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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll


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65 pages and no reaction from the yellow guys...?!


i mean, this thread shows very clear what the players want. A little comment to that thread would be nice.

I would like to know, do the Devs take a look to that and what is with the most wanted species? Will we get them or not?


Honestly, any developer comment is unlikely. I'm not sure if I explained this in this thread or another one, but I explained why there is a scarcity, if not a complete void, of community manager/developer responses in suggestion-type threads. Essentially, people like to take credit for their ideas, terms of service be damned.


On more than a few occasions, when a developer spoke up about an idea being presented and said, "Yes! I will implement that!" the person that suggested the idea actually took legal action against the company for using "their" idea. These days, there are pretty air-tight contracts you need to "sign" to participate on gaming forums, but, believe it or not, people still try to take their shot at suing the developers (sometimes without overt reply).


Now, you're surely thinking, "They can't possible lose to these morons," but that's actually beside the point. If a judge sees it fit to proceed with the case, this can incur many legal fees regardless of the actual outcome of the hearing.


As such, the corporate honchos generally want their developer teams to steer clear of suggestions - read them, but never reply. And this is absolutely infuriating to the community, but is somewhat of a necessary evil given the general stupidity of our own species.

Edited by CelCawdro
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Honestly, any developer comment is unlikely. I'm not sure if I explained this in this thread or another one, but I explained why there is a scarcity, if not a complete void, of community manager/developer responses in suggestion-type threads. Essentially, people like to take credit for their ideas, terms of service be damned.


On more than a few occasions, when a developer spoke up about an idea being presented and said, "Yes! I will implemented that!" the person that suggested the idea actually took legal action against the company for using "their" idea. These days, there are pretty air-tight contracts you need to "sign" to participate on gaming forums, but, believe it or not, people still try to take their shot at suing the developers (sometimes without overt reply).


Now, you're surely thinking, "They can't possible lose to these morons," but that's actually beside the point. If a judge sees it fit to proceed with the case, this can incur many legal fees regardless of the actual outcome of the hearing.


As such, the corporate honchos generally want their developer teams to steer clear of suggestions - read them, but never reply. And this is absolutely infuriating to the community, but is somewhat of a necessary evil given the general stupidity of our own species.


Perhaps if a note we slipped in to this thread as it was in:


Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


Like this:


This is a really interesting feedback thread! Thanks to those of you posting your top 3's - keep them coming!


Would be nice.



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I would like it if the Dev's just said they had seen this thread I would be a bit happier. If they said they were looking at the top three for the cash shop I would be over the moon :) I just want to play a Kel'dor. Happy to spend 100 bucks on it, if thats what it took..
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3.Mon Calamari


For those who do not know Shistavanen are essentially wolf people. Frankly I think they'd make a good race because they don't have all that much lore on them but enough to where Bioware could do something interesting for them. Otherwise my current dream is a Trandoshan Guardiian :tran_cool:

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Did I miss something or in 66 pages (as of yet) noone at all voted for Cathar ?


You must not have read the 66 pages (I wouldn't either). Cathar isn't included because this particular iteration of the poll was started after Cathar was already announced.

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My three would have to be:


1) Togruta

2) Nautolan

3) Zeltron


Although the only one I REALLY want is Togruta. I think they look really cool :) I could care less about any potential clipping issues with gear, I just want to play as one. If i could vote for them three times I would :)

Edited by Big_Loom
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1. Jawas


2. Jawas


3. Wookies - or Jawas, whichever one is shorter.


I think you have to have 3 different ones for Cel Cawdro to count your votes, just thought I would try to catch you while you were still on so you would be more likely to see this.

Edited by Tuscad
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