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Transfered from a low pop server to a lower pop server...


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Everyone, it's important to remember that we are not done announcing origin and destination servers. We'll be monitoring the process and adding more, and our goal is to have very healthy destination servers. In some cases, several origin servers will go to the same destination server, and we'll open more as necessary. We know you have been waiting for character transfers, but please do remember that this is a process!

When you log into your account on the website, there are a ton more servers listed than either the /transfer page (that you claim will be updated as new servers are added) or the thread. Not having all three places linked is not helping the perception that you can't communicate for crap. People are looking at swtor.com/transfer for the list and not seeing it update.

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It's not speculation, it's a logical argument. If you see any problems with my logic, please point them out and I will respond.


Meanwhile, here is empirical proof that my logic was sound:


  • Nadd's Sarcophagus to The Bastion

  • The Crucible Pits to The Bastion

  • Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion


You guys are so hung up in your distrust of BioWare that you're no longer thinking coolly and rationally.

You missed my point. Broken promises, broken tools, and terrible service reinforce my judgement .

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When you log into your account on the website, there are a ton more servers listed than either the /transfer page (that you claim will be updated as new servers are added) or the thread.


You do realize that it takes time to craft an update right, especially on the main web page? It's not like the web page is hardwired into Allison's brain...

Edited by Kthx
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I want to know, for those of us who re-rolled and kept giving BW our money......We re-rolled believing transfers would allow us to consolidate our toons and we would be OK and not out nothing in the end. The way BW is currently doing transfers there is a good chance your other toons you spent time and effort in will be a complete waste. I want to know what exactly BW is going to do about that, because they told us transfers will be done the most advantageous way for us players and this just seems backwards and goes against that statement. I would have just un-subbed till transfers had I known that It would go down like this, definitely would have waited to redo my sub two days ago, I just feel kinda scammed by BW atm, not happy.:mad:


This is what pisses me off the most. I was hoping that those of us that rerolled on Fatman would be able to consolidate our characters with our main ones. It's as if we're being punished for paying for a service. I just hope a lot of people cancel after this debacle, so this game can die. I know i won't be renewing.

Edited by wutru
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You missed my point. Broken promises, broken tools, and terrible service reinforce my judgement .


You said "you're speculating without any proof" and I proved to you that it was not speculation. If I've missed a point, it was not a point that you actually put in writing. I can only respond to things that you say, not things that you thought you said.

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You do realize that it takes time to craft an update right, especially on the main web page? It's not like the web page is hardwired into Allison's brain...

Only if you did it wrong and don't have the /transfer page automatically updated.

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I want to know, for those of us who re-rolled and kept giving BW our money......We re-rolled believing transfers would allow us to consolidate our toons and we would be OK and not out nothing in the end. The way BW is currently doing transfers there is a good chance your other toons you spent time and effort in will be a complete waste. I want to know what exactly BW is going to do about that, because they told us transfers will be done the most advantageous way for us players and this just seems backwards and goes against that statement. I would have just un-subbed till transfers had I known that It would go down like this, definitely would have waited to redo my sub two days ago, I just feel kinda scammed by BW atm, not happy.:mad:


Read your post again. You said you did something, "believing" something else would happen. You just assumed. No word was given that that was going to happen. And when it doesn't work out the way you imagined it to be, you claim Scam and get mad.

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ya it seems a lot of people never read the part about how the server transfer list is always going to be changing and updated. but it takes time because they want to make sure they move active people to active to servers to have an active community.


I apologize in advance, because I do not mean to pick on your post specifically. This should not be taking the amount of time that it is. As long as they have been talking about "server transfers" this should have all been mapped out months ago. This is a gaming company with EA and LucasArts backing them. You cannot tell me that they did not have the resources to do this in a fairly quick and efficient method. Taking too much time is what is killing this game!! It has taken too much time to address bugs and broken content, it has taken too much time to address low server populations, it has taken too much time to implement transfers, once they have started. Let's be real, with the reliance on cut-scenes, it is going to take too much time to add lots of new content and quests. It is taking too much time to get responses from the Dev Team about any of this. Perhaps, if they had taken the time to get the game in a state that was actually ready for an MMO launch, we would not have many of these issues, now.

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I'd like to believe you, but before I do can you list your experience in game development over the last 10 years please? I mean, to make a statement such as you have (that they are doing it completely wrong), I have to believe that you have a degree in programing and years of experience. Clearly you have been able to first uncover an action plan that, to the average player, would be as complicated as a cypher without a key, and then formulated an entirely new plan that I hope and pray you will share with us.


