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moving more than 8 char to new server?


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Last I checked Legacy is same server, so the only alting encouraged is also same server. So no problem.


8 characters covers everything. (except races, and they barely even qualify as cosmetic differences)


they alow you to have 40 charachters on 5 servers so they should of thought of that

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well tell you what everyone in this situation why not join me and not move any at all . I really don't know what to say anymore it's stupid this.


I agree. Please stay on your server and don't move. Especially not to my server.

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they alow you to have 40 charachters on 5 servers so they should of thought of that


That's just it. They didn't THINK. When you have a ton of servers and are encouraged to play alts and you start funneling multiple origin servers into ONE destination server you are BOUND TO HAVE THIS HAPPEN. Its almost a certainty. They didn't THINK.

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They did say more slots were coming. Why not just allow the extra slots along with the transfer in this situation? I'll have to leave behind alts as well on a free transfer server, as both are transferring to another server....
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Once again this shows a lack of foresight by Bioware.


You honestly didn't see this happening?


Again you are "punishing" your customers in YET ANOTHER way.


This is exactly how not to do a server merger/transfer process.


Totally disgusted with your lack of process or QA.


Six Sigma much?


Oh, for god's sake.


The character limit per server is eight. It has always been eight. It will always be eight until they increase the limit, which is something they've already said they're looking into doing. How, in the name of all that is holy, is telling a player to choose which eight characters to transfer "punishing" the player? What sense of entitlement enables you to think that, just because you have more than eight characters scattered across two or more servers, you should be allowed to move all of those characters to one server?


And just how are you expecting Bioware to allow you to move all of those characters to one server when the character limit per server is eight? Do you even bother thinking about your complaints anymore or is it just a kneejerk reaction now?

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Oh, for god's sake.


The character limit per server is eight. It has always been eight. It will always be eight until they increase the limit, which is something they've already said they're looking into doing. How, in the name of all that is holy, is telling a player to choose which eight characters to transfer "punishing" the player? What sense of entitlement enables you to think that, just because you have more than eight characters scattered across two or more servers, you should be allowed to move all of those characters to one server?


And just how are you expecting Bioware to allow you to move all of those characters to one server when the character limit per server is eight? Do you even bother thinking about your complaints anymore or is it just a kneejerk reaction now?


Well try to understand its not that he/she wants more slots , if he/she is like me then i have and 2 friends for that matter between 13-16 characters across two servers that can transfer to one server , thus making the population on both my servers very very very very bad , so you see yes we could transfer 8 characters but bioware have messed up the population on our two origin servers . Get it now ?





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I can understand that there were perhaps logistical difficulties with presenting a list ahead of time of origin --> destination servers, perhaps due more to real time monitoring of populations than anything else (who knows). That said, if such a list had been published ahead of time, I would have left some of my characters behind yesterday during the first wave of transfers so that I could transfer the ones I wanted to today during the second wave, as would my wife. Having ended up with one destination from two origin servers was a possiblity, one I had hoped wasn't very large. Nevertheless, I and my wife are now stuck having to decide which characters to delete on the origin server since we both moved them all yesterday.
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Oh, for god's sake.


The character limit per server is eight. It has always been eight. It will always be eight until they increase the limit, which is something they've already said they're looking into doing. How, in the name of all that is holy, is telling a player to choose which eight characters to transfer "punishing" the player? What sense of entitlement enables you to think that, just because you have more than eight characters scattered across two or more servers, you should be allowed to move all of those characters to one server?


And just how are you expecting Bioware to allow you to move all of those characters to one server when the character limit per server is eight? Do you even bother thinking about your complaints anymore or is it just a kneejerk reaction now?


So we have to choose which toons to keep because BW SCREWED UP in the first place?


Its the fact of funneling multiple origin servers to ONE destination that begs the certainty of this happening.


Increase character slots should have been PART of this transfer process.



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Oh, for god's sake.


The character limit per server is eight. It has always been eight. It will always be eight until they increase the limit, which is something they've already said they're looking into doing. How, in the name of all that is holy, is telling a player to choose which eight characters to transfer "punishing" the player? What sense of entitlement enables you to think that, just because you have more than eight characters scattered across two or more servers, you should be allowed to move all of those characters to one server?


And just how are you expecting Bioware to allow you to move all of those characters to one server when the character limit per server is eight? Do you even bother thinking about your complaints anymore or is it just a kneejerk reaction now?


they dont have to be the same server i just want them on a populated server however they only alow me to move to one server. let just hope my other 8 char wil have a other destination server

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So we have to choose which toons to keep because BW SCREWED UP in the first place?


Its the fact of funneling multiple origin servers to ONE destination that begs the certainty of this happening.


Increase character slots should have been PART of this transfer process.




Then choose your most played characters and transfer them. Or choose your highest level characters and transfer them. Or choose the legacy linked characters you want to keep and transfer them. For the rest, either wait for paid transfers or re-roll on another server. It's time to put on your big boy and girl pants and actually make a decision for yourselves. Papa Bioware can't and shouldn't hold your hand and do everything for you.


The more I read these forums, and the more I see more and more ways for the so-called community to whine and complain about anything, the more I come to the conclusion that the people who left EA/Bioware weren't actually laid off like it was reported; I'm starting to think they all left voluntarily before they had a Tseric-like meltdown.

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I think Bioware should allow a free transfer later on to those that are unable to transfer all of their characters now. Yes, you are inconvenienced and that sucks, however they have stated they will make more slots on servers available at some point.


