Costco GTN :)

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None, all 4 of my character's names were unclaimed on my new server. I did have to change my Legacy name though. It was named after a character in Mass Effect, but surprisingly I renamed it to another name from the Mass Effect universe (one that was WAY more well known) and it wasn't taken. So I was pretty lucky.
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I lost 2 names, and my legacy name. People can say it is petty, but that was the last straw for me.


I have followed this game since its announcement, and played since beta. I was a rabid fanboy with deep faith in bioware, "there is a reason they are doing this or that", faith. I just cant do it anymore.


This game had so much potential, and has been such a let down with the horrible management. Anybody who thinks they haven't been paying to play a beta the last 6 months is in denial, like I was until shortly.


The fact that they did "free transfers" instead of mergers was all a PR stunt. They did mergers, just masked as transfers, and in the process screwed day 1 people out of names and legacy. You know, legacy, the thing that is SO important in this game.


I think (my opinion, no data to back it up) that people are going to be in for a rude awakening soon. Many of the claims of how many people play this game are based on people like me that have cancelled but have 2 months left on their sub, like half of my guild. In a few months there will not be many left, I think.


I hope the game stays open for those that enjoy it, I truly do. But I can not put up with biowares horrible mismanagement of this game any longer. I had so much hope too.

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I lost 2 names, and my legacy name. People can say it is petty, but that was the last straw for me.


I have followed this game since its announcement, and played since beta. I was a rabid fanboy with deep faith in bioware, "there is a reason they are doing this or that", faith. I just cant do it anymore.


This game had so much potential, and has been such a let down with the horrible management. Anybody who thinks they haven't been paying to play a beta the last 6 months is in denial, like I was until shortly.


The fact that they did "free transfers" instead of mergers was all a PR stunt. They did mergers, just masked as transfers, and in the process screwed day 1 people out of names and legacy. You know, legacy, the thing that is SO important in this game.


I think (my opinion, no data to back it up) that people are going to be in for a rude awakening soon. Many of the claims of how many people play this game are based on people like me that have cancelled but have 2 months left on their sub, like half of my guild. In a few months there will not be many left, I think.


I hope the game stays open for those that enjoy it, I truly do. But I can not put up with biowares horrible mismanagement of this game any longer. I had so much hope too.


Bioware needs to deal with this problem asap it is a major obsticle especially when you been forced to change your username and legacy names if they were already taken, that is unacceptable.


They should start introducing multiple names per server, or at least let us pay for the usernames/legacy names we want to use.

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MY characters names were some of the most important things to me...They were something I had chosen before I even got the game...now they're all gone, legacy and all. Ive been here since beta, since the beginning with those characters and names.


You say that it was aforementioned about the possibility of loosing your names. Well that's just great...I love staying on my 0 population server and playing by myself too........morons.


I hate you bioware...you make me sad because you fail at making an MMO...GET YOUR S H I TTTT TOGETHER!!!!!

Edited by THERachmaninoff
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This game had so much potential, and has been such a let down with the horrible management. Anybody who thinks they haven't been paying to play a beta the last 6 months is in denial, like I was until shortly.


The fact that they did "free transfers" instead of mergers was all a PR stunt. They did mergers, just masked as transfers, and in the process screwed day 1 people out of names and legacy. You know, legacy, the thing that is SO important in this game.


I will not voluntary go some place and hope I can keep a name I have been using since launch. Like many others here, I have 2 months left will see when that time hits what’s what. For a game that was supposed to be all about “you” and staring “you” they failed miserably to maintain that in anything that even remotely feels or looks organized in any truly defendable way. It is not as if some of us rolled the dice and lost by picking the wrong server some of us where placed where we are and to have ignored that is in excusable.

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A big reason why I preordered for early access was to get a chance to pick the names I wanted for my characters.

I can't believe that Bioware of all companies seems not to understand just how fundamentally important a character name is to an RPG player.

Edited by Enigmatikone
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I lost 2 names, and my legacy name. People can say it is petty, but that was the last straw for me.


I have followed this game since its announcement, and played since beta. I was a rabid fanboy with deep faith in bioware, "there is a reason they are doing this or that", faith. I just cant do it anymore.


This game had so much potential, and has been such a let down with the horrible management. Anybody who thinks they haven't been paying to play a beta the last 6 months is in denial, like I was until shortly.


The fact that they did "free transfers" instead of mergers was all a PR stunt. They did mergers, just masked as transfers, and in the process screwed day 1 people out of names and legacy. You know, legacy, the thing that is SO important in this game.


I think (my opinion, no data to back it up) that people are going to be in for a rude awakening soon. Many of the claims of how many people play this game are based on people like me that have cancelled but have 2 months left on their sub, like half of my guild. In a few months there will not be many left, I think.


I hope the game stays open for those that enjoy it, I truly do. But I can not put up with biowares horrible mismanagement of this game any longer. I had so much hope too.


I posted this nearly verbatem and it was deleted and I was warned by some forum mall cop. I, like you have been a champion of this game and brought my guild here, constantly defend it on forums at places like mmorpg.com and have tried to be constructive and patient.

When the only acknowledgement you get is some little joker who wont let you vent no matter how polite it was, not some foaming at the mouth rant mind you, it tends to be the final straw.

I bought 6 months to go with my copy of the CE and I'm looking at other mmorpg's to play now. Bioware has absolutely destroyed the relationship I had with this game, but instead of sending me a message about how they will look into a fair way to get some of my names back, I get deleted and warned.

I cant imagine a more ignorant way to treat the people that actually pay to play this game.

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