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  1. Yeah, I've especially noticed the giggle on other classes. We thought it might be associated with a proc of power screen, or maybe static surge finishing the cooldown on stockstrike, but weren't sure due to some inconsistency. I figured the forums would be the best place to confirm whether it was that or some other proc altogether.
  2. My wife and I noticed that her female vanguard will scream at times during combat. We're not quite positive what that scream is associated with, the proc'ing of something or the stacking of some buff. I have tried to search for the answer but cannot seem to come up with anything. What does the scream mean? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  3. I can understand that there were perhaps logistical difficulties with presenting a list ahead of time of origin --> destination servers, perhaps due more to real time monitoring of populations than anything else (who knows). That said, if such a list had been published ahead of time, I would have left some of my characters behind yesterday during the first wave of transfers so that I could transfer the ones I wanted to today during the second wave, as would my wife. Having ended up with one destination from two origin servers was a possiblity, one I had hoped wasn't very large. Nevertheless, I and my wife are now stuck having to decide which characters to delete on the origin server since we both moved them all yesterday.
  4. I have the same problem. The two low-pop servers I had characters on are both being moved to The Bastion.
  5. Still not sure how they'll justify Cathar being a race for the empire.
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