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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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Well, if is true then one thing is certain , they won't make significant revenue from just character transfers and fluff items.


Have you seen how much cash wow makes on a guildmove. do a quick tot up of 28 people with an average of 3 alts each, go.

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Pazzak and swoop racing are things only now being looked at, where do you get that they are unfinished. as for not complete and coming out in stages are 2 different things, my god this is the reason why miss information gets spread so much.


PS features are not tech. and i do read your posts but im going to stop now.


thats funny because they have been talking about them way before launch and when they are asked about them now they cant answer because they are... now listen carefully, unfinished! or not ready, same thing. if they are actually working on them who knows I take allot of developer hype as is but I dont expect it to happen


as for unfinished or staged release [thats a joke that means unfinished] I am still paying a sub to play a game that was not finished and is slow in implementing features and content. with the unconfirmed rumors going around about paid content and real money for in game items on top of that sub I think it is not fair to the players if they put this in before the game matures. our sub should be enough to support new content and getting the game to where they want it before they start gouging sub paying players


features are not tech but when you cant get them in game because of the tech it is a tech problem

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Have you seen how much cash wow makes on a guildmove. do a quick tot up of 28 people with an average of 3 alts each, go.


Yes, but WOW has a significantly larger playerbase with idiots willing to pay. If this game needs 1m subs for a 'nothing to write home about' profit then I still think that 'significant' revenue in EA's view will require more than fluff, perhaps they'll copy the GW2 cash shop model.

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thats funny because they have been talking about them way before launch and when they are asked about them now they cant answer because they are... now listen carefully, unfinished! or not ready, same thing. if they are actually working on them who knows I take allot of developer hype as is but I dont expect it to happen


as for unfinished or staged release [thats a joke that means unfinished] I am still paying a sub to play a game that was not finished and is slow in implementing features and content. with the unconfirmed rumors going around about paid content and real money for in game items on top of that sub I think it is not fair to the players if they put this in before the game matures. our sub should be enough to support new content and getting the game to where they want it before they start gouging sub paying players


features are not tech but when you cant get them in game because of the tech it is a tech problem


Who has been talking about them, you will find the community have been talking about it and bioware have responded about it, the most concrete thing we have had about pazzak and swoop racing were a poll and thats it, the rest is the playerbase asking for it.


And you really need to stop with this unfinished stuff, cos an mmo is never finished, content is developed and then released. Features are worked on and then put into game. And legacy was released in stages, what we have now is finished, what is coming in 1.3 will be finished, it just adds onto what we already have.


And what has been held back due to tech apart from xfers, come on name 1 thing held back due to tech.

Edited by Shingara
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Yes, but WOW has a significantly larger playerbase with idiots willing to pay. If this game needs 1m subs for a 'nothing to write home about' profit then I still think that 'significant' revenue in EA's view will require more than fluff, perhaps they'll copy the GW2 cash shop model.


Ill agree totaly on the wow bit, how much for a sparkly horse ****. If they go down the route of fluff i would have to say i want to see them for good reasons like charitys and if natural disaters happen. not just for money grabbing.

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If they are vanity items or stuff like speeders, that is fine with me if it helps the continued development of the game. But never, should they ever include weapons are gear or what have you. Keep it like Actblizz does with WOW and I am fine with it. Let those that have the cash spend the extra money, and help support the game.


You start selling weapons and gear though, well then we will have a problem *shakes angry fist*

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Who has been talking about them, you will find the community have been talking about it and bioware have responded about it, the most concrete thing we have had about pazzak and swoop racing were a poll and thats it, the rest is the playerbase asking for it.


And you really need to stop with this unfinished stuff, cos an mmo is never finished, content is developed and then released. Features are worked on and then put into game. And legacy was released in stages, what we have now is finished, what is coming in 1.3 will be finished, it just adds onto what we already have.


And what has been held back due to tech apart from xfers, come on name 1 thing held back due to tech.


yes because everyone agrees that the game launched complete and wasnt unfinished and the devs never brought up pazak or talked about it in interviews it was just a poll. you are so right what was I thinking the game is fine it has over 2 million players and noone critisizes it you are so very right. and the legacy bar was so the devs intention for launch


as for 1 thing tech prevents hmm guild capital ships, well according to damion schubert the system designer but you already knew that since you follow the game so closely, so how about ship customisation or duel spec, all things they wanted in game before launch according to their prerealse hype. I mean really you have to be trolling because their excusses for not having most of the features they want in game is "we are still trying to figure out the tech".

