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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Keeping the names should have been based on time invested into the characters. Not if the accounts were active or not. This way, those that rolled a character to "reserve" a name on day one and has done zero with it, would lose it as it obviously did not mean that much to them. All the while, the person who actually has time vested in their characters get to keep the names they spent so much time and effort with.

also not a bad way of handeling it anything is beter then what they did. my paied time is up in 2 mounths asuming they dont give us more free time will see what it looks like when its time to pay them again or not.

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Darth Sion needs your attention... my character is about to go on a massacre over there... shouldn't be too hard since the number of players on the current planet can be counted on one hand.


Could be difficult? Four or Five people on a planet... that's a lot of searchin :p

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When you put up to 20% of your population (your customers) on the line you don't have a weekend.

I am pretty sure 5 - 10% of these people (lets see who gets the math wrong) will unsub or will let their sub run out because of this.

If there would have been a time table from the start much of this uproar could have been prevented. Propper Server merges would have been the better solution anyway. We are going down from 217 servers to something around 25 - 30.

I could even see the remaining servers getting merged and locked. So no new toon could be cretaed but you could log in and move your toon off with a free server transfer.


When there is a major issue you deal with it first. If they didn't want to work the weekend, they should have started monday or worked longer hours the previous days and gotten everyone transfered.


The EU PVE servers will have been ignored for 4 straight days, that's assuming we get transfers on monday. Totally unacceptable imho.

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This sucks - I want to play today, and I have time, but it's just not fun being stuck on an almost dead server. At least I have the U.S. Open to watch. :(


Please transfer the rest of the PvE East servers soon! I'd kill to be stuck in a queue.

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I personally got really pissed off over the fact of getting a post removed saying that I unsubbed when they labeled it as spam. I unsubbed the first day of xfers do to the lower pops being left aside in distaste but I understand why things may have happened.
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Well I guess I need to transfer because there are 8 people on the whole server but my guild went to a server that is not taking any more, i get a choice of one server... should of thought about transfering guilds to servers not just players!! This Blows not sure how much longer i'll be around.


If your guild moved from your server then you will be able to move to the same server, they are not closing transfers that have already been announced.

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This sucks - I want to play today, and I have time, but it's just not fun being stuck on an almost dead server. At least I have the U.S. Open to watch. :(


Please transfer the rest of the PvE East servers soon! I'd kill to be stuck in a queue.


honestly it loses its lusture after a day

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I'm pretty happy with the way Bioware handled the server transfer I got transfered from Khoonda to Covenant there's 200+ people on Republic Fleet primetime theres no need to troll about them or anything I'd like to see you run a company.
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When the transfers were first announced, it was said that people would be moved from medium/heavy servers TO light servers.


Was there a reason this didn't happen?


You have your assumptions wrong. It was never announced that transfers would be from heavy servers to light servers. In fact, it was always hinted at being the opposite... light to heavy.

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Wow, allot of pvp complaints. Makes sense that spending 45 min to 1a hr in queue is far away from constant queues. Again, goes back to my argument that some players moving are at a disadvantage. An example...I transfered one toon who sat on a server that seemed to never queue for pvp. Then an upgrade and cent and champ gear are worthless. Now start again in 00 queues. Gain nothing....move to new server against a team of war lords. I WOULD SAY....I HAVE BEEN LEFT OUT....so have many others. I requested a server transfer over a month ago. How, can anyone stay competitive against that. The changes were good for many, but the change really hurt those of is on these servers. At least a cross server queue would have been a better quick fix first. Dont say it cant be done....WoW for instance has found a way and this is so similar, but with a different coat of paint. So, before you comment...I hate WoW but same. Same is same, same. I want a free month and full war heo gear i could not earn on my server.
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I'm pretty happy with the way Bioware handled the server transfer I got transfered from Khoonda to Covenant there's 200+ people on Republic Fleet primetime theres no need to troll about them or anything I'd like to see you run a company.


So you troll me.. It's ok, I can handle it... I guess didn't try and make a huge elaborate post to try and break down all the issues.. I've been playing this game since last Summer so I may have heard / seen a lot more issues that people haven't.


The frustrating part about it all is all this was brought up months before launch in F & A beta testing... Most of the issues we are all facing were brought up time and time again.. For months the same bugs we still have etc, are the same.. a few improvements recently.. Instead of waiting on the hardly used Space combat, and even the legacy system, they put retention and player happiness to the side to focus on those. Yes they are nice, but c'mon.. The UI problems we had, were brought up last summer, GTN, LFG systems,. transfers all issues that were talked down last summer and instead the focus was Space combat.... The last 2 weeks before launch we couldn't even leave starter planets to test because of a CTD error . All F & A were down... A = Associates, couldn't test. The game was not finished.. But they pushed it. I was once opposed to LFG systems and understand the pro's and con's to them, but the fact they slow rolled the needed stuff and pushed the stuff that can wait, is a bit disturbing.


So what happened? Well everyone that pre-registered and came over as guilds got here, played a unfinished game, were frustrated between hardware issues, load times, bugs, ui issues, lfg tools, bad interfaces, the inability to find groups, and horrible lag. So they all left... The rest of us fan boys hoped it would get better but it's a very slow process...


So ya.. MMO's are not new... I remember the discussions of not being ready to launch..... But hey.. they still did.. They did Euro transfers a few months back so they had the means, they just didn't have a thought out plan.


So you can question my "leadership skills" or whatever personal attacks you want.. I wont do that to you, or say I'm better then them.. I'm just saying this stuff isn't new... They knew about this and waited too long...

