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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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They need to allow cross server wazone and campaign instance ques much like WoW and maybe or an added flare institute a cross server global trade network depending on your east/west cost locations. I know this is not WoW but they need to take some of the lessons learned from other mmorpgs instead to trying to reinvent the wheel. Edited by Chalendar
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06.24.2012 , 09:02 PM | #1


Hi all,

Can anyone answer these for me?


Will my server close? What happens if I don't xfer?


You see, I can't have ANY of my character names or my Legacy name on my listed destination server.

I chose those names for a whole bunch of reasons, and for a similar whole bunch of reasons don't want to have to rename my toons.


There are servers out there where I can have most, if not all of my toon names, but they're not valid destinations for me, so for now I'm choosing to stay on my current server while I play out the storylines.


Will the server close on me and force me to move to the listed destination server?


Is there any chance of a transfer to a server other than the listed destination?


Thanks all


Had another thread, that was closed and I was told to ask here, so here I am ...

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I'm closer to the edge leaping into GW2 then ever before now. I have no desire to get on without my main legacy merged with my other legacy.


No interest in Guild Wars 2. I'm sure it's a fine game and I don't blame ANYONE for being frustrated enough to take off and try new games, but I'm a Sci-Fi fan and a Star Wars fan. This game is what I have for now and I love it. Warts and all...


So my ONLY choice is to be patient. I honestly have no idea why it seems to take so long to get the most important things done in this game. I'm perfectly willing to pay to transfer my characters to the server I want them on if that's the only option for me. But I pray that Bioware will come to an understanding that due to the LONG wait on the population problems, many of us were forced to abandon our primary characters and re-roll on populated servers. In some cases, such as mine, re-rolling had us experiment on different server types.


My two 50's with my built-up legacy are trapped on a PvE server right now, but I've discovered that I enjoy the PvP environment better. I've also discovered a guild that i enjoy playing with. None of which I would have discovered if the server population hadn't been SO spread out for SO long.


Like other fans of the game, we wanted it to succeed, so we remained loyal to the company and never let our subscriptions run out and had to "make do" with what we had to keep playing the game. I just hope Bioware will show some loyalty back to us.


I'm not one for throwing tantrums to get what I want (you posters know who you are).

I make do with what I have.

...and so I wait...

Edited by Jaavik
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Had another thread, that was closed and I was told to ask here, so here I am ...


Transfers are completely voluntary. Nobody is being forced to move to another server if they don't want to.


We have no information as of right now about what transfers are going to be available to us after the initial free transfers or WHEN they will be available.


I'm unaware of any plans to close the origin servers or merge them or whatever. It hasn't been made clear to us at this time.


The initial transfers were to allow players to move to a more populated server so they could more easily form groups for flashpoints, warzones, etc. If that isn't your thing, you can stay where you are.


If you WANT to play on a populated server, you have a FREE opportunity to move there and play with more people, the only possible cost being the loss of your character names because someone else already had them. It's up to you to determine if having those names are more important than actually playing the game the way you want to play it.


They didn't allow us to pick where WE wanted to go, because their intention, first and foremost, was to build up specific servers to a specific amount. To allow us to chose the destination at this point would defeat their ability to determine which servers to transfer where and be able to determine what the eventual population will become (not too full and not too empty).


I hope this helps some, but all in all, there isn't as much information about what's going on as there is pure speculation.

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Is there a lot of people quiting the game sence the transfers have started. I was thinking of transfering last night and found out that there was only one server avalible to transfer to. but the server that i am on there is harly anyone on it anymore it makes it hard to group when you are the only on on the planet.:(
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Transfers are completely voluntary. Nobody is being forced to move to another server if they don't want to.


Problem is when you actually want to do stuff and there are 4 people on the entire server - and this was at half 8 at night!


I'm not a massively hardcore player but I was quite cheesed off that I had to re-subscribe to find out that I basically couldn't play my main character because A) my current server is a wasteland, and b) I can't move because the only destination server is fairly overpopulated, resulting in wait times to even get in to play the game. Also I'll lose my name - part of the reason I was so eager to pre-order the game (I knew I'd get on first and nab it).