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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I actually don't care if it's a pet or a monkey suit, when paying a subscription I expect everything in the game to be available to me through gameplay.


I'd rather not have some Exec deciding if a new armour set, pet, mount, or any other item be dumped into the cash shop to make their figures look better for the shareholders that month. Once the initial return on investment is made then profits on subscription games are quite high (up to 80%). Look at CCP as just one example, approxiamately 400k subscribers brought in $66mil in revenue with as they put it, "very healthy margins".


I have no problem with any company making a profit but don't give me the Gordon Gecko approach of greed is good with cash shops in a subscription based games.


It has become apparent over the last few years that gamers have become their own worst enemies when it comes to the increasing monetization of games.

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yes because everyone agrees that the game launched complete and wasnt unfinished and the devs never brought up pazak or talked about it in interviews it was just a poll. you are so right what was I thinking the game is fine it has over 2 million players and noone critisizes it you are so very right. and the legacy bar was so the devs intention for launch


You really need to lay of the coolia, the game released complete, did it release with what everyone wanted no, do you see the difference there. no you dont so we shall stop right here.

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You really need to lay of the coolia, the game released complete, did it release with what everyone wanted no, do you see the difference there. no you dont so we shall stop right here.


yes including what the devs wanted you see the diffrence there. were you even here at launch or early access

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yes including what the devs wanted you see the diffrence there


No i dont see, because what the devs want and what makes a complete game are 2 different things, what one game has another game doesnt have to have it to be complete. you want pazzak someone over there wants player housing. you want swoop racing someone over there wants arenas.


What you want and what the game is are not the same. and, i was a beta tester.

Edited by Artthen
removed name-calling
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Ok ehm.. besides one news outlet quoting EA about microtransactions at the biggest gamescon of the year.. Where else is this information ever referenced?


I mean, really.. I would have thought it would be bigger news, not something posted about a week after it was apparently mentioned by EA and only one news outlet feels the need to cover it.


So really, where is Yahoo!'s source, and are there any other reports of EA mentioning this?

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I don't have an issue with F2P. What I would have an issue with is the subscriber base who have forked out monthly to maintain this game getting burned.


We subscribers have earned our right to receive these benefits at no additional cost imo. If, as a subscriber, I can't get something that someone else can simply fork out a bit of money on in a MT to get then I'll be inclined to quit the game. I'm already paying a subscription and I don't want to be forced in to forking out extra when I'm already paying a subscription that should entitle me to gain access to all the content that is available in game. I may be a casual gamer who doesn't dedicate hours every day to the game but I'm prepared to take longer to earn something if that's what it takes.


Subscribers deserve to have benefits from subscribing. People who play for free need to realise that not paying comes with a cost then they make their decision based on that.


Of course, this is all ssuming that all of this information is 100% accurate because right now it's more rumours and speculation rather than actual facts.

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Is it just me or has this thread seriously gone 30 pages off an article from Yahoo.com, which had no credible source listed?


You guys are seriously wasting time debating and getting upset over this?

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Hopefully they go with a "freemium" model like Cryptic's and LotRO have been using with their games.


Two types of account. Free and Premium.


Free is a regular free to play account, where if you want to buy things from the cash shop you have to buy, say "bioware points".


Premium is a monthly subscription where you get several perks above a regular free account. (some cosmetic things, etc.) but also, a monthly stipend of "Bioware points". That way, if something comes out that you really want in the cash shop, you'll have "points" to buy it with.


In the cryptic games as well, you have the option of turning some in-game currency into their cash-shop currency.


So say you're on a free account. You run EV. You might get 200 of a new type of currency (call it "datares" for now),

You could then exchange "datares" for "Bioware points", which leaves everyone with a way to buy items from the cash shop without having to spend actual cash-money on it.

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Is it just me or has this thread seriously gone 30 pages off an article from Yahoo.com, which had no credible source listed?


You guys are seriously wasting time debating and getting upset over this?




I got a mail from Yahoo the other day saying id won the National Lottery....!!


Needless to say....I haven't.

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lol Free to Play all MMOs let you play a few lvls for free....... even wow


True but of all the MMOs out there this is the only one where level 1-15 is the best part of the game. After that it just goes down hill.

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True but of all the MMOs out there this is the only one where level 1-15 is the best part of the game. After that it just goes down hill.


This is so not true its not even lollable.


Most classes aren't even interesting till level 25.


Edit: You clearly are lost. AoC forums are that way -->

Edited by metalgearyoda
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