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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current Transfer Servers


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This is a joke right. I am so done with this game, I had been holding on and holding on for weeks on 3 servers where i was lucky if their was 10-15 players on fleet at primetime. Unable to do ops, unable to do anything basically but solo daily's and all i have to look forward to today is the same 10 person fleet.


This is the worst managed MMO i have ever played....and that's saying alot, i played Anarchy online :p

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Unsubbed along with 5 of my guildies just now. Was already back playing another game the past week, I'm over it. Bye SWTOR, you coulda been great!


/sigh. It's so disturbing to read this thread and figuring out that (most) people are huge drama queens without any patience.

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You know... I'm starting to think that this process will weed out more people. People that apparently don't read and have unrealistic expectations. Not sure that is a bad thing.


They will probably lose something today, a lot of subs.

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What I don't understand, is why they are giving you the choice to transfer to a more highly populated server.


Who in their right mind is going to decline that option? And what happens to the people who are left on these already dead servers?


This would have had a much smoother outcome if they simply took a handful of dead servers and merged them together and repeated the process until they had several servers with healthy populations. Guilds and guild banks would have stayed in tact. The only thing people might have been forced to do was change their name or Legacy name, which will happen reguardless.


Instead, they will have some high populated servers with 200+ breadcrumb servers that new players might accidentally roll on and by then, will have to PAY if they want to transfer off.

BioWare will have absolutely no need for all current 217 servers ever again for the rest of this game's live. The dead servers should be shut down and removed from the server selection screen.


I colored one of your points in red for emphasis because... holy... I didn't even think of that. They should just take EVERYONE from the origin server and move them and KILL the ghost server.

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Don't give a flip if you sub or not. Cancel if you want, wait until they announce where your server is going, and then resub. We don't care what you do. The only problem here is that YOU CANNOT READ.


Explain to me what I didnt read?

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A lot of the rage is because we do not get good info. Soon, staggered, over time these have no value to them. Tell us 3 days, 4 days, something, anything.

Do what I do at work and give them the Scotty answer.” It will take 4 days” and then when you are ready for the next wave in 1 day you are the super star.

You need to set our expatiations better.


Get some realistic expectations first.

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You all are looking at this wrong. I know in this day of instant gratification it is so hard to wait. From my experience with mmo's this is what has happened.


1. Launch day-crazy amounts of people bought the game and started playing only to be stuck in queues. To fix this BW opened up more servers.


2. As time went on play time/subs leveled out and started declining...because no one sticks to every game they buy or play it is much two months later as they did at release


3. BW did not have all the kinks of server transfers worked out so it took a little longer than the community liked but now they have it figured out.


4. To test out the system and also not cause a huge crash of the overall game they decide to phase it in and not give options (good idea really, just cause your server was not picked first does not make it a bad one).


5. Once they get through all the low population server transfers to large ones they will likely open up the choice to transfer where you would like.


6. They will then start merging the low populations either all together or too high populations and our server list will likely go to about 20 servers or less.


So in conclusion...calm down...wait a bit...this process is going to take less time then you realize and I bet they have it mostly done before the next patch is out and they start opening up the free to play lower levels in July.


They have already stated that origin server to one specific destination server. Picking your server will not be available until paid transfers come about.

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I just want to move off my toons off my dead server to my higher pop server cause of all the schematics and missions i have on the dead server.. before they nixed schematics/missions drop rate for cyber in 1.2... i have literally 4 cargo holds full of schmatics and missions on my dead server... sigh...
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Why transfer low populated servers to high i.e ...Eye of ashlanae ---> The red eclipse(which is 1 of the highest populated)?, why not transfer to another low pop to fill them up!


Because unless they transfer 15 low pops to a low pop at one time, nobody is going to make the transfer from one low pop to another if there is no guarantee it won't still be low pop.


And since they are just testing the system at the start of this, they are not ready to do transfers of 15-20 servers to 1 just yet.

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I think that the majority of the staff probably doesn't start until 9am. That's pretty standard...


Unless you missed it, the Bioware staff basically works ALL day Tuesday. Early morning till night. Large IT projects like this have staff on hand every single hour of the day.


If you don't work in the field, don't comment on what you believe are their hours.

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Ok all I want to know how much time is "regular basis" a week, a month, a day, a year, a millenia ... honestly I don't hold the patience of stones and the will of stars... I want to keep playing but I'm sick of waiting, I thought it would be at least 10 US servers on the list... please stop toying and tell us what the hell you mean by "regular basis".


