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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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I'd rather pay real money than waste my time going through grinds to get stuff.


I agree. There is this really cool Drake I would love to have in WoW, but you have to do these ridiculous achievements in order to get it. Some of them are "have 5 stacks of this ability on you and do this"

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So the fact that they will probably sell sparkle cars and small mechanical pets is a game changer?


Who cares man. Who freakin cares.


Maybe you don't but some do.

I dont want to pay a sub and some more to get everything.

Edited by Nyla
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I'm not wrong, I'm just stating how it makes me feel.


I'm not paying more for all the things they added since launch, I just payed my sub, that's all.

The new OP, warzone, the Legacy system ... I didn't pay more for that, why should I pay for some others items (be it fluff (for you) or anything) ?


Well I guess the game could just keep on going backwards, subs declining with no ideas to make it sustainable... then when the lights get turned off.. you can feel safe in the knowledge you got what you paid for....

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I'm sure he's talking about Content, gear etc in the in game store.


You know, until they say otherwise, we should just let it go. We do not know what they are going to sell. All of these pessimist really need to get off these forums.


It could be just mounts and pets, but all these pessimist are having heart attacks.

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And we doubt that bioware is talking about content / gear.


Bioware isn't, but it sounds like EA might be with the "Additional Features".


I'm pretty sure the person I quoted meant that if they add in P2W items, he's done, just like me.


Vanity items are fine. :)

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holly hell bioware speak up and open your *********** mouths this is getting ridiculous not knowing what is going on and all the unconfirmed rumors.



Seriously? You think BW should respond to every unconfirmed rumor started by some basement dwelling gamer out there ?


You make me rofl inside ....

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You know, until they say otherwise, we should just let it go. We do not know what they are going to sell. All of these pessimist really need to get off these forums.


It could be just mounts and pets, but all these pessimist are having heart attacks.


No they shouldn't get off the forums.


They have a right to state their opinions, they same as you have the right to state yours.

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Well I guess the game could just keep on going backwards, subs declining with no ideas to make it sustainable... then when the lights get turned off.. you can feel safe in the knowledge you got what you paid for....


No ideas ? well maybe you don't have ideas, I have many and the devs too that don't involve RTM.


People didn't left because of the sub or the lack of a store.

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No they shouldn't get off the forums.


They have a right to state their opinions, they same as you have the right to state yours.


And that is one thing. But to do it every single day and saying 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, ... ALL SUCK THIS GAME FAILS. Once GW2 is released 400K PEOPLE WILL QUIT and the servers will be shut down.


How is that helping anybody? We have seen WAY TOO many posts like this since EGA. Enough already. If you do not like the game, then leave.

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While I would like to be 100% in agreement here.. it may not be quite as you think.

Ingame there will likely be a link to the online store whether through a vendor or a simple button on the UI... but yeah the actual mechaincs of it will lie outside of the game... likely through Origin... eitherway what it might sell is anyones guess.. and what gets added further down the line is an even bigger guess.


Players are right to have the concerns but I fail to see why some see it as a game breaker to them even when it has no effect on their own game but heyho like you say.. gotta have something on these boards to complain about I guess


WOW doesn't have an in game link to the store and I very seriously doubt TOR will either. The only adds WOW ever has for it's fluff store is within the launcher for the game. If you're worried about in game pop ups for the store, don't be. If you're worried that you'll need to pay real money to list more than 50 items on the GTN, don't be. They can't charge a sub AND charge for content (expansions are the exception, of course).



You guys really do worry too much. ;)

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Maybe you don't but some do.

I dont want to pay a sub and some more to get everything.


Because a VIRTUAL sparkle pony will cost you $$, you can't play the game? That's beyond ridiculous.


Why not simply avoid the micro-crap and just play the game where the good stuff is attainable anyway?


Here news for all you people who don't understand how any of this works. You don't even "buy" a sparkle pony, all you do "buy" is a license to use a sparkle pony in game. When your sub goes away, so does your sparkle pony.


Stop. Worrying. About. Vanity. Items.

Edited by Arkerus
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WOW doesn't have an in game link to the store and I very seriously doubt TOR will either. The only adds WOW ever has for it's fluff store is within the launcher for the game. If you're worried about in game pop ups for the store, don't be. If you're worried that you'll need to pay real money to list more than 50 items on the GTN, don't be. They can't charge a sub AND charge for content (expansions are the exception, of course).



You guys really do worry too much. ;)


I agree you guys need to get out more. It is like somebody saying in an official article of video "We will be allowing purchases in this game" and they (the people reading and listening) IMMEDIATELY have panic attacks and start freaking out. Yet if they just remained calm for a couple more minutes, that video/article could have then said "ONLY for mounts and pets".


A. It annoys us when there are immediate doom and gloom posts without official word on what is going on and

B. It is not healthy for you.

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When SoE decided to do microtransactions with EQ2, everyone thought the sky was falling. That said, when it did finally come out, people found out that it wasn't so bad. As long as they don't put anything other than fluff into the game, I could care less. If this is there plan to letting people add more char slots, I think I'd be a bit unhappy, but I wouldn't have a cow over it either. I think most mmo makers understand that communities don't want a pay to win set up these days.
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Seriously? You think BW should respond to every unconfirmed rumor started by some basement dwelling gamer out there ?


You make me rofl inside ....


a lot of people dont like MT weather their for vanity items or gear content ect

a lot of people myself included will not be happy about it and bioware could easily answer weather or not they will be included it would take 5 seconds.

