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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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I still don't understand how DB is even considered standard, perhaps there are a ton of LVL 50s doing endgame that I've never seen before? lol


well you should consider yourself lucky up until now to have the numbers you did see! :p I don't think i've seen fleet numbers, both imp and reb, over 50 on Peragus Mining Facility for a LONG time, and I play every day. :(

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I'm on Dune Bantha and yeah neither fleet ever really passes 50 people at weekly prime times. We're consistently high in population listings tho and the levelling planets have seemed fairly active when playing on some alts. Population seems to have balanced out a bit with many rolling Republic toons, fleets are often pretty equal in activity.


Hopefully we're a destination server, we have a good community you'd all be very welcome! (Also saves ze ball ache of having to move our guilds over :D)

Edited by ALXinstincts
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Yesterday, in primetime, we on Nightmare Lands had a pop aroun 45/55 republic side on the Fleet. The days before we touched the incredible number of 80 at the same time.

For what you're telling us, and since your numbers aren't so higher than ours, I'd say that even Nightmare Lands, with Dune Bantha and Bacca's Blade, could be next destination server.

However, I don't care too much if I'm going to move or if I'll stay: the most important thing is that we are allowed to see the Fleet crowded and WZs starting every few minutes. So, please BW do your part of the job...

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Hopefully we're a destination server, we have a good community you'd all be very welcome! (Also saves ze ball ache of having to move our guilds over :D)


Aye, people on destination servers are very lucky in this respect... and the fact you get to keep your character names.

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Yesterday, in primetime, we on Nightmare Lands had a pop aroun 45/55 republic side on the Fleet. The days before we touched the incredible number of 80 at the same time.

For what you're telling us, and since your numbers aren't so higher than ours, I'd say that even Nightmare Lands, with Dune Bantha and Bacca's Blade, could be next destination server.

However, I don't care too much if I'm going to move or if I'll stay: the most important thing is that we are allowed to see the Fleet crowded and WZs starting every few minutes. So, please BW do your part of the job...


Hope it's NL if not DB, I have a couple of toons there too. Our populations really don't seem too different tbh, I'm not sure where DB gets its high pop stats from :jawa_confused:

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20 English PVE Servers in total, 9 have gone to The Red Eclipse, which is why the general concensus of opinion is that they will do something similar with the remaining 10 (either Dune Bantha or Bacca Blade as destination, the remaining 9 as origin)


I am not sure. Think about what they have done in the states and with the PVP servers. And think that ... yes... the population is high right now, but in some days maybe this will level. Bioware seems to want people on the server all day. Not just at peek time. So maybe maybe all will be transfered to Red Eclipse.


Right know I dont think they know. Therefor I think that the rest of the EU transfers will be done next week when they seen the weekend and how the population drops on Monday. So EU guys dont have your hopes up today!

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Let's all cross out fingers and hope they get these things done today and don't insist on making some people wait through the weekend.


I sincerely feel like this would be a terrible mistake.


They have already said that it will be few today and that they want to wait untill next week to do the rest.


We opened up many servers at the beginning of this process and only a few remain to be opened up for transfers. You will see us opening more up tomorrow and into next week. We understand that everyone is excited to transfer, but we do have to see how each day's transfers affect server populations in order to open up more origin servers each day.

Edited by Tmbn
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They have already said that it will be few today and that they want to wait untill next week to do the rest.


I really hope that they do something for the remaining servers today. For EU English alone it would be extremely unfair on the populations of the 10 remaining servers to have to spend another weekend of having no one to play with whilst the other half have a great time :( We are all paying the same subscription cost after all

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This has been great! Having several servers moved to our formerly thriving- since quiet server has returned our numbers back to what they were pre-APAC transfer during the week of 1.2 release... up to 300 at peak times on weeknights, instanced fleets, 30-60 people in daily hubs.. tons of PuG HMs and Ops... and I imagine more will accept the transfer option before the weeks end.


I was also lucky enough to have my original server directed to my current server I re-rolled on in March, meaning my original 50s can finally join my legacy, AND experience end game content on the dark side. :)


This has been a good move.. people are reforming, commiserating, adjusting, excited about new players, new PvP competition, new guilds forming like crazy.. both the reformation of those from before and the new.. meaning new Operations competition as well :) And for a republic dominated server, to acquire a slew of empire characters who are tired of fighting themselves.. I'm hopeful that these changes and the invigoration of our community sticks around! Half of the player boredom, in my opinion and experience, is the lack of group/social/PvP opportunities. With a thriving community, we might keep people around in time for upcoming patches.