I'm not sure what I am to do.

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Tomb again crowded .. 50 minutes waiting for what would come into play. Why should I suffer because of what you have already dug a completed transfer to the server?

When I first started playing, I chose Tunb because it was well populated, but not critical ...


And now, having come home, I only need 40minut that would connect to the server .... This is not the case.


Open the transfer from Tomba to any ser

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For me I choose not to change servers yet because the one they are forcing me to is always full. Why would I choose to go to a server where I would have to wait to play. At least with SWG when they closed half their servers you got to choose which of the still open servers you could go to. Going from a light server to having to wait to play will kill the game for sure. For me anyway since I don't pvp I could care less about light or heavy just don't want mine to be so full as to cause wait times to log in. So I'll possibly wait till I am forced to move off my server.
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I just transfered and am seriously regretting it! didnt think to check if the server I was joining was full.... now it looks like an hour wait!!!!!!! what a joke come on sort this out people, I cant see many people continuing to pay £8.99 a month when they cant even play!!
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My friends and I agreed to wait to transfer off of Belgoth's Beacon, and ho. lee. crap! am I glad we did. Can't say I particularly care for either option, but being able to actually log in and do stuff on an otherwise dead server seems far preferable to sitting in a queue for over an hour, disconnecting, and then rinsing and repeating.
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Shadow Hand has been added to the list!


Hello - There has no been a lot of BW traffic regarding when the full deployment of selective server transfers (ones where players choose where their characters will move) will be released. Could a bonafide BW representative share news regarding when it will be available?


Many thanks.

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Again an extreme lack of communication with the customers. They are trying to force out buggy crap and promised content in 1.2 finally released and completely disregarding those that can't transfer or play their characters.


Ajunta Pall's only option is Jung Ma a East Coast server, it isnt right BW is forcing us to move to another data center tripling latency. What ********, its been 2 weeks since AP was playable I was told then by BW that they understand the concern and they want to first ensure that those that wanted to play on the same server type were afforded that option, expect that was a lie. Lord Calypho was able to move from RP-PvP to PvP why cant Ajunta Pall?


A good portion of the population there would've moved to a PST server if given the option, instead the sheep just did what BW offered and those that didnt jump when the shepard told them to slowly trickled over as AP is not playable in its current state making the choice transfer or unsub. The latter is what we are doing. If the Transfer option was in 1.3 it might not have been as bad but this is the worst customer service I have ever seen towards paying customer whom are paying for a product that BW ****ed up and made unplayable its extremely comical that this is acceptable.


If 750 people went to the McD's and ordered a happy meal each month, paying in 3 or 6 month advances. For the first 5 months its all good, then the 6th month even though everything was gravy with your happy meal previously and you already payed for it, they took everything out and gave you the box. That's all you get from now on shut up and like it. But if drive from Seattle to North Carolina we will give you another happy meal, regardless of the fact you bought it in Seattle. *** is up with that, jsut because 500 of the sheep drove to NC that still doesnt make it right.


I would get my money back from McD's. Not at BW you get ignored despite paying for a product not being delivered. There is no business where this should be allowed.

Edited by Parali
"retard," inappropriate content, avoiding language filter
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The reason why people would willingly transfer to a low population server is so that it can *become* a normal population.

Transferring from a Low to a High is brain-dead...the over-population and lag makes the game less valuable.

I had to transfer from Soresu to The Harbinger. I could play the game on Soresu. On The Harbinger...I have to suffer through the game. The lag is so bad I can count seconds before an ability activates after the button press. If I'm lucky, a particular flashpoint will only have 2 or 3 versions up...but usually it's more like 6, and it's basically un-playable. Our only respite is operations, and even then there's lag...in a place where split-second timing is important.

This is asinine...BioWare completely did the server moves the wrong direction.

Right now, there are a handful of servers that are maxed out, and a bunch that are almost empty. BW should learn from thermodynamics and let the high go to the low to even it out. I'm about this || close to quitting the game because I basically can't play it right now thanks to the massive over-population.