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Because a VIRTUAL sparkle pony will cost you $$, you can't play the game? That's beyond ridiculous.


Why not simply avoid the micro-crap and just play the game where the good stuff is attainable anyway?


Here news for all you people who don't understand how any of this works. You don't even "buy" a sparkle pony, all you do "buy" is a license to use a sparkle pony in game. When your sub goes away, so does your sparkle pony.


Stop. Worrying. About. Vanity. Items.


And actually the most of the best stuff is still required to play to get (like mounts from raids in WoW).

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It will be just mounts and pets and such... stupid little trinkets that won't affect anything.


Or like Age of Conan, where you can buy high level pvp items and thus have an advantage over those who work for them.


They also went to a hybrid model, where certain paly zones were not accessible unless you either paid for a sub, or purchased the zone.


This also answers the question, of why the NPCs have nicer armor than the players...


I am ok with vanity items, but not pay to win.

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This doesnt elude to anything, you might be able to buy a mount or a pet but thats it. They arent selling gear, weapons or comms so whats the big deal? The free lvls model isnt new, alot of big long term mmos do it. This game isnt in any trouble. Its so asinine how ridiculous ignorant people are, these forums are just a sad sight, al lthe false accusations, false doomsayers and nonsense that people spew only causes their own misfortune.


Why do you people even play this game, why even stress yourselves over this, this game isnt going f2play anytime soon, they arent creating a buy your win model so forget it. If you have nothing but negative things to say, negative predictions why play? Why force something youre so negatively opinionated about? Its like people get a kick out if it. Lol, and i bet youre the same people who are praising GW2 - which is already a f2play model. Lol udderly ridiculous....


Every mmo has a sub drop, and every mmo has an increase.

Who cares if there are micro-transaction, just like wow they dont change the game, and if you dont like them dont buy them. Someone with a sparkly mount doesnt have a game advantage over you.

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Because a VIRTUAL sparkle pony will cost you $$, you can't play the game? That's beyond ridiculous.


Why not simply avoid the micro-crap and just play the game where the good stuff is attainable anyway?


Here news for all you people who don't understand how any of this works. You don't even "buy" a sparkle pony, all you do "buy" is a license to use a sparkle pony in game. When your sub goes away, so does your sparkle pony.


Stop. Worrying. About. Vanity. Items.


I perfectly understand what I buy, thanks.

They could also delete all our characters if they wanted to.


All I'm saying is as a customer, I don't want to spend more than my sub to be able to get all the content available. I know that some or all the things are not necessary to play, I know I can choose not to buy from the store, I just don't want to use my credit card for more than a sub.


It's not a question if I can or cannot play, it's just me, wondering if the price is right.


You don't care about vanity items, that's fine, I might care for some. I don't care about operations, I don't ask to pay less, I don't tell people not to care about thoses.


I want all the content available for my sub, no RTM.

Edited by Nyla
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WOW doesn't have an in game link to the store and I very seriously doubt TOR will either. The only adds WOW ever has for it's fluff store is within the launcher for the game. If you're worried about in game pop ups for the store, don't be. If you're worried that you'll need to pay real money to list more than 50 items on the GTN, don't be. They can't charge a sub AND charge for content (expansions are the exception, of course).



You guys really do worry too much. ;)


Errm.. I am not worried.. maybe read my posts in this thread before adding me to your generalisation of this forum...


Maybe read the post again... as noone knows anyhting about anything yet .. noone can say what it will have or not have ingame and whether its a UI buttong, ingame vendor opening to an external link or whaether its a launcher only link... the fact is there will be some link to an external site (Origin being my guess based on what EA has said in its last report on expanding Origin).

For your info this is not WoW so its irrelevant what that game has, or what DDO has or what Eve has or any other MMO... TOR if it indeed brings in this feature, will have what TOR has...


Actually BW can make a charge for additional GTN postings... Many MMO's offer upgrade microtransactions.. even extra toon slots, additional feature changes etc etc... the sub is a set fee granting access to the game and your 8 slots.... additional upgrades can be anything they determine is outside of that base scope of the game.... and having a higher posting restriction is actually something that could prove popular, especially with busier servers and maybe super servers down the line.... as might be additional storage options.


Pop up.. hmm not sure there.., I hope not though personally.. that kinda thing is fine on launch screen ads but ingame... noooo

Edited by Bloodstealer
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bioware could easily answer weather or not they will be included it would take 5 seconds.


What do they say about chocolate? A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.


Consider that saying in relation to this situation. Only instead of lips you have the SWTOR forum and instead of the hips we have your resume. A resume that wouldn't look too attractive if it was bulging with a large amount of 'fired for saying something out of turn on a game forum.'


You won't get an official answer here. It is not good practice to answer random, largely unsubstantiated comments in any kind of official capacity here. Try bringing it up as part of the regular Q&A, but you won't get an official answer until they are ready to give one.



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Somehow, an article on yahoo finance claiming some exclusive info no other media outlet got during e3 ... doesnt hold much weight. That and MT's could have been mislabeled as thing like server xfers, character recustimzation, etc ... specially from a non-gaming source.


In either case, MT = Unsub for me. Im sure that holds true for many others. They should really consider the losses theyll get before jumping the gun with this. Vanity items is a thin line to walk on, keep it short, keep it cheap, and even then if I ever feel robbed (ie. blatanly keeping the best looking items for the cash shop) ill still quit. This is why ive passed up paying for any of the more recent EA games ... theyre thieves with no respect for the customer.

Edited by MasterKayote
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