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Has anything been posted today about the numbers and expectations of reopening server transfers to everyone else? I don't feel like sorting through 500+ pages to find the last CS post


Nope they havnt said anything since thursday night. So more than likely it will be wed or so before we hear anything Since they will need to check numbers on mon and tues is a patch.


We will be lucky if we get a transfer by next friday at this rate.

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I don't see any good outcome for those of us unlucky enough to be on the seven remaining West Coast PVE servers. No way they'll let us transfer to Drooga's or Harbinger (both Very Heavy at the moment). Merge the seven together, and we'll be lucky to see a crappy Standard pop server. Add in the influx of free-to-play chuckleheads next month; then, we'll get to hear all about Chuck Norris and Thunderfury while we unsuccessfully attempt to assemble groups with an ineffective same-server LFG tool.


Face it. Bioware loaded up both destination West Coast PVE servers, and we are now going to reap the whirlwind of their poor planning. Kind of disgusting that they failed to use a little foresight and spread everyone equitably across three servers. Too late to fix it now. Hope they let us know on Monday. If it goes the way I expect, it will definitely be time to unsub and move on.


P.S. I created placeholder alts on Drooga's and Harbinger. Those of you who were allowed to transfer to either server are very lucky. Probably more players in the Imperial starting area of Harbinger than there are on my entire server.

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Nope they havnt said anything since thursday night. So more than likely it will be wed or so before we hear anything Since they will need to check numbers on mon and tues is a patch.


We will be lucky if we get a transfer by next friday at this rate.


Gotta keep hope alive broham, they may come through on monday and be like "ok all we got it figured out, everyone else can transfer now!! Yay!!!!!" and we'll all be like "oh emm gee BW we are sorry we ever doubted you!!"


Then we all go to the winchester and have a pint while this whole fiasco blows over.

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Gotta keep hope alive broham, they may come through on monday and be like "ok all we got it figured out, everyone else can transfer now!! Yay!!!!!" and we'll all be like "oh emm gee BW we are sorry we ever doubted you!!"


Then we all go to the winchester and have a pint while this whole fiasco blows over.


Dam im jealous of your outlook on this lol.. Seriously i am. been playing since beta and seen them make one jack up after another.


Just hard to stay positive when they realy have no reason to screw us over but keep doing it anyways.

Edited by Nyteblades
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Dam im jealous of your outlook on this lol.. Seriously i am been playing since beta and seen them make one jack up after another.


Just hard to stay positive when they realy have no reason to screw us over but keep doing it anyways.


I've been playing since launch and understand where you are coming from. I am a veteran of MMOs and can say that I'm used to this. For anyone that's played wow since before burning crusade we should be used to this.


"OMG guys patch this week"

3 weeks later

"OMG a patch to fix the patch!!!"

2 weeks later

"A patch to fix the patch of the patch!!!!!"


MMOs are a strange beast. What works in beta and on PTRs may not work on live servers. As for these transfers we need to realize that they are moving low pop servers into high pop ones. A low pop server can be anywhere from 10-150 people. You merge 5 servers of 150 people into a server that already has 500+ and you have over 1000 people playing on that server at once. This is a scary thing to just jump into and BW did it, for us. Because they launched with 150 servers expecting a huge outcome and only got 2mil. Now with other games coming and people leaving out of boredom a lot of those servers have died (like mine, Firaxan Shark).


I would rather they take their time and get it right then rush into it like other MMOs *cough* WoW *cough* have done and screwed up then spend 6 months trying to fix it.

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I've been playing since launch and understand where you are coming from. I am a veteran of MMOs and can say that I'm used to this. For anyone that's played wow since before burning crusade we should be used to this.


"OMG guys patch this week"

3 weeks later

"OMG a patch to fix the patch!!!"

2 weeks later

"A patch to fix the patch of the patch!!!!!"


MMOs are a strange beast. What works in beta and on PTRs may not work on live servers. As for these transfers we need to realize that they are moving low pop servers into high pop ones. A low pop server can be anywhere from 10-150 people. You merge 5 servers of 150 people into a server that already has 500+ and you have over 1000 people playing on that server at once. This is a scary thing to just jump into and BW did it, for us. Because they launched with 150 servers expecting a huge outcome and only got 2mil. Now with other games coming and people leaving out of boredom a lot of those servers have died (like mine, Firaxan Shark).


I would rather they take their time and get it right then rush into it like other MMOs *cough* WoW *cough* have done and screwed up then spend 6 months trying to fix it.


I get what your saying. Been playing mmos since original eq. But i do have to say they could have handled this better. And the whole checking numbers argument is kinda BS. It would have been valid if say they had only moved around 50 maybe 60% but to move 82% then slam on the brakes and leave the last 18% in the dark is just bad management .

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I get what your saying. Been playing mmos since original eq. But i do have to say they could have handled this better. And the whole checking numbers argument is kinda BS. It would have been valid if say they had only moved around 50 maybe 60% but to move 82% then slam on the brakes and leave the last 18% in the dark is just bad management .


You see I would be rather be the part that has to wait for them to work the kinks out. I'm not worried about changing my names or having to chose a new legacy. I'm worried about bugs and glitches. I can wait a few days to be on a server with 500+ people during primetime. I just want this to go smoothly. At first I was in the same boat as a lot of the other people here.


"Why us?!?! Why didn't we get chosen!! We have the lowest population and can;t do anything because our server is dead"


I got over it rather quickly. I realized that good things come to those who wait and if we have to wait a few days then fine, let it be. There is no point in raising your blood pressure over something you have no control over. I'm sure a few holes got put into a few walls over this but I will not go even close to that far. There is no reason to.


Save your health and do something else if your server is that dead. I took apart my computer and gave it a good cleaning and adjusted a few things around my desk area. It was really relaxing.

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