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Getting Romance companion late in the story line.


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As a Jedi Consular, at the near end of Chapter 2, I get Iresso. And I've noticed that getting your romance companion so late in the game feels really....forced. I feel bad for the people that get them even later (i.e. Male JC's with Nadia, the last companion you get).


I understand that they want to stick to a well-developed story-line, with spaced out characters, but I don't think it's very fair to the people that are actually interested in having a story experience. I'm near the end of chapter three, and even using him all the time, and having him around for conversations he generally agrees with, there is no way to get his affection up and have it feel even remotely natural. I basically ended up feeding him companion gifts till he was maxed and doing all the quests one after another.


When you get your romance companion early in the game, like Kira, Mako, Vette, Corso, Kaliyo, Aric, Andronikos, etc etc, it feels more natural, like you're actually getting to know the character, and not just throwing gifts at him/her. I know they want to make every story line different, and with the JC, they probably thought Tharan was a nice holdoff till you got the real companion you could romance, and they don't just want to give everyone all their romance options at the start, but I feel kind of jipped. And I'm thinking a lot of other people might feel the same.



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Yeah it does. But on my fem!JC I just skipped the romance all together. Iresso is so boring it hurts.


But with Doc, the romance for fem!JK, you only get him a planet and a half earlier. (Face it, Quesh is not a fully developed planet). And his romance works really well. But that might be cause he's a womanizing man-whore willing to jump into bed with you at first sight. So the attractions already there, and you just have to build up to the real emotion.


But with Iresso, he's just there. He shows no interest in you as a woman on Hoth, and then when he gets on the ship he tries to flirt with you. It's just awkward. I'm not sure how Nadia works, cause my token male is a smuggler, but I can't imagine it being better. It fact, it might be worse. As the fem!JC, she practically hero-worships you, so it feels like you'd be taken advantage of her.


So it may be that you get them late in the game, or it may be that they're the worst-written romances in the game. Or a combo of both.

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The romance part doesn't bother me as much as some classes having to wait for their healer companion. Bounty Hunter is the easiest class in the game because you start with your healer. Smugglers, on the other hand, have to wait until about level 38-40 to get theirs.
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I never put much thought into it but I can understand your sentiment.


I think the whole reason I choose not to romance Doc with my sentinel is because he lets me die so many times when questing. Just randomly forgets to heal and next thing I know I have to get the probe out. I despise him.

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Yeah it does. But on my fem!JC I just skipped the romance all together. Iresso is so boring it hurts.


But with Doc, the romance for fem!JK, you only get him a planet and a half earlier. (Face it, Quesh is not a fully developed planet). And his romance works really well. But that might be cause he's a womanizing man-whore willing to jump into bed with you at first sight. So the attractions already there, and you just have to build up to the real emotion.


But with Iresso, he's just there. He shows no interest in you as a woman on Hoth, and then when he gets on the ship he tries to flirt with you. It's just awkward. I'm not sure how Nadia works, cause my token male is a smuggler, but I can't imagine it being better. It fact, it might be worse. As the fem!JC, she practically hero-worships you, so it feels like you'd be taken advantage of her.


So it may be that you get them late in the game, or it may be that they're the worst-written romances in the game. Or a combo of both.


You're probably right. I'm kind of fond of Iresso as a character, but it's true, he doesn't even notice you have ***** till you're on the ship and well into your adventure. When I first got to him on Hoth, I was thinking "Okay, right, here's the romance companion, this should be interesting, there should be funny flirting." But no, none. I kind of wish you had the option to steal Tharan away from Holiday. I don't see why the game designers decided against it.

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Many of the companions arrive much too late - the game is practically over when the Sith Inquisitor gets his final companion. Many other stories feature companions arriving around level 40+. By that point you don't have those companions equipped and then you hit max and send them on crafting runs for you, buying their love with expensive gifts.


The game tries to make up for the odd late arrivals by awarding insanity multiplier affection: (Lines like "I'm glad you're here" awarding literally +587 affection points in dialog in one case I saw), but it just doesn't feel right. I get that they want to still be offering you rewards late in the game, but there's a reason a lot of games tend to introduce all your main companions before the half-way part.


They don't feel like your fellow-adventurers if you haven't, we'll, adventured together with them.

Edited by jgelling
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I think the whole reason I choose not to romance Doc with my sentinel is because he lets me die so many times when questing. Just randomly forgets to heal and next thing I know I have to get the probe out. I despise him.