Either that or you have no idea and are just spewing off vitriol from that standpoint. ;p


LOL, lets see your list of experience.


Oh and IT development for games is so hard compared to say IT development for RL stuff. /rollseyes


Like others have said, we waited too long to get to this point, and now they are moving very slow at the transfers. they should not have activated any servers for transfers that they intended to go to Fatman or any other server that is already populated. They should be focused on making more populated servers, as fast as possible.


Transfers are a stupid idea compared to merges and merges could have gone much faster. Also RP-PVP should not even be a play style server and should just be merged with PVP as a whole. BW is tip toeing instead of making good decisions and expediting.


Keep making excuses for BW and I'm sure you'll be first in line when BW asks for a bailout.

Edited by Quinlynn
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Everyone, it's important to remember that we are not done announcing origin and destination servers. We'll be monitoring the process and adding more, and our goal is to have very healthy destination servers. In some cases, several origin servers will go to the same destination server, and we'll open more as necessary. We know you have been waiting for character transfers, but please do remember that this is a process!


Perhaps if there was a bit more transparency with regard to the "process" people wouldnt be left wondering why their destination server is lighter than their origin server. Secrecy is great and all.. for covert ops.. but all you guys are doing is opening your "process" up to speculation and conjecture.

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Communication works only with reasonable customers or it needs lots of patience and time to make some understand and some never understand.


It doesn't seem amateurish to me, they just choose how they want to communicate and they don't want to spend the time and money needed to make their angry customers that think with their guts instead of with their brains capable of hearing what they want to say.



while i agree, it is still a horse**** way to go about business.


instead of continuing this downward spiral of customer service, how bout making a stand...


remember when a man's word meant something...when a handshake would stand up in a court of law.


the lack of backbone is sad.

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Paitience isn't painful, you've become to comfortable with the instant-gratification culture.


You are right it isn't painful, however I have no clue where you are coming up with the instant-gratification as it is apparent that the dev team and BW as a whole have no clue as to how to do things that even resemble what the MAJORITY consider a timely fashion.


And for any who don't believe what I say, then just keep watching as the server pops go down and down (as they already have since launch) and this game eventually fails because it is no longer profitable for the company to upkeep. I won't even wait around with a cup of "I told you so", cause its not worth it. I find it amusing to compare the fan-boys to the musicians that went down on the sinking Titanic as they will still be swallowing what the dev's produce still, as the game goes down.

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Im currently transfering my 50 sage from the least populated european server to tomb of freedon nadd..

This is kinda strange.. I wonder how it all works out. I have other chars on other one server and now im gonna be on 1 most populated server, which is just weird. I still can't actually feel normal because my 42 shadow and 50 scoundrel are still on other server that is also starting to die, and with much higher legacy level than my sage which is gonna be transfered now to the most populated EU server..

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That's the problem if you weren't one of the lucky few sent to Jedi Covenant or The Fatman - you can't just make a vibrant community over night by trucking people in. Even the people eligible to transfer, many of those on dead servers are probably inactive, and even the active players can't be expected to drop everything and transfer the first day. Guilds need to be reformed entirely, the GTN takes time to reach a decent volume of trade, people need to feel comfortable on the new server, whatever.


But if they try to speed all that up by flooding the new server with too many people, well then you just can't play at all. It's a tough situation all-around.


Just remember: The No-Backsies Rule is in full effect you server traitor! :D

Edited by jgelling
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Paitience isn't painful, you've become to comfortable with the instant-gratification culture.


you obviously do not know me. i'm as old school in my beliefs than most. *EDIT* and my grammar sucks.


but, one thing i will not, EVER, agree with is undercommunicating.


instant gratification...LOL. not me...


Edited by T-Assassin
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When you log into your account on the website, there are a ton more servers listed than either the /transfer page (that you claim will be updated as new servers are added) or the thread. Not having all three places linked is not helping the perception that you can't communicate for crap. People are looking at swtor.com/transfer for the list and not seeing it update.


The account page (probably) shows the list of all planned free transfers.


The official transfer page shows the list of currently available free transfers, which is currently a subset of the list on the account page.


It is (probably) easier to update a forum post than the official transfer page so the community team updates that in an effort to get us the most up to date information as quickly as possible.


They're actually doing this really well, even if it's not as fast as some of us would like. It's far better to take it slow and keep a close eye on it than to open the flood gates and because of some issue send characters through a shredder, right?

Edited by DarthTHC
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