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10 Good
  1. No, I don't think it's bugged, I think it's working, it's just not written super clearly....and then a lot of people don't really know how percentages work. From what I've personally seen...and I have 6 alts who all exist for literally no purpose other than doing crew skills, so that my 2 mains can have anything I want at any time without needing the GTN...but from what I've seen, with all the buffs added, the crit rate is roughly 1 in 4 (about 25%). With no buffs, and a level 1 companion, it's more like roughly 1 in 6 (about 16%). With the understanding that a crit chance is a percentage (obviously), and we assume that the starting point is some nice number (a fair assumption) then we can follow the math: Let's say the baseline crit rate is 15%, for a level 1 companion (which is pretty close to the about 1/6 that I've personally seen). A level 50 companion gives you +75% crit rate. That's not clearly written. You could certainly see why someone would think that 15% + 75% would be 90%. Which we obviously know it's not. Rather, I think what they meant to say is that the rate is *increased by 75%*. Which is a totally different statement. When a number is *increased by 75%* is just the long way of saying that the new number is 175% of the old number (100% of the old number is, of course, just the old number). So we name the original value A, and the improved value B. If we figure that B = 175% of A, that is mathematically just saying B = 1.75*A So if A (the original crit rate) is 15%, well then A = .15 And now B = 1.75*.15 = .2625 Which means that B (the new crit rate) is .2625 -> 26.25%. Pretty close to 25%, or the roughly 1/4 that I've personally observed. Makes me think it's right. So no, I do not think the functionality is broken. I think it's working just fine. But the verbal description isn't good, and it can be tricky to remember how percentages of percentages work.
  2. The reason why people would willingly transfer to a low population server is so that it can *become* a normal population. Transferring from a Low to a High is brain-dead...the over-population and lag makes the game less valuable. I had to transfer from Soresu to The Harbinger. I could play the game on Soresu. On The Harbinger...I have to suffer through the game. The lag is so bad I can count seconds before an ability activates after the button press. If I'm lucky, a particular flashpoint will only have 2 or 3 versions up...but usually it's more like 6, and it's basically un-playable. Our only respite is operations, and even then there's lag...in a place where split-second timing is important. This is asinine...BioWare completely did the server moves the wrong direction. Right now, there are a handful of servers that are maxed out, and a bunch that are almost empty. BW should learn from thermodynamics and let the high go to the low to even it out. I'm about this || close to quitting the game because I basically can't play it right now thanks to the massive over-population.
  3. The increased population on The Harbinger is giving us insane lag. Not to mention the fact that there's multiple instances of things like the Fleet...which is just inane. It's definitely not a personal computer hardware issue, since you can log into a low population server and the game runs clear as crystal. I'm not saying that increased population is a bad thing, but *maxing out* the population is. Seems like the optimal mix would be about 70%, give-or-take, of the max users on any one server. It's all well and good claim that BioWare needs to update their server hardware and optimize code to handle more users in any given server, but that's really expensive and time consuming. There's a far easier solution...just move *some* of the people to a new server. There's no need to have 10 servers collected into 1. Open up free transfers to the first 30% of the population that takes it (by account, of course, not by character), and just deny anyone who moves afterwards. The problem will solve itself in short order, as all the people who are fed up with the lag will immediately try to leave. Some of them will get to a new server, the rest will remain with a lower population.
  4. Indeed. For those of us who use abilities on CD to maximize DPS/HPS/TPS uptime, this new graphic effect is incredibly bothersome. Some of us like to be able to plan ahead, BioWare, and not being able to see my abilities does not help. I'm one of those people that makes decisions about what to do in the next few seconds based on what I *could* do, and right now I can't see a darn thing. I have a lot of trouble knowing what my options are with this new graphic b/c it basically greys everything out all the time. I don't want to sit and wait between ability uses for the bar to light up enough to read it while my character just stands there... Also, I originally was not getting the headaches, but now I am, and aspirin did not help. BioWare, please do not fix what is not broken. Also BioWare, please give us the ability to make our own UIs.
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