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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll


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Indeed. But a Gungan Smuggler would probably have to exist in a ABY timeline, given their planetbound nature until then. If they get enough votes, they'll be getting a red asterisk to denote that problem. Alas, they'd be cool, but I just don't see them as likely.


I'm not quiet certain about wookiepedia, however they state:http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gungan

At some point in Galactic history, there was at least one Otolla Gungan who was a Sith.[7]

A Gungan Sith


The Gungans were believed to be indigenous to Naboo, but this is uncertain. Biologists believe the Gungans, wherever their original home, evolved originally as land-dwellers.


I think there might be room for good storytelling!

Edited by GorZie
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I'm not quiet certain about wookiepedia, however they state:http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gungan



I think there might be room for good storytelling!


Well, that image comes from a trading card. Not exactly sure how canon those are. Likewise, as the "exception to the rule," like Ewoks, Wookiees, Jawas and the like, they would need their own, specific story to explain why they are so unlike the rest of their kind in their galactic wanderlust.

Edited by CelCawdro
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what does this mean?


CelCawdro: If Cathar are successful, what kinds of species can we expect to see? May we see anything beyond the current selection of near-humans? What is the process behind selecting new species and gauging community interest?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): We’d like to open the selection of future species to the community as a whole with clear positives and negatives provided for each selection. That way we can go a bit further afield in our species selection

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what does this mean?


CelCawdro: If Cathar are successful, what kinds of species can we expect to see? May we see anything beyond the current selection of near-humans? What is the process behind selecting new species and gauging community interest?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): We’d like to open the selection of future species to the community as a whole with clear positives and negatives provided for each selection. That way we can go a bit further afield in our species selection


Probably, they want to know, what was good and bad about each race.


For instance: Miraluka


Positives: interesting species ability, nice rare species in-game


Negatives: Looks too much like a human with blindfold, not enough customization options (like blindfolds), unique customization options could not be colored, did not allow optimal appearance customization with armors


So the community lists the positives and negatives and the devs go, "Okay, the community likes how the Cathar is less human-esque and a bit more out there. Okay, now they are saying they disliked the fact there was a lack of hair options for the race. Okay, the chiss are liked for their eyes, the twi'lek are liked for their head tails, and the rattaki were disliked for looking to generic on Sith side. Okay, let us try a Nautolan and try to make as many customization options with the face, color, and head tails as possible."


I can see how this will work really well. People who like Twi'lek head tails but would have liked for them to have more position options (wrapped around the neck or laying along the front) would be able to help feedback for Nautolans or Togrutas get a lot more done with them to the community's liking.

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Even if a species wouldn't be able to romance, that doesn't mean they can't be considered. It shouldn't be a problem making it that Wookiees are unable to romance anyone but then again, we don't know if any of the companions have a soft spot for Wookiees or maybe Rodians or Mon Calamari.


The whole not able to speak basic topic shouldn't be a concern. If you can't be bothered reading subtitles, then don't pick the species and don't deny other players the freedom of choosing it.

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what does this mean?


CelCawdro: If Cathar are successful, what kinds of species can we expect to see? May we see anything beyond the current selection of near-humans? What is the process behind selecting new species and gauging community interest?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): We’d like to open the selection of future species to the community as a whole with clear positives and negatives provided for each selection. That way we can go a bit further afield in our species selection


It was once stated by devs that how successful/played that the Cathar are determines whether or not we will get new playable species in the future, so pay up for the Cathar...

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It was once stated by devs that how successful/played that the Cathar are determines whether or not we will get new playable species in the future, so pay up for the Cathar...


Yes but in the context of the statement - We’d like to open the selection of future species to the community as a whole with clear positives and negatives provided for each selection. That way we can go a bit further afield in our species selection.



What are the negatives of adding any species? Go afield -Sith can be Republic, so whats the bother with holding back any species?


Positives of any species are they add variety, and potentially draw more people into the game, as well as keep players paying to play as they make new characters.


Negative - none, except for the design team, because they have to do work to implement :rolleyes:

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Yes but in the context of the statement - We’d like to open the selection of future species to the community as a whole with clear positives and negatives provided for each selection. That way we can go a bit further afield in our species selection.



What are the negatives of adding any species? Go afield -Sith can be Republic, so whats the bother with holding back any species?


Positives of any species are they add variety, and potentially draw more people into the game, as well as keep players paying to play as they make new characters.


Negative - none, except for the design team, because they have to do work to implement :rolleyes:


The only negative I can see is clipping and like you said the art team has to impement it, if they do so successfully then there will not be any clipping.

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I'm really surprised that nobody (and I mean nobody!) besides me chose Cerean and Quermian as one of their choices. Ki-Adi-Mundi was a Cerean Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council and IMHO is one of the coolest members of the council. Yarael Poof was also a Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council and represents the Quermians as an iconic character in the Star Wars universe.


I see the Cereans as a Humanoid type species and the Quermians as an extreme or non-humanoid type species. Either way, I think it would be cool to play as either one. Hopefully this will enlighten some of the readers as to who the Cereans and Quermians are and elicit a few more votes.

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As I interpreted the statement, they are essentially (and wisely) giving themselves an out, should they implement a species that is more "out there," and the community decides to complain about some aspect of their implementation. For example, Kel Dor may have to have a voice filter applied, as if they're wearing a helmet at all times, to make their portrayal convincing. Likewise, Nautolans may have a myriad of clipping issues - perhaps even more than Twi'lek,


As long as BioWare lays out potential issues beforehand, and the community still chooses problematic species, both parties involved are proceeding with full knowledge of those issues and the community cannot attempt to throw those issues in the face of the developers (but they will, either way).


For me, it was an incredibly promising statement. It has shown me that BioWare is willing to look beyond the near-human aliens and go for something a little more extreme. Just how extreme they are willing to go is still unknown, but I believe that we've progressed from having only (for the purposes of this poll) near-humans to look forward to - at the very least, the pool of humanoids is now open to us.


Progress is being made, slowly but surely!


Also, updated - Nautolan's hold on first is looking a bit tenuous...

Edited by CelCawdro
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Given we already have this poll and I know there were a lot of them prior to release I am wondering why it has taken them so long to think, "ask the players what they want to play" i hope we actual see new species before the end of the year and not just Cathar with a promise to discuss it with the comunity at a later date to add more. I know I am waiting on new species before any new characters or doing much end game content on my exisiting ones.
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I'd like to agree that some dev replies or a clearer timeline for community interaction would be nice. Also, get creative people! Seems like the same few races are getting the votes, there's a huge galaxy to pick from.
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1) Voss --> I want to know more about them / JK storyline.. you get to know one (personally)

2) Anzati --> interesting race to play. (yes sw very own vampires.. haha)

3) Wookie --> I just like them.

Edited by ThroneOfOP
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