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No interest in Guild Wars 2. I'm sure it's a fine game and I don't blame ANYONE for being frustrated enough to take off and try new games, but I'm a Sci-Fi fan and a Star Wars fan. This game is what I have for now and I love it. Warts and all...


I'm a sci-fi fan and a star wars fan too but there aren't many good sci-fi mmos out there and there is only one star wars mmo which IMO lacks lots. Even though I like sci-fi and star wars and all, I'm still looking for quality mmos regardless of what it is fantasy sci-fi etc. Even though I don't like fantasy that much I'm forced to get GW2 because thats the only quality MMO I can think of. My top priority for an mmo is quality.


Bioware hasn't convinced me, ranked warzones that were suppose to be in 1.2 got kicked, and now Character transfers to play with your friends got smoked as well until the next big update.


I think we just need Experienced Developers and not one new to it, if your new to making an mmo, learn by joining a company making mmos, after you've learned at some point in the future make ur own company and therefore you are experienced. Not have a company out of the blue new to making mmos.

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I'm stuck on a German speaking server T3-M4. I missed that bit when I created my character (too excited to read or something similar) but it wasn't until Corusant I noticed everyone speaking German! Unfortunately my server isn't one of the ones I can transfer from. I get the "You have no characters eligible for a character transfer" message. Shame, I've meet some fun Germans who've been willing to do Heroic and flashpoints with me but for the most part I loose out.


Don't feel like waiting in case the server becomes eligible for transfer and will probably have to start over. :(

A little info about when each server becomes available for transfer would've made me a very happy Jedi. Now I'm going Dark side. Or my new character is anyway

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What else would I do with them. I can't afford paid transfer at this time, and rumor has it that is the next stage of transfers is paid. So they would remain on a dead server, might as well just delete them..


Those rumours would be incorrect, the next phase is "free promotional transfers". What that means exactly is not known beyond the fact that they are free.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Those rumours would be incorrect, the next phase is "free promotional transfers". What that means exactly is not known beyond the fact that they are free.


Not sure about this. All I recall is there were "free transfers", "paid transfers" and "promotional transfer" waves coming, but no particular order was mentioned.


The "promotional" ones sure sound like, if you are a 1-15 ftp, and want to go ptp, then you get a free transfer to a regular server. But, just a WAG, since we are mushrooms and all they do is fertilize us.

Edited by Roalmo
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Those rumours would be incorrect, the next phase is "free promotional transfers". What that means exactly is not known beyond the fact that they are free.


They haven't stated what the next phase is. The quote about free promotional transfers is: First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice.


The "either/or" and "broader system" parts sound more like they're talking about the way transfers as a system will be handled in the future (i.e. paid transfers as a rule, with promotions if they open up new servers or whatnot - like WoW does) rather than that they're saying promotional transfers and paid transfers are separate phases.

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They haven't stated what the next phase is. The quote about free promotional transfers is: First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice.


The "either/or" and "broader system" parts sound more like they're talking about the way transfers as a system will be handled in the future (i.e. paid transfers as a rule, with promotions if they open up new servers or whatnot - like WoW does) rather than that they're saying promotional transfers and paid transfers are separate phases.


My reading on this (and I hope my reading comes true) is that later we can move the remaining characters to more then 1 server. For example, I have several republic characters on one pve european server, and several imperials on another european pve server. Fortunatly in my case they got 2 diferent destination servers. I transfered the 4 mains on each, and now I wait - hoping that since we only have like 2 PVE european servers, before the origin ones close i can move the other 2 imperials to the destination server of the republic, and the remaining 2 republic to the imperial chars destination server. This for free, because its the last chance before they close the old origin servers.


Now, if I wanted to move my chars from a PVE server to a PVP, RP or USA server, I would have to pay. Its a diferent server from my inicial choice, so Bioware is not responsible for offering a free move. Same thing if I decided to move the chars I already have on any destination server to any other.

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