Did you put him on med-watch stance? And turn off his carbonized stream, that's 8-sec channeled. Make sure his gear is up to date as well. Once you do that he gets a LOT better.


Really, they should get rid of Carbonized stream. Though not Theran's version with Holiday, cause that's too fun.

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The romance part doesn't bother me as much as some classes having to wait for their healer companion. Bounty Hunter is the easiest class in the game because you start with your healer. Smugglers, on the other hand, have to wait until about level 38-40 to get theirs.


You know everyone gets a healer with the ship right?

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You're probably right. I'm kind of fond of Iresso as a character, but it's true, he doesn't even notice you have ***** till you're on the ship and well into your adventure. When I first got to him on Hoth, I was thinking "Okay, right, here's the romance companion, this should be interesting, there should be funny flirting." But no, none. I kind of wish you had the option to steal Tharan away from Holiday. I don't see why the game designers decided against it.


Or steal Holiday away from Tharan. Hologram mates which you can program to respond the way you would want them to , would be a peaceful relationship..lol.

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The romance part doesn't bother me as much as some classes having to wait for their healer companion. Bounty Hunter is the easiest class in the game because you start with your healer. Smugglers, on the other hand, have to wait until about level 38-40 to get theirs.


At same time, BH have their tank the last which isn't the easiest as healer. Fixed role for companion is a bad design decision in TOR imo.


As for romance, yes, it feels rushed. Well, even without romance, the last or last 2 companions often feel rushed.



We should have our team complete earlier, be able to choose our companions' role and have more choices in the companions we get, especially for romance.

Edited by Nyla
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Really, they should get rid of Carbonized stream. Though not Theran's version with Holiday, cause that's too fun.


Dont' take it away. I have it off auto cast, but it's useful when taking on 3 strongs and 1 eliete on my BH, i have her stun the elite and i take on the 3 strons, I've usually killed 1-2 by the time the stun wears off, then she starts healing me, i'll pop carbonize to give her 2 seconds of no damage to heal, then shield/medpac if i'm like 40%.


That stun is very useful. But i totally agree take it off auto cast right away. Oh and check the healing buff, i find 60% of the time it get's turned off automatically somehow.

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The romance part doesn't bother me as much as some classes having to wait for their healer companion. Bounty Hunter is the easiest class in the game because you start with your healer. Smugglers, on the other hand, have to wait until about level 38-40 to get theirs.

Everybody gets a healer when they get their ship and leave the second planet. The ship droid is a functional combat healer for the most part, I know he says he doesn't 'do combat' in his dialog but he can actually heal.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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Pfft. It's worse for male Jedi Consulars. We have to wait until we get Nadia on BELSAVIS. You're looking at being at least level 42 (or higher realistically if you game only when rested) before you get her.
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You know everyone gets a healer with the ship right?


Lol...he is not geared at all. Would take you a while to gear him up well enough to heal decent. This is from the view of a player just starting out I mean.

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The game tries to make up for the odd late arrivals by awarding insanity multiplier affection: (Lines like "I'm glad you're here" awarding literally +587 affection points in dialog in one case I saw), but it just doesn't feel right. I get that they want to still be offering you rewards late in the game, but there's a reason a lot of games tend to introduce all your main companions before the half-way part.


I think i't probably because the storylines, a whole, are just a little too short, so they want to space out the characters. I understand that. They don't want to seem like they're just throwing companions at their faces. And honestly, I have no real suggestions to fix the situation to make gaining affection feel more natural (both in romance companion, and non) I just think that there must be a way to fix it. Maybe it's okay to throw companions at your face for the first 30 levels of the game.


Story-line wise, I think it makes sense to get Nadia later, as a padawan, because you have more experience, whereas with Kira you practically get her right after you become a full-fledged Jedi. But I can still understand why someone would be angry that they missed out on the gradual romance.

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Lol...he is not geared at all. Would take you a while to gear him up well enough to heal decent. This is from the view of a player just starting out I mean.

Mako doesn't exactly start out with much in the way of gear either. If you want a healer the option is certainly there with the droid - whether you want to spend a few commendations gearing him up or not is your choice.