Thanks BW!

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This has been great! Having several servers moved to our formerly thriving- since quiet server has returned our numbers back to what they were pre-APAC transfer during the week of 1.2 release... up to 300 at peak times on weeknights, instanced fleets, 30-60 people in daily hubs.. tons of PuG HMs and Ops... and I imagine more will accept the transfer option before the weeks end.


I was also lucky enough to have my original server directed to my current server I re-rolled on in March, meaning my original 50s can finally join my legacy, AND experience end game content on the dark side. :)


This has been a good move.. people are reforming, commiserating, adjusting, excited about new players, new PvP competition, new guilds forming like crazy.. both the reformation of those from before and the new.. meaning new Operations competition as well :) And for a republic dominated server, to acquire a slew of empire characters who are tired of fighting themselves.. I'm hopeful that these changes and the invigoration of our community sticks around! Half of the player boredom, in my opinion and experience, is the lack of group/social/PvP opportunities. With a thriving community, we might keep people around in time for upcoming patches.


Thanks BW!


Thanks for cheering us up whilst we wait to learn our fate! ;):(

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Honestly I'm really disappointed for the way you're managing it and mainly for your statement reported here. I can't read nor see your plan. IMHO, you can't tell us "only a few remain to be opened up for transfers". Only a few? Let's talk about numbers: for EU PvE ENG servers, you've "merged" 9 servers into The Red Eclipse, it means overall 10 servers if math is not an opinion.

You still miss, though, 10 EU PvE servers. It means, if I'm not wrong, 50% of the overall number of servers, and it's not properly "a few". What's the destiny for those servers? What do you have to monitor for those servers?

Why 100% of PvP EU Eng servers have been merged into Tomb Of Freedom Naad while 50% of the PvE ones are still in the middle of nowhere? Do we deserve to be treated like other customers or not? Our servers were not dead like some of the ones you've already merged, but 40 people in primetime on the Fleet, on Nightmare Lands, is a big no no no. I'm sick and bored to play a WZ every 30-40 minutes and always against the same 8-10 people.

Even if I thank you again for the efforts you've spent for making customers happier, I'd like to know what's the destiny of the missing servers before deciding to continue with my subscription.

Thanks in advance

Totally agree.

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I'm sure they will try and get as much done as they can today. Even though they're in so called fine tuning stage they likely wanna get it over and done with too, as I'm sure its been one of their busiest weeks ever at the office :p


So good luck to who are still waiting - they did about 20 servers yesterday so I guess we could expect something similar today.

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They have already said that it will be few today and that they want to wait untill next week to do the rest.


We opened up many servers at the beginning of this process and only a few remain to be opened up for transfers. You will see us opening more up tomorrow and into next week. We understand that everyone is excited to transfer, but we do have to see how each day's transfers affect server populations in order to open up more origin servers each day.


I'm fully aware of what was said, I've been parked in this thread for three days thank you very much.


This does not prohibit me from loudly stating that this would be a mistake, in my own, humble opinion.

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If Darth Bandon and Shii-Cho don't get moved before the weekend (I'm almost 100% certain they'll be going to Shadowlands, based on the fact that the last wave yesterday named it a destination) I rolled on Prophecy of the Five to keep me busy until then. I'm curious to see if my preconceived notions about PvP servers (mostly the other players on it) can be dispelled or if (in my own anecdotal experience) they're true.
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Oh do I hope so.

So do I but hopefully to Dune Bantha instead of The Red Eclipse which is already bursting at the seams making it rather difficult to do anything which doesn't take place inside an instance.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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If Darth Bandon and Shii-Cho don't get moved before the weekend (I'm almost 100% certain they'll be going to Shadowlands, based on the fact that the last wave yesterday named it a destination) I rolled on Prophecy of the Five to keep me busy until then. I'm curious to see if my preconceived notions about PvP servers (mostly the other players on it) can be dispelled or if (in my own anecdotal experience) they're true.


As someone who played on PVP servers in WoW for 6 years and now plays PVE... I can tell you they are true.

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