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Current Transfer Servers


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No theyy didnt advertise it at all, its their job to get the information out to us, not for us to hunt it down in some obscure location on their site, it should be on their main page on log in screen, send stuff in the in game mailbox.


I got a response within minutes to a Tweet to Bioware today. So they're keeping us informed just fine IMO.

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Um, gradual is one thing, but do the math Mr Reading Comprehension. This is a dying game, and server transfers/mergers are the ONLY thing that can save it.


People are pissed because they like the game and want to play it, and today they discovered that only 3.25% of US servers are eligible for transfer.


which bring us back to my original point, " they did specifically stated that the process would be gradual"


Mr. reading-comprehension-failed fails again

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Throughout this game you guys (BioWare) have done an absolutely horrible job of keeping your customers informed.


Let us know how often we will have updates if you can't provide us with a list of destination servers.

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stop moaning and let them get on with there jobs. just be bloody patient.


Ya I mean its not like we have been waiting for almost 5 months for this. Give them some time hell maybe it will be ready in another couple of years.

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I understand the whole staggered process and such, but if thye plan to do 4 servers every couple o hours thats one thing, but 4 servers a day? Thats understandable for people to be angered.


I like bioware, i think they made a good game, and they do give outlined explanations of what they do, and the expectation is low, but with their record even with the low expectation they give, what they deliver sometimes is MASSIVELY and unrealisticly lower then what is already a low expectation.


They give you an outline yes, but they sure as heck make sure the real dirty laundry isnt revealed until crunch time.


The problem i see is, seeing as its a tuesday, and its early, transfers by players wont kick in until way late in the day.


Bioware says, updates being regularly wont be weekly or monthly, but if you doing 4 a day out of 123 servers, HOW is it any different?


I dont think anyone expected all servers to be transfered immediately, and if they did a lesser value wouldnt have depressed them, but 4 - lol it is a bit of a joke.



They never said they were doing 4 a day. Way to jump to conclusions, though.


This thread should just be locked. The only people complaining are people that can't read.

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20 servers getting involved in the transfer process is gradual to me. We have 10 origin server that are finally moving to a more populated server an 10 destination servers that are going to get even more packed with people, their original intention. To have 10-20 servers packed with people.




If you are gonna unsub because they randomly picked a server that isn't yours then you are really childish. You'll get your transfer eventually, at worst in 2 weeks, at best tomorrow..


You are so right

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They are doing transfers, because if they dont the game IS DEAD!. We have no patience, because BW has given us no reason to be so with their past performance on being timely with any sort of update. The little notice a few days ago on whats servers to were, would have gone a long ways in helping with that. But as typical with BW they never say anything except trivial BS. They cannot even fix the damn CS green tag, they said they fixed it in todays patch, but it still gives the same damn notice even though there is no message on the same dam help tickets each time you change to another character on the same server. Do they even test **** anymore before they patch it and say its fixed? LMAO

That is the reason primaryly for NO PATIENCE!


Kid, i was here at launch and theres so many servers because....the community had no patience for the initial server queues, so dont blame BW for this communities vocal minority of idiots.

Edited by TKMaster
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That list is coming. As they add new origin servers, they are keeping the ones already there. They just want to make sure they do it right. Can't people understand that or are you too impatient to think? May it is just that you don't think about anyone but yourself.


Who else is going to look out for yourself if not you .?

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Bioware : We will do A!

The community : OMG! They said they are going to do B, because its obvious no? its next to A, which is what they said, but I really want B, so obviously they are going to do B because we say so!


A transpires




“The SWTOR forums. You will never find a more wretched hive of idiots and stupidity. We must ignore it.”

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So many people complaining about "only 4 servers". I count 10 of them. There's a whole world outside of the US.. srsly, americans..




I bet half the people complaining haven't worked out that it's a one each US East PVE & PVP, one each US West PVE & PVP, one each EU English PVE & PVP, one each EU German PVE & PVP, and one each EU French PVE & PVP.


It's nothing if not methodical.

Edited by Lakhesis
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Stop spreading misinformation .... seriously


It really makes you wonder sometimes if that is what he is paid to do... or quite a few others postings.. It simply amazes me sometimes. But then I really wish I could have been

<- that guy.
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It is not in an obscure location...
90% of people dont read forums, it is obscure u have to navigate through a lot of stuff to get to it... Bioware has the capability to let us know the right way, its CALLED THE LOG IN SCREEN. Edited by TriviumIsGOAT
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At 4 servers lets say per week that is 30 weeks (more than 6 months) we could be waiting to transfer. Tell me again how I am being impatient? Im supposed to sit on my hands for months waiting for them to get around to my server? Really?


Check back regularly as we will be updating this list with additional servers in the coming days!


Why would you make up some hypothetical worst case scenario when it just serves to get you angry ... -.- ... O.o ... Ohhhhhh. I get it now.

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So let me get this straight... you are transferring dead servers to the most populated servers? Where is the logic in that?


To get people off the dead servers and onto servers where there are people. That was the whole point of this. What the heck did you think was going on? They even said in some cases they'll move a server or two to an already populated server, and in some cases they'll put a bunch of lower pop servers together.


Seriously, read what they've wrote before you type nonsense.

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It's not about how the information was presented, it's how the service is being done.


People have been waiting for server transfers for MONTHS and on the day where they were supposed to begin, out of the 208 servers that are permanently Light, they choose 10 servers. Ten. At this rate, we may be looking at over a week or longer for all the "available" servers to become eligible for transfer.


PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF WAITING TO PLAY THE GAME! Why is it that every system that should have been ready by launch in this game drags out and feels so amateur? You had the information buried in a blog post that I know damn well half the people didn't bother to read.


The current FAQ for server transfers holds information that everyone could have used before today. Nothing within it merits having waited to release it.


I agree with this. Its like Bioware hired a bunch of people who had never written code before.

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If this is the Way they are doing it then why even announce it as a character transfer service? Do it the right way.. force merge servers AND offer a transfer service so people can move their characters around to where they want to go afterwards? The way they are doing it will not lower server pops.. people can elect to stay on a dead server.. who the frack knows why.. and not alleviate the problem of having knee jerked the opening nite by opening so many servers that are dead now.... Bioware must have High Schoolers running the shop...
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