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Just capped a JC and just went through this. I like the increased affection gains from later characters. Mainly, because I found the early characters less appealing. Tharan... he is a bit of egocentric slime. :) Qyzen, cool but not my species lol!, etc. etc. So when I finally got Nadia I guess it seemed natural that things would progress faster. What as strange but satisfying was when I would get huge Nadia affection gains in completing missions. 300 or more points several times with one gain bordering on 1K. Nevertheless, it the progression worked for me as I capped an wrapped up Nadias story line at the same time.
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Pfft. It's worse for male Jedi Consulars. We have to wait until we get Nadia on BELSAVIS. You're looking at being at least level 42 (or higher realistically if you game only when rested) before you get her.


Actually.. she comes on your ship at the start of Chapter 2.. it just takes a while for her to become an actual Companion.


But as a poster before said, romancing Nadia as a male consular just feels.. wrong. She does hero-worship you indeed and she seems to mistake the Force Bond between Master and Padawan as attraction. I was friendly enough to educate her instead of taking advantage of her unsure mental state..

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Everybody gets a healer when they get their ship and leave the second planet. The ship droid is a functional combat healer for the most part, I know he says he doesn't 'do combat' in his dialog but he can actually heal.



He's only good if you can find good droid parts to deck him out. Also, it's annoying having to switch him in and out due to wanting to gain affection with your other companions.

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Dont' take it away. I have it off auto cast, but it's useful when taking on 3 strongs and 1 eliete on my BH, i have her stun the elite and i take on the 3 strons, I've usually killed 1-2 by the time the stun wears off, then she starts healing me, i'll pop carbonize to give her 2 seconds of no damage to heal, then shield/medpac if i'm like 40%.


That stun is very useful. But i totally agree take it off auto cast right away. Oh and check the healing buff, i find 60% of the time it get's turned off automatically somehow.


Eh, I guess since I have a leveling buddy, I've never had need for it. But I can see how it could be useful. You're right.

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At same time, BH have their tank the last which isn't the easiest as healer. Fixed role for companion is a bad design decision in TOR imo.


As for romance, yes, it feels rushed. Well, even without romance, the last or last 2 companions often feel rushed.


We should have our team complete earlier, be able to choose our companions' role and have more choices in the companions we get, especially for romance.


Some classes do have a bunch of romance options. The Sith warrior has like 4 (two of each gender), which is the most I believe, while a bunch of other classes have 3. I don't understand why you can't make all companions that are mostly human-ish romance-able. Tharan? Yes. Zenith? Duh. If Vette can be romanced, why can't Zenith? Yes, it's more work for BW, but it would make a better game.

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The romance part doesn't bother me as much as some classes having to wait for their healer companion. Bounty Hunter is the easiest class in the game because you start with your healer. Smugglers, on the other hand, have to wait until about level 38-40 to get theirs.


as a gunslinger i found that i didnt need him anyway till then (bodwar and corso tank was fine and if you remove companion then resummon they are instantly healed.

if your a scoundrel then u can heal so i dont see the problem.


Agent on the other hand i find kaliyo to be a very bad tank (not sure why could be a bug) and my sniper was fodder till i got lok.

Edited by Kaisernick
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I agree with the OP. I think it is bollocks to have to wait so long to get some of these companions esp. a healer companion and your romance option. It absolutely feels rushed and by the time you get them the game is basically over because you are already close to the max level. I wish they would change it so you got all your companions by your mid thirties at the latest.
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Some classes do have a bunch of romance options. The Sith warrior has like 4 (two of each gender), which is the most I believe, while a bunch of other classes have 3. I don't understand why you can't make all companions that are mostly human-ish romance-able. Tharan? Yes. Zenith? Duh. If Vette can be romanced, why can't Zenith? Yes, it's more work for BW, but it would make a better game.


YES YES YES. I want to romance Zenith so badly. He just fits my pragmatic but ultimately light side JC soooo much better than Iresso does.

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I agree with the OP. I think it is bollocks to have to wait so long to get some of these companions esp. a healer companion and your romance option. It absolutely feels rushed and by the time you get them the game is basically over because you are already close to the max level. I wish they would change it so you got all your companions by your mid thirties at the latest.



Technically, you probably could. The companions are based off of your class quest and as long as you're high enough level to get through the class quest, you could have all of your companions a lot earlier.


For instance, with my Guardian, I was level 16 before I got Kira and level 19 before I got my ship. I rerolled on a new server and my sentinel got Kira at level 12 and I got my ship at level 15. It's harder to do that way, and I personally think you'd miss out if you did this the whle way, but it's definitely possible to get through it earlier if you really wanted to.

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