If they gave you a free transfer at that point would that be helpful?

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I'm going to have to abandon a few 20 somethings because of this as well, I'm definitely less than thrilled about it.


How some of these morons on the forums don't get how people can be pissed that their time was wasted based on a pretty basic oversight is astounding.

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I agree. Please stay on your server and don't move. Especially not to my server.


I'm not on one server , I'm on 2 , maybe read my posts and then reply , if you have anything constructive to add.





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I have worked out a plan , depending on your origin server type then , they could allow your first 8 characters on the normal destination server then give you a choice for your other characters to go to the same type of server but on the other coat ( east , west ) . That , in my case would be The Ebon Hawk and Begeren Colony . Obviously they would have to alter it for European servers , but it is the only solution I can think of and I am going to request it.


If you have more than 16 characters ( remember we can have 40 ) then its more complicated.





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I'm also in the same pickle. Need to choose 8/17 PCs for The Ebon Hawk. My only real concern is what I will be able to do with the other 9 in the future. If I can't put them all on TEH, I would like to be able to move them somewhere else where they can be reasonably played (i.e. good population). I will expect those transfers to ALL be free. To charge for those would be ludicrous.
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1. People have been clamouring for more character slots since beta.

2. We have been told that they have heard us and will be offering this in the future.

3. But, did not implement this BEFORE this server transfer cluge.

4 Showing lack of foresight as to the potential effects of their actions pertaining to transfers and charcter slots.

5. ALSO showing they really don't give a flying fig about their customers.


This is reminds me of all the crap that $oE did to SWG with the CU.



ALSO and most importantly SINCE WE DON"T KNOW THE FINAL OUTCOME ... those of us with alts spread out amoungst the servers NOW HAVE TO WAIT TO TRANSFER ..... so that we can prioritize which alts we want to keep.


TOTALY MAD about this ... I can't even transfer now until I see the FINAL state of origin vs. destination. :mad:


SOOOOOO WELLLL thought out BW. :rolleyes:




This is not an issue. It's not like they are deleting characters. They just are only letting you put 8 on one server. Grow up and stop your yelling.

Edited by JerokTalram
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At launch I picked Keller's Void for my 8 Empire toons and Jedi Covenant for my 8 Republic toons. My thought was if they gave us 8 slots and each side had 8 classes this would be the best option.


Fast forward 6 months and after playing all the classes through the first planet (and 8 through chapter 2 with 3 of them level 50) I find out that Keller's Void is moving to Jedi Covenant. I spent an agonizing afternoon yesterday figuring out which Republic toons to delete. It wasn't the end of the world as I've spent a lot more time on my Empire toons but it still was a bit frustrating. The only positive was since I used the same names on both I didn't lose that in the transfer.


I'd love to have a few more slots though.

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The issue for me is that they rolled out the transfers in waves. So I transfered 4 imperial characters to Ebon Hawk, and now I find out Rubat Crystal is going to the same place. I have 7 characters on Rubat, Alliance side, who are higher level than any of my Imperial characters. It looks to me like I'm going to need to delete 3 of the imperials. I've designed my Republic characters crafting to work together.


I suppose it's not a huge deal to replay the Imps, since none of them are off the second world (though one almost is). But it's... irritating.


Is the server population really so low that they have to merge every single RP server American side into one server/ Pretty sad, if so.


This does appear to be an oversight, or at least I hope it is.

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They did say more slots were coming. Why not just allow the extra slots along with the transfer in this situation? I'll have to leave behind alts as well on a free transfer server, as both are transferring to another server....

it may be that the free transfers will last severl mounths and i think bioware might add a new slot when they add the cathar.

which brings up a good point those with 16 may have deleted one anyway.

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I have 7 characters on Rubat, Alliance side, who are higher level than any of my Imperial characters. It looks to me like I'm going to need to delete 3 of the imperials.


Must..... resist... making... poor .... WoW ....joke.



Also, your problem would have been easily solved in BW let people who choose destination server from say 2 instead of forcing them into one.

Edited by Muskaan
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The issue for me is that they rolled out the transfers in waves. So I transfered 4 imperial characters to Ebon Hawk, and now I find out Rubat Crystal is going to the same place. I have 7 characters on Rubat, Alliance side, who are higher level than any of my Imperial characters. It looks to me like I'm going to need to delete 3 of the imperials. I've designed my Republic characters crafting to work together.


I'd almost sympathize with you, except that you *knew* they were rolling out the transfers in waves, and you *knew* there were only 8 character slots. If I had multiple characters from multiple servers, i'd probably want to see what all my options were for all my characters before even thinking about transfering some of them.

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I'd almost sympathize with you, except that you *knew* they were rolling out the transfers in waves, and you *knew* there were only 8 character slots. If I had multiple characters from multiple servers, i'd probably want to see what all my options were for all my characters before even thinking about transfering some of them.


Except for the fact that the longer he waits to transfer, the lesser his odds become for retaining his original toon and legacy names.

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Once again this shows a lack of foresight by Bioware.


You honestly didn't see this happening?


Again you are "punishing" your customers in YET ANOTHER way.


This is exactly how not to do a server merger/transfer process.


Totally disgusted with your lack of process or QA.


Six Sigma much?



I couldnt agree more.


Biowares idea of customer service is blame the customer and then let the fanboys on the forums defend them.


For a game with so many development dollars I am completely underwhelmed by their problem solving/foresight (lack thereof)

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