This is again the delay and baffle them with BS line Bioware gives. They say a "regular" basis then wait a month people say "well once a month is regular". Just like 1 server is "gradual". Bioware uses lines like this to become unaccountable.

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Okay, everyone. Remember how we got here? The game was released and many servers had queues. Sure, most of the queues were pretty short, but you had to wait to play the game that you paid for and people whined endlessly, insulting Bioware, Obama, and electricity and threatening to publicly accuse Bioware of crimes if they didn't have their selfish, short-sighted demands met.


And Bioware did it.


Now, transfers are starting, and they start out slow --as anyone who has any shred of experience in large-scale services knows is a smart move-- and what happens: People whine endlessly, insulting Bioware and demanding that Bioware implement reckless, uncontrolled, and unmanageable transfers.


You know what would be really stupid: If Bioware listened to any of you. You are the problem. You are the ones who put us in this situation. You should be apologizing and supporting them as they fix the issue you created.


Well said sir!

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Unless you missed it, the Bioware staff basically works ALL day Tuesday. Early morning till night. Large IT projects like this have staff on hand every single hour of the day.


If you don't work in the field, don't comment on what you believe are their hours.


What you mean programmers dont work 9-5 and go home? You must be joking. :)

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After playing a long time of single player gaming, Im feeling a withdrawal of MMO games. I tried playing WoW again, I puked my inside out of boredom and hell, numbers may be big but in reality it has even lesser players than Rift+Swtor combined for you have to wait least 6 f*cking hours for a dungeon in one of the most crowded servers ever, Argen Dawn...I tried Rift and I didnt enjoy it much. SWTOR is the game for me and Im having a lot of fun here, I couldnt care less about these forums whinewagon. This game is gonna be awesome in a few years.
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I have a serious question that I have yet to find an answer to. First, let me give you some background. My guild (200ish people) want to transfer servers. Does the guild name and bank transfer with us? Is there a process that we should be following to ensure a smooth transition? Do we have to raise and spend the 4 or 5 million credits that we already put into the bank? What about the items in the bank - do they transfer with us, or do we need to put them on a "mule" and then transfer the "mules" to the new server?


While I'm thrilled to have been chosen as a server to move from, I would like to know how this will affect my guild. Thank you.


From what I've read the guild must be reformed, you loose the guild bank etc.


Now the question I'd like answered is this.


If you move with a group of players to a server and the inevitable happens and many have to rename their characters how can everyone find everyone else, if there's no been no attempt to give each character a unique ID regardless of name, so that a players friend list is preserved, and each character on it on the same server is preserved, regadless of name.


Because so far I don't think Bioware have even thought about it, and it should be the simplist of things to do, that being if a freind is on the same server his entry on my friends list should still be there regardless of if he's got the same name or not, if he's renamed his toon yet or not.


Only answer I've gotten is you'll have to use out of game mechanics and good luck. ROFL


Not good news if your a guild moving server, it'll be chaos.


And people are complaining because after months of screaming, bioware hasn't delivered what they asked for.


The ability to transfer to higher population servers and their desire to be a vibrant enviroment which they haven't gotten to grips with.

Edited by Hawk-Firestorm
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/sigh. It's so disturbing to read this thread and figuring out that (most) people are huge drama queens without any patience.


/sigh. It's so disturbing to read this thread and figuring out that (most) people are huge drama queens without any long-term memory.


We needed transfers months ago.

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What they should have said was 'we plan to do 4 NA servers on the first day'. Not gradual, not phased, not some other subjective word that people will take to mean what it means to them.


To me 4 NA servers is 'doing almost nothing and creeping along from there', by subjective definitions.


You proved my point exactly, Phased means exactly that Phased! It could have been 1 a day, it could have been 10 a day. Getting your panties in a wad because they used the word Phased is just crazy! I noticed it said Phased so I told my guild we may or may NOT be on the first list guys, just check and if we are we will tell ya whats up. Was I disappointed that i wasn't on the first list, yes, yes I was! But not mad to start saying BW is doing a bad job. Now the forum moderators well there is a different story. I defended them in another post and they deleted my post! WTH So this will be my last post on the forums.. BW doing a great job with transfers, BW Forums, not so much!

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