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A queue!


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I totally disagree. Queues are NOT a good thing. Having to wait in line and take a number to get a quest mob or a resource node is not a good thing. Having 50 people after the same mobs and chests in a very small Black Hole area is not a good thing. Having 5 roleplaying servers become moribund if not dead and one become overcrowded is not a good thing.


Five into one is simply ridiculous. Having two or even three desitnation servers would have spread the population out a lot better. The developers want to kill most of the servers - within 3 months they will merge the now very low-pop servers or just eliminate them and force-transfer the survivors.


This. One of the few smart posts in this thread. :cool:

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Perhaps not Alifaraaz. Lord Adraas had a healthy population. There were usually over 100 on the Republic Fleet during prime time. If you presume that Ebon Hawke was approximately the same population wise (or higher) what you could be witnessing is the new normal for Ebon Hawke on a mid week evening. Most people are looking at the transfer offering (from all but 1 rp-PvE server) as an early indication that BW will close those servers and are bailing or seriously considering bailing even from Lord Adraas. Now add in the population from genuinely low pop servers and it could be a real mess for some time, let alone the weekend.


True you're not wrong. But remember many servers including my own had 200+ during the early months which gradually dropped apart from when 1.2 launched I saw 250-300 on fleet. And all said servers were stable without qeue. And whatever qeues existed asted 5 min tops.


Anyway my point is rather no need to worry too much yet. It is gonna atleast be a bit more busy during this first week, and expect the same after every major patch release. But they always drop a bit and calm down shortly after.


That and many suspect (unconfirme) that they're slowly increasing the caps on all server destinations. But doing it slowly, assuring it remains stable.

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Yes, they do. People complain (and rightly so) about waiting. If the choices are no wait to log in, and then wait forever for a PVP queue. Or wait forever to log in, no wait for PVP, and wait forever for world spawns.


Both scenarios involve people wanting to play their game, and not being able to.


No one should have even been added to the high pop servers, they should have taken the serves that peak at standard, and added the servers that peak at light to them.


That underlined, bold part... is referred to as impatience. And impatient people are destroying good games left and right. Ruined this one, ruined WoW (everyone getting a legendary which can be made for any class/spec in MoP?!?! LOLOLOL). Just...... stop playing games where it's an expectation of you to invest TIME in your character development to further yourself in the game.


LFG tools, more experience points, faster ways to level, easier leveling, less difficult progression fights.... it's literally at the point where most of the online gaming population feels like they need a pat on the back and a special edition vanity pet for clicking "Login".


I understand games evolve, but if anything this is not evolving this is devolving into more simplistic, user-friendly, consumer oriented, spoon-fed crap that you can find all over Facebook and kongregate. It's quite sad that people feel accomplished in an online game they have only played for 3 weeks to 2 months because it's ridiculously simple with very little time investment... to get almost everything the game offers. Worse yet, when those same people who cried to have things that way... start the incessant whining about things being too easy and not challenging enough.


Ultimately the issue in any AAA title for online gaming... is us. The consumer. When all the noise boxes make it a point to crab about something constantly and all over the net, the companies change the game to cater to them to try and staunch any loss of potential customers.... but really it just drives the rest of us away.



Soooooo anyways, that was a bit of a rant but: If you are too impatient to wait for a queue then... in all sincerity MMORPGs were really a terrible choice for you to begin with, how you chose the genre is beyond me.

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Just so everyone has a point of comparison, I have played on the Ebon Hawk since launch. On Monday, fleet topped out at about 90 people. That was just what I saw (I was in and out of flashpoints all night), but that seems about right. At prime time on Friday it was hitting around 130-150. It'll be nice to see some really serious numbers in that corner of my screen.


On the flip side, I've gotten a bit used to logging in for the raid just ten minutes before (and I raid lead, too!). Queues definitely throw a kink into those plans.


To everyone who transferred into the Ebon Hawk: WELCOME!! Welcome to what I honestly believe is the best server community in the game, with some of the nicest and most helpful guilds you will find anywhere. Feel free to hit me up on the Republic side if you need a tank and don't feel like dealing with Group Finder's random mode.

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Can't believe this.


Bioware...what are you doing? Do you not see that there are people WANTING to play this game? Yet there is a Q? What is wrong with you? This was just a big mistake, these transfers. I will not stand for it.


Bioware, add more servers now or I'm out of here!



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At this point in the game, a queue is the best thing we could have!! anyone ranting about it should go shut up because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of you!!


Or you could shut up? With a game that has a large amount of solo content and a maximum of four people for the largest group quests, servers so overpopulated that they have queues are avoidable and unnecessary. There's no reason players should be deprived of the chance to play the game they are paying to play, just to satisfy some people's apparent compulsive need for unnecessarily large server populations. Maybe karma will strike and you'll be the one stuck in a queue.

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It will probably settle down on each of the destination servers eventually. People are all just logging into their new servers. Obviously the population numbers will be increased drastically either way, but I suspect initial queue times for at least a week or two. Especially once 1.3 hits the live servers.
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someone will complain.


wait for it....


wait for it...


wait for it...


This was fine for Beta and my pre launch bonus time but it is not OK now. I don't care if the ELUA says they can put me in a queue I will not pay for a game that I can't play. With all the crap SOE pulled over my tenure with EQ2 they did not put me in to a queue.



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The only way that this might not be a mistake is if BW can increase the population caps to remove the queues.


Considering the lag I experienced several times last night just moving an item from one slot to another, I'd say the answer to "if BW can increase the population caps" is no. They can't.

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