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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll


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Because we're already getting them.


btw just want to thank you and say i am impressed you manage to keep this going.

When I first say almost 60 pages I thought damn a good idea I wonder how long he managed to keep going and if I can salvage the data :-P

So good Job and hope you keep it up.

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Updated, and thank you.


Truth be told, I may not be able to update for much longer. While I would gladly continue to do so, the end of my subscription is nearing.


That sucks, this is my favorite thread. Would you do me a favor and say when you won't be able to update the thread any longer?

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That sucks, this is my favorite thread. Would you do me a favor and say when you won't be able to update the thread any longer?


I should be able to accommodate. And yeah, it does suck. But as is, I've gotten what enjoyment I can from SW:TOR. And it has sated me more than ~90% of the other MMOs out there, and I try virtually ever major release (as well as my share of minor ones). That being said, I'm just not itching to jump onto the raid treadmill again. SW:TOR needs more fluff. It needs more story. And, for me, personally, it really needs to stop emulating content that I grew tired of about a decade ago.


I'm never one for "I quit!" threads, but I thought I'd explain here for people that actually care. I have a feeling that a lot of the people following this thread are a lot like me - they're playing SW:TOR to participate in their own, personal Star Wars fantasy. Not so much for the nuts and bolts of the gameplay (which is admittedly very tired). What brought me here, and what kept me here for this long, is the franchise itself and just how well the franchise has been utilized to this point.


However, the good will that comes from the Star Wars name has now exhausted itself. I've experienced all the stories that I cared to take part in. I've created the characters for whom I wanted to tell a story. But the virtues of SW:TOR have now run dry - the story is great, but it cannot be neglected in favour of typical MMO content. No offense to SW:TOR, but many, many games have done the raiding treadmill, and they've done it much better. By attempting to cater to that crowd, the developers are completely neglecting what makes this game unique and what keeps people here, considering that mechanically better choices exist.


The story, the characters, the franchise. Those just aren't being utilized as well as they should be. The only content that I have not yet done is the Jedi Knight storyline, as I am saving it for a Kel Dor. Irrational? Perhaps. But the purpose of this thread, and one or two others I have posted, is to urge BioWare to take advantage of their strengths instead of catering to the raid treadmill crowd that EA was undoubtedly trying to capture. And recalling the development of this game, one can definitely see the evolution from a pure BioWare MMO to the hybrid we have now.


I applaud the volume of the updates, but catering to a crowd that isn't playing this game, and probably never will, just isn't working for me, or my guild (of whom I am the only person who hasn't moved on). Expand the story, expand the customization, expand the setting. Stop attempting to cater to the PvP/raid treadmill crowd. BioWare can always hook a few, but they seem to be missing the point of their own creation.


Anyway, I'll get down from my soapbox, now.

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I should be able to accommodate. And yeah, it does suck. But as is, I've gotten what enjoyment I can from SW:TOR. And it has sated me more than ~90% of the other MMOs out there, and I try virtually ever major release (as well as my share of minor ones). That being said, I'm just not itching to jump onto the raid treadmill again. SW:TOR needs more fluff. It needs more story. And, for me, personally, it really needs to stop emulating content that I grew tired of about a decade ago.


I'm never one for "I quit!" threads, but I thought I'd explain here for people that actually care. I have a feeling that a lot of the people following this thread are a lot like me - they're playing SW:TOR to participate in their own, personal Star Wars fantasy. Not so much for the nuts and bolts of the gameplay (which is admittedly very tired). What brought me here, and what kept me here for this long, is the franchise itself and just how well the franchise has been utilized to this point.


However, the good will that comes from the Star Wars name has now exhausted itself. I've experienced all the stories that I cared to take part in. I've created the characters for whom I wanted to tell a story. But the virtues of SW:TOR have now run dry - the story is great, but it cannot be neglected in favour of typical MMO content. No offense to SW:TOR, but many, many games have done the raiding treadmill, and they've done it much better. By attempting to cater to that crowd, the developers are completely neglecting what makes this game unique and what keeps people here, considering that mechanically better choices exist.


The story, the characters, the franchise. Those just aren't being utilized as well as they should be. The only content that I have not yet done is the Jedi Knight storyline, as I am saving it for a Kel Dor. Irrational? Perhaps. But the purpose of this thread, and one or two others I have posted, is to urge BioWare to take advantage of their strengths instead of catering to the raid treadmill crowd that EA was undoubtedly trying to capture. And recalling the development of this game, one can definitely see the evolution from a pure BioWare MMO to the hybrid we have now.


I applaud the volume of the updates, but catering to a crowd that isn't playing this game, and probably never will, just isn't working for me, or my guild (of whom I am the only person who hasn't moved on). Expand the story, expand the customization, expand the setting. Stop attempting to cater to the PvP/raid treadmill crowd. BioWare can always hook a few, but they seem to be missing the point of their own creation.


Anyway, I'll get down from my soapbox, now.


Sad to see you leave, this thread was great and I can only hope that BW looked at what people wanted and what species and dont wait on this Cathar experiment to then think about adding new speices. I feel the same way and if it was not for a few friends who are die hard fans would have left. All my lv 50 characters are just alts waiting for a character I want to play and want to experiance the star wars universe with. I hope they introduce Kel'dor and we see you back here, but the longer they drag their feet the less and less people who are sticking around for new species will be left.

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Official Votes:


1: Rodian


2: Devaronian


3: Mon Calamari


My "I Wish but Will Most Likely Never Happen Votes"


1: Droid


2: Mandalorian(might be more of a class, but technically even though many species make them up, they are a race so...)


3: Rakghoul/Nekghoul(some can obviously talk, and use the force, whats to stop em learning to use blasters, explosives, lightsabers, etc?)


yes i realize the op quit. still hope that bioware takes this into consideration, and one of them or another poster might actually just copy his thread and continue updating it?

Edited by Jedikillar
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1. Yodas Species

2. Gamorrean

3. Jawa


I'm going with the less Humanoid species since we already have so many human like species. Bioware needs to stretch it's variety a little.


Also, It would be fair for some species to only be allowed to become certain classes based